Is Soma A Narcotic And Does It Show Up In A 12 Panel Urine Drug Screen Test (Page 8)
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A 'legitimate pain patient' should know better than to judge the pain of others.

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I am a long time heroin addict and am prescribed 30 days worth if suboxone at a time.

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I go report on the 21st of June... I took 1 soma & 1 phenergan... I want to know if this will show up???

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I took the Suboxone strips to end my addiction. It did not work on helping my pain at all and I almost od'd on the strips. If you don't have any pain I would say they probably work, but anyone knows you can't prescribe an addict more than a day's worth at a time. As far as the soma, if your scared it's going to show then try real hard to not take it. Good luck and may god be with you in your recovery.

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actually tramadol is an opiate. a very weak, schedule 4 synthetic opiate, but an opiate nonetheless.

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It is a class a narcotic now but there are no actual narcotics in it!! I took it for years I work in medicine and never failed and/or was asked about it! That was few years ago so unless they changed how they make the drug I think ur good!! Just so you know tramadol is also a classified narcotic with NO narcotic in it! They simply change them to make it harder to get bc they have a tendency to become addictive and if u take the soma on regular be cautious when u stop it can cause very violent seizures!! Good luck!!

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It all depends on how in depth the test is. When I test with my subutex doctor, it shows up. When I tested with probation it didn't. So??? I would say yes to be safe. The more "panels" they do, the more likely u will test positive. So my final answer is PROBABLY

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Just wanted to know as of now is soma on a urine drug screen I know it's a dip stick test and done on like 10 seconds just not sure if it will show up. I have crushed discs and dislocated hip from motorcycle accident. Soma and tramadol r the only drugs that work for extreme pain. I don't take anything harder since I'm in the medical field and need to focus so I only take at night bit I have to order it online causes dr want five script for soma only
Tramadol. Don't have a clue he has medical info bit doesn't believe in soma. But I do. It works. Just wanted to know of this drug is know tested on drug panels.

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not sure about ultram. it seems like i was given ultram a long time ago for my back, but it wasnt very effective. thats how it goes though, when u are a heroin addict. doctors see that in your chart and they wont give u anything that is actually effective. u know, OPIATES!! unfortunately i have been largely unable to find anything effective for my back that isnt a narcotic. which i cant use. u know what gets rid of back pain instantly? i nice shot of heroin!!! also vicodin, codeine, etc. all of which are off the list so......anyway, i do know that benedryl is one of the things i take when in opiate withdrawal. with heroin withdrawal, there is runny nose, watery eyes and sneezing. i mean sneezing your head off to the point of vomiting. pleasant huh? dont know if u experienced that stuff when u were in withdrawal. so it of course the benedryl is good for that. and it is relaxing so it can help u sleep. did u know that most of those over the counter sleep medications like unisom? the main ingredient in a lot of them is diphenhydramine, which is the generic name for benedryl. they will either be diphenhydramine or another ingredient that also starts with a D, but in dont remember how to spell it. as far as robaxin? that is methocarbymal (sp?) which is a muscle relaxant. in the old days, the opiate detox center i went to would give us robaxin in our cocktail of meds to help with the back and leg pains of withdrawal. so thats definitely what its for. they gave us the robaxin, clonidine which is a blood pressure med (helps with the racing heart, anxiety, not being able to sit still and what i call the heeby-jeebies), benedryl for the runny nose/sneezing, either darvon or librium (general anxiety and sleeplessness), and this stuff called donnatol for stomach/diarrhea. so thats the little 'cocktail' they would give u to try to keep u from climbing the walls and puking your guts out. heroin withdrawal aint pretty, my friend.

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I just had a urine drug test, sent off to a lab, and yes SOMA shows up.

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Thank u KKH! Went to my new Dr today (he runs the treatment center I detoxed in) and he gave me Attarax for anxiety. I guess it is like Benadryl but used for anxiety caused by something like PAWS. I laughed at the thought (antihistamine for anxiety) but then did some research & found it is specifically indicated for anxiety. I tried it and it helped today. We will see tomorrow, at least I know I won't have any allergies cropping up (I actualy don't have any but you can't be too safe-Lol). Next question- anyone have any advice/input re: Tramadol/ultram. People tell me it is a very effective non-narcotic, etc, pain med and others tell me it is addicting and in the same class as soma without the powerful withdrawals. Someone else suggested Robaxin (never heard of it).

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Found out that SOMA did show up in my drug screen, as a benzo.

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The anxiety u are feeling could be what is called post acute withdrawal syndrome. A lot if the symptoms u had during detox will drag on for a while. The anxiety u are feeling, is it all the time? Or does it come and go? Like one minute u are fine, and then suddenly...anxiety! My Dr. says that stuff can last quite a while, even up to a year? I have 109 days clean from heroin, and I feel good for the most part. But some nights I have anxiety and can't get to sleep, or I will have the restless leg stuff, or hot/cold flashes....not all the time and totally random. Its that PAWS stuff. It gets better over time, so try to be patient. I would give it some time before going to get on yet another medication. See if it gets any better over time.

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Apple- I ham a 45 year old who was never a drug or alcohol (still don't drink) user until 3 years ago I was diagnosed with a legitimate disease which is debilitating & horribly painful. Until 8 weeks ago, my former Dr (who was very prestigious) prescribed 75 mcg Fentanyl Patch, the 10/325 Norco AND soma 2 pills 3x day over the prior 3 years. The Fentanyl patch worked wonders, Norco gave me energy but no pain relief & agitating, and the soma worked great Except- they were instantly habit forming. My Dr told me "soma is not addictive, you won't have any issue with these, take 2 3x/day & if u need a few at night, go ahead". To make a long story short, my tolerance grew quickly and I was taking more and more thru the day. I tried to stop but I had a physical dependency and withdrawals started immediately when I tried to taper down. Eventually, I was taking enough to kill an elephant. Soma may not be a narcotic but it does metabolize in the central nervous system as a barbiturate!! I have no knowledge of it showing up on a screen but I'm surprised it doesn't show up on a screen. I sought medical help to detox off the meds and am no longer taking any controlled meds or Soma and I live in pain, however, my Dr was able to prescribe safe meds (some surprisingly really worked!!!) and I am trying to maintain. (One thing they haven't found a safe med for is my clinical anxiety which developed after detox- advice anyone?)

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Im on a court mandated treatment program in NJ called SODAT, will SOMA show up on my u/a? I don't know what kind of test they use, I would assume a 12 panel, but im not sure. Ive seen all kinds of answers on here, if anyone is POSITIVELY sure they know the answer to my question, PLEASE let me know....

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ya, i had no idea that it would show up on a test, but BAM there it was. when you say "they changed it..." who is "they"? just wondering. my doctor is pretty up on this stuff (being an addiction specialist and all) and he insists its not a narcotic. so im curious as to where u saw/heard this?

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Soma is now classified as a narcotic they changed that last year. I have been on soma,Percocet and oxytocin for several years due to back surgery and rheumatoid arthritis &Iam random ddrug tested at my Dr and yes it shows up on that test so I would assume it does on others.

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i honestly dont know about a hair test. i have never had anything but urine tests as far as drugs go. i know that stuff can stay a long time in hair tests, but as far as what can be in there and what cant, i have no clue. anyone out there? hair test?

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Will soma show up in a hair test

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no actually it ISNT a narcotic. its a muscle relaxer with mild sedative properties. i take it for my back as i have sciatic nerve problems. it is also mildly sedating and will help u relax/sleep. it has a similar feeling to vicodin in that it gets u relaxed, but not exactly the same. i take one to one and a half as needed and do not use it to "get high". when i take only one, i dont "get high" but it does help me relax a bit when i am having the sciatica pain. but then that may just be the feeling of it taking away the pain rather than the pill itself getting me "high". i am a heroin addict so of course it takes some pretty strong stuff to get me loaded when compared to heroin. it will not show up on most drug tests, but if your doctor/PO/judge does a 12-panel test or more, it may show up. it would most likely show up as a benzodiazepines. u stated that u have muscle and nerve pain, and that would definitely be the type of problems for which a person may be prescribed this drug. the brand name is soma, and the generic name is cardisoprodol. let me know if u have any more questions. take care.

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