Withdrawals From Soma, Morphine, Xanax, Oxycodone - Help Please (Page 12)
UpdatedI have been in pain management for years, lost my doctor along with other patients, and primary won't fill or says she can't and messes up my progress to get in new pain management in time. Now I'm losing Soma, was 3 times a day, now I have 7 tabs left. Was on 45 mg of morphine 3 times, oxycodone 15s and xanax 5 mg 3 times a day. Which she said she can not write for. Why, if she knew or thought this pain clinic was prescribing more than standard, did she never say a word until i had to go to her in desperation for this? Your primary that has to refer you and get info to get into a new pain clinic, I have very serious health issues no one is dealing with, I feel alone and suicidal. I even told my doctor and the old pain clinic staff that left, and not a bit of help, yet they know i have a history of heart failure, bleeds in brain from pain issues. No one cares, our country is falling apart and i asked again today for something for bp and high pulse, got nothing for it but a nurse, they did not send in the info two times that could have had me in pain management by now, and in having the colostomy i had to postpone since I wont do it with out pain mgmt on board. Today they cut me back more 1 soma for a few days then no more, oxycodone 10mg 3 times to be cut on mon again and morphine cut from 45 3 x to 3o 2 times. All i can do is cry and sleep then cry more then no food, not drinking, feel horrible, and have lost desire to live and fight. These doctors put all on others and not one seems to care or no what to do with all of us real pain patients. I just want to die at this point for i am so tired of suffering and its only going to get worse. I feel so bad for all of the posts i have seen and know im not alone. All i see is the same four walls every day, go no where and before i felt i had some reason to fight and live to fight cancer and even cancer doc can not help get you in pain mang. They said today it will take at least 8 weeks to get in and ill be dead then or out of meds in a stroke etc. That is my biggest fear. Have had 3 bleeds in brain from this and pain is no joke. The nurse said today we all are paying for those that dr shop and are addicted and i said i thought even addiction is a matter that needs treatment. They counted my tabs. I take drugs panels, did nothing wrong and most of my pain is caused from docs that did botched surgeries and cancer and injury from accident. I dont no what we all can do or if there is hope but it does not do good to ask on this site if someone knows where to get meds. Its not just docs its insurances companies and pharmacies. It's all getting way too much and hard for even a well person to figure out. I am ready to go home to my maker and wish he would take me soon. I am so tired of the lack of proper dr care in our country and its so sad i feel and pray for you all i want to know who is going to be responsible when i die or end up in a stroke due to this. Xanax withdrawals will be the worst too for i had them before for you can not sleep to escape the torture and they only get worse with time unlike opiates most docs dont seem to know this. I guess i have heart rate of 139 now and bp 200 over 133.
KK, I just saw your post about the CBD. WHICH WORKS BEST, THE OILS OR SMOKEABLES? Does it really help? Thanks.
I disagree. I was never over prescribed by my PCP or Pm dr...and I lived in a rural area and in Las Vegas...not FL or those other states whom had the epidemic..the problem lies in the fact we had careless drs and lying patients. Legitimate patients don't dr shop and don't request meds early and don't sell their meds either...but as a result of some bad drs in the US and bad patients we all will now suffer...I didn't ask to have chronic pain. I do therapies amongst my med mgmnt and if you have a decent dr who sees you making an effort they will prescribe..and I moved to a state that took me over 100 drs being looked at as a junkie, because illicit drugs are an epidemic in WA State. So now if I get my rx I have to fill for narcan even though my dr doesn't see the need for me to have to pay for it, when he knows if I need my meds I take them and if I don't, I don't take them.
CJ, Marinol is the name of the drug you are referring to.
Marinol Details
MM: It does work for me for certain things. For example, you mentioned your chronic headaches. I have been a migraine sufferer for over 20 years. As you probably know, it's really hard to get rid of a migraine once you have one, but when I take CBD drops twice a day, I get WAY LESS migraines than I used to. So it seems to work well as a preventative. Those would be drops that I put under my tongue. I also get relief from smoking CBD "wax" in an e-cigarette type pen. I do that more for sleep and pain from Fibromyalgia.
I posted the two products that I use in that other comment. It didn't post the actual link addresses tho, so Google CW Hemp for the oil, and Highland Pharms for the wax. The product I buy from Highland is called CBD 750 Wax Crumble. I also add a product to my order for an extra $10, called Terpenes. I get the Sandman one for sleep, and add it to the E-pen at night before bed. (DO NOT put the terpenes under your tongue, they are to be smoked) You will see this below the listing for the Wax Crumble.
BTW, the Charlotte's Web oil is named for a little girl named Charlotte Figi (Google her) who had debilitating and very difficult-to-treat seizures that were greatly reduced by using CBD oils. They LITERALLY gave this child her life back.
These products aren't cheap, but a little goes a long way. And with the oil, you need to take a small bit daily and get it into your system for it to be effective. If you are only buying CBD, with no THC in it (THC is what gets you "high") then it can be shipped to all 50 states. I hope this helps.
KKH, thank you so much for your info. Would something like this come up in drug panels? My pain doctor is a weirdo and said he would never prescribe MM, and if I ever showed positive I will never get a dr to help me.
I'm so sorry for u...I go to my ruetologish and he give me 6 15mg oxy and 3 soma per day...my pain is horrible...he will not give me morphine for nights so I don't sleep and I think he's gonna cut me...Ur body gets so used to these meds u need more and more...I am depressed because of pain....get to a good pain clinic asap...methadone works best but can not find a doc to prescribe it
MM: I don't know. My pain clinic fully works WITH mmj, so it being in my UAs isn't a problem. Let me see if I can find out.
Get yourself some KRATOM ASAP! It will not come up in drug panels. It is similar to MM. but it's not a drug. It has been banned in a few states. But PLEASE trust me, it will at the very LEAST cut withdrawals by 75%. I got cut and cut and cut on my meds. To very little. This gets me through 2 weeks of nothing. Just Google "kratom for opiate" and read up on it.
SSQ: While Kratom may have been effective for you, it is, indeed, a "drug". Just because something doesn't come up on a drug panel, doesn't mean it isn't a drug. There are THOUSANDS of drugs that don't come up on standard drug panels.
I am not saying it works for everyone. But it sure helps a heck of alot. And NO...IT IS NOT A "DRUG" do some research . It is not synthetic, does not make you "high" it is a member of the coffee beans family. NO DEATHS CAUSED BY IT ALONE...EVER!!! We have more deaths per year from energy drinks, and asprin.
Ssq, Kratom is a Drug. The DEA is in charge of regulating drugs, among other things.
"The DEA Changes Its Mind on Kratom": uspharmacist.com/article/the-dea-changes-its-mind-on-kratom
Same has happened to me, cut me off of my only quality of life. Tomorrow I go see my a**hole pain management clinic - they cut me from 5 a day Oxycodones down to 2 a day over night. Well I stayed at 5 a day so they cut me out, but he will get a piece of my mind.
kkh thanks for the info, I am definitely going to try this, I am becoming so more depressed since my doctor has cut me down to such a low dose of meds, I live in Ohio, we have that jerk Mike De Wine who is behind cutting our meds. Ok , now I have a question, since Michigan is legal for mm I can get it of course from someone else, they told me they can get me anything from gummy bears, edibles whatever, first I have no clue what to get and another thing is what it will cost me, I am assuming a number of us on here are on disability and I don't even get by with my $$ for the month so I need to no what would work the best. Thanks
I 100% agree with you on the Soma. I have taken many medications for my chronic pain in the last 10 years and Soma was one of them. When I would take a Soma and a Vikoden at the same time I almost felt out of control. I have been off Soma for a few years now. I do not believe it should be prescribed as a muscle relaxer let alone at all.
I just picked up a script today for soma I am a bit scared cause I used to have issues big time
Soma is the only muscle relaxer that I wasn't allergic to, I mean highly allergic to, or made me feel like gabapentin where I felt I was floating and not present. If a whole soma is too much get a pill cutter and only take half. Wish you ladies the best and to seriously try just half of the pill! I'm here if you need me.
mm, in order to obtain medical marijuana legally, you will have to wait until the Ohio Board Of Pharmacy decides on the rules and fees. Medical marijuana and the documentation required to get it in other states is not cheap. I doubt it will be cheap in Ohio.
If you are given a drug panel and show positive for THC, you can lose your doctor and may have a difficult time finding another one that will prescribe your meds. If you can find one at all.
I suggest staying on the oxycodone and OxyContin. Hydromorphine will make you constantly tired.
BL, yes I understand everything you said, but I am at the point if I have to obtain something that will help me rather then go deeper into a depression I would rather get the mm. Do you have any answers to what I should do? I am sick and tired of being sick and tired!!!!
SSQ: Yes, it is a drug. You can "downvote" my comment all you want, but you are wrong. No need to get snippy about it.
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