Withdrawals From Soma, Morphine, Xanax, Oxycodone - Help Please (Page 3) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have been in pain management for years, lost my doctor along with other patients, and primary won't fill or says she can't and messes up my progress to get in new pain management in time. Now I'm losing Soma, was 3 times a day, now I have 7 tabs left. Was on 45 mg of morphine 3 times, oxycodone 15s and xanax 5 mg 3 times a day. Which she said she can not write for. Why, if she knew or thought this pain clinic was prescribing more than standard, did she never say a word until i had to go to her in desperation for this? Your primary that has to refer you and get info to get into a new pain clinic, I have very serious health issues no one is dealing with, I feel alone and suicidal. I even told my doctor and the old pain clinic staff that left, and not a bit of help, yet they know i have a history of heart failure, bleeds in brain from pain issues. No one cares, our country is falling apart and i asked again today for something for bp and high pulse, got nothing for it but a nurse, they did not send in the info two times that could have had me in pain management by now, and in having the colostomy i had to postpone since I wont do it with out pain mgmt on board.
Today they cut me back more 1 soma for a few days then no more, oxycodone 10mg 3 times to be cut on mon again and morphine cut from 45 3 x to 3o 2 times. All i can do is cry and sleep then cry more then no food, not drinking, feel horrible, and have lost desire to live and fight. These doctors put all on others and not one seems to care or no what to do with all of us real pain patients. I just want to die at this point for i am so tired of suffering and its only going to get worse. I feel so bad for all of the posts i have seen and know im not alone. All i see is the same four walls every day, go no where and before i felt i had some reason to fight and live to fight cancer and even cancer doc can not help get you in pain mang. They said today it will take at least 8 weeks to get in and ill be dead then or out of meds in a stroke etc. That is my biggest fear. Have had 3 bleeds in brain from this and pain is no joke.
The nurse said today we all are paying for those that dr shop and are addicted and i said i thought even addiction is a matter that needs treatment. They counted my tabs. I take drugs panels, did nothing wrong and most of my pain is caused from docs that did botched surgeries and cancer and injury from accident. I dont no what we all can do or if there is hope but it does not do good to ask on this site if someone knows where to get meds. Its not just docs its insurances companies and pharmacies. It's all getting way too much and hard for even a well person to figure out. I am ready to go home to my maker and wish he would take me soon. I am so tired of the lack of proper dr care in our country and its so sad i feel and pray for you all i want to know who is going to be responsible when i die or end up in a stroke due to this. Xanax withdrawals will be the worst too for i had them before for you can not sleep to escape the torture and they only get worse with time unlike opiates most docs dont seem to know this. I guess i have heart rate of 139 now and bp 200 over 133.
It's because of the combination of drugs being taken with Soma. I went off my pain meds in order to stay on Soma. Soma was the only script that worked for me anyway. The Drs. are getting grief from the government because Soma is getting out in the streets & want to stop it. But what they don't realize that people are selling them over the Internet anyway. I have been suffering from a bad back including a failed surgery and have never asked for an increase of any meds but I wasn't allowed to get the Soma & pain pills. If your dr. Feels you need all the meds, he can argue for you so the insurance companies pay for it. But it will be very difficult these days. Good luck to all that are suffering with pain issues.
I have to reply to a few things I read here. I've had back problems for over 20+ yrs, I've tried tramadol, soma, flexeril, Ultram, baclofen, so many things and these don't do jack s***. How can u get addicted to these pills if they aren't narcitics? I took vicodin for over 17 years only 30 pills a month, 5 mg, that's it. My f***ing back still kills me. They don't want to give any opioids out cuz of all the people dying from illicit drug use when they can't get there pills like all of u complaining about it. That's why they are cutting people off. I got cut off, now I'm suffering cuz of people getting all those pills. I get nothing.
Luke I said I took 80mg of norco for 25 yrs. I had no withdrawal symptoms using kratom to quit. I quit the pills one day and started kratom the next am. No diarrhea, vomiting, nausea. I was surprised needless to say.
Probably you need to check into a rehab so they can manage your withdrawals so that you won't have a stroke! At least you would be medically monitored while coming off of all that cause there is nobody who's going to prescribe all of those meds anymore. The same thing happened to me and I was left to withdraw alone at home all by myself after taking all of that for years. I ended up laying there having epileptic fits and then had a stroke that left me unable to walk, talk, write! I worked thru it all but it took several years to get back to normal and have not taken any drugs for 3 years.
shae , when a patient takes a drug that they know can cause physical dependence and possible psychological addiction, they are accepting the risks of waht can happen if they suddenly don't have their meds. These side effects are listed on prescription bottles and in the info the pharmacy gives you when you get them filled.
I would say December 2007- August 2011 I was prescribed Soma 350mg 120 tabs a month and 60 2mg Xanax plus 120 Norco tabs 10/325 which I took until October 2013. That was when I was sick of it all and I got help. I've been on Subutex 8mg twice a day which is a replacement for the opiates and I was also prescribed clonazepam 1mg 3 times a day for my anxiety and it also helps me alot with the muscle spasms since I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. It has helped me tremendously but I'd be lying if I didn't say it was Hell when I moved and was no longer able to get the Soma and Xanax because my current doctors are just plain afraid to give me anything because of the way all the doctor shoppers have caused the government to step in and create all kinds of crazy laws which most definitely have affected the people who genuinely need them. I was certainly addicted to the Somas and opiates and Xanax and ended up in detox and rehab which I never in my wildest dreams thought would ever happen but yes the combination of meds plus the Somas would make me shake so bad that I would have tremors and I couldn't even speak. It would only happen when I took multiple Somas because for some reason I felt that the recommended dose never worked. It was absolutely no way to live unless you want to end up with Parkinson's disease or who knows what. I don't know why I enjoyed being impaired to the point where it was just pathetic because I would fall and hurt myself all the time. But I've been off them since August 2011 and now I'm trying to ween myself off the Subutex and Clonazepam because I'm only 35 years old with my whole s***ty ass life of severe suffering ahead of me. People might read this and think that saying something like that is so negative but then again I've been in severe pain since I was 20 years old because of my disease and I love alone. I have no significant other, zero friends and zero reason to care because I never got to experience my twenties and now I'm not getting to experience my thirties.
My mental health is checked regularly and I was diagnosed wish general anxiety disorder, and agoraphobia. The reality is that I will more than likely die alone in pain and I think that's why I liked taking the soma's and Xanax to the point of impairment. However, I never illegally purchased any of them because I was prescribed them. I sympathize every single person on here who is suffering in any way because it's all that I've ever known in my adult life. If I was ever prescribed Somas ever again I would certainly take them because I like you feel that due to my severe pain that they are one of the only meds that have ever helped. Its just unfortunate that they become so addicting and they end up destroying any and all motor skills and neurological function. Although I suffer everyday of my life because of Rheumatoid Arthritis I'd rather be sober because I enjoy the clarity that comes with it. Maybe it's not too late for me after all. I become very depressed anytime I discuss my addiction or downfalls. Sorry if I started rambling. The thought of taking Soma or Xanax struck a nerve as it should because my addiction to them destroyed my life while I took them. I'm still recovering and after a while you won't miss it as bad as to think.
I think it is a horrible thing to deny cancer patients their pain medication, especially when it is due to ill thought out laws, created by politicians, who want the public to think that they are getting tough on illegal prescription drugs.
This problem arose because pill mills were illegally dispensing opiate and opioid medications, to anyone, for a fee. These medications were then sold on the black market. Many people died from overdoses. As the result of sensationalized media coverage, our representatives, in their typical knee jerk reaction, wrote regulations that created a climate of fear and discouraged the legitimate use of these drugs. Now, doctors and pharmacists are afraid to to prescribe and dispense pain medication to patients who really need them!
One of my doctors just told me that he has several friends in severe pain who had been taking pain medication for years, in order to function at work and as a family member, now cannot find a doctor to prescribe their medication. Some have been compelled to relocate to big cities with hospitals and doctors that have pain management specialists. In the middle of a personal crises, they lose the support of community, friends and family. This situation is a abomination.
Some years ago, The A.M.A. published guidelines that stated pain should be treated as a primary illness, and that no patient, with a legitimate need for pain relief, should go without treatment. Now, politicians, instead of physicians, are controlling your treatment. This issue affects everyone. I implore all Americans to call or write to their state and federal representatives. Let them know that if they don't correct this situation, they will be voted out of office. Many people feel that their voice will be ignored. This is not true. Your representatives will listen and respond to their constituents. Just make sure not to use foul language or a threatening tone. If you have trouble writing or speaking, get a friend or neighbor to help.
You should know that some states, in their efforts to cut down on prescription pain medications, are worse than others. I know it is a stressful solution, but you may want to consider moving to a different state. Another solution is to hire a good malpractice attorney. It is barbaric to deny pain medication to cancer patients with a legitimate need for relief.
Many years ago, I worked as a hospital orderly It was a time when little attention was given to pain management. There were no hospices either. I used to hear cancer patients screaming, "kill me, kill me," because their doctors abandoned them after they received a terminal diagnoses. Their physicians never increased their pain medication to overcome the tolerance they had built up. I was a young man then and frequently went home weeping. It was like a scene out of Middle Ages. Now, that we finally have some insight and knowledge about pain management, we seem to be going backwards. Political expediency is taking precedence over quality medical care.
You may want to find nonprofit advocacy groups on the web. There are many groups which support people who have been denied treatment for pain. Some groups have attorneys that can represent you for little or no money.
I'm not a physician, but after reading your letter, I believe that you need to find a good attorney. At a minimum, it sounds like your health care providers have violated professional ethics. A person with treatable pain caused by cancer should never be driven to contemplate suicide. It is barbaric beyond words.
My prayers are with you in your battle against a political establishment that has no empathy for their fellow human beings.
Robyn, I just want to tell you, this is in all races and economic backgrounds, not just blacks or whites, this is an epidemic among all people, this is not about race or rich kids, or poor kids. I lost a brother 30 years ago to a suicidal overdose on coke. I did not grow up rich. It is what it is and somehow we all need to figure out how we all are going to deal with this, regardless of someone's color of their skin, or their financial resources.
I just wanted to add a response to some of the political comments. I agree with most of them, although I think the damage is not limited to a particular political party.
The war on drugs has been in operation since 1971, when Nixon declared drug abuse "public enemy number one." Notice how a complex social problem is reduced to a catchphrase of military jargon. It effectively frightens the public to the point of producing a paralyses of rational thought. But it goes even further. It implies that some drugs are so evil, they can't even be studied. These drugs were placed in class 1. All debate is cut off while effectively taking focus off incompetent politicians and bloated, wasteful agencies.
It has long been known that heroin is a more effective analgesic than morphine in terminal cancer patients. But in The U.S. it still can't even be studied. These draconian Federal laws are an attack on reason. Both political parties have whittled away our constitutional rights by micromanaging our personal lives. We are told what we can and cannot put into out bodies and what we can grow in our gardens, while our tax money is wasted on no-bid contracts. We have the largest percentage of our population in prison than any country in the world. Statistics show that our middle class continues to shrink. A brilliant economist that I once had the privilege of having as a college professor, emphatically stated that a healthy middle class is absolutely necessary for a free society. Just a glance of some countries in Central and South America prove the point. They endure a series of vicious totalitarian dictators. They also have one thing in common: they have two economic classes-- the wealthy and the poor.
A pattern of hysteria, perpetrated by those in power, is obvious. A newspaper writes a sensational article about an unfortunate drug overdose death. If it involves a white person from the upper middle class, the news machine can produce a whole series about a new great evil that supersedes all previous threats. Of course, it must be attacked and destroyed with the mentality of warfare. More American citizens are given harsh prison sentences that frequently exceed the penalties for murder. Overdose deaths in ghettos rarely even get into the media. A new fear takes possession of the public's mind.
According to Webster's Dictionary, a demagogue is a politician who tries to manipulate the public with arguments that incite emotions. For those who fall into this net, base emotions like fear and hatred block the ability to see truth, which can only be apprehended in the clear light of reason.
How long will we allow this deception? How many people will stay home on election day?
BL, NOTALLBAD and anyone else who wants to run their judgmental mouth on here: Yes of course the patient has to accept the responsibility of what might happen with these meds. But there is a HUGE difference between "getting people's doses down" and just dropping a 60 year old, long term opioid-using patient with absolutely nothing! That is completely ridiculous, unscrupulous, and a bad joke. I have two great doctors, as well as being good friends with a couple of doctors, and I tell them some of these stories on here....they just shake their heads. There is no way ANY of them would have someone on opioids regularly, and then just drop them cold turkey. They know good and well what that person is going to go through. That is completely and totally, medically and also morally unacceptable. I can't believe what I am reading here. And as FIBRO said, hopefully none of YOU will have to face something so scary and uncertain as having your doctor just drop you like a hot potato, while also knowing you will be withdrawing soon with no medical support. Because it is THAT which is breaking the "first do no harm" code on here more than anything. Shame on you for being so judgmental.
What I have found to help opiate withdrawals (and pain relieving ) is called Kratom, it's a plant that's grown in Thailand I think, so far it is legal here. From what I've read, it fills up the opioid receptors the same way opiates do so you don't go into withdrawals.....I would suggest googling it. There are different strains....I got red vein bali , I got it powder formula, I started out 1 teaspoon, but I was still suffering, so I upped it to about 2 .5 teaspoons. And honestly, I have zero anxiety, diarrhea, cramps....about the only symptom I have is cold sweats sometimes....the worst part for me, has always been the extreme anxiety, and pending heart....and those are gone. You can order it online. I got mine from coastal Kratom 2 50mg bags for 39.99 plus 4.99 shipping. Apparently it does not turn up in drug panels either, so you aren't breaking your pain contract. Not promoting any drugs here. This is a legal way to help withdrawal symptoms from opiates, methadone, etc. I've never taken methadone. I am legally prescribed opiates, but my dosages were cut in half recently, and I needed help, went searching and found this....as a way to help me through it. It is the consistency of ground cinnamon, and doesn't like to mix very well...my first time I put it in orange juice drank and drank, it floated on the sides.. gross! The next time I thought I'd just take a bite, and wash it down....I inhaled some and spit it out my nose...not pleasant. Now I just mix it in chocolate pudding. Tastes bad, but I won't choke. The 40 I spent at 2 teaspoons 3 or 4 times a day should last me 4 days. I'm going to reorder... but if anyone else does PLEASE READ ONLINE YOURSELF. I was desperate and miserable and this gave ME relief. BTW...it did not "work" like pills....I actually needed to take it a couple times and I think the cumulative effects throughout the day finally built up. I felt nearly "normal" by the end of the first day. The next morning, I woke up feeling great (3 doses through the day, 1 right before bed) just my experiences, I hope it might help someone else.
That is what they all tell you. Illicit drugs are cheaper than prescriptions. Unfortunately, people are dying off as if a case of germ warfare from Isis Isil, whatever they want to call themselves...was bombed over us. Opiate addiction is serious. I am only writing about the possible roads that a person addicted to such drugs prescribed by a physician, NP, etc. that suddenly is non-existent in regards to a patient addicted to the drugs they prescribe. If you are private pay, you would be surprised at how costly pharmaceuticals add up to.
If she knew she was being over medicated why did she not say something sooner to the Doctor, now with the Obama care act they are cutting all opiates from patients. I do not believe the Doctor is letting you go cold turkey that way, if you feel it will be to overwhelming go to hospital they will put you on something for withdrawals.
Not sure what was read into my comment. But in my state Kansas, Kratom is perfectly legal. And after reading extensively about the many strains, dosages ect. Also the effects. I purchased a small amount online. To my great surprise it did curb my withdrawal symptoms..I literally felt 90% normal. Now...it is not an opioid, and does not come up in drug panels. I am a complete believer because IT WORKS!! I bought red vein bali. I wish everyone suffering the horrible agony of opiate withdrawals would find this stuff, it is a miracle drug, really and truly, I never would of believed it, but I was desperate. They cut my dose almost in half...I ran out a week early.....I did my best. And this saved me. Thank God.
Methadone 5mgs 2 x a day will help get thru a weeks worth and belive me u dont need high doses but for xanax withdrawls they are tough you should try restoril they are sleep pills with a little bit of benzos in em to help.im sorry you have to go thru that been there and it saved me but dont mix the 2 take the methadomes for a coyple of days then try the restoril for the xanax withdrawls
Just wanna give my 2 cents. First off I'm a long time pain management patient, turned addict and been clean 6 years but stay in pain every single day now, I gave up on trying to get a Dr. to help a recovering addict that's had 6 years of clean drug panels with pain. My dr. told me, well three doctors actually, an addiction specialist and Ex methadone clinic Dr and primary doctor said for me to go get back on what I was putting in my arm because they can't write me something - Subutex is a medication that has one less ingredient than the medication I'm on now, Suboxone. Haha TN law gotta love it, I told them I'm just gonna kill myself and be back on street drugs. They just ignored me. Kinda makes you die a little already inside because they rather see you on the street or dead over a misunderstood medication that I was prescribed for 4 years and lived a normal life until they changed the law only in one state LOL but that's a long story that goes nowhere. Ok back to yours and our future. I'm very sorry your going through this but it's the reality now your just one out of god only knows how many that's gonna end up in a methadone clinic, that's if there will be any left because the age of the opiates is over, it's done. Younger people aren't even gonna know what an opiate is, and for the people that are in pain that was around for the Opiate era will either be in rehab or dead. And yes they did this to you, they built up your tolerance to Opiates little by little and out of nowhere pull the rug out from under you and now your a junkie seeking drugs when you ask for a Tylenol and this is coming from the same person that fed you 4 80Mgs a day of OxyContin along with 10Mgs of Percocet 4xs a day 2 years ago. People of the real world are in for a rude awakening. What I mean by real people of importance in the community that's in pain management. I have an aunt that's a retired nurse that's been on that same mixture and yeah she's getting the same treatment as everyone else, it's just now a problem because it's affecting people of importance but guess what they don't care at all especially who you ever are anymore. You're looked at the same as the guy covered with tattoos if you was to mutter a single word about an Op, I mean look around they don't even care for our soldiers that fought for our country. Long story short, save your self time energy. It's never gonna be like it use to be. I'm not saying this in no mean way or disrespectful at all, im just trying to save you the energy and heartache. Prayers and God bless.
Just the fact meds chat has to ask what withdrawals people are going through now shows the DEA n Gov. are a bunch of thieving, torturing murderers.
If you are having withdrawals and have no doctor, you need to go to the hospital & bring your prescription bottles with you so you can show them that you are not abusing anything. It's not the doctors but it's the government that is putting pressure on the doctors to stop prescribing. All the meds you are taking is running rampant out in the streets. But if you are having physical problems for lack of these meds, you need to get help. Go to the ER as soon as possible. Not having any medication is just as bad.
My opinion is the doctor and patients should help each other to stay out of pain.The government has no right to tell a doctor that has examined a person how and who to treat,the government I bet gets their meds for pain and anxiety is there a number or address I can call in my state to tell them what my situation is.The doctor went to so much college to harp patients.
MARYELLEN: That is good advice. Withdrawal is most definitely a medical situation, so if you need to go to the hospital, do not hesitate.
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