Pain Relief

This page contains the most recent discussion threads pertaining to Pain Relief, as well as a list of all of the drugs falling within this category.

Pain Relief Overview

An analgesic drug, also called simply an analgesic, antalgic, pain reliever, or painkiller, is any member of the group of drugs used for pain management. Analgesics are conceptually distinct from anesthetics, which temporarily reduce, and in some instances eliminate, sensation, although analgesia and anesthesia are neurophysiologically overlapping and thus various drugs have both analgesic and anesthetic effects. Analgesic choice is also determined by the type of pain: For neuropathic pain, r...

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Recent Pain Relief Forums: RSS Feed

Edrisol or edrisal

Used to take for cramps. What was it? ## Is this still on the market? I used to take it for cramps ## Hello, Mel and Sandy! How are you both? Edrisal contained the active ingredient Phenacetin, however, it was banned by the FDA in 1983 due to the increased risk it caused of kidney failure and certain types of cancer. It is actually metabolized into Acetaminophen(Tylenol) so that is what it was replaced with in over the counter medications. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I wish they would research this some more and make any necessary changes. It really worked great for cramps. I don't know about you but it gave me a very euphoric feeling and feeling of well-being, but I never took more than absolutely needed. ## I took it also, back in the 60’s. It made me VERY ALE...

Updated in Acetaminophen
Dilaudid and constipation

I was in a serious car accident at age 30. I was on & off different opioids post-op for years which caused loss of all teeth. Just quit 4 mgs. daily of Dilaudid due to opioid-induced constipation (OIC). Will my gut health ever return?

Updated in Dilaudid
pregabalin withdrawal symptoms - how long do they last

I've been taking lyrica everyday for around 7 months. I've tried to stop taking them and the withdrawal symptoms are so severe I couldn't bare it after 5 days. apart from severs sweating feeling sick and aching all over, its the hallucinations and feeling like you are going to die. I mean really thinking you are going to have a heart attack. I could see my aura and time goes by so slowly it's worse then any opiate withdrawals. I was terrified and went back on them. I take 500 to 100 mg a day. I must get off them. I can't stand it. I worry that if I had to go into a hospital I would start withdrawing and I wouldn't be able to get them. Can you help me? What can I do? ## Hello, Debz! How are you doing? I'm sorry about what you're going through. The FDA clas...

Updated in Pregabalin
stilpane effect on pregnant woman

hello, if some is pregnante can she use stilpane? ## Im thato a 27 year old n hv discovered that m 11 weeks pregnant but my pregnant got some complications m bleeding and hvng some abdominal pain every day so I went to the gyne n he prescribed me stilpane tablets but now m scared to consume them can I get help.. ## Hello bebe, According to the NHS stilpane contains the active ingredients Paracetamol 320 mg Codeine Phosphate 8 mg Caffeine Anhydrous 32 mg Meprobamate 150 mg. The NHS states that while Paracetamol is typically safe to take while pregnant it is advised to talk with your GP. Consuming more than 200mg of caffeine while pregnant is not advised and is associated with lower birth weights as well as the possibility of leading to further health problems later on in the child's ...

Updated in Paracetamol
Hydrocodone and Aspirin Tablets

Just for your info, Hydrocodone is now being mixed with 500 mg of Aspirin and that is why this pain medication is not working for people anymore. I would not take it as it causes nose bleeds and abdominal bleeding which can cause ulcers: [1] ## I still get my Norco 10 with 325mg Tylenol as usual. I'm on blood thinners so I can't take any more aspirin. Your doctor can specify which one to take per your situation.

Updated in Aspirin
Hydrocodeine Apap

Does this medication have aspirin in it? Husband will be having surgery & was told not to take anything w/aspirin. ## No, Hydrocodone + Acetaminophen (APAP) does NOT contain Aspirin in it. ## Yes, it may not have been the case before, but Hydrocodone now has 500 mg Aspirin in it: [1]

Updated in Aspirin
Norco shortage

According to the FDA's website there is no shortage, so what's going on? Has anyone been able to locate any? ## Well I still can't find any in my area. This is ridiculous. It's been a long time and they should have them in stock now. My pharmacy doesn't have a straight answer for what's going on and when they will be available. If anyone finds any in Michigan-suburbs of detroit area Plz say if u have found any ## It takes a while for drug shortages to show on the website. If the Manufactures are still changing the labels from when it was reclassified, there isn't a shortage. It also takes more than one area to report a shortage before it is listed and it depends on who is doing the reporting. Also just beca...

Updated in Norco
Percocet 7.5mg/325mg vs Oxycodone 10mg for pain relief

Is Percocet 7.5mg/325mg less potent than Oxycodone 10mg KVK Tech for pain? What's the difference between them?

Updated in Percocet
Codeine availability in Mexico

A pharmacist in Mexico told me that codeine was no longer available there. True??

Updated in Codeine

What is the difference in the 2? I have gotten 2 different prescriptions for hydroco/apap 5-500 and one says generic for vicodin and the other says generic for lortab 5. ## PS I got one in August and then one again Yesterday (December). It was different locations as well, would this be a factor in the difference? ## Initially, when these medications were still under full patent, and not available as generics, Lortab and Vicodin were both brand names for different dosages of Hydrocodone with Acetaminophen, but since this medication is now available as a generic, pharmacies can pretty much pick, and choose what name brand they refer to, when dispensing the generic. In other words, as long as the dosage is correct, it doesn't mean anything, and doesn't matter which name brand they ...

Updated in Vicodin

Pain Relief Medications (339 results)