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Can Doxytet / Doxycycline be prescribed to treat STIs? What else is it used for? ## Doxycycline is a tetracycline class antibiotic used to treat many different types of infections. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, diarrhea and skin rash. Read more: Are there any questions or comments? ## I go to the clinic every 3 months for family planning. I was breaking out in acne on my face and boils at my genitals and was given this capsule to take. The nurse told me this may be due to a blood disorder. It does help but when i stop then I get it again I am still on this capsule, but suffer from the side effects. Is there another way to help with acne, etc. Do I need to test my blood? I cannot afford this. Please help. ## I went to a nearby clinic, a sister prescribed me doxytet...

9 REPLIES Updated in Doxycycline

Looooong read. I warn you now :) Ok. PLEASE don't explain how it works or what it does. Save yourself the time. I am extremely familiar with how it works and what it does. But I have a question that's been on my mind for many moons, forever actually (10 plus years) and I can't seem to get a straight answer to it no matter how many times I ask it and where I ask it. I am asking it here for the first time. Just always get the usual, familiar rhetoric explaining to me how it works and where it binds and what it does, blah blah blah, but no one ever can explain the "why" behind all this wonderful science! And at the end have one first hand case PROVING what I'm questioning to be true. Ok so follow. So if buprenorphine is stronger than and has a higher affinity than l...

69 REPLIES Updated in Subutex

Does this medication have aspirin in it? Husband will be having surgery & was told not to take anything w/aspirin. ## No, Hydrocodone + Acetaminophen (APAP) does NOT contain Aspirin in it. ## Yes, it may not have been the case before, but Hydrocodone now has 500 mg Aspirin in it: [1]

2 REPLIES Updated in Aspirin

Does the Buprenorphine 8mg 460 work as well as 54 411's? I'm curious as I've seen other imprints, just not 460. Please let me know if they are better or worse. ## BETTER. The only thing is they taste a tad worse. I use 1mg a day and these are slightly smaller and worker slightly better in my opinion. ## Among other influential factors, some people may respond better or worse to the different binders/fillers upon switching from one tablet to the next. That said, the only true way to compare efficacy is to go through trial and error with both versions yourself and not solely based off someone else's feedback. Inactive ingredients in the 460 pill are: Lactose Monohydrate, Mannitol, Povidones, Anhydrous Citric Acid, Sodium Citrate, Butylated Hydroxyanisole, Magnesium Stearat...

218 REPLIES Updated in Buprenorphine

I found this blue diamond shape with the word "Ultra" on one side, I would like to know what's this pill for. ## Hi Katie, From what I could gather, a blue diamond shaped pill with "Ultra" on one side, is reported to be a Mexican version of generic Viagra (sildenafil citrate). This medication is used for treating ED. Rumors suggest that this particular pill is allegedly being sold in Mexico at various cruise ports...Although there's no real way to verify this outside of going to Mexico, these two threads linked below seem to be the only leads I can find that mention this pill: 1). Discuss/ULTRA-pill-250290.htm?srcq=blue+pill+ultra 2). Discuss/blue-diamond-shape-pill-ultra-272443.htm?srcq=blue+pill+ultra Hope this info helps! ## Thank you David. One more question,...

8 REPLIES Updated in Viagra

What do they look like? Are they pink, and light blue M 7.5?? ## Yes, based on your description it does sound like a Restoril capsule 7.5 mg. Basically a capsule that's half blue, half pink. The blue half states the word RESTORIL over 7.5mg in burgundy letters, and the pink half has a boxed M (mylan) logo with the ® symbol, and also possibly the words FOR SLEEP on the pink side as well. I found an image at the following URL: ## I take 3omg restoril for insomnia and it does not work at all. I have tried taking it laying in bed hoping if I ould be relaxed laying down I would fall asleep but that didnt do anything. Ive even tried opening the capsule and pouring it n my mouth hoping a fast reaction would occur, but again nothing ## Will tremazepam help me get off Ativan? ## In refe...

7 REPLIES Updated in Restoril

sleeping pill ## Restoril (15 mg)- a generic for Temazepam, is used for the short-term treatment of sleeplessness in patients who have difficulty maintaining sleep. More details about this medication are available at: Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do... ## Yes I had a question I take restoril for insomnia but my concern is tomorrow is my 21st bday and I was wondering since I took my dose tonight will I be able to consume alcohol tomorrow night? I won't be taking my restoril tomorrow of course. ## As for the answer on restoril aka temazepam I never heard of seen it in 15mg only ever 30mg n they were always capsules some all white with a little band around the middle and few other colors but always capsules 30mg I've only ever heard...

4 REPLIES Updated in Restoril

My mother was given Haldol by accident. It was thought to be a sinus tablet. this was two weeks ago. She is now experiencing aweful things such as weakness in her facial muscles, tightness in her arms, dizziness, lethargy and many more things. Is this from the haldol? or has she had a pin stroke? ## It's very doubtful that she'd still be experiencing symptoms from the Haldol 2 weeks after mistakingly taking one dose. Learn more Haldol details here. Has she sought medical attention, at all? A doctor would really be the best qualified to figure out what's happened. Have her symptoms improved any? ## yes it could be. haldol is know to be problematic. stop taking it.

2 REPLIES Updated in Haldol

I am currently taking 30mg of restoril capsules each night and would like to know if I can get a non-prescription medication to replace it? ## Hello, Kay! How are you? No, there is nothing similar available over the counter. As listed by FDA, Restoril contains the active ingredient Temazepam, which is a benzodiazepine that's most commonly used to treat insomnia. It carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. What other medications have you tried? ## Valerian root and melatonin. ## no replacement for restoril. they should have told you this before you start taking it.

3 REPLIES Updated in Restoril

I used to take a diet pill which was a white capsule with the numbers 697 printed on it. Where can I get this pill and what is the name of it? I sometimes had fasting with it. ## I also have been looking for the same med for years, it really works ## Do you happen to remember what the name of it was? Otherwise, I am afraid I cannot help you. ## Those 697 pills where from a dr dillinger who is in jail most likely or died by now. He made them himself. They where methamphetamine in a clear cap with the #697 on them. ## He was in brooklyn on bay parkway and they did work really well. I was one of his original dollies fat girl he made real thin in 1975. ## I wish I can find a doctor like him that made you lose weight, but I understand very hard, they all are afraid and I understand that too,...

24 REPLIES Updated in Fastin

why can we not have X112 antiadiposidum in america with all those overweight poeple around. This drops are really working when everything else fails.Who we need to talk too to get them over here too. After all this is america and we should have this medicin .Why have something on the market but it seems nobody can get them. I know you have to have a prescription now for those drops. Cost about 25 euros. ## Hello, Mady! How are you? These are actually just considered a supplement, which means they aren't an actual medicine and most countries don't require a prescription for them. As to why they aren't available here, I really don't know, I've not been able to find any information on that. However, it likely has to do with some FDA regulations. Is there anything else I...

5 REPLIES Updated in Dopamine

Recently bought Oxymetazoline nasal spray. I have COPD emphysema. I spent the whole night coughing with no sleep. Has anyone heard of this happening? Thank you ## Yes, it has been known to cause that, and a product warning instructs you to consult your doctor if this occurs, and the nasal spray doesn't alleviate your symptoms. Other side effects of Oxymetazoline may include funny taste, runny nose, burning nose. Are you on any other medications? Did you try sleeping with your head slightly elevated? ## Thanks for your reply. I appreciate it. I was diagnosed COVID positive in March, and I'm still experiencing symptoms like brain fog, nausea, poor memory, and taste, as well as general flu symptoms and limb pain. I'm 72 years old and really sick of feeling this way. I also have...

2 REPLIES Updated in Oxymetazoline

Why would doctors stop writting a prescription of Lorazepam, which has worked for over 20 years for a patient who has panic disorder, because the patient is now too old at 70? Any input is appreciated. ## Hello Yusho, This NIH Article briefly explains why your doctors are choosing to stop your prescription. In a nut shell the medication works fine but studies have shown that older patients are more likely to experience adverse side effects. Some of these side effects can be life threatening which is why the NIH and FDA strongly suggest ceasing prescribing the medication as the patient ages. I hope this helps. Please reply if you have any further questions or have additional information to add. ## i was just discussing this topic with my doctor. I believe that the ``newer generation'...

7 REPLIES Updated in Lorazepam

I came across a scary situation the other day that i think most people on lorazepam might be interested in. I take 1.5 mg of lorazepam a day, have been so for 30 years. My doctor has never mentioned any problems with my medication. Then last week i got a call from her that was frantic and uncontrollable, she kept repeating i have to wean down my dosage and kept repeating if you take oxycodone i could die. It was clear that she wasn't listening to one thing i was telling her. Today i called my family doctor to see what's going on with the DEA and he told me that recently they are looking at prescriptions over 1 mg. My first thought is i should get a new doctor. The conversation with the first doc, my shrink, was as unprofessional as i have ever had and if i don't have to ever...

15 REPLIES Updated in Lorazepams

Where can I buy this ointment, if not in the U.S which countries still sell this? Thank you ## I would be interested in locating butesin picrate. Do you know how I can do this? ## I had my mom ship me a tube from Chile. SA. My mom had this in our house since we were kids. Its the only country at the moment I can purchase it from. Abbotts Lab Chile. ## Hello, From what I can find, your best bet would be to call Abbott laboratories directly to see how you can purchase this medication. Here is a link to the contact page of their webiste: abbott.com/abtcontactus I hope this helps! ## THE METAPHEN IN BUTESIN PICRATE WAS OUTLAWED BY MEDICAL COMMUNITY IN 1998 BECAUSE IT CAN GIVE YOU CANCER. ## I too have been looking for this Butesin Picrate 1% ointment but with no luck what so ever. As this w...

8 REPLIES Updated in Butesin Picrate

can anyone clarify the difference between shelcal and gem cal? ## Some of the ingredients are different. Shelcal contains Calcium Carbonate and Vitamin D3. Gemcal contains:calcitriol 0.25 mcg, calcium carbonate 500 mg amd zinc 7.5 mg. So it is what they provide and their formulations, it depends on what your body needs and what your doctor recommends that you use. Which has your doctor recommended? ## Gemcal is alws better then the shelcal...cause it contains Calcitriol which is an active form of vit D3...n zinc which reduces the risk of osteoporosis. ## what are the side effects of Gemcal ## Thanks for your valuable advice. By the way are you a Doctor? I was prescribed Shelcal by my doctor but I got Gem Cal from my CGHS Dispensary. Thanks and Regards, Ramesh ## Which one to take Gemcal...

14 REPLIES Updated in Calcium Carbonate

My wife, age 84, had arthroscopic surgery on her knee 15 years ago with little benefit. Lately she has had the rooster shots with no benefit. A few days ago she was in agony and friend gave her "Charlote Arthritis" pills from Mexico. The relief was almost instantaneous. She takes two per day and is pain free. The list ingredients are: oak, white willow, magnesium, chamomile, and one item, about 7 letters, too blurred to read. ## Where or how can I get some. I have taken them for my Lupus symptoms and it is an all day relief of pain that nothing else has been able to provide. I cannot find them anymore since the person who used to get them is no longer available. ## El Centro Super Center, Nuevo Progresso, Tamp, MX Hurry before Trump screws up everything and closes the border. ##...

56 REPLIES Updated in Naproxen

My latest script for xanax has imprint g3722 and it seems to have no taste or effects. I've been taking them for a long time and to my surprise they seem to do nothing. Have you heard of this? It is a white xanax bar that seems to be a little thick. ## Hello, Jeff! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem that you're having. While there is a tablet manufactured by Greenstone Limited that has this marking, which they list as containing 2mgs of Alprazolam, there have been many recent reports like yours, which leads me to suspect that the ones you have may be fake, especially with the size difference. It seems everyone who has noticed their lack of efficacy has also commented that they seem to be thicker than the ones they've received from this company, before. The FDA list...

296 REPLIES Updated in Xanax

According to the FDA's website there is no shortage, so what's going on? Has anyone been able to locate any? accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/drugshortages/default.cfm ## Well I still can't find any in my area. This is ridiculous. It's been a long time and they should have them in stock now. My pharmacy doesn't have a straight answer for what's going on and when they will be available. If anyone finds any in Michigan-suburbs of detroit area Plz say if u have found any ## It takes a while for drug shortages to show on the website. If the Manufactures are still changing the labels from when it was reclassified, there isn't a shortage. It also takes more than one area to report a shortage before it is listed and it depends on who is doing the reporting. Also just beca...

9 REPLIES Updated in Norco

I've been on multaq for my afib diagnosis since April and have gained 12 lbs. in such a short time after just having lost 40 lbs in the many months prior to diagnosis. My healthy eating has not changed and exercising doesn't help to rid the pounds. I can only attribute this new additional weight to multaq. Has anyone else experienced weight gain being on multaq? ## Yes, that is a possible side effect of this medication, along with nausea, dizziness, headache, and dry mouth. However, it should top out around this gain amount and should not continue. If it does, you should contact your doctor. Are you on any other medications? ## Only other new Med started at the same time as Multaq is Eliquis. Otherwise I've been on couple other meds for years. ## I have been taking Multaq fo...

3 REPLIES Updated in Multaq
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