Muscle/nerve Ache With Eliquis And Niacin Or Statin (Page 11) (Top voted first)


Since starting Eliquis, I have felt much stiffer and sore in the mornings and during the day with muscle tightness in my neck and back affecting my upper arms. A general sense of early aging that is unpleasant. Anyone else with these symptoms?

206 Replies (11 Pages)

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Re: Neil (# 200) Expand Referenced Message

I also experienced these same symptons after starting Eliquis and was distraught over the situation. However, within a month or so the symptons vanished and I feel pretty normal now....thank heaven!

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Re: Neil (# 200) Expand Referenced Message

My advice, Neil. Get off the Eliquis, but you likely need another type of blood thinner. So I switched from Eliquis to Coumadin, and I got my life back. Talk to your doctor, but lots of them tend to deny that this is the Eliquis. Do not relent here. SWITCH, but it must be closely monitored at first.

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Yes, same here. Have been taking drug for two weeks. Have call
In to Doctor to discuss.

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Re: chris (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on Eliquis for 3 yrs. Have Fibro, some arthritis and 2 back surgeries but pain seemed to get worse after starting Eliquis. Also on a statin. So how does a person really know for sure. Mobic helped my pain but had to quit taking it when I started taking Eliquis. It’s puzzling! I don’t think there is a way to really know what’s causing the pain when taking several meds.

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Re: Bill (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I have nerve pain in back, hips and legs. Have always wondered if Eliquis might be causing it. Hard to know since I’ve had 2 back surgeries and other problems but seems pain got worse after taking it. I have A-fib and had a blood clot after back surgery. Hard to know what actually causes so much pain.

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Yes,I am sore and stiff all over my body.

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