Pain Relief

This page contains the most recent discussion threads pertaining to Pain Relief, as well as a list of all of the drugs falling within this category.

Pain Relief Overview

An analgesic drug, also called simply an analgesic, antalgic, pain reliever, or painkiller, is any member of the group of drugs used for pain management. Analgesics are conceptually distinct from anesthetics, which temporarily reduce, and in some instances eliminate, sensation, although analgesia and anesthesia are neurophysiologically overlapping and thus various drugs have both analgesic and anesthetic effects. Analgesic choice is also determined by the type of pain: For neuropathic pain, r...

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Recent Pain Relief Forums: RSS Feed

Norco 10/325 Generic

I received my med from a new cheaper pharmacy and wanted to know if I got ripped off I was prescribed norco 10/325 and given a generic pill with watson 853 imprinted on it. Does anyone know if there is such a generic?? It is yellow and oblong HELP ## oblong blue green pill with imprint of SCF found in coat pocket ## you were given legitimate medication my norcos look exactly like that ## To be exact, Watson 853 is Hydrocodone 10mgs and Acetaminophen 325mgs, generic for Norco. ## I cannot find a listing for the one marked SCF. Sounds like something over the counter. ## yes it is 10mg.. i have some in my hand right now! ## I know it's used for pain, but it gives you that bared out feeling/ drunken feeling. It's a commonly abused drug. ## NORCO 10/325 IS Watson-made hydrocodone/apa...

Updated in Hydrocodone
Zendol-SR Tramadol Tablets 100 mg

round and orangs tablets, i do not know if this tablets are definitively the true tramadol ## What are the markings on the pill? I would need to know any numbers or letters on the pill in order to determine if this is Tramadol. Please post back so I can further assist you. ## It states on the manufacturer's web site that Zendol-SR is a Tramadol tablet. Since they are manufactured outside the United States (in India) it cannot be verified locally what the active + inactive ingredients are. ## orange is suppossed to be tramadol label say zendol-sr tablets ## Zendol SR is Tramadol. There is very little argument within the pharmaceutical community. They believe what is happening is India is taking advantage of America's degrading opinion of their country and there country' scien...

Updated in Tramadol
Blue oval pill with four raised lines on one side

What is a light blue oval pill that's blank on one side and has 4 raised lines on the other about 1/2 an inch long? Is it an opiate? ## I had the same question until my brother showed me... It's Wrigley's Eclipse Mint ## I looked up Wrigley's Eclipse Mint and their "Natural Germ Killing Eclipse Mint - Peppermint Flavor" has four raised lines on the light blue side as depicted, but the other blank side of the pill is white instead of blue, which wasn't mentioned by the original poster. Just wondering if you happen to have any additional information that can verify this finding? One thing is for certain though and that is, it's not an opiate (at least one that's manufactured in the US) as the FDA requires pill imprints for identification. ## the eclipse...

Updated in Fentanyl
Tramadol Trakem 100mg

Does Trakem Tramadol 100mg work well for pain? If not, what the best medicine for pain?

Updated in Tramadol
Lyrica and Urinary Issues

I have been taking Lyrica 75 mg 3xs a day for at least 10 years. These past few years I have been waking up with bladder pain and pressure every hour or so. Have been to Urologist, URI/Gynecologist, have had many tests and no one has an answer. I’m beginning to think my Lyrica has been causing it, but I definitely cannot go without Lyrica. It helps my Idiopathic Peripheral Neuropathy tremendously. Any thoughts or suggestions?? ## Keep taking the Lyrica. Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and messages should not be considered medical advice. ## Lyrica has been known to cause urinary issues as side effects, such as painful urination, burning during urination, urinary retention, urinary frequency, and urinary incontinence. Ref: Lyrica Information So, it ...

Updated in Lyrica
oxycodone/apap ip204 vs oxycodocone/apap rp 10 325

What's the difference between oxycodone/apap ip204 and oxycodocone/apap rp 10 325? ## Hello, Baldman! How are you? They've just been manufactured by different companies, which is very common with generics. The one with IP 204 on it is manufactured by Amneal Pharmaceuticals and the one with the RP 10 325 is manufactured by Rhodes Pharmaceuticals, but both are listed as containing 10mgs of Oxycodone and 325mgs of Acetaminophen. The FDA classifies this medication as being a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Just found my lost IP 204's and taking OXYCOD/ACETAM 10/325's. I am having a U/A on 4-12-04. Can I keep...

Updated in Oxycodone
Surgery while on Suboxone

I'm planning on having all my bottom teeth pulled and I'm currently on suboxone (16mg a day). I had my top teeth pulled 8 years ago & was given hydrocodone, which did not help my pain. I wasn't on suboxone then. It was very painful, hurt like hell. I'm scared and I know it's going to hurt, but I need advice. Since I'm already on 16mg a day, can my doctor give me extra or can the dentist? If not, can I take something else for pain? Are there any remedies for alleviating pain after teeth extractions? I know when I had my daughter 2 years ago, I was on subutex. I refused all pain meds, I had a c-section & only took 1 anesthetic (you're supposed to have 2) I refused the 2nd 1 which was for pain. I regretted it, I could feel pain & was shaking, crying....

Updated in Suboxone
What Is The Difference In Opana And Morphine

just wanted to know if there is a difference between the 2. I am perscribed morphine sulfate er 15 mg twice daily. My neck has been operated on a few times so i have severe pain daily. I forgot my pills at home over the weekend. My mother is perscribed Opana 10mg. She gave me one and it seemed to work better. Wanted to know if there is a difference between the 2. I am not sure how to go about asking my dr to switch me. Don't want her to freak about my mom giving me one of hers... ## Opana contains the active ingredient Oxymorphone and it is actually stronger than Morphine. So, the one 10mg tablet that you took was actually equal to taking 30mgs of the Morphine, at once. They are both narcotics, so the side effect profile is similar and can include: nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and ...

Updated in Opana
Little round yellow pill with a single L on one side

really small creamy yellow, round the letter L on one side ## Confirming that this is Aspirin 81 mg (NDC 57896-0981 among others) Inactive Ingredients: - Ferrosoferric Oxide - Starch, Corn - D&C Yellow No. 10 - FD&C Yellow No. 6 - Hypromelloses - Methacrylic Acid - Cellulose, Microcrystalline - Polydextrose - Polyethylene Glycols - Propylene Glycol - Shellac - Silicon Dioxide - Dimethicone - Sodium Bicarbonate - Sodium Lauryl Sulfate - Talc - Titanium Dioxide - Triacetin - Triethyl Citrate Ref: DailyMed ## what is a small round pale yellow pill with the captial letter L on it? ## If it's about the size of an Aspirin tablet, one of the low dose ones, then there's a good chance that's what this is. There are several on the market that are yellow and use an L, though t...

Updated in Aspirin
Hydrocodone-Acetaminophen 10/325 by Mallinckrodt

My pharmacy changed my meds from the yellow 10-325 v 3601 norco to the 10-325 white m367 mallinckrodt. I've been taking the yellows for years with no problems. Today I started the whites and feeling dizzy, a little weak, kind of panicky. What is different about the two meds that would cause this? ## hi i take the 10-325 hydrocodone apap tablet malli and i was takeing the yellow 10-325 witch helped me i have a very bad back and spine problems the whit pills do noting but give me headackes and upset stomack i have been on vicodin for many years now that the drugs store gave me the white pills they do not work but make me sick what can i do? ## Hello, Jennifer and Don! How are you both? I am very sorry about the problems that you're having. There can be slight fluctuations in the a...

Updated in Hydrocodone

Pain Relief Medications (341 results)