Epclusa Forums
Recently active Epclusa forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Epclusa and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Hello. I am 16 months post epclusa and feel worse than when I started. I was a server for over 40 years. Full of energy. Then hep c happened. I had epclysa for 12 weeks. Now I am in bed most of the tune from no energy. My ears are ringing. I feel deflated. Anyone else feel like this? My hep c nurse waived off my complaints. ## Hi Kathleen, I really feel for you, I finished Epclusa a year ago and like you I've had so many side effects l can hardly walk most afternoons due to leg joint pain. I get exhausted so easily, nausea, numb toes/fingers; probably a circulation problem. I did not have any of these problems pre-treatment. I've also got Edema on my legs and my stomach is really swollen. I feel so uncomfortable and unbalanced. If I mention this to the hep C liver people they ju...
Has anyone experienced severe anxiety, constant crawling feeling in body after epclusa treatment. Its like my brain and body aren't working right anymore? I had terrible side effects. Finished in January, now it's June and feels like I'm still taking the poison. ## Hello, Barbara! How are you? Has there been any change? Those are not normal side effects of this medication according to recent FDA reports. They typical include nausea, dizziness, insomnia, depression, and diarrhea. Are you on any other medications? Do you take any supplements? Do you drink a lot of sugary, or caffeinated beverages? ## Yes I started with hand/arm pain about a month after starting treatment. Now I am three months post treatment and the pain has now been nerve pain in my hands, lower legs, hands, ...
In early 2019, I began training for a marathon in Vancouver, BC, scheduled for May 2, 2019. Additionally, I was averaging 250 Grouse Grinds per year (often referred to as the "natural stair master"). At 65 years old, I was in very good health for my age. Being able to complete the Grouse Grind in 35-40 minutes put me in the top 10% of all participants. However, in April 2019, I started taking Epclusa. To provide some background: I was diagnosed with Hepatitis C in 1973 in Ontario, Canada. After this diagnosis, I stopped using drugs and changed my lifestyle habits. Despite the fact that doctors and specialists confirmed I was in great shape, the Canadian Medical Association strongly recommended that I take Epclusa. This turned out to be a big mistake. Within one week of starting ...
Is there anyone out there who has taken Epclusa? I'm fixing to start treatment and would like some feedback. ## When you are starting treatment? Can anyone that's been on this medication chime in? The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including headache, diarrhea, discouragement, loss of appetite, and nausea. ## I finished 3 months in Jan; side effects began to like stick to me by the beginning of the 3rd month; swelling for me n nausea, felt a little addicted too; that could have been the habit of taking it at 11am daily. Yet something just isnt right for me n there is no info from the professionals! I'm doing research as much as I can and making adjustments... ## I am currently 12 weeks into a 24 week epclusa treatment. It’s been really difficult due to ...
Since taking epclusa tx 3 yrs ago I've had edema, nausea, infections, limb pain, and just discovered low vitamin D (had a reading of 20). Any info appreciated, thanks. ## Vit D is fine everything else is a mess we were lab rats search F B And search main drug you will find groups going through same as you I am full of infections viruses and bacteria my ears ring so loud I can’t wakj fro muscle and bone pain and neuropathy I wish there was a way to converse but search and you will. Find the hell we are living in ## Sorry to here your having problems as well, before I started the treatment, the liver nurse assured me that any problems I might have they would be there to help, lol, I saw a liver dr once just to get me signed up,never saw him again, every time I tried to speak to ...
Has anyone taken Epclusa and experienced back and leg pain? I already have 2 herniated discs but it seems that since I started the medicine it has increased my pain and started pain in my legs. ## Joint and muscle aches can be a normal side effect of this medication, according to FDA reports, you may also experience nausea, dizziness, and headache. Has there been any change? Are you on any other medications? ## Not any new meds other than Epclusa. Dr. put me Gabapentin which has helped with the leg pain. ## About 2.5 to 3 weeks after starting epclusa I've had back pain and leg pain its worsened and am down to my last 2 days. I'm hoping my pain is contributed to the epclusa and was wondering how soon after treatment will the pain go away ## No new medicines. Pain in legs started ...
Beginning January I completed 3 months of Epclusa, n now am every day dealing with foot,ankle and lower leg swelling. What has happened, am adjusting my diet to minimize effects of that n nausea; it was into the third month that these conditions began to settle in! so far there has been no knowledgeable feed back, like the specialist are only guessing; this is very disconcerting to me. ## I don't know if you know about the lawyers in Texas helping people on harvoni, but epclusa has half of the same medicine in it. They told me to get more people to call. Their name is George Fleming 1-713-621-7944. I took it a year and a half ago and I'm still messed up with my nervous system. Please call them!!!! This may be our only chance. Spread the word to more epclusa patients. ## Hi been ...
Had Astrazeneca vaccine a week ago. Now I get extreme tiredness, dropped my coffee, etc. Has anyone else gone through this? I'm 68 yrs old with asthma. ## Fatigue is a common side effect of the vaccine, and how long it lasts can vary from person to person. Other side effects may include administration site reactions, such as soreness, and swelling. Some people also experience a headache. Ref: COVID vaccine. Are you on any other medications? It would also be a good idea to consult your doctor, to make sure that this isn't due to some other issue. ## I had Astrazeneca in July 2nd jab. I'm 68 with copd. Also did Epclusa treatment 3 yrs ago which has left me with compromised immune system. Since then, it has made my C.O.P.D asthma worse. Also get extremely tired and more breathl...
1- kinds of positive effectiveness on pulmonary diseases 2-side effects ## I'm sorry, I am having trouble finding information on this. Where you referring to the product manufactured by NeilMed that is a sinus rinse called NasaFlo? If so, it is just a saline rinse to help clear the sinuses. ## Hi ,I am on my 3rd prescription of anti biotics for what started as small skin irradiation on shin,it's been 14 days now ,it has doubled in size plus infected my dr thinks it's improving I hope so,I also have copd onset asthma,emphasemia I'm 67yrs old ,finished Epclusa treatment 2 yrs ago,IV read recently that flixotide (containing fluticasone proprionate) can cause skin infection s that can take many mths to heal,my dr has me on flixotide twice a day, in my opinion 3 scripts antib...
Im sure epclusa caused hearing problems started with ears ringing then lost hearing in right ear dr prescibed predestone (steroid ) lucky for me hearing came back dr said i was very lucky, liver clinic nurse said epclusa would not cause it i think it did iv never had hearing problems ,id been taking epclusa for 7 days ,its a 3 mth treatment iv done 2 mths dont know if i shud risk doing the last mth im over 60 yrs old ,very hard to get liver clinic to respond or suggest anything. Please any ideas.??? ## Hello Lou, I have been looking into epclusa but I haven't been able to find any reliable source that shows any connection between hearing issues and this medicine. While I couldn't find anything regarding a connection between epclusa and hearing I was able to find some studies tha...
3 months after treatment with epclusa, numb fingers, toes, no energy at all severe anxiety pain in knees. I'm 65 years old, before treatment I felt fine enjoyed life now it's opposite wish I could feel normal again. The liver nurse said "you were probably going to get unwell symptoms anyway, but I do not believe this and blame epclusa. I'm in Australia during treatment. I had no support from the liver clinic or liver Dr. ## You are not the first person to report such issues after finishing treatment with Epclusa. There are several posts on this site, and others, all from people dealing with similar issues. Everything you've described is listed by the FDA as normal side effects of the medication that should, theoretically, go away once you have finished your course of...
Finished Epclusa 2 months ago and hot weather is making me very exhausted, plus my legs have mild edema. I'm 65yrs old and dont know if the treatment was successful yet. ## Hello Davoe, This is perfectly normal. Reportedly it takes roughly 12 weeks before the doctors will run tests to see if there is no longer a virus load and even when the tests show that the treatment was successful the body will still need additional time to heal. The healing process length is a case by case basis due to variables such as exercise regiment, diet, age, the bodies ability to recover etc. During the healing process you are already going to be fatigued more than normal and adding heat to the equation will only result in more exhaustion. Just be sure to appropriately hydrate and take as many breaks to...
Can I get any feedback from someone who's been in a similar situation? I have a very physical job... Am i going to be too sick to work? ## There is really no way anyone can say for sure, since we are all different and may not react the same to any given medication. In most cases, people try to start a new medication, when they have a few days off, that way you can find out how it is going to affect you, before working, driving, or operating heavy machinery. The FDA does warn that it could cause nausea, dizziness, stomach pain, and diarrhea as side effects. Have you started taking it, yet? Can anyone with experience taking it chime in? ## I am also genotype 3 and 30+ years. For the most part I've been ok on Epclusa. (This is the final week) but if I don't drink enough water I...
Hi, I have COPD and my bloodpressure is normal, but I get swollen hands and feet. I went too the dr. And they perscribe hypace 5ml and raidac 12,5 ml. Raidac to be taken once a day and hypace half in morning and half in evening. My question is if I don't have hypertension, why did they perscribe me with these tablets and won't it make my BP drop. The swelling is caused through the COPD and they say I am not getting enough oxzygen too my heart. Please help me too understand why I have too use these meds. Too scared too take them. ## Hello, Edward! How are you? Many medications have multiple uses, so these ones are often prescribed to help with heart function, so your heart works more efficiently. The U.S. FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness,...
Is it worth doing epclusa? I'm supposed to start next week. I'm 65 yrs old, diagnosed with copd recently and have shortness of breath, always tired & afraid that treatment will make me feel worse. I'm fibroscan f1, geno 3 V L 8mg. I'm very worried. I probably got infected in the 70s and don't feel real bad from hvc yet, just normal old age feelings I think. Any advice is greatly appreciated. ## Hi Lou, Sorry to hear about the symptoms you've been experiencing. Although I've never taken Epclusa myself, I did want to share a link to other related discussion threads here on MedsChat where you may be able to get a better idea of how others have responded to treatment at: [1] medschat.com/search/epclusa Please note that all medications carry some level of risk...
I have been taking epclusa for two weeks. Last night my husband noticed brownish splotches on the mid-section of my back. The skin is not raised nor does it have any similarities to a rash. It looks more like large bruises. I'm not sure if this is from the meds or because I had a heating pad on my back the other evening. Has anyone else had this experience? ## Not all rashes are raised and/or itchy. Some of them are just surface spots like that, and this medication has been known to cause them in some people that take it. However, on your medical provider can say for sure. Have you experienced any other side effects? The FDA lists them as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, fatigue, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. Are the spots still there? Are you on any other medicatio...