Paregoric, Camphorated Opium Tincture Forums
Recently active Paregoric, Camphorated Opium Tincture forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Paregoric, Camphorated Opium Tincture and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I've used Paregoric for 15 years and can't find it. Is there anywhere in the U.S. or other countries where this can be purchased? ## I have been on paregoric therapy for at least 18 years myself. (not to mention Sandostatin, Lomotil & Pamine) Have had occasions the past few years when it was not available, and now I am told the manufacturer has discontinued it. (royal pain) so Dr has now RXd tincture of opium - much less to take, but the stuff tastes like cat s**t (not that I ever tasted cat s**t) - I was hoping to find paregoric again, maybe from Canada - I'm still looking - let me know if ya wanna chat more & / or if you find a source. Would be nice to get out of the house again! Thanks bud - Jim ## Thanks for your reply. I called Canada, and they don't have it...
Have always had this in the med cabinet for occasional stomach cramps. Am finally running low. I'm 67 years old. Suggestions? ## I've seen many questions about this product recently and I can only inform you that it has been discontinued. The main problem with it is that it contained a tincture of Opium, which lead to severe abuse and addiction in some people. These dangers led to it being pulled from the market. From what I understand, it is now only available by prescription, in the U.S. You may want to ask your doctor or pharmacist for a product that can help with stomach cramping. Proper treatment requires discovering what is causing the cramping. ## I too are trying to figure out what they are doing with Paragoric. I have had a prescription for about 1 year. I used it if Lo...
I need to know about the availability of Paregoric. It is the only help for IBS and I am unable to locate it. If anyone knows where we can locate this medicine please let us know. We are not dope heads, we are responsible adults trying to treat a problem which we have been treated for with no success. We are tired living isolated lives with no hope for help in sight and need Paregoric to start to live some sort of life again. Many patients in my doctors office feel this same way. There must be hope out there.
Updatedwhere can I buy paragoric liquid for stomach pains - is it still made and if so where can i buy it in the NYC area ? ## My daughter was prescribed paragoric as an infant fo colick. I only gave it to her twice because I sampled it and it hurt my stomach, so I refused to give it to her again. Instead I was advised to give her catnip tea and it worked inside of 3 days. I made a tea and added honey in her bottle...she loved it. Catnip is very soothing to the digestive system. ## I am glad to hear that you had a good experience using catnip tea however it is unsafe to give honey to infants as a sweetener or in any form as it can cause infant botulism. This includes honey in cooked form. Check with your pediatrician regarding the catnip tea. I have found for my children and now grandchild tha...
My client is unable to find a pharmacy which will supply tincture of opium. ## From what I could gather on the topic, "recent enforcement action by the FDA against manufacturers of paregoric and opium tincture suggests that opium tincture's availability in the U.S. may be in jeopardy." It is still actually available, today, by prescription, but in a more purified form and is only prescribed under certain strict medical criteria. You can learn more about it here: Listed below is a pharmacy-locator site that uses your zip code to find nearby pharmacies within a given mile range: Phone numbers and addresses are included in the list after you verify your zip code; so I would suggest calling a number of them to see if anyone can fill your client's prescription. Your client ma...