Withdrawals From Soma, Morphine, Xanax, Oxycodone - Help Please (Page 10)


I have been in pain management for years, lost my doctor along with other patients, and primary won't fill or says she can't and messes up my progress to get in new pain management in time. Now I'm losing Soma, was 3 times a day, now I have 7 tabs left. Was on 45 mg of morphine 3 times, oxycodone 15s and xanax 5 mg 3 times a day. Which she said she can not write for. Why, if she knew or thought this pain clinic was prescribing more than standard, did she never say a word until i had to go to her in desperation for this? Your primary that has to refer you and get info to get into a new pain clinic, I have very serious health issues no one is dealing with, I feel alone and suicidal. I even told my doctor and the old pain clinic staff that left, and not a bit of help, yet they know i have a history of heart failure, bleeds in brain from pain issues. No one cares, our country is falling apart and i asked again today for something for bp and high pulse, got nothing for it but a nurse, they did not send in the info two times that could have had me in pain management by now, and in having the colostomy i had to postpone since I wont do it with out pain mgmt on board.

Today they cut me back more 1 soma for a few days then no more, oxycodone 10mg 3 times to be cut on mon again and morphine cut from 45 3 x to 3o 2 times. All i can do is cry and sleep then cry more then no food, not drinking, feel horrible, and have lost desire to live and fight. These doctors put all on others and not one seems to care or no what to do with all of us real pain patients. I just want to die at this point for i am so tired of suffering and its only going to get worse. I feel so bad for all of the posts i have seen and know im not alone. All i see is the same four walls every day, go no where and before i felt i had some reason to fight and live to fight cancer and even cancer doc can not help get you in pain mang. They said today it will take at least 8 weeks to get in and ill be dead then or out of meds in a stroke etc. That is my biggest fear. Have had 3 bleeds in brain from this and pain is no joke.

The nurse said today we all are paying for those that dr shop and are addicted and i said i thought even addiction is a matter that needs treatment. They counted my tabs. I take drugs panels, did nothing wrong and most of my pain is caused from docs that did botched surgeries and cancer and injury from accident. I dont no what we all can do or if there is hope but it does not do good to ask on this site if someone knows where to get meds. Its not just docs its insurances companies and pharmacies. It's all getting way too much and hard for even a well person to figure out. I am ready to go home to my maker and wish he would take me soon. I am so tired of the lack of proper dr care in our country and its so sad i feel and pray for you all i want to know who is going to be responsible when i die or end up in a stroke due to this. Xanax withdrawals will be the worst too for i had them before for you can not sleep to escape the torture and they only get worse with time unlike opiates most docs dont seem to know this. I guess i have heart rate of 139 now and bp 200 over 133.

299 Replies (15 Pages)

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I have been there for 14 years in pain mang I got tired of over taken under taken so put myself in rehab I am an addict and always will be I blam the Dr for all of it it's all about money not about u or what u need its sad to read all this I Never new there were so many people in the same shape I was in if any feels any of what ur reading stop taking the meds find help not with a doc they don't help tammy

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I have been there alot for 14 years finialy got tired of meds and went to detox I still hurt but I no what's hurts now I've had neck and shoulder sergery and now I have shoulder Spurs getting them off soon all I can say is to stop the meds asap they have about killed me tammy

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Grandma Pat,
Where are you located at? I will do my best to help you I know what your going through I lost a very dear and close family friend who was properly taking her meds passed pill counts and all UAs and she lost it all and we lost her life please reply in messages or on here where your city and state it and I'll do my very best to find a doctor to help you out

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I have been there alot for 14 years finialy got tired of meds and went to detox I still hurt but I no what's hurts now I've had neck and shoulder sergery and now I have shoulder Spurs getting them off soon all I can say is to stop the meds asap they have about killed me tammy pain meds

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Not everyone is on high doses on medicine first off Tammy so please don't speak for everyone by saying the medicine doesn't work. Maybe not in your situation but we aren't all the same. I'm on a low dose of meds. And had it not been for the meds I couldn't function. I have had cancer , I have spinal stenosis, RA, degenerative disc disease, diverticulitis, and a host of other back and medical issues. I never blame the Dr for my medications. I'm smart enough to research them before I use them . If others would take that personal responsibility the better off things would be. But to say say away from the meds they don't help is ridiculous some people would never be able to get out of bed because of pain if it wasn't for medication. I'm glad you no longer need it that's great but there a true chronic pain sufferers out there !!! I feel for anyone that has to go through withdrawals not to take away from the convo it's hard when switching over meds I endured it. After 3 long miserable days it's got better. Thank goodness the new meds are helpful.

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ERs are starting a no pain rx policy unless you have broken a bone. I moved from a state where my primary would help till pain mgmnt and they monitored my use and monitored me through a prescription mgmnt program from the pharmacy. I never had a problem Bc I don't dr shop. However I have been through hell and back trying to find a muscle relaxer and went through hellacious allergies. One dr said there is one last try which was soma. surprise I had no swelling of the tongue, no ER visit (sat in ER parking lot just in case) and we moved out of state and can't get any help. I drive 2.5 hours each way to see a dr and I'm back down to my minimum pain dose 10mg 4xs a day and 1 soma 3xs a day...no dr in my area will rx pain meds. no ER will and pain mgmnt is full and not accepting new patients and hasn't for 2+ years... I went to the next closest one and the dr spent 2hrs drawing pictures and writing down Netflix movies regarding food and American health due to food and obesity (I'm 30lbs over weight and I had a baby at that time 2yrs prior and just moved away from my parents) and said if I lost 75 pounds my pain from being thrown from a car on the freeway would disappear Bc I wouldn't be fat... so maybe if we all who truly have pain and aren't seekers found out what states we are in and cities and helped each other out we all then wouldn't be worried... I also along with my meds had inj's. of steroids which has screwed me up worse...

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"It will get better?" What planet are you on??? I am a Chronic Pain Patient because of a 15 year old accident and was prescribed opiates too. So I am doctor dependent!!! Getting off these meds won't help me! I have a shoulder that is out of it's socket and the x-rays that were taken just weeks ago even made my mouth drop open! The ball that would go into the socket is now GONE! After all the years of it gridding in side my body that's what I am left with. I am NOT living, I'm just existing! The thought of cleaning my own floor is a scary thing! Because I know the pain that will follow. So don't tell me to "suck it up and things will get better cause it won't!"

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O I'm sorry didn't mean it that way I know I lost my dad to cancer I just meant alot of the pain mangment I no of didn't care for anyone I know alot of people that need pain meds it scares me reading where people r crying and confused I event though at one time I'd be better off dead and no one should ever feel that bad the doc need to talk with them mine never did just added another med to the list hope everyone prays for eachother

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Please, u less you live in a state that it's illegal, get on the Internet from a reputable source like "kraken kratom" and get yourself some (any) red veined kratom powder! Get it ground into powder not capsules or leaves...just take anywhere from a half to a whole measured teaspoon. Mix it in pudding, or drink. It won't dissolve and it's hard to get it down sometimes; think the consistency of cinnamon, or flour. This stuff saved my life! It is not an opiate or dangerous. But it will stop the withdrawals and anxiety. There are several different kinds, plus extracts. If you need them for opiate withdrawals only get red vein. If you can find this website, you can Google "kratom for opiate withdrawals" and loads of info will come up. When I was cut off after years of taking very high doses of oxy, I would of rather died than go through the mental anguish and anxiety. I have been buying it now for over a year. I wish more people understood how wonderful this plant is. It helps with pain too...but the huge lifesaver is for withdrawals. Kraken will ship same day. I've never waited more than 3 days at the most, with free shipping. Or if desperate you can get it shipped to you next day FedEx. They are based in Portland, Oregon. Great people. Just please google kratom and opiate withdrawals.

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I'm not real positive who exactly you were responding too. I do know that I put in my post that after 3 long miserable days it's of withdrawals I got better. If you were talking to me I'll clarify the withdrawal symptoms got better not the pain. I'm am an advocate for pain Medication. By gods grace i have a very caring pm now . He monitors and adjust medication accordingly. If it wasn't for pain management I would not be able to be actively participating in my children's school activities , simple task like playing outside with them. My Dr changed my life completely. Before I could barely get up to use the bathroom . I was so depressed. I can now get up to cook dinner for my family. It makes the world of difference. Not me but some people rather die the pain is so bad and pain medication saved their lives. So instead of demonizing it take it responsibly

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If you don't mind me asking what about the medicine made her lose her life? Was she allergic?? I mean what was cause of death?? I don't want to make any assumptions and respond appropriately but some details were left out.

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Just a heads up...the days of make the patient feel good are over. As we see now the opiod epidemic is running rampant across the US and we can thank the Pharma cartels and ignorant doctors. Ask your doctor to help wean you off the pills to see where your real pain level is and then investigate different options. I now use cannabis and a TENS unit to help with the rough times. Good luck to you all!!

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I have done that many times as I have been a guinea pig to many different therapies. For those who have nerve damage a TENS unit is very painful...I have maintained for 4 years after prior years of yo yo strengths and off meds then on meds, combo meds, combo drs and a chiropractor whose now made it even worse. The last dr who did a steroid injection has made my left lower side muscle randomly pull, added with the several other issues I have my med allows me to take care of my kids, play soccer and lead a functioning life...I can tell you where my pain level is at without meds and where it sits with meds and be 100% accurate..I agree most can't do that. I have tried cannabis, however I literally fall asleep and I live in a fully legal state. I have tried every strain from the professionals who said it will keep you awake and I've been asleep within minutes after use..for me I'm lucky after over a year of searching since leaving the state I was in and was able to get help. I found someone here who understood my lack of now no insurance, even didn't qualify for state like I did in the other state and has been gracious enough to treat my pain and check up on me throughout the month...he's the most caring dr I have met in the state I'm in...and trust me I've met tons of *****s with licenses in this state; one who said my body would reform back to my youth if I lost weight and became 110lbs which is way below an ideal weight of 145...I still do my physical therapy at home with my kids and significant other and keep as active as I can. I take epsom salt baths and get a massage once in awhile as that makes my body hurt worse sometimes...remember this not all other therapies work for others. Some do but some need a combo in order to function.

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I agree with you Devon 100%.....combo of physical therapy, yoga, meditation, hot tub, whatever it takes. My point is that the pill game is nearing an end and anyone relying on them to survive should start looking for alternatives. I was addicted for many years, had many neck & back surgeries, cancer, tumors, etc. Not an easy road after the body takes pain meds for many years. I am so much better off not taking the oxy, moriphine, percocets, etc. Good luck to you!!

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Hi Ling. There are so many different strains of marijuana. How do you choose the right one for you or do they help you at the clinic? Do you grow your own and how do you take it (smoke, cookies/oils or ?). We have medical marijuana as well as recreational marijuana that is legal in my state. Tired of dealing with doctors who don't know what they are doing.

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How are you doing? I can help you and it's 100% legal! At least you have a doctor who is caring enough to taper you, it is the law but unfortunately many doctors are dropping patients with no taper. The nurse is 100% wrong, that is NOT what is happening! Either she has been a victim of the gaslighting or she herself is a part of the problem. There is help!

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I would love more info on what you know or have to offer. I know there is still compassionate drs in the field and ones who can recognize real pain and those who can't..I unfortunately left the state where my dr knew of legitimate pain unlike those who dont

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Madman, you are 100 percent correct they are really cracking down. At my pain management clinic I have seen a huge turn around in attitude they went from making sure I had my medicine Increased (I never ever asked for an increase they just adjusted it when they felt it necessary) now they actually check levels and the Dr said it's time to come down off the medicine. I was shocked ( although I had already started looking for alternative methods on my own I donated a kidney and I started to worry about my remaining one. Well I asked for the Dr to do a nerve block and rhiziotomy. I feel like they are going to eventually remove a lot of people from the program and I want to be prepared if they do!! I will tell you my back isn't my own pain area I have multiple issues but that's the biggest one so if I can takle that issue and they remove my medication at least I know I can somewhat function. I won't deny that I look forward to the pain going away with the medicine but looks like eventually that won't be an option!

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DEVON: Give CBD a try. They have been able to isolate much of the medicinal part of MMJ separate from the THC, which is the part that gets you "stoned". So you may have better luck with CBD, since it isn't intoxicating. It's also legal in all 50 states because of that.

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SUE: I have a lot of experience with MMJ so I may be able to help you. Are you in Colorado by chance? What condition(s) do you have for which you are wanting to use MMJ?

Just some basic stuff: MMJ has two types, which are Indica and Sativa. Indica is good for pain and sleep, as it is the stuff that makes you sleepy, makes you more "stoned". It would be the "downer" of marijuana. The conditions people would use opioid painkillers for are a lot of the same conditions which are helped by Indica strains. Sativa is the more "wide-awake" or the "uppers" of marijuana. It is good for neurological conditions like MS. It is also the kind that people are talking about when they say marijuana makes them "paranoid". I can not tolerate Sativa myself, it makes me shaky and gives me insomnia. Then there are also "hybrids" of the Indica and Sativa strains.

Myself? I have migraines, trouble with nausea, and a mild case of Fibromyalgia. I use the Indica-dominant strains. I mostly do edibles, concentrates (hash/wax/oils) and I smoke the flower (bud) when I feel a migraine coming on, or for nausea.

There are also CBD products, which have little to no THC in them. THC is the part of MMJ that gets you "stoned", and are legal in all 50 states. I take CBD oil under my tongue twice a day, as a preventative medicine. I give it to my dog as well. I get way less migraines overall when I do this, and a bit less Fibromyalgia pain as well. I am actually not a huge fan of how marijuana makes me feel, so I really am happy about the CBD products.

I smoke the hash and the flower "as-needed", and the CBD and edibles are more of a preventative measure. I make my own MMJ butter as well, to make the edibles. Then you can just use any recipe or even a store-bought cookie or brownie mix that takes a stick of "budder".

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.

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