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Please give me a list of doctors that will prescribe me xanax? I have bad anxiety. ## You'll get better responses if you were a little more specific, since we do have users on the site from many different countries. Where are you located? There are also no guarantees that any doctor you go to will prescribe the medication you want them to. That is entirely up to them and dependent upon their diagnosis. ## Does anyone know any doctors in Las Vegas, NV that will prescribe me Xanax???? ## i desperately need a dr to presribe me xanax in new york city..ive recently moved here and am out of what i brought with me..i have insurance but dont need to use iit...i keep hearing anout chinatown but theres so many any help would be appreciated ## I live in the Philadelphia and Delaware County are...

753 REPLIES Updated in Xanax

Long pink. And black capsule N on one side 30 on the other written in white . White beads inside ## I FOUND N 30 PINK AND BLACK CAPSULES IN MY HUSBAND'S BAG ..WHAT ARE THEY FOR? ## a bullet capsule with black on one side and pink on the other with the inscription N on the pink side and 30 on the black side. not a prevacid.or the teva whatever. ## oval pill with pink on one side and black on the other ## oval pill with pink on one side and black on the other WITH MARKING N30. What is it? ## First of all its none of your business. Stop being nosy and he's probably taking them because you drive him crazy. ## A pink and black capsule 28th N30 on it what is it ## Did nobody respond to you? I use these. 30mg long release lansoprazol (think stomach problems)

7 REPLIES Updated in Prevacid

I hate to be indelicate but I have noticed something strange since taking Eliquis. My urine and bowel movements smell different and I wondered if anyone else had noticed this. I would describe it as sort of a toasted oaty fragrance. I am not making this up or being weird. I am concerned and hope I am not along. ## Oh my goodness YES, it does have an odd smell. ## NIH.gov actually lists the following side effects associated with Eliquis (Apixaban): red, brown, or pink urine; red or black, tarry stools. However nothing in particular about its smell. Has anyone else experienced these odd colors in their urine/stool or think that this may be attributing to the different smell in some way? In either case I would suspect it's more than likely Eliquis that's causing the problem if you...

91 REPLIES Updated in Eliquis

I received my med from a new cheaper pharmacy and wanted to know if I got ripped off I was prescribed norco 10/325 and given a generic pill with watson 853 imprinted on it. Does anyone know if there is such a generic?? It is yellow and oblong HELP ## oblong blue green pill with imprint of SCF found in coat pocket ## you were given legitimate medication my norcos look exactly like that ## To be exact, Watson 853 is Hydrocodone 10mgs and Acetaminophen 325mgs, generic for Norco. ## I cannot find a listing for the one marked SCF. Sounds like something over the counter. ## yes it is 10mg.. i have some in my hand right now! ## I know it's used for pain, but it gives you that bared out feeling/ drunken feeling. It's a commonly abused drug. ## NORCO 10/325 IS Watson-made hydrocodone/apa...

53 REPLIES Updated in Hydrocodone

Has anyone tried this brand of Valium known as Bosaurin? If so, what’s your opinion of it?

Updated in Valium

round and orangs tablets, i do not know if this tablets are definitively the true tramadol ## What are the markings on the pill? I would need to know any numbers or letters on the pill in order to determine if this is Tramadol. Please post back so I can further assist you. ## It states on the manufacturer's web site that Zendol-SR is a Tramadol tablet. Since they are manufactured outside the United States (in India) it cannot be verified locally what the active + inactive ingredients are. ## orange is suppossed to be tramadol label say zendol-sr tablets ## Zendol SR is Tramadol. There is very little argument within the pharmaceutical community. They believe what is happening is India is taking advantage of America's degrading opinion of their country and there country' scien...

11 REPLIES Updated in Tramadol

I want to ask women on Tamoxifen, will your visit to OB-GYN be considered preventive care, or will any part of it be billed as diagnostic? Can anyone share your experience? ## Hi I don’t have any experience with this specifically, but I suspect it would be all in how your doctor chooses to code it. During that visit maybe you could ask if it would change the billing codes for you to ask them about a specific medication. Most doctors don’t want to cause financial problems for their patients but they also stay out of the billing aspect as much as possible, so they may not be aware that by adding different codes it could cause you a problem. But if you mention that it’s a concern I suspect your doctor will work with you to make sure you get taken care of without having ex...

1 REPLY Updated in Tamoxifen

I have been on Eliquis for about a month. I have some itching, weight gain, and swelling in my legs and feet that has become very painful. Also frequent urination. They are taking me off the meds. Has anyone else had the swelling? ## I have had very painful burning and aching with some numbness on the soles of my feet for 3 months.After being blood-tested for every disease in the world,it dawned on me it might be the Eliquis. The doctors (3) assured me that the drug was an unlikely culprit.I went off the Eliquis on my own,and within a week all my "peripheral neuropathy" was gone. ## Hello, Glenda! How are you? Yes, it is a known possible side effect of this medication, as listed by the FDA. You may also experience nausea, headache, increased risk of bleeding and easy bruising. D...

11 REPLIES Updated in Eliquis

My PCP prescribed Hydralazine to treat my BP after taking amlodipine, metoprolol, and carvidelol - not working for me. I was hoping that this hydralazine will work for me, 10mg bid 2 only. Now in 15 days taking this med, I always have shortness of breath, feeling that my lungs are super congested. Barely breathe and all in the morning, my anxiety became so aggressive, feeling of constantly sad. But I was also being told that it is just a matter of time that my body will adjust or adapt this meds. But it's so hard waking up in the morning breathless, so when I stopped taking these meds, all bad symptoms are gone. Please help, I'm worried what if my BP will spike. I'm back to my alternative meds, boiled lemon grass I drink morning at night and I think that helps my blood press...

2 REPLIES Updated in Hydralazine

I have to take mood stabilizers. Are they safe? What are the chances of severe side effects? Can I trust them? Are there any safe alternatives to mood stabilizers for bipolar disorder?

Updated in Bipolar Disorder

Is this a brand of diazepam, and if so what are the mg? ## What country is it from? Are there any markings on the tablets in question? There are several doses of Diazepam available, as both the generic and name brand, there are 2mg, 5mg and 10mgs. ## They are apparently 10mg, I just got 2 strips of then, but the question really should be are they counterfeit? There very thick and taste nothing like any diazepam I've ever had ## How did you get on with them huni? ## I've got some too. The pharmacist never gave me the boxes just the strips. Blue 10mg tablets from India taste a bit bitter but can't work it out, similar but doesn't quite feel like diazepam. ## I've had the same can't work it out have u got a pic of the box? ## Have you had them and what did you think...

54 REPLIES Updated in Diazepam

I've been taking Zoloft then Sertraline for twenty years and I'm SURE the brand is not the same. For the past few years, I've become very depressed again, but never thought it might be because of a lousy manufacturer (as happened with Lorazepam when Watson was bought by lousy Actavis). Does anyone know a good, effective BRAND of Sertraline that has helped them a lot with depression? I order from Costco but can't figure out the brand on the label - will call tomorrow and ask. What a jungle this is becoming. Just not right. ## Hello, Denise! How are you? After being on it for 20 years, it is also possible that your body had just become tolerant to it and it no longer works as well for you. It is completely normal for that to happen and it usually will eventually happen wit...

32 REPLIES Updated in Sertraline

Hello. I'm from Australia and had been sorry to learn that Butesin Picrate cream was removed from commercial sale. My daughter (a registered pharmacist with Pharmaceutical Compounding exp.) recently suffered burns while she was home cooking: I said my "often quoted regret" about the cream's discontinuation. We have - between us - located the original (1%) pharmaceutical compounding instructions for it and provided it's not large scale manufacture I can arrange to put you in touch with the compounding pharmacy - only in limited supply for individuals though (like many of us who grew up with this cream in our mothers' first aid boxes!). One ingredient (apparently) had cancer-causing discussions at scientific circles... and that's part of the PR disaster that pr...

85 REPLIES Updated in Butesin Picrate

Does anyone have any experience taking Nattokinase with Warfarin? I feel much better when I take Nattokinase, but it’s causing mayhem with my INR.

Updated in Warfarin

Is a purple football shaped tablet with IFA on one side and a thick score line on the other a 1 mg Xanax? Is that the drug manufacturer? Please help, I am only used to seeing alprazolam tablets come in blue or white. ## From what I have seen this pill is supposed to be a 1 mg Alprazolam (the purple/bluish sort of speckled oblong pill with IFA one one side and a score on the other). They are manufactured in Mexico by a company called INVESTIGACION FARMACEUTICA, S.A. DE C.V. and go under the brand name FARMAPRAM. Here is a Spanish Information Page which describes the medication and provides more details about the manufacturer. Hope this helps! ## Based on my research, a purple oval tablet marked IFA is reported to be 1mg Farmapram (Xanax) from Mexico. “Farmapram is a brand of Alpra...

95 REPLIES Updated in Xanax

I have a round peach pill, it has the numbers 029 on side A and a fancy capital R on side B Can someone Please tell me what is this? Thanks. ## This tablet contains 0.5mgs of Alprazolam, the active ingredient in Xanax, which is a benzodiazepine that's used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. This medication carries the risk of being habit forming and it may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. Learn more Alprazolam details here. Is there anything else I can help with? Are there any questions or concerns? ## I have a pech/pink round big like a tums pill with a fancy s on it.also has brown dots..i don't have a clue what it is..anyone know ## I just got the same ones from the pharmacy but when I got them out of the container some of the impr...

6 REPLIES Updated in Alprazolam

Farmapram 2mg, filled a prescription at ABC Pharmacy in Nuevo Progreso. Can anyone provide information on them please? Are these the same as domestic US medications? ## From what I could gather, Farmapram 2mg is allegedly a form of Alprazolam 2mg from Mexico. I don't know if your pill has any markings, but another Farmapram 1mg tablet I came across with IFA imprinted on one side and scored on the other, was manufactured by Investigación Farmacéutica, Mexico. Unfortunately I haven't heard of this company before so I'm unable to offer a personal opinion on their legitimacy. However if there are no markings I would definitely be skeptical. ## Link below what bottle looks like.... farmapram 2mg packaging image ## Are they Legit or safe, probably. Are they legitimate to...

60 REPLIES Updated in Alprazolam

What is a light blue oval pill that's blank on one side and has 4 raised lines on the other about 1/2 an inch long? Is it an opiate? ## I had the same question until my brother showed me... It's Wrigley's Eclipse Mint ## I looked up Wrigley's Eclipse Mint and their "Natural Germ Killing Eclipse Mint - Peppermint Flavor" has four raised lines on the light blue side as depicted, but the other blank side of the pill is white instead of blue, which wasn't mentioned by the original poster. Just wondering if you happen to have any additional information that can verify this finding? One thing is for certain though and that is, it's not an opiate (at least one that's manufactured in the US) as the FDA requires pill imprints for identification. ## the eclipse...

8 REPLIES Updated in Fentanyl

I was put on 25 mg. of chlortalidone several months ago. I lost a lot of weight and felt terrible. I contacted my dr. and they had me cut it in half. I continued to not feel well and started having irregular heartbeat, tingling and numbness, muscle cramps. My dr. sent me to a cardiologist who ran a stress test and echocardiogram. It showed irregular heart rythmns but he said he thought I was ok. I had read about low potassium while on diuretics so he asked if I'd had a blood test (which I hadn't nor was it ever suggested). My potassium came back below normal so the cardiologist & fam dr. were all worried and told me to increase my potassium and get retested in a week. I did and my results came back normal. But I still feel awful--irregular heartbeat, tingling, stomach issues...

8 REPLIES Updated in Chlorthalidone

Has anyone tried Elipam brand Diazepam, small white tablets? Thanks

Updated in Diazepam
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