Adderall Forums

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Adderall Backorder 1965 REPLIES
Adderall manufactured by Teva not working 1387 REPLIES
Best Generic Adderall Brands 741 REPLIES
Difference Between Adderall And Amphetamine Salts 686 REPLIES
New Generic 30 Mg Adderall Xr (all orange w/ R 3061 on them) Not As Effective 198 REPLIES

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I take generic Adderall 20 mg for narcolepsy and there is not one local pharmacy that has it in stock. I have never had this problem before. The pharmacies are saying that it's on backorder from the manufacturer. Is anyone else having problems getting their scripts filled? ## I live in Southern NH. I can't find a pharmacy anywhere around here that can get Adderall in any dose from Teva and Barr Pharmaceuticals. My psychiatrist was apparently completely unaware of this situation when he wrote the prescription earlier today, 10/18/2011. I run out in 4 days but am on a very low dose (5mg twice a day) so I may be able to wean off of it safely by cutting back to 5mg once a day, then nothing. I wonder how many people taking higher doses are going to have major problems with withdrawal...

1965 REPLIES Updated

Walmart tells me every month they are out of stock on Adderall. ## Pharmacies are limited as to how much of each controlled substance they can order and have on hand each month. Once they run out, they cannot order more, until the next month. It's really just a matter of trying various pharmacies to see who may still have it in stock. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, insomnia, nervousness and anorexia. What area do you live in? Perhaps someone that lives nearby can suggest a pharmacy. ## Does anyone know what pharmacy has 30 mg Adderall generic in Atlanta, GA (30016)? I cant find it. ## I can't find adderall in the Woburn, Ma area. I always went to CVS, but they keep saying...

14 REPLIES Updated

please share your experience with this never seen before, less effective drug that two different pharmacy's have given to me in last two months. they make me fall asleep! ## Hi shaun, When you switch brand names or manufacturers, the drug itself doesn't change, but rather the binders or fillers that they put with it. Certain "inactive" ingredients that may or may not be present in each brand, are actually detrimental to how the drug is metabolized and used by your body. Because everyone is different, your body may respond favorably with one medication and not the other (even if they're both Adderall Xr), due to how you feel or based on whatever side effects present themselves. Although I haven't taken this medication, I can say that they probably have an array of...

198 REPLIES Updated

Camber's new generic for Adderall IR 15mg is no good. Prior to it I got 10mg Adderall from CVS and it worked great! Just got a fill from Kroger since CVS was out of stock. The brand is from Camber and not only does it not work, it makes me feel unwell, sleepy and super irritated. It’s crazy how companies are able to differentiate in their generics like they do. This Camber brand just makes me want to go to sleep but I feel so unwell it’s hard to. I can’t focus at all on anything but how sick I feel. Don’t take this new stuff people and if you have what did you think? ## Generic medication can vary up to 20% in strength from the name brand, so one could be 20% weaker and another 20% stronger than name brand, so that’s a huge difference. Please complain t...

132 REPLIES Updated

I am not sure how Mallinckrodt's generic products (quality) are in general, but if you take generic Adderall IR, it is horrible! Very weak, with an obvious lack of efficacy. Does anyone here have feedback on how Mallinckrodt's Adderall might compare to other drug manufacturers? ## What are the markings on them? Sometimes the manufacturer listed on the bottle is a licensed distributor, but sharing the pill imprint would enable others to double check on this as well as determine how the various inactive ingredients (binders/fillers) compare to other brands or generics on the market. Mallinckrodt Specialty Generics Product Catalog (1) Mallinckrodt Specialty Generics Product Catalog (2) Mallinckrodt Dextroamphetamine Saccharate Med Guide PDF (3) NIH Drug Monograph for Mallinckrodt G...

32 REPLIES Updated

Are these tablets Adderall, and are they a good brand? I also heard that they may be discontinued. Is that true as well? National Drug Code: 53489-0570 ## The yellow MP 447 30 mg is in fact generic Adderall. Has anyone tried them yet? These were just dispensed for my usual prescription. NDC: 57664-647 / 53489-570 Inactive ingredients: - Crospovidone - Magnesium Stearate - Cellulose, Microcrystalline - Povidones - Starch, Corn - D&C Yellow No. 10 Ref: DailyMed ## Even if someone does report their experience with these as being good, it doesn't necessarily mean that you'll end up having the same reaction. We all react/respond differently to the same meds, including the various binders and fillers in each tablet's composition. So my suggestion would be to try it for yourse...

66 REPLIES Updated

Today I picked up my 20mg x 2 daily adderall IR Instead of my usual adderall made by teva brand i was given a new type that I have never had before... It's supposedly a newer generic version from Lannett pharmaceuticals. It looks just like teva accept it's a lighter shade of peach color and it doesn't have that sweet flavor. It's more chalky like..its early evening and I decided to try one two hours have gone by and still nothing. Humm my question is has anyone else had the opportunity to try these newer version of adderall 20mg from Lannett pharmaceuticals? I will come back in a hour or so and give an update..oh i read a different blogpost and have read that some actually liked it better than teva brand but wished for the sweet taste but they claimed to like it so let...

110 REPLIES Updated

I've tried and used Teva/Barr, Lannett, Core pharma, AURO (worst imo), and now just got Rhodes. Not sure if Rhodes is making me spacey, sleepy, anxious and low energy, bloated, headache. All are often indications that the active ingredients are meh. There are so many manufacturers out nowadays, it's a revolving door and it's adding to the already difficult challenges many people have experienced since the pandemic. Lordy. Rhodes? Anyone? ## How are you doing taking the product from Rhodes, now? Has there been any change? The FDA considers all generic medications to be therapeutically equivalent. They warn that Adderall carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, anorexia, mood changes, and anxiety. Ref: Adderall Informmatio...

71 REPLIES Updated

Epic Pharma Adderall does not seem to work at all no matter the dosage. Anyone else experience this? ## I haven’t tried this one. I try to only get Teva because the other ones don’t work well for me. Please report this to the FDA medwatch. You can do it online. They may be bad like the Aurobindo brand. ## We are all different, so which manufacturer's products work for each of us may differ. Adderall is a stimulant medication that is most commonly used to treat ADHD, shift-work sleep disorder, and narcolepsy. The FDA warns that it carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, nervousness, and insomnia. Ref: Adderall Information What other manufacturer's products have you tried? ## I just wanted to add I recen...

18 REPLIES Updated

Can someone please advise me on what to take when you are stressed (between Xanax, Adderall and Oxycodone)? ## Well, certainly don’t take the Adderall. Oycodone is for pain. Xanax will work for stress management in the short term. Bet in mind that we’re talking about addictive, controlled medications. Your doctor would Not be happy with this. But, Xanax will work for anxiety. ## Shaun, Adderall is for those diagnosed with ADHD not for those looking to abuse it for a temporary high and to avoid their daily anxieties. Please stop abusing drugs and go to therapy.

2 REPLIES Updated

I recently filled an Adderall prescription while I was in Mexico and they are little white round pills with a bold "LN" printed on one side. Are these a legitimate brand of this medicine? ## I've done some research and the problem I've found with these pills is that people have purchased small, white round tablets with the bold LN marking as various medications in Mexico. There are posts online listing them as Phentermine, Adderall, Xanax and several others. This isn't the first time this has happened and I doubt it will be the last. However, in light of that, no I have no idea what these are, but I certainly wouldn't trust them to be Adderall. ## So there is no way of finding out what pill it actually is... I took it and it felt like an "upper" (an amphe...

14 REPLIES Updated

Hey guys. Most of us are probably in the same boat--our Adderall doesn't work and it's horrible and we can't function well and it's bull**** and we all know that, but there are other threads/forums to vent frustration. We need a thread with the basics to help us all get going again or to know what to avoid (even though that seems like all of them these days, ha.) PLEASE POST THE FOLLOWING: 1. MANUFACTURER OF YOUR RECENT ADDERALL PRESCRIPTION 2. XR OR IR? HOW MANY MG? COLOR/SHAPE/IMPRINT? (if possible) 3. ***PHARMACY NAME*** AND MONTH/YEAR OF SCRIPT 4. YOUR LOCATION (if you are comfortable with that) 5. SIDE EFFECTS/SYMPTOMS. GOOD? BAD? Generally speaking, chain pharmacies use the same manufacturer at all of their locations throughout the country and that will make it eas...

114 REPLIES Updated

Which is the better generic company? I just got GLOBAL and they are like taking sleeping pills. I'm sleeping 20 to 24 hours a day for days. If I didn't need to pee, I might never wake up. Can any body help me before I go back to sleep? ## Ive never heard of anybody falling asleep on adderall thats really weird....ur the first one i heard of that slept on them...maybe its intensifying another medication u take. I would talk to a doctor and tell them it done a friend like that u dont have to say u done that...goodluck ## Everyone is different. Been taking it for 15+ years and still have different reactions with the many brands or foods/drinks. Magnesium is another . Maybe get ir not the xr. xr drags the dose out over time. I hate the XR for this reason. Maybe its time to up your d...

13 REPLIES Updated

I live with a questionable character who I have caught red handed taking my meds from me. I am prescribed amphetamine salts 30 mg xr, generic for adderall. They are orange and clear capsules filled with orange beads. The time I caught him I found that he had taken the pill apart and ingested the beads, then put the pill back together so I wouldn't know...really sneaky. I am worried that he has been stealing from me again. I got a lock box and have really been trying to monitor and count my meds and I noticed one was missing, which was really suspicious. I think he also has been pulling the pills apart and putting them back together again...I am noticing that there is some irregularity in the pill appearances; namely amount of beads inside (though I have heard there is a margin of er...

6 REPLIES Updated

I am very concerned and confused about why generic Adderall brands are so all over the place!! I usually get Aurora brand and I'm fine with it but last month I got this corpharma brand crap, it made my stomach ache and gave me a headache! It was terrible. Back on Aurora brand and I feel better again but wtf is up with this BS?! I'm thinking about having my dr write no substitutions on my script and just pay for the name brand adderall. I've tried it in the past and it is by far superior. Motivation, concentration, and energy are all together with minimal side effects. Anyone relate? ## Yep, it's a huge problem (variation in effectiveness) and it's gotten worse over the years. Main problem. With generics the FDA allows up to 20% difference in the "main", activ...

47 REPLIES Updated

Is the round pink 30 mg Adderall generic name Sandoz/Eon with the markings of CDR 136 on one side more or less effective than the oval orange 30 mg Adderall generic name Barr/Teva with the markings of b974 on one side and 30 on the other side? What is the most effective/potent Adderall that is generic and 30 mg? ## Certain "inactive" ingredients that may or may not be present in each of these brands, are actually detrimental to how the drug is metabolized and used by your body. So it's quite possible that you may respond favorably with one medication and not the other (even if they are the same drug & same dosage); mostly due to how you feel or based on whatever side effects present themselves. Have you taken either one of them yet? I'd probably suggest giving them e...

741 REPLIES Updated

Has anyone else tried the white octagon M 20 Adderall pill? Also, why is one pill described as 5 mg and the other 7.5 mg? Are they still the 20 mg the doctor ordered? ## A white eight-sided pill with [M] on one side and "20" on the other reportedly contains 20mgs of Amphetamine / Dextroamphetamine. (NDC 00406-8893). If your pill doesn't fit this description, then it may be something different. Does your tablet have any other markings outside of the capital M? Also, what shape is your pill? For verification, the manufacturer is listed as Mallinckrodt. Inactive Ingredients: - Microcrystalline Cellulose - Silicon Dioxide - Povidone - Stearic Acid Ref: DailyMed I hope this helps add some level of clarification. ## I've been taking 30mg generic Adderall for 17 years. They hav...

4 REPLIES Updated

I have been taking Adderall for many years and I've never noticed a smell or taste. However, my most recent Rx (same generic manufacturer as normal, Mallinckrodt) has a *very* strong smell, like a multi-vitamin, and terribly disgusting taste. I even took it back into the pharmacy to make sure I wasn't losing my mind, she agreed but couldn't figure out why. They are the white, Dextroamp-Amphetamin 15 mg tab. Has anyone else had this issue? ## I am not sure because I refuse to take that one. They’re SUPER weak compared to Teva. ## They don't change the drug - they reformulate the drug... ## Can you elaborate because I noticed that with the 20s and for the record I'm currently prescribed Vyvanse, but sometimes switch back to Adderall and the 20s seem to work bette...

8 REPLIES Updated

I have a prescription for 20 mg Adderall IR and my generic options are Aurobindo, Teva or Sandoz. Which one of these would you recommend? I've read posts that say Aurobindo is the worst but seems to be the one most pharmacies are pushing (or stock) right now. My script is for 90 pills so I can try 20 mg a day or cut one in half and try 30mg/day to find what works best for me. I'd appreciate any feedback. Thanks. ## It may be a challenge tell you which one will work best for you, since we are all different. For example, I've always done well with Teva medications, but someone else may feel the same about the ones from Sandoz. I am also rather indifferent to the ones from Aurobindo, no results to brag about but also no complaints. Also, since the Hatch-Waxman act of 1984 was p...

23 REPLIES Updated

I am a 100% disabled veteran and have been on pain management for about 13 years. (80MG METHADONE daily... yes for pain, 6mg HYDROMORPHONE daily for break-through pain, 1.5 mg day CLONAZAPAM as sleep aid/anxiety and 1200 mg day GABAPENTIN for servered nerves,. I have been ADHD since childhood and none of the meds I am taking helps with the inability to function as a cognitive goal achieving, motivated person. I am habituated to my Narcs and am not affected by the typical side effects, nor do I experience euphoria, and I do use my meds as prescribed. My V.A. Doctor has referred me to mental health for evaluation and perhaps an ADDERALL prescription. I AM CONCERNED about the Adderall affecting the effectiveness of my Opiates to work as well as they still do for pain relief. Will the Narco...

4 REPLIES Updated
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