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can anyone clarify the difference between shelcal and gem cal? ## Some of the ingredients are different. Shelcal contains Calcium Carbonate and Vitamin D3. Gemcal contains:calcitriol 0.25 mcg, calcium carbonate 500 mg amd zinc 7.5 mg. So it is what they provide and their formulations, it depends on what your body needs and what your doctor recommends that you use. Which has your doctor recommended? ## Gemcal is alws better then the shelcal...cause it contains Calcitriol which is an active form of vit D3...n zinc which reduces the risk of osteoporosis. ## what are the side effects of Gemcal ## Thanks for your valuable advice. By the way are you a Doctor? I was prescribed Shelcal by my doctor but I got Gem Cal from my CGHS Dispensary. Thanks and Regards, Ramesh ## Which one to take Gemcal...
My sister is diagnosed with Anti-NMDAR Encephalitis and left with cerebellar ataxia, dystonia, dysphagia, severe mobility disorder, tremor, etc. Where may we purchase Tanganil or Acetyl-Leucine? One of her neurologists has suggested she use this in addition to other prescription medicines she is currently on. ## Where can I purchase Acetyl-DL-leucine supplements? I am having trouble finding it online. ## From what I could gather, Tanganil 500mg (Acetyl-DL-leucine) is manufactured by a French company by the name of Pierre Fabre. According to wikipedia their headquarters are in the city of Castres, Midi-Pyrénées, France. You can contact Pierre Fabre directly with product inquiries at: Perhaps they'll be able to inform y...
I found a large off white pill with the imprint of r7 on one side and nothing on the other side. Anyone know what this is? ## Although I don't remember the brand I happen to have a few of these in my pocket right now, and these large white pills stamped r7 are actually antacids, mint flavored, chewable. ## Hello Cat, As Dave said before the pills you are describing, according to the [1] NIH, are antacid medication used for heartburn relief. Here is some additional information that the NIH provides on this particular pill. Product Code 46122-153 Imprint R7 Name Good Neighbor Pharmacy Antacid Regular Strength Active Ingredients Calcium Carbonate 550 Mg Magnesium Hydroxide 110 Mg Label Author Amerisource Bergen Color White Size 16mm Shape Round Score 1 Inactive Ingredients - Starch, C...
It is supposed to be a headache medicine from Mexico. Can anyone tell me what it is? It is round and white with the letter N at the top and OTC at the bottom. ## I HAVE VERITGO WILL THIS PILL HELP ME THE PILL IS WHITE ROUND AND IT HAS THE LETTER N AT THE TOP AND LETTERS OTC AT THE BOTTOM ## Hello Christina, I found a pill description on the NIH database that matches your description. The pill they have is a NeuroBion pill, below is some additional information that I sourced from the NIH on this medication. Imprint NOTC Name NeuroBion Ingredients Thiamine Hydrochloride 100mg Pyridoxine Hydrochloride 100mg Cyanocobalamin 200ug Label Author Benard Industries Inc Color White Size 11mm Shape Round Score 1 NDC 55959-117 Inactive Ingredients Calcium Carbonate Calcium Phosphate, Dibasic, Anhydr...
I found a large white pill in my house with the letter “R” on one side & “X” on the other. Having trouble identifying it. Please help. Thanks. ## What is it Large round white pill R ON ONE SIDE X ON THE OTHER ## Hello Craig7, I was able to find a rather large white pill with only the letter R on one side and it is scored on the back, which may resemble the letter X. The pill I found is a Calcium Carbonate 550 MG / Magnesium Hydroxide 110 MG Chewable Tablet (Rolaids). Below I have linked some information on this pill that I sourced from the NIH. NDC: 41167-1000 Ingredient(s): - Calcium Carbonate 550mg - Magnesium Hydroxide 110mg Inactive Ingredient(s): - Dextrose - Magnesium stearate - Silicon dioxide - Stearic acid - Sucralose - Sucrose Imprint: R Label Autho...
What are the possible side effects of shelcal-500mg tablets? ## Shelcal contains Calcium and Vitamin D, so it is a nutritional supplement that is used to help treat or prevent the problems that can be associated with a deficiency in these vital nutrients. As such, however, it has not been tested for side effects, as is done with prescription medications, but the Calcium has been known to cause constipation. Learn more: Are there any other questions or comments? ## hey ,, dis is prabhjot from india.. i jst need help and want to know that is there any side affect of shelcal 500mg. as my mother is directed by doctor to take it everyday....???? ## hi this 's youtika from NewDelhi Would like to know wat should be normal dosage of it . How long should be it consumed. . ## I WANT TO KNOW I...
So I was in my boyfriends closet last week and I found these pills in one of his bags and the only imprint they have on them says RP 108 on one side. And the other side has nothing on it not even a line. There white and round tablet. I can’t find them anywhere online. If anyone knows or has an idea of what they are please let me know! Thank you. ## Are you sure it's 108 and not 103? The closest match I could find is RP 103 which is an OTC ultra-strength antacid; calcium carbonate 1000mg. NDC: 49035-0101 If it is RP 108 there is not listed information for such a pill.
its just a round white pill the size of a nickel and has gdc on it and the g raps around the other letter at the bottom of the pill on the same side as the lettering there are the numbers 113 ## That's a Calcium Carbonate ## Anne is correct, this tablet is manufactured by Qualitest Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 500mgs of Calcium Carbonate, which is a generic for Tums. This is an over the counter medication. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dry mouth, and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with?
is smooth on one side g127 on the other ## Capital G on top and 127on bottom ## Orange Capital G on top and number127 on bottom ## Sunmark lists these tablets as containing 750mgs of Calcium Carbonate, which is a generic or store brand of Tums. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dry mouth, and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with?
Hi, I'm 17 and I've just started taking Magnesium, Calcium, Omega-3 fish oil and Iron supplements for anxiety/stress, to improve mood, energy and overall health. I've done a bit of research on these but have questions about when and how to take them and want to make sure it's safe to take these everyday until I feel better. Also I would like to know if anyone has any advice and experience on taking one or more of these. I especially want to take magnesium & omega 3 but I think that calcium and iron will also be helpful. I am not deficient in iron or calcium but I know that I have slightly low levels but doctor said it wouldn't affect me but I would take them anyway. The calcium I am taking - contains calcium carbonate 1500mg and vitamin D3. Twice a day, to be taken
UpdatedI found 2 tablets with a marking of Rp 103 and I'm wanting to know what it's used for? ## They are listed as containing 1,000mgs of Calcium Carbonate, they are a generic or store brand for Tums, used to treat excess acidity. The FDA warns that they occasionally cause constipation as a side effect. Is there anything else I can help with?
i found a light green RP 103 round tablet in my teens room what is it is it legal or not ## ITS EQUATE CALCIUM CARBONATION A OTC DRUG ## @Juana Alexander, Just to confirm, the pill in question is indeed Equate brand Ultra Strength Antacid Tablet. It contains (1000 mg) Calcium Carbonate. This medication is used to treat symptoms caused by too much stomach acid such as heartburn, upset stomach, or indigestion. Learn More: Calcium+Carbonate Details I hope this helps! ## This pill is an antacid. However that being said it may seem odd that a teenager would want or need one but if they are on ADHD medication such as Adderall they may be taking this because it extends and enhances the absorption and effects of that drug. It is effective enough that depending on the amount your teen ingests of...
how long i have to use and how can i use it ## I m advised by my relative to take "mashyne" for my knee ache.& I took 3 sachet of it. But I donot know how to take this & how many? Will you please inform me how to use & its complete course details? Thanks in advance ## indications, dose side effects dose ## hi, ma-shyne shachet is to be taken with milk, Dosage is once in a week. ## Mashyne Sachet 1g 5S is manufactured by USV Limited and mainly contents the generic drug Cholecalciferol (also called vitamin D3). Regarding proper dosing and administration, I believe this is something best discussed with the doctor or health-care provider who prescribed you this medication. Reason being is that they may have specific instructions outside of the standard vitamin dosing pro...
Need to know what a Nickle size pill is with an upside down V with a small p in it with 043 under it? Daughter found it in her boyfriends pocket..... ## This pill with the Advanced Pharmaceutical logo and 043 is a 500mg Cal-Gest tablet, which contains 500mgs of Calcium Carbonate, it is a supplement, commonly used to treat or prevent conditions such as Osteoporosis. So, nothing dangerous, but you do have to wonder if he knew what it was and if not, what he thought it was. Are there any questions or comments? ## It's an anti-acid. Like tums.
The tablet is a Equate brand Ultra Strength Antacid Tablet. Tropical Fruit Flavored, 1000 mg Calcium Carbonate. ## Thank you very much for sharing this information! I was wondering the same thing myself :) ## That is correct, though they aren't solely sold by Wal-Mart, they can be found in various stores under their store brand or generic label. Learn more Tums details here. They generally don't cause a lot of side effects, but may be contraindicated with some medications, since it may affect the absorption, so be sure to check before taking it. Additionally, don't take more than the recommend daily amount, since exceeding it can be dangerous. Are there any questions or comments? ## Large round white pill RP 103 - found on my bathroom floor
My wife takes it daily, but finds inconvenient to swallow even after breaking them into pieces.. We are looking for an alternative with 1250 mg of Calcium Carbonate with some Vit D3, if available in England. ## Hello, Tironita! How are you and your wife? Unfortunately, I don't know what else is available for you in England. Have you tried asking a pharmacist/chemist? They should have an idea of what her other options are, I know in the U.S. there are even some chewables, so she may want to ask if they have them there. ## I have bought SHELCAL-500 tablets, I am not sure whether to chew it or swallow it?
I Just want to know that can i take Clacimax 500 as a vitamin im a 45 years old man.. ## Calcimax is just a nutritional supplement that contains Calcium Carbonate and Vitamin D3 and nutrients are not gender specific. Learn more Calcium Carbonate details here. Learn more Vitamin D3 details here. That said, this it not a multivitamin, however, so it isn't a complete that contains everything you need. Are there any other questions? ## how to take calcimax 500 tablet should it be taken with water or is it chew able? ## Do I take Calcimax Forte tablet with water or is it chewable?
Please identify this large (almost 1 in. diameter) pink round tablet or lozenge with imprint RP on top, 115 below. Nothing on back. ## So far, I've not been able to find anything that matches this description, however, I'll keep looking and post back, when I have information for you. Does anyone else recognize this? ## Did you ever find out what this is ? I found the same pill I cannot find this anywhere ## It is Kroger brand Smooth antacid or calcium carbonate 750 mg ## Its is Kroger brand calcium carbonate or Antacid RP 115
Big round pill imprint on one side that says A622 and it's white ## Hello, Leann! How are you? From what I can find this is listed as being a calcium carbonate tablet, though I've not been able to find anything stating the exact dosage, but it is a generic or store brand for Tums, the white ones are usually the mint flavored. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness and dry mouth. Does anyone know the dosage?
SHELCAL-500 - Calcium with Vitamin D Tablet (500 mg). Each Film Coated Tablet contains 1.25g Calcium Carbonet from an Organism Source (Oyster Shell) Manufactured by: Elder Pharmaceuticals, India. equivalent to Elemental Calcium - 500 mg, Vitamin D, IP - 250 IU, Colour: Brillian Blue FCF. wants know detail about it. Since this isn't available in the US, I cannot find a lot of information on it, but I can tell you that it is supplement that contains Calcium and Vitamin D. If anybody else has any other questions or details regarding Shelcal 500, please post back... ## pls guide how much actual calcium ( what is elemental ) is there in shelcal 500 which says it contains calcium carbonate 1250 mg....if calcium is 500 mg then wht is 1250 mg or other v750 mg. is just 500 mg calcium daily s...