Withdrawals From Soma, Morphine, Xanax, Oxycodone - Help Please (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I have been in pain management for years, lost my doctor along with other patients, and primary won't fill or says she can't and messes up my progress to get in new pain management in time. Now I'm losing Soma, was 3 times a day, now I have 7 tabs left. Was on 45 mg of morphine 3 times, oxycodone 15s and xanax 5 mg 3 times a day. Which she said she can not write for. Why, if she knew or thought this pain clinic was prescribing more than standard, did she never say a word until i had to go to her in desperation for this? Your primary that has to refer you and get info to get into a new pain clinic, I have very serious health issues no one is dealing with, I feel alone and suicidal. I even told my doctor and the old pain clinic staff that left, and not a bit of help, yet they know i have a history of heart failure, bleeds in brain from pain issues. No one cares, our country is falling apart and i asked again today for something for bp and high pulse, got nothing for it but a nurse, they did not send in the info two times that could have had me in pain management by now, and in having the colostomy i had to postpone since I wont do it with out pain mgmt on board. Today they cut me back more 1 soma for a few days then no more, oxycodone 10mg 3 times to be cut on mon again and morphine cut from 45 3 x to 3o 2 times. All i can do is cry and sleep then cry more then no food, not drinking, feel horrible, and have lost desire to live and fight. These doctors put all on others and not one seems to care or no what to do with all of us real pain patients. I just want to die at this point for i am so tired of suffering and its only going to get worse. I feel so bad for all of the posts i have seen and know im not alone. All i see is the same four walls every day, go no where and before i felt i had some reason to fight and live to fight cancer and even cancer doc can not help get you in pain mang. They said today it will take at least 8 weeks to get in and ill be dead then or out of meds in a stroke etc. That is my biggest fear. Have had 3 bleeds in brain from this and pain is no joke. The nurse said today we all are paying for those that dr shop and are addicted and i said i thought even addiction is a matter that needs treatment. They counted my tabs. I take drugs panels, did nothing wrong and most of my pain is caused from docs that did botched surgeries and cancer and injury from accident. I dont no what we all can do or if there is hope but it does not do good to ask on this site if someone knows where to get meds. Its not just docs its insurances companies and pharmacies. It's all getting way too much and hard for even a well person to figure out. I am ready to go home to my maker and wish he would take me soon. I am so tired of the lack of proper dr care in our country and its so sad i feel and pray for you all i want to know who is going to be responsible when i die or end up in a stroke due to this. Xanax withdrawals will be the worst too for i had them before for you can not sleep to escape the torture and they only get worse with time unlike opiates most docs dont seem to know this. I guess i have heart rate of 139 now and bp 200 over 133.

299 Replies (15 Pages)

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Prescription medication are not running rampart in the streets. Today it is very hard to get prescription because of drug panels and state prescription monitoring programs. If prescription pills were easy and cheap we would not be seeing the huge increase of OD and deaths due to illicit drugs. In 85% of those who abuse prescription drugs never ever got them from a doctor but by a friend, party and so on. There are 10 times more people who die from smoking and 3 times more who die from alcohol related illness. When the addict does not get there drug of choice they move to something else. In this case illicit drugs. To make the issue worse the prescription pill that are in the street have been coming in from South America and China. Some of these pills are filled with Fentanyl which is much stronger then what the pills are suppose to be. Dumping the alcohol from a alcoholic never got them sober neither will severely limiting opiates. In fact the only thing that they have done is help addict get pushed to more deadly drugs and the chronic pain patient suffer. I understand there is a problem but unless this country is really willing to put money on education and rehab for those addicted the only people who will be hurt are those law abiding citizens who have done nothing wrong but suffer from chronic pain. Also those who become addicted to opiates are very susceptible to abusing other substances. It is not about the drug but the disease.

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Dear Grandma Pat: I know what I am about to say will not help you much but I also am living with stage III metastatic cancer. I fought just like you, to live. I had surgery and treatments which caused more pain. For 3 years I had the blessing of a wonderful primary care physician who prescribed what I needed to be able to continue working and caring for 3 family members. When he died I tapered myself off of Fentanyl 100mcg patches, Valium 10mg, Dilantin 100mg for seizures and Robaxin 750. I am able to survive using various herbs you can buy at a health food store. I hope you have a very good friend or advocate who can check this info out and help you. I would supply the names of the supplements but I don't want people thinking I am practicing medicine and I do NOT want to give you advice that would hurt you. Pat you are in my prayers every day and I will pledge to pray for a miracle for you each morning. There are people who love you and care for you out here in CYBERLAND.... Please do not give up.

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I still have no problem such getting my med from my primary. Most of the laws that are limiting opiates are coming from the state you live. While the CDC have come up with suggestions it has been the action of some states to make it state law. Obama care has nothing to do with it. BTW how well the Health care act works again depends on the state you lived in. My suggestion is that you look up your state laws for opiates. However one thing you can count on is that opiates are not the answer for many painful conditions like nerve pain. They just do not work that great.

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MadMan, I'm sorry to hear what you are going through but it sounds like an isolated event where you have a dr that isn't listening. However no one made you take the pills, that was at your own discretion. I don't know about you but my pain clinic would rather you not be on pills and will try and find alternative methods. With that being said I am on medication and in almost 2 years been increased 2 times. I can tell the Dr NO if I feel it is unnecessary to increase. Not every Dr is in the pill pushing business. But I have seen more than my fair share of people trying to sell medication that was prescribed for a legitimate reason they chose to make money instead. Those pills are falling into the hands of youth and junkies. I totally disagree with it but it's at these pharm parties you see overdoses and in other situations it's just flat out people who aren't monitored by a physician abusing the pills. Maybe that isn't the case where you live but that's how it is where I live. Furthermore I'd like to say I never take medication blindly. I donated a kidney and research every medication before use and see the long term effects on my remaining kidney. Maybe it's time in your case to find a new Dr but in mine I have a pm Dr that cares and if I felt like my pain has magically healed or was some how corrected she would be more than glad to start the tampering off process. I hope the best of luck for you!

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I apologize mm if it appears that I am cold and only thinking in black & white. Some people need pain meds; most do not need them the rest of their lives?

It is up to us as individuals to be responsible with our meds. At one point in my life, I was looking for illicit drugs because they stopped giving me the dosages I "thought" I needed. I asked for help to get off the meds and was fine for 3 years until cancer hit and a double neck fusion....so I have been on them again for over a year. Needless to say, I am being careful to not end up where I was headed before.

Good luck to you all!!

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I am so sorry you are going through this. I, too, have chronic pain from a back surgery where they had to reconstruct my spine with rods, plates, & screws. I went 5 years without any pain meds after my surgery and have now been in pain management for 3yrs. Last Friday I missed my appointment because I wore the date wrong on my calendar. I have never failed a drug panel, have always been a stellar patient and never have been to another pain Dr. I was on 30mg morphine 3x/day, 15mg morphine IR 3x/day, neurontin, Xanax, muscle relaxers, and sleep meds. Now, because of ONE missed appointment, they cut me off completely with only an anxiety Rx and one for blood pressure. I'm alone 95% of the time because my husband is a truck driver and I'm scared. I've never been addicted to anything in my life and, from what I've read, the withdrawals from these meds are really bad.

I've been told that kratom can help, and I only pray that it does. I was due to have a visit from my 2 year old granddaughter for the first time since she had been born because they live out of state, and now I'm going to be enduring withdrawals their entire visit. I just don't understand why the doctors look at us who NEED this medication as we're the same as those who WANT it. They don't seem to care about us as human beings. Or what something like this can do to us. I was FINALLY starting to enjoy life again after YEARS of being couch bound because my pain was so debilitating. Now I'm back to square one. Please do not give up! You are NOT ALONE in your struggles. There are MANY of us out here who understand and sympathize with you. Chronic pain is one of the most misunderstood medical issues. We aren't out here WANTING to be on these meds, we NEED them to live a life worth living. My heart breaks for you... Just hang in there.

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O I'm sorry didn't mean it that way I know I lost my dad to cancer I just meant alot of the pain mangment I no of didn't care for anyone I know alot of people that need pain meds it scares me reading where people r crying and confused I event though at one time I'd be better off dead and no one should ever feel that bad the doc need to talk with them mine never did just added another med to the list hope everyone prays for eachother

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I agree with you Devon 100%.....combo of physical therapy, yoga, meditation, hot tub, whatever it takes. My point is that the pill game is nearing an end and anyone relying on them to survive should start looking for alternatives. I was addicted for many years, had many neck & back surgeries, cancer, tumors, etc. Not an easy road after the body takes pain meds for many years. I am so much better off not taking the oxy, moriphine, percocets, etc. Good luck to you!!

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mm, in order to obtain medical marijuana legally, you will have to wait until the Ohio Board Of Pharmacy decides on the rules and fees. Medical marijuana and the documentation required to get it in other states is not cheap. I doubt it will be cheap in Ohio.

If you are given a drug panel and show positive for THC, you can lose your doctor and may have a difficult time finding another one that will prescribe your meds. If you can find one at all.

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Sue, where does it say kratom is a drug? If it were wouldn't we need scripts? I have ordered from various vendors on a few occasions. I am assuming if it were considered a drug the FDA would put restrictions on it. I too could care less if it is or isn't, all I know is it has helped me. You just have to experiment with a good quality product and different strains, just like medical marijuana. If it works and I can get my hands on it, I am going to use it. I need something when my doctor eventually cuts me completely off of everything. What is the alternative, sticking needles in our arms, I have known too many ppl die from this because their doctor cut their meds off. What's the answer? I don't have any and am so frustrated as we all are.

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Yes try kratom. It's cheap, easy to buy, and legal. Check it out. Opiate addicts have successfully come off of their meds with kratom. It takes away withdrawals of any drug.

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Copy & past this to the CDC!! Look it up on the Internet!!!! U HAVE TO TO FIGHT FOR US!! I did!!! They got a dr for to many charges for U/A's. ha ha ha ha!!! But they apparently listened?? They're the ones who r fudging this up!! Think about going out of state??? Bordering town? Use a PO box or random address. U need help. That's not legal or the pain plan. Ur to be weaned off for months, not one month...under law ur pcp has to see u if the clinic will to treat u UNTIL she sends a new referral to a new DR. Or tell her you'll turn her name into the CDC & file a report under her name with authorities!! We are suffering and dying. Oh & look up ur local gov... Send a note, letter or email that requests a written response for help!! Council members, anything.....

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SSQ: Here's what, lady; I got FOUR MORE NOTIFICATIONS FROM YOU. Now, I can only assume at least some of it is more angry, rambling insults directed at me. Since I'm not reading them, I don't know. And frankly I don't care. Your kind are a dime a dozen nowadays: "Outrage addicts", I call them. You have conniptions over some perceived insult, and COMPLETELY lose sight of the actual issue. You want to rant and rage at me because I posted information that you disagree with? Go right ahead. As I stated earlier, you will be arguing with YOURSELF on that one, because I don't need your brand of negativity in my world.

But you need to know something. The ONLY reason I am on here is to help people. As someone who was pre-med at Berkeley, who is currently involved in medical research, AND is a pain patient/opioid addict, I am in a unique position to help others. I can see the issues from all sides. I am on several threads on this site, and have been thanked COUNTLESS times for my help and advice. So your disgusting vitriol about me wanting to "sound educated" or "feel important" or whatever couldn't be FURTHER from the truth. I've commented on what you've SAID, but YOU talk like you know me or something; making assumptions about my motives, calling me a liar...really? That crap is just NOT necessary. If you want to take what I say as helpful, great. If not, then move on.

For some reason, you have indeed decided that the word "drug" has an automatic negative connotation. Well, it doesn't. At least in MY mind, it doesn't. But wow, lady... you took me simply posting information, and RAN with it. All these crazy reasons and perceived motives I must have for calling your precious Kratom a "drug"... are you serious? I actually brought Kratom up at work today, us doing studies on it, because I do think it is a great alternative for some people. So hear this: I AM ALL FOR THINGS LIKE KRATOM, AS WELL AS OTHER "ALTERNATIVE" TREATMENTS FOR CERTAIN CONDITIONS. I'm even looking into Kratom for myself. But YOU decided since I called it a "drug", which it is, that I must be against it. NOTHING could be further from the truth. That all came from YOUR mind. In fact, the lab I work with now, what I am involved in is mostly "alternative treatments" such as Kratom. Plus, a therapist and I are starting a CPA chapter in our area, and a part of what we will be doing is helping people with these "other" options such as Kratom, CBD, MMJ, herbal drugs, etc. (CPA is a 12 step-type program like AA and NA, and stands for "Chronic Pain Anonymous").

So if you could put your outrage away long enough, you'll see that I NEVER ONCE SAID I WAS AGAINST KRATOM. No, YOU decided that all on your own. I'm FULLY in favor of people getting away from Big Pharma, getting off of all these dangerous, expensive, addicting drugs, in favor of alternative drugs and therapies. ALL FOR IT.

Now maybe there's some part of "I'm not reading any more if your nastiness" that's unclear to you, because you continued to send me more comments AFTER I told you this. Don't know, don't care. You are certainly free to think whatever the hell you want about me. But all I do is read the first sentence of your comment to me, I see that it is just more angry BS, and I click "delete". And you can go ahead and NOT believe that I am involved in medical research. I didn't write that to "impress" anyone, I wrote it because it's true. Trust me, I have no need to impress someone for whom I have absolutely no respect. BUT DO NOT CONFUSE MY REASON FOR BEING HERE. I am here for one reason ONLY, and that is to HELP OTHERS. So all your vile rantings and attempts at insult mean NOTHING to me, and you certainly not going to stop me from posting information and/or advice on this forum just because YOU don't like what I have to say.

At this point, I can only wish you peace. But if you want to write more nasty comments, be assured that I WON'T be reading those either.

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Eddy, are you referring to my post? If so, I am talking about where I live and the doctors I go to, they have ALL stopped prescribing soma. I f people are going to be honest, soma helps for a few hours, then you need more and more, then mix other drugs with it, it is a dangerous mix, I no, I lived it and so did my family.

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Eddy, that is my point, my tolerance is very high, 1,2,3 soma suddenly turned in to more and more, it is very addictive, I felt so good on them, but they only work for so long. I live in Ohio, and every pain clinic here will not write for soma anymore, in my case it obviously is for the best since I had no control over them.

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I know the doctors I go to do not prescribe somas anymore, I know in my case it definitely is a blessing in disguise. Somas for me were too easy to abuse, and mixing with alcohol became a very dangerous cocktail. It numbed everything, pain, feelings, emotions, but definitely very addictive for me. I am glad the decision was made and enforced because I do believe they would have killed me.

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Sued? Reporting to board more realistic....u can be "right" about anyrhing but if there is not a golden path lined with $$ to pay filing fees/costs ( not even talking attorneys fees !!) that garuanteed leads to the garuanteed malpractice insurance pay out---no attorrney is going to "front" those costs Plus their time & office personnel & supplies for ur case!

If u have tons of $ for those things then u can put down a big retainer & maybe a newbie atty will waste his/her time...
I'm not being judgmental I'm being totally serious ! It's not whether you're right or wrong it's whether you can afford access to legal system!

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Then you must take the powderr, I cannot do the powder, I know it is the strongest but I can only do capsules, I am going to try the one you said for pain and withdrawals for sure, thanks for the tip

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Jk, Lol...but seriously relax...you're taking board responses way too seriously.

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CHRISSY: I'm a currently medicated opioid addict, so trust me, I'm perfectly relaxed. Not sure who/what "Chillax" is, but again, whatever you say. You're funny. And yes, I take this SITE very seriously, but your responses? Not so much. PEACE

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