
This page contains the most recent discussion threads pertaining to Laxative, as well as a list of all of the drugs falling within this category.

Laxative Overview

Laxatives, purgatives, or aperients are substances that loosen stools and increase bowel movements. They are used to treat and prevent constipation. Laxatives vary as to how they work and the side effects they may have. Certain stimulant, lubricant, and saline laxatives are used to evacuate the colon for rectal and bowel examinations, and may be supplemented by enemas under certain circumstances. Sufficiently high doses of laxatives may cause diarrhea. Some laxatives combine more than one act...

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Recent Laxative Forums: RSS Feed

Use of softovac

I am using softovac (bowel regulator) daily night 1 spoon, are there any side effects of forming stones in pancreas etc? ## Softovac is a laxative that contains: cassia fistula 0.5 gm, fennel , ispaghula 2 gm, liquorice 0.25 gm, senna 0.75 gm WIth those ingredients, it is a supplement, rather than a medication and the side effect profiles are not studied for it. The only thing regularly reported is some abdominal cramping. However, you should know that if you use it every night for a long period of time, your body may become dependent on it and if you stop using it, you may be unable to have a bowel movement without it. Is there anything else I can help you with? ## Sir, thanks for the reply. As I am using 1 spoon regularly in the night from last 2 years. Last 15 days back I had a treat...

Updated in Senna
How Long Does Linzess Stay In Your System

How long does it take for Linzess to be completely out of your system? ## From what I could gather, Linaclotide (Linzess) doesn't remain in your system very long at all. According to a study on, the parent drug (Linaclotide) completely degrades to its metabolite within 30 minutes, with a first-order half-life of only 3 minutes. [1] source: PubMed / PMC3638410 That said, my understanding is that Linzess should be completely out of one's system within 1-3 days easy. However there are other important variables outside of the half life that may prolong or otherwise have some sort of impact on the estimated time frame. Hope this helps! ## How long does it take on average for Linzess to get out of the body? ## I am 115 lbs and I feel the effects of Linzess for at least 2 days....

Updated in Linzess
Linzess and strange dreams

Has anyone had any realistic, but odd dreams upon just drifting off to sleep? I just started the 290mcg. Took it 2 days in the AM...nothing, just more bloating but it did help some with the pain. However after reading up some, and considering my work schedule, I thought I should switch to a bedtime dose. WELL...Its working now! But thats ok! I think most of us agree after suffering with being back up for years, hey, whats a lil diarrhea. Problem is, I awoke...well tried to..from a most horrific dream, right upon drifting off. Im usually not a vivid dreamer. Anyone else have this AT ALL? ## Hello, Kris! How are you? Yes, others have reported having this happen, while taking Linzess and it's actually fairly common with most medications, since they often have a direct effect on brain c...

Updated in Linzess
Linzess & Parasites

To whomever was asking about Linzess and parasites I am having the same experience. And it hurts. Check out Worm Queen Kim or mrsrogershood on TikTok. Doesn’t talk about this but a ton of information on parasites. It’s a nightmare. I had a parasitic infection in 2019 and no one would help me. I had to start a cleanse myself and that was brutal. I won’t even say what I used because I would be terrified for anyone to try it and do it wrong. But finally I saw a Haitian doctor and she treated me and then I changed GI docs to an Indian GI doc. Not because he was Indian but because he had treated my pastor for a parasitic infection. But he completely understood because in India it would be odd to never have one. And he treated me. I don’t know. I feel like maybe it nev...

Updated in Linzess
Linzess has destroyed my hair no more

Has anyone had the problem with linzess changing the structure of their hair. My hair wish shopping and healthy when I started taking linzess. ## Hello, Pam! How are you? Almost any medication can cause problems with the growth of your hair and nails, since they are fed by dead cells in our body, thus anything that could affect our cells, can cause problems with our hair and nails, according to NIH studies. Other side effects as listed by the FDA may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, bloating, and diarrhea. One of my blood pressure/heart medications has caused my nails to become very brittle, so they crack and break very easily. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Hi I have been taking a few months & starting today I'm done !! Texture change & drier & ...

Updated in Linzess
Jevity 5.1 Side Effects and mucous

Has anyone experienced extreme mucous in nasal passages and throat from using this product. The label says it is suitable for those with lactose intolerance but I seem to be having cramping and constipation and so much phlegm and mucous that I can't sleep nights. It contains milk which can be contributing to the problem. I do have sinus problems but I do not have an infection or a cold. This has been going on since I started the Jevity. If anyone has any info please pass it on to me. Thanks. ## Have you consulted your doctor about it? This is a nutritional supplement product, so it isn't really evaluated for side effects, as is done for something considered an actual drug, so unfortunately, this site doesn't have a lot of information on it. Therefore, I really think talking ...

bethel 30 diet pills to purchase

Is there a website to purchase bethel 30 diet pills? ## I lost 15 pounds in 3 weeks. I tried the fast 30 pills with the senna 1300g. Didn't follow the diet. People notice a lot of weight loss on me. ## [Editor's Note: We cannot verify the safety or efficacy of Bethel Nutritional Consulting. As such you should take proper measures to ensure your own safety concerning this or any other product. We are not affiliated with this product in any way.] ## tengo sobre de 50 libra y quiero bajar por lo menos 20 ## I lost 15 pounds in one month on this Bethels30 day diet pills. I love them I recommend them to any one who wants to loose weight. Even tho! I didn't do there diet I still seen results. ## tried to lose 15lbs for the last 6 months Walked everyday 4at least a...

Updated in Senna
linzess prescribed to help with weight loss

Hi! My Dr. Gave me linzess to help with weight loss. HOWEVER, I am reading all the posts about horrible weight gain, I am confused!!!!!!! ## Hello, Twinckle! How are you? This medication isn't intended to be used for weight loss, it's actually used to treat chronic constipation. It can cause diarrhea, which could result in weight loss for some, as reported by the FDA, but it can also cause abdominal bloating and distention, which has caused many to think they were gaining weight on it. Can anyone that's been on it chime in with their experiences? ## Hello, Linzess can certainly be prescribed for the purpose of weight loss! People do not understand how medications can treat multiple...repeat MULTIPLE conditions, diseases and illnesses. Botox is FDA approved to also treat head...

Updated in Linzess
Does MiraLAX Raise Blood Pressure

I've never had a blood pressure issue and since taking MiraLAX for a week for constipation my lood pressure was 166/104! Could it be the MiraLAX? ## I double checked the side effects, both the consumer and professional listings, but I didn't find anything about it causing hypertension. Ref: (MiraLAX / Polyethylene glycol 3350) MedlinePlus "The effect of stimulant laxatives and polyethylene glycol-electrolyte lavage solution for colonoscopy preparation on serum electrolytes and hemodynamics": However, I think you should consult with your doctor for an exam and further testing, because while it isn't listed a side effect or reaction, other users have reported experiencing this from MiraLAX and their blood pressure went back to normal when they stopped using it. Did yo...

Updated in MiraLax
Konsyl Discontinued

It's true, I can't find the original formula at all, anywhere. Our pharmacist said they are not making it anymore because people want the orange flavored products. Konsyl Original Formula is the very best product out there, pure and simple, and I can't understand why the Konsyl corporation is stopping production. A very stupid move on their part. ## From what I have been able to find, it is listed as still being available, and has not been discontinued. But yes, some people do prefer the flavored products, however, my mother-in-law uses one that isn't flavored, she just mixes it with orange juice. There are many others that are also available that contain the fiber, without flavoring, they just might be under generic names, rather than Konsyl. The FDA warns that it may c...

Updated in Konsyl

Laxative Medications (125 results)