Muscle/nerve Ache With Eliquis And Niacin Or Statin (Page 6) (Top voted first)


Since starting Eliquis, I have felt much stiffer and sore in the mornings and during the day with muscle tightness in my neck and back affecting my upper arms. A general sense of early aging that is unpleasant. Anyone else with these symptoms?

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Re: Dee (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on xarelto fir 3 months than eloquis due to dizziness and pain. Now my hip is badly effected. X-ray says severe arthritis. Which I knew but also crystals like gout and liquid cysts in hip joint. So sick of how I feel since blood thinners!!! No Drs can explain.

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At first on Eliquis my back was very stiff...gradually it went away in several months...I used to have a lot foot pain before taking seems to have improved after taking it. My cervical neck arthirits and upper body pain however seems worse...not sure if, it's Eliquis or from auto accident injury several years ago.
Seems like missing doses and screwing around with dose times makes bruising worse too. Try to stay regular...I have been on it since October 2013..

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I also experienced body aches and pains with Eliquis. Initially I had pain in my shoulders, neck, arms, and hips. I could barely get out of bed in the morning due to the almost paralysis like feeling. Also I could not sleep well due to the pain. I stopped it for a couple of days and took some Aleve and felt totally pain free. I tried another time to take the Eliquis and had the same pain but only in my neck, arms and shoulders. I stopped it once again and took Aleve but it's not helping all that much and I have been off 5 days and still have pain, not as severe. It still interrupts my sleeping though. I am worried I many have some permanent damage from it.

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I have been taking Eliquis for almost a year . l noticed low backache, neck, Leg and muscle aches and lack of energy. I thought it was just me working to much. Have Dr. Visit soon

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To Judy: I cut back on Eliquis ten days ago and felt better almost right away. I took a half dose during that time. Now I'm off it completely and hoping for the best. Exercise has helped me, but the aches and pains are still with me, just not as bad.

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I got off warfin, took xerelto, too much itching, now, I'm on eloquist it's been one day, I'm a new diabetic after reading all this I'm going to change back to warfarin, the side effects sound terrible the only reason I got off warfarin was the food choices for being a diabetic I don't need any aches and pains to keep me from moving.

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Most definitely, all of these reported symptoms are side effects of the Eliquis. If you ever have to have any diagnostic x-RAYS, ETC. THAT WILL REQUIRE THE DISCONTINUATION OF ELOQUIS, you will find your pain symptoms subside. This happened to me three times. By the time I reached the radiology department, I had no symptoms.

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Yes I to am experiencing same body pain and stiffness since taking Eliquis.

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Legs ache since taking Eliquis. And neck stiffness. On it for about 3 weeks.

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I was on eliquis some time ago but I don't remember the dosage. I began to have burning skin on face, arms and legs. Also had some muscle pain but didn't think to attribute it to Eliquis. My cardiologist said burning pain was not listed as a side effect but he had two other patients who complained of the dsame thing so he reported it. He advised me to stop it. Burning stopped. I've had an ablation for A-Fib and am doing fine on just a low dose aspirin daily. Anyone else have burning pain?

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I have the same started very slow and over three months it got quitepainful it hurt more when I was sitting still ive been on eliquis for appr. 4-5 mth.

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yes, Burning on bottom of feet.

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Yes, burning on bottom of feet. Also, Have pain and weakness in quadricep muscles(thighs). Also, pain in neck and lower back and hips.

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I understand fully. I have been on elequis for one year. Muscles and soreness all the time . Lower back, shoulder, and leg aches. I sometime will get blood shot eyes. I am due to have an ablation on May 19th. But apparently still have to be on a blood thinner after. Golden years are not so golden. Drugs are poison......

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I have been on eliquis for a year and four months. In Feburary my dose was cut to 1/2 and I don't feel as bad but the pharmacists said it was not recommended for a first time user of a blood thiner. I had an unexplained blood clot in one lung and no heart involvement. My neck pains are not as bad or my leg pains.If I felt as miserable as you do I would really put up a fuss with the doctor. Beside feeling miserable that medicine is super expensive and there are others.

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I stopped taking Eliques 3 months ago, because I was retaining water and gaining weight. Just took Asperin. We went on a long RV trip and I took Eliques again, not wanting to risk a stroke while out in no where. After a few days I started to get pain in my leg and my knees. Will stop this awful medication as soon as I get home again. From what I read some say it takes a while before the pain goes away. I had reported my weight to the FDA. I am certain Eliques caused my water retention and weight gain. I am convinced my leg and joint pain is caused by Eliques.That drug sounded to good to be true and as I found out it really was

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Yes I have mild arthritis but have been going to the gym 5-6 times a week for 15 years. I felt ok for 74 years old until I started taking Eliquis. My gym endurance is half what it was before taking it. It was like a switch was flipped when I started taking it. Weak leaks, much slower walking due to the leg discomfort. 45 minutes on a row machine 3-4 times a week was normal. Now if I get to 15 minutes I've done good. I have been telling the hematologist this for the past three visits and they claim it's not the Eliquis...BS. Sept 20 is the 6 months mark and the doc has claimed if doppler is ok he will take me off of it.

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Could be taking it for deep vein thrombosis, which it is now indicated for.

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I agree on all the side from Eliques, muscle pain, joint pain. just like you what can I do, had an ablation last Nov. Was great, no episodes of A- Fib Than after 5 months started to get them again, so i should be on some type of blood thinner to avoid a stroke, but what can one take??? Pradaxa, Xerelto, Eliques are all the same, do not want to be on Warfarin or Coumadin. Now taking everything under the sun that is considered to thin blood like a daily baby Asperin, Garlic pills, vitamin E, food that supposed to be good, was told that an Asperin is only good for lowering the platelets in the arteries. I am not so sure is it not the same to thin your blood??? Than that PA from my Cardiologist was pushing for Pradaxa and gave me samples. I am like you I need to be on blood thinners but what??? Would love to go the nutrition way. I am already being a Vegetarian, not for health reason, just a total animal lover, don't want any living thing have to die the so inhumane way. Just see those cattle trucks the animal crammed in there for hours on the road to the slaughter house in 110 degree weather. Just could not eat meat any more after being in a motel next to one of the holding pens. If anybody knows of something to thin your blood without those awful medication, I would be so appreciate that.

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