Casanthranol + Docusate Potassium
Category: LaxativeRelated Brands
Drugs with the same active ingredientsPopular Topics
Are there any Casanthranol Docusate Sodium products available in the U.S.? ## Unfortunately, I'm not finding the Cas...
What are the side effects of Potassium Cl? ## My grandmother has been prescribed this medication (Potassium CL) and has ...
I was taken one 10 MEQ of potassium once a day. Now they tell me I need to take 50 mg a day, but I called the pharmacy a...
potassium cl 10meq er capsules ## What is this medicine for? ## I take it because I have a potassium deficiency. ## I ta...
i am having muscle weakness in my legs and can't stand for long periods of time. i lose my balance easily. is this n...
Is there a difference in Potassium Citrate ER 10 MEQ Tab and Potassium Citrate 540 MG SA Tab? ## Hi John, Other than the...
My doctor prescribed these pills for me for 10 days twice a day but didn't explain if I had to avoid certain foods a...
Potassium ## I need further information regarding Cal ~ K DIN # 00525162 ## This is a just a supplement that is prescrib...
I can take 2 & sometimes 4 depending on how much muscle cramping I'm having. All I do is itch!!!! ## Hi Mike, Ar...
I am currently prescibed klor-con m20 potassium supplements. I pay 100 dollars for 100 tablets. Is there any where I cou...