Paregoric, Camphorated Opium Tincture
Category: GastrointestinalParegoric, or camphorated tincture of opium, also known as tinctura opii camphorata, is a traditional patent medicine known for its antidiarrheal, antitussive, and analgesic properties. According to Goodman and Gilman's 1965 edition, "Paregoric is a 4% opium tincture in which there is also benzoic acid, camphor, and anise oil. ... Paregoric by tradition is used especially for children."[1] The term "paregoric" has also been used for boiled sweets which contained the substance,... [wikipedia]
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I am a colon cancer survivor. Due to losing 9" of large intestines and all but 1" of rectum, I experience severe...
As a child my mother used to give me 10 drops to control stomach upsets. Now as an adult I take it for uncontrolled diar...
trying to get a comprehensive list of Ins. companies that cover Opium tincture (so far Cigna does). ## i live in los ang...
need paregoric liquid for diarhhea cause severly by cemo---after three weeks in the hospital that was the only thing tha...
I found out Monday, November 11, 2013 Hi-Tech Pharmacal is now manufacturing Paregoric. There distribution company is AB...
need paregoric liquid for diahhrea caused by cemo ## This site does not manufacture nor sell any medications, it is an i...
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I need to know about the availability of Paregoric. It is the only help for IBS and I am unable to locate it. If anyone ...
I have ben using Paregoric for years abd it was taken off the American Market . I still am in need as it is the only thi...