Withdrawals From Soma, Morphine, Xanax, Oxycodone - Help Please (Page 11)
UpdatedI have been in pain management for years, lost my doctor along with other patients, and primary won't fill or says she can't and messes up my progress to get in new pain management in time. Now I'm losing Soma, was 3 times a day, now I have 7 tabs left. Was on 45 mg of morphine 3 times, oxycodone 15s and xanax 5 mg 3 times a day. Which she said she can not write for. Why, if she knew or thought this pain clinic was prescribing more than standard, did she never say a word until i had to go to her in desperation for this? Your primary that has to refer you and get info to get into a new pain clinic, I have very serious health issues no one is dealing with, I feel alone and suicidal. I even told my doctor and the old pain clinic staff that left, and not a bit of help, yet they know i have a history of heart failure, bleeds in brain from pain issues. No one cares, our country is falling apart and i asked again today for something for bp and high pulse, got nothing for it but a nurse, they did not send in the info two times that could have had me in pain management by now, and in having the colostomy i had to postpone since I wont do it with out pain mgmt on board. Today they cut me back more 1 soma for a few days then no more, oxycodone 10mg 3 times to be cut on mon again and morphine cut from 45 3 x to 3o 2 times. All i can do is cry and sleep then cry more then no food, not drinking, feel horrible, and have lost desire to live and fight. These doctors put all on others and not one seems to care or no what to do with all of us real pain patients. I just want to die at this point for i am so tired of suffering and its only going to get worse. I feel so bad for all of the posts i have seen and know im not alone. All i see is the same four walls every day, go no where and before i felt i had some reason to fight and live to fight cancer and even cancer doc can not help get you in pain mang. They said today it will take at least 8 weeks to get in and ill be dead then or out of meds in a stroke etc. That is my biggest fear. Have had 3 bleeds in brain from this and pain is no joke. The nurse said today we all are paying for those that dr shop and are addicted and i said i thought even addiction is a matter that needs treatment. They counted my tabs. I take drugs panels, did nothing wrong and most of my pain is caused from docs that did botched surgeries and cancer and injury from accident. I dont no what we all can do or if there is hope but it does not do good to ask on this site if someone knows where to get meds. Its not just docs its insurances companies and pharmacies. It's all getting way too much and hard for even a well person to figure out. I am ready to go home to my maker and wish he would take me soon. I am so tired of the lack of proper dr care in our country and its so sad i feel and pray for you all i want to know who is going to be responsible when i die or end up in a stroke due to this. Xanax withdrawals will be the worst too for i had them before for you can not sleep to escape the torture and they only get worse with time unlike opiates most docs dont seem to know this. I guess i have heart rate of 139 now and bp 200 over 133.
Oh, sweet grandma pat. I just ran across your post and my heart breaks for you! I went through the same thing 4 years ago. I know the feeling all too well and when I couldn't find a physician to help me with what my past dr put me through I tried to commit suicide and my son found me. So, I did what I could to do anything to feel better, and started taking opiates. Well, that did it for me (I dont advise anyone else to try that) I was hooked but healed, so if you have to pick being suicidal, nauseous, scared, anxious, and at the end of your rope or being able to perform daily tasks, I picked being a drug addict. It started small! Little did I know when I didn't have that I was just as sick, so I got sick and tired of having a pill, powder, or anything else controlling my life, and I heard of this stuff called methadone to get off of the opiates. Well, that was a hell of a ride. Rules about anything could change daily and I felt like the dr just wanted to see how high they could take my dose up. I started at 60mg and ended up at 280mg. I'm sure people will say that's not much, but methadone is found to be therapeutic at 120-160mgs. Getting off of that, sorry granny for the word but was a b****! I'm now clean for 26 months, so it can be done. My writing this was not really to get into my story, but if you ever read these, please known someone cares and understands. Best wishes to you grandma pat.
I am a man of age 66 one in severe pain wondering when I will be kicked out like you it seems to me that those medical pain providers some times enjoy putting people in severe pain willfully knowing all the suffering they are causing you and your loved ones. I found that my only hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ and I am believing for healing of this spine problems I have. I pray for you to receive your healing. Christ Jesus is the only real physician and can heal it all, no matter what it is even raise the dead. Read James chapter 5 and Luke chapter 11 and apply the promises of God. If you are not a child of God you can be it is a free gift attained through FAITH in our Lord Christ Jesus. May God bless you
If you're gonna ng to try to detox, you might ask your doctor for some clonadine and some tramadol, she can write for both of those.Nothing is going to make it easy but, these will make it easier. Get some immmodium for the diarrhea. I know it not what you want to hear but other than methadone it's about all you can do.
Thanks for your help and info. I am in Colorado so I can buy recreational or medical marijuana. I will probably buy at the beginning, but then I want to grow my own. I still need to do more research to find out how marijuana interacts with some of my other medicine and health problems.
I'm so sorry for u...I'm going thru so much pain from pinched nerve....take 6 15mg zit a day...3 soma a day and still I suffer to the point all I do is cry...I feel as though I can't go on like this....no one cares...i understand ur pain and an so very sorry....no one should have to suffer like this...what state r u in
SUE: I am also in Colorado. I would suggest High Level Health as a good place to get quality bud for a good price. That's where I go.
please advise to CBD product and thank you.For I'm in severe pain from PMR similar to fibro also botched knee surgery
Grandma Pat,ive detoxed in the past with Tylenol#3 and Flexeril of course Lomotil or immodium.i see this a very old post but May God bless you and help you.This I pray.
Corporations have been playing this game for ever. One of our VPs got caught cheating the government, now all of us have to take a TiNA (truth in negotiations Act) course and pass it each year. There are 30,000 people paying for one man's mistakes.
This is the same childish and Type A attitude by our government. Remember we elected these butt heads!!!!'
It's not right and not our fault people overdose cause their true drug addicts. Now I have to suffer cause I can't find a pain mgt doctor to give me the meds that help cause of this opioid problem. I'm sick of hearing about it. It's not my problem
Chris, you are so right, I have personally spoken to the government higher ups, they feel opioids is not the answer for chronic pain. I have gone round and round with these people. Every time I tell my pain doctor this isn't fair he replays with "life isn't fair". Screw him, we all no what works for us, we are screwed. Whoever responded to an earlier post of mine, I don't care what you say, I am telling everyone from speaking with the drug task force we eventually will all be cut off, or at best lowered to such low doses. I have been arguing with these jerks for so long. I never failed drub panels. I have been cut down on my dosage. It's not just one doctor telling me, it is many, opioids will soon be a thing of the past. We need to find other things, I have used Kratom, it helps, you just have to try different strains. Good luck everyone.
What is CBD? I live in Ohio where can I get some? I have never heard of this
SUE, MM: CBD is a compound in marijuana that is being used for pain relief, anxiety, seizures and many other conditions. The THC has been removed, so it doesn't get you "stoned" like traditional MMJ. It can be purchased in and shipped to all 50 states. It comes in all different forms, from oils to patches to smokeable "wax" to edibles to balms and rubs. There are a lot of questionable CBD products out there, so here are the ones I use because I KNOW they work:
'cwhemp' carries oils that are put into food, or just under your tongue (which is how I do it).
'highlandpharms' carries a smokeable "wax" product, that I smoke in an "E-cig" type pen.
CHRIS: Then maybe you should leave. This is obviously not the forum for you. Bye, Chris! Buh-BYE!!!
chris, not to be rude but it is sorta all of our problem because we are all suffering. We all are trying to help each other regardless who caused the problem.
I think you may have misunderstood the post Chris made. To me it sounded as if the problem that people are having with over dosing is not his issue and he /she is tired of hearing about their issues. That he/ she is suffering now and can not get proper care because of the addicts out there that take advantage of their medication because they would rather abuse it than use it legitimately what it is intended for. Now that is merely how I took it.
Pain survivor, yes Chris is fed up like I am. Sure we all are but the fact is because of the addicts we all are paying the price. It just isn't fair and the opiate epidemic isn't getting any better. The answer of cutting us off of our meds is certainly not the answer but it doesn't seem like the DEA Or anyone really cares about us.
Ask your doctor about taking marijuana (in pill form). I had spine surgery fusion 17 screws and fused from my hips to my ribs. I later got a stem cell (my own stem cells) in Mexico and that removed all my pain. Good luck
MM: Another fact is that as of 2015, 80% of opioid addicts started off as legit pain patients, and were GROSSLY over prescribed very addictive substances by careless doctors. Now that the government is cracking down BECAUSE of these bad doctors, we are all going to suffer. Of course there are several elements to this, several areas to place blame. But let's place a lot of the blame where it belongs, which is with the doctors and the pain clinics who were handing out these dangerous drugs like candy with no regard for the consequences. Well now the bill has come due, as they say, and these same unscrupulous doctors will be the LEAST affected by this mess.
KK, yes what you are saying is true, and that is exactly what I was told by a government employee, only she put the blame on doctors not turning in their peers for overprescribing. Regardless who the blame belongs to, and there are many, the fact remains we chronic pain patients are suffering, I have had a headache for weeks, not able to function and falling under a major depression, it is hopeless, at least for me, I could see me maybe one day sticking a needle in my arm just to get some relief, that scares me, but yet I am not living so what difference does it make anymore!!!
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