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How long does it take for Linzess to be completely out of your system? ## From what I could gather, Linaclotide (Linzess) doesn't remain in your system very long at all. According to a study on, the parent drug (Linaclotide) completely degrades to its metabolite within 30 minutes, with a first-order half-life of only 3 minutes. [1] source: PubMed / PMC3638410 That said, my understanding is that Linzess should be completely out of one's system within 1-3 days easy. However there are other important variables outside of the half life that may prolong or otherwise have some sort of impact on the estimated time frame. Hope this helps! ## How long does it take on average for Linzess to get out of the body? ## I am 115 lbs and I feel the effects of Linzess for at least 2 days....
Has anyone had any realistic, but odd dreams upon just drifting off to sleep? I just started the 290mcg. Took it 2 days in the AM...nothing, just more bloating but it did help some with the pain. However after reading up some, and considering my work schedule, I thought I should switch to a bedtime dose. WELL...Its working now! But thats ok! I think most of us agree after suffering with being back up for years, hey, whats a lil diarrhea. Problem is, I awoke...well tried to..from a most horrific dream, right upon drifting off. Im usually not a vivid dreamer. Anyone else have this AT ALL? ## Hello, Kris! How are you? Yes, others have reported having this happen, while taking Linzess and it's actually fairly common with most medications, since they often have a direct effect on brain c...
To whomever was asking about Linzess and parasites I am having the same experience. And it hurts. Check out Worm Queen Kim or mrsrogershood on TikTok. Doesn’t talk about this but a ton of information on parasites. It’s a nightmare. I had a parasitic infection in 2019 and no one would help me. I had to start a cleanse myself and that was brutal. I won’t even say what I used because I would be terrified for anyone to try it and do it wrong. But finally I saw a Haitian doctor and she treated me and then I changed GI docs to an Indian GI doc. Not because he was Indian but because he had treated my pastor for a parasitic infection. But he completely understood because in India it would be odd to never have one. And he treated me. I don’t know. I feel like maybe it nev...
UpdatedHas anyone had the problem with linzess changing the structure of their hair. My hair wish shopping and healthy when I started taking linzess. ## Hello, Pam! How are you? Almost any medication can cause problems with the growth of your hair and nails, since they are fed by dead cells in our body, thus anything that could affect our cells, can cause problems with our hair and nails, according to NIH studies. Other side effects as listed by the FDA may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, bloating, and diarrhea. One of my blood pressure/heart medications has caused my nails to become very brittle, so they crack and break very easily. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Hi I have been taking a few months & starting today I'm done !! Texture change & drier & ...
Hi! My Dr. Gave me linzess to help with weight loss. HOWEVER, I am reading all the posts about horrible weight gain, I am confused!!!!!!! ## Hello, Twinckle! How are you? This medication isn't intended to be used for weight loss, it's actually used to treat chronic constipation. It can cause diarrhea, which could result in weight loss for some, as reported by the FDA, but it can also cause abdominal bloating and distention, which has caused many to think they were gaining weight on it. Can anyone that's been on it chime in with their experiences? ## Hello, Linzess can certainly be prescribed for the purpose of weight loss! People do not understand how medications can treat multiple...repeat MULTIPLE conditions, diseases and illnesses. Botox is FDA approved to also treat head...
Chronic constipation with 40-50 lbs weight gain... Linzess works with explosive diarrhea within an hour of taking it but doesn't seem to resolve the problem. It makes me go from feeling 9 months pregnant to 6 months pregnant. Also have a new side effect of the drug (or the constipation) which is acne on my shoulders and back. Tries lots of otc remedies and natural remedies with no luck. Dr gave me linzess and like I said it works but not completely. The 145 dose seems to work while the 290 did not, so i went back to 145 and same results. I am fit. Used to do 1000 sit ups a can't manage 20 due to the bloat and weight gain...frustrated and worried. I am a big guy...6'7"...should be 230# but am weighing in at about 280# which has been increasing over the past 6-7 ...
Hi all! I'm new here, but not new to constipation... However, I only got my first *prescription* medication to treat it a week ago when my new PCP finally related enough to my digestive woes and the frustration that comes from years of living through the futile cycle of Miralax, MoM bombs, evil teas, and throwing my hands in the air. She gave me samples of Linzess (low and high dose) and thoroughly educated me on how to take it properly, along with a fair warning to remain near the bathroom those first few days. Honestly, I was pumped! And I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I've taken, and stored, this medicine correctly because I was all in on making this work, as gruesome as those first days might be. But alas, radio silence. I started with the low dose a week ago (a Wednesday)...
I just took my first dose of Linzess 145 and like the others posted...within 2 hrs of taking it (I took it on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast) I had noticeable bloating and gas within an hr and it was working full on within 2 hrs. The entire experience seemed to work itself out within 3.5 hrs. Very unpleasant 3.5 hrs but now everything seems to have calmed down. Not ideal..but can Linzess just be taken every few days? 2-3 times per week? If it always has this effect it seems I would be able to manage calendar to allow for the time it needs and still be able to fully function the rest of the time. ## I was told by my gastro to take it when I need it. If you take it daily and it gives you diarrhea and you are purging your large GI tract to the point water comes out after, the...
I'm confused (since my doctor did not clarify).... I've been taking Linzess for 2 months. Is this a forever pill? Do patients typically have a set amount of time or trial time to see if it's working for them... Just unsure if I should continue with this or if there's an end to taking Linzess in my foreseeable future. It has helped. Having insurance issues / billing claim issues so I haven't been able to go back to the prescribing doctor. Also since being diagnosed with IBS-C, I went gluten free and I'm having success with the stomach cramps. Any info would be greatly appreciated. The Rx ran out today... which means I would be technically stopping it cold turkey tomorrow. Not sure this is a good thing or bad. Not really wanting to stay on it forever anyways though...
Hello. I forgot I had taken a pill earlier and just took another, will this hurt me? I have been on this medication for a while and just totally forgot I had already taken one. Thanks! ## Were you ok in the end? I'm getting tired of it not working and am considering doubling my 290 dose so I'd like to know what you experienced... ## A single occasion of a double dose could possibly mean an increased risk of it's typical side effects in that moment; but I have my doubts that anything serious or long term would manifest as a result of this one time mishap. However, I too would be interested in hearing how things turned out for you Liz? Hopefully all is good! Have any other patients here had a similar experience on Linzess? For any newcomers on this medication, I see there are ...
My morning readings have been below 140, but after taking Linzess they have been anywhere from 170 to 267. Does Linzess raise blood sugar? Anyone else have this issue? ## While it isn't listed as a side effect by the FDA, users have reported it. You can see details on the research here. Typical side effects are listed as possibly including nausea, abdominal pain, flatulence, decreased appetite, and dehydration. Ref: Linzess Information Are you checking before, or after you take the Linzess?
I was on Amitiza 24 mcg twice a day and Miralax was switched to Linzess 3 weeks ago. I am having so many issues, feeling lightheaded a couple hours after taking it in the morning and very bloated and have not had a normal BM. A few days without anything and then diarrhea. I think I am going to switch to before dinner and take Miralax before bed. What is the opinion? ## This medication should be taken in the morning, at least half an hour, before ingesting anything else. The Side effects that you've experienced are listed as being normal ones, according to the FDA, you may also experience nausea, and stomach pain. It is not as effective, if taken later in the day, after you've already eaten throughout the day, so it is best to follow the manufacturers instructions. Is there anyth...
I have been taking linzess off and on for a few months. The first few times it worked great, but now it just makes my belly rumble, then I have to push to get anything out and it's still hard. ## Hi I agree.The first week I was on linzess it work to well vut it still helped but now that im back on it its been two days and still nothing.. what did you do or why is it my stomach just rumbling but im not going. ## It should be taken as prescribed by your doctor, which is usually daily. Additionally, it needs to be taken with water, on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before eating or drinking anything else. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, abdominal cramping, bloating and diarrhea. Does anyone else have any advice or ideas that may he...
I have had IBS-C for over 35 YEARS having only one bowel movement every 6-7 days. Good thing I had my own bathroom in my office. When you do not have regular bms you forget the last time you went. I have to keep a calendar. My dr gave me a prescription for 72 mcg. It took a week to work and it totally emptied me out for hours. At the end it was just brown water coming out. Since then I have been going 4-5 days before having a complete emptying out with severe explosive diarrhea. I wondered if maybe I can empty the capsule out and only take part of the med a day? Yes it is good to go but when you have to put diaper rash cream on you because it is so explosive I kind of wonder. I guess it is better than not going. Also has anyone before Linzess had bad stomach aches because you did not go...
A warning: Took 145 for 3 days and ended up with a 2 litre min BM of mostly water plus dehydration and low sodium levels on day 4. ## Unfortunately, that is a possible side effect, it works too well for some people that take it. The FDA lists its other side effects as possibly including nausea, stomach pain, headache, and bloating. Ref: Linzess Information How are you feeling, now? Have things improved?
Been on Linzess 145 for 2 months. Was having lots of allergy issues-hives and itching on scalp, runny nose, sinus pain, extreme fatigue. Also shortness of breath and heart palpitations. Hadn't had major allergy attack in months but thought that was what was going on. Steroids, inhaler, Benadryl no help. Started paying real close attention to symptoms and realized I never woke up with hives, they always appeared about half hour after Linzesse was taken and improved by end of the day. Stopped taking it and 48 hours later no hives, itching or sinus symptoms. Still dealing with fatigue. It did helps constipation problem although I came real close to more than one accident. Not worth the side effects. Has anyone else experienced any if these symptoms? ## Hello, Brenda! How are you? I...
I started Linzess 145mcg 9 days ago. Only had one bm. Called Dr she said take 2 pills at a time and if that works she will call in the higher dose. Took this morning before bed. (I work nights 7p-7a) I have had stomach pain all day. I haven't been able to sleep or get comfortable. I've had rumbling in my stomach, gas and an extremely hungry feeling with the 145mcg dose but no pain. It's been 8 hours since I took the 290mcg dose. I just ate something and I feel a little better. I read that I should take Linzess 30 minutes before eating but I usually don't eat until I get up in the afternoon. Could this pain be a result of not eating with the higher dose? ## Hi Krischris1, Sorry to hear about your situation. According to the manufacturer, you are right that it is recommend...
I was just prescribed Linzess for my IBS. I am wondering if others on this medicine have experienced wieght gain? ## Actually, since it usually causes gastrointestinal side effects, including diarrhea, it's usually known to cause the opposite problem of weight loss. You should also be informed that some people develop serve, ongoing diarrhea, so you need to watch out for that and contact your doctor if it happens. Learn more Linzess details here. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I've gained 4 pounds in 3 days since I started taking Linzess. I am on weight watchers so I count points so I know it is not my food intake. I don't usually fluctuate in pounds so I think it's the new meds. I am still taking Miralax but it doesn't seem like either are working. I loo...
I've been on Linzess for about a week now and the bloating is unbearable. The medication has produced several BM's and I had severe diarrhea the first two days on the medication. The diarrhea has subsided but the bloating continues to get worse. I is painful and it looks like I am 6 months pregnant. My clothes don't fit anymore and I can't find any helpful solutions to the distention. Has anyone had these similar symptoms and do they typically go away? ## Hello, Kristy! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem you're having. Yes, that has been reported by many people and is a known side effect as listed by the FDA. You may also experience weight changes, nausea and dizziness. Can anyone that's taken in chime in on whether or not it's gone away as your bod...
Just prescribed linzess by my pcp , took it for 2 days with no results . My doctor directed me to take only when needed! Which contradicted the prescribing info! I have had problems for over 20 years , have tried everything and still no luck! Any suggestions would be appreciated! ## Hi Jill, I was diagnosed with Colonic Inertia and I am unable to have a bowel movement on my own. I started with the low dose of Linzess and it did nothing. Then my Gastroenterologist ordered the higher dose and I could not stay off the commode as the diarrhea was terrible. I am now back on the low dose and it seems to be causing severe diarrhea. I would give it more time and see what happens. If I do not take it I become so bloated and have a lot of flatus and nausea. You can also try Phillips MOM at night....