Yutopar Aka Ritodrine Experiences (Page 9) (Top voted first)


My husband and I have had our daughter, which is now 30, tested for everything and the doctors can't seem to be able to give us a diagnosis, and things are not getting any better. My beautiful daughter has struggled and suffered so much and it breaks my heart to know that the Yutopar that was given to me, affected my baby. My daughter is the one who suffers from it on a daily basis. My second child is normal, and I did not take the drug while carrying him. I would really like to talk to all of you, something needs to be done to care for these kids that are now adults that can not cope. They sleep, eat, are extremely depressed, suicidal thoughts, learning problems, unable to conform to society, lies, bi-polar, anti-social, can't function in everyday life and with everyday problems.We need help. If anyone out there could possible contact me {edited for privacy}.

188 Replies (10 Pages)

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Re: Mdijon (# 142) Expand Referenced Message

I stopped my medications slowly. It's helping me 10p%. I will be 28 soon. And coping a lot better. But health issues are he'll. Endometriosis, need to be on depo shot. Bladder leakage since 13, I have cellulitis that now formed into sinus passage way. I have IBS..

Energy levels are always low. Never a true happy... It's rough...

Medication done worse to me. Major harm... landing me in psych wards

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Re: Meghan (# 144) Expand Referenced Message

I know hun..I wished there were an answer I do know this..most of us are having to deal with our kids who are affected on a daily basis. Sometimes it makes it difficult to do anything but that. I have searched attorneys and really had no luck ..seems they got away with the aftermath of a bad drug. I'm curious about a poster on here who is trying copper infusions. But have seen nothing else on it..and medically one can read all day and be left just confused ..I'm not a chemical engineer and to half way understand some of this you'd have to know more to get it..there's no doubt in my mind you and all these kids were not directly affected as your brains were being developed. It's more than sad and it gives me chills to know my baby has never known normal..

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Re: Mdijon (# 145) Expand Referenced Message

Copper infusions?, haven't seen that post...

What in the world would that even do

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Re: Meghan (# 146) Expand Referenced Message

I believe it's Pats daughter who was supposed to go to Dallas but she had fallen and was injured so they put it off. I've been following that to see any updates, but yes copper, she has 0 copper in her body. I had missed your other post about the health issues and wow. Now my daughter who is 34, she's tried meds for depression but it just doesn't do anything for her. She has something like TMJ but it's not. She obsessively pops her jaws. I never tied any of this into anything until I started reading all of these comments. It's social anxiety, it's a lot of things but serious health problems. I'd say reoccurring uti's. I can read very similar things here. She's had total eardrum reconstruction for whatever reason her ears have always been an issue. I've read in comments something identical. I guess you are learning to live with these things as she is...I just ran into this thread Aug of 17. No clue but I had always suspected something..and I told her as soon as I could find a way and for her to be in a level mood to read these comments. Nothing's really changed but in a way now I know why she told me several times she just doesn't feel right. None of this is right and there's not supposed to any statue of limitations on bad meds. It's needs to be protested somehow or whatever it would take to have it investigated.

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Re: Meghan (# 146) Expand Referenced Message

Read comment 120 if you can find it. PatAdkins posted it about the Copper

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Mdijon (# 149) --

I've done bloodwork and the only issues I have is my b12 and my vitamin d, due to depression and being inside.

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Has anyone heard from Pat about what was done about the copper and if anything, did it help? I’ve also read that histamine levels should be checked because problems there could cause mental issues.

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I also took this drug and have seen these traits in both my son and daughter younger two I did not take this and I see the difference!! My oldest won’t even talk to me he has some twisted thing in his brain that tells him I did something really bad to him and yet all I ever did was help and give entire family has been confused by this and reading your article today really enlightened me and Opened doors and I now wonder with all my auto immune and other crazy stuff happening to me physically if this is the cause!!

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Re: Freedom (# 156) Expand Referenced Message

Lawsuits are not working. It's too old of a case. Also I would just let him come to you when he can. The more you push the more he will run.

100% the psych medications can do damage to the brain. Thanks to 1 psych who overmedicated me. I have memory issues now...

I refuse to do any new medications. I'm done. I won't do TMS treatment. It's a fraud.

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Re: Freedom (# 155) Expand Referenced Message

I feel your pain there, my daughter literally accuses me of secretly doing things behind her back which I would never do...here lately it's every week we are talking and out of the clear blue sky comes accusations that don't make any sense...I'm just at a loss, I don't understand why. I've only tried to help her, certainly not hurt her..she's my only child. I was given Ritodrine iv in the hospital for probably a few days then switched to the oral tablets for the remainder of my pregnancy and for some reason they wanted to take her by c-section at exactly 7 and a half months. As soon as her lungs were developed they took me off the Ritodrine...she was breech also, they tried to turn her around but it wasn't happening. She also had very bad colic where she screamed her head off for 3 days which I read another parent had been through that too...odd because to me it didn't seem right.

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Can I ask a personal question from the mothers that took Yutopar? What were your ages when given this drug? I was late starting a family, finally after two miscarriages, I was almost 35 with my first child.

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Re: Meghan (# 151) Expand Referenced Message

I think a specialist did her daughter's blood work like an oncologist dept that specializes in blood disorders. I have a rare blood disorder that cannot be found by routine blood work so I understand the difference...coincidentally my daughter was already born and I had already taken ritodrine when this was found so I have no idea if mine could be related.

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Re: mig (# 161) Expand Referenced Message

I was 18 with the first 20 with the second 1984 and 1986

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Re: Freedom (# 165) Expand Referenced Message

Well, there goes my possibly the mothers age theory. Almost 35 with first and definitely 35 with second, 19 months apart.

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Re: JimPet (# 167) Expand Referenced Message

I was on Ritodrine for over 6 weeks with both pregnancies. I’m so glad that you researched this drug right away and your wife stopped taking it. I believe that it was approved for short term use only in the US. I’ve only seen posts on here from women that took it long term not knowing that it was an experimental drug and was meant to be used for short term use only.

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Re: JimPet (# 167) Expand Referenced Message

China uses still as well. I was on it for 3 months at the highest amount allowed plus medication to prevent heart failure due to the ritodrine making my heart race. This was is 2011 so we still don't know if there are long term side effects. I'm sure a little didn't hurt. But if you research also you will find that ritodrine did little to prevent early labour. Another medication option is Atosiban. They give ritodrine because it's cheap.

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Freedom (# 169) --

Thank you! But why heavy metals? I can't seem to find any in this drug...

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Re: JimPet (# 167) Expand Referenced Message

I thought they pulled the drug off the shelf... that's why no lawsuit can happen.

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Re: Cathy (# 41) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, I am so sorry...every story here is hear braking... I am from Greece and I came across with Ritodrin before a week, when my wife had a cervical cerclage at 14th week (light surgery with light anesthesia, for 40') in order to avoid preterm birth and she was administered for about 6 hours a drip (serum with Ritordine) in order to avoid contractions after the surgery at the cervix. Immediately I searched for it and found you guys and demanded to stop the medication, which did...do you remember for how long where you on the serum? Only a drip, like 1 or 2 days? I am gathering research data (updated) that will post here soon...

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Here's a more recent article about Yutopar from The New York Times. It was found to be dangerous and ineffective!


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