What Is Stronger Dilaudid Or Oxycontin 40 Mg? (Page 2)
UpdatedI have been on Dilaudid for over 2 years now and I can't seem to get off of it. I'm under a doctor's care, but anyone who is on it knows it's very addicting! I think like everybody else, it's no good if you take it orally. It's only effective other ways. I always run out of Dilaudid before my prescription is ready to refill and recently I filled a script for oxycontin 40 mg to see if they could replace my 4 mg Dilaudid. However, I took 1/2 of a 40 mg. and felt nothing. An hour later I took my 4 mg Dilaudid and it seems to have worked. But they are very short lived, that's why for chronic pain they like to give these stupid time release pain pills. How many mg.'s does equal the same amount of Dilaudid? I also would like to know if anyone has ever tapered off of Dilaudid? You get really sick when you try to get off of it, really intense vomiting and stomach pain that lasts forever. I have never stuck it out, I always end up in the emergency room. All they do is give me a pain shot of Dilaudid and a prescription for it as well and send me home. They think there is something wrong with something else. I have even tried to tell them but they either don't want to get involved because I'm under a Dr.'s care or they are just stupid. I hope someone has the best kicking advice, I'd rather be straight or just be one of those once in a while users (RIGHT)!!!
Dilaudid 8mg = Oxy 40mg or Morphone 64mg but Dil is the best. I get 120 every month for $7. They must be snorted. I wish that I had a friend to share them with. I have been taking them for 3 years. Yes, you can mix them with Oxy's. I used to have a friend and we snorted a Dil 8 and then an Oxy 40 a half hour later and then a Dil 8 a half hour later and the an Oxy 40 a half hour later plus a shot of whiskey each time we did it. What a wonderful life it was. Now I just snort a Dil 8 every 4 hours. I need a friend.
I've had an interbody fusion and degenerated discs I'm looking for something stronger than oxycotten.
i was on 4 for 5 years the only thing that work for me was going on 60 of morphine the time release good luck it is verry hard to kick the dilaudid i was taking 10 a day talk about getting sick morphine works and you dont have to abuse it try telling the truth to your doc
tell your parmacist you want watson brand prescriptions
I have been on pain management off but mostly on for about 4 years now and am finally having the surgery I need to save my arm. My bones in that arm have degenreated so badly. I have no cartilage left, and the hardware after 6 surgeries is out of place, the pain is incredible. I have been on every cocktail there is. Currently I am on 8mg Dilaudid every 4 hours. It manages the pain very well. It is short acting, and that fact is obvious from taking it. I am adding 80 mg ocycontin 2-3 times a day which is longer acting. With little bone and no cartliage, and infections like cellulitis and osteomyelitis constantly the pain i experience is severe. There is no one pain med for everyone. Sadly with long term chronic pain its trying different ways and meds to see what works for you.
My tolerance is extremely high which is why I am on such high dosages. Surprisingly one thing i am grateful for, I do not experience immediate withdrawl sx. About several months after several month I experience what is known AS post acute witdrawl sx. Look it up please, it is serious and leads most people back into addiction when they think they've kicked it.
Please get some help! I was like you and the addiction will get worse. The only outcome of opiot abuse is bad. If you want to talk respond to this comment and We can find a solution. I care man!
I was just switched to Fentanyl patch, strongest doage and 30 mg morphine every 4 hours and Neurontin as well. The pain is all but gone. For the first time in awhile I am painfree. Probably the fentanyl, long acting in combination with the Moprhine immed relief. I went off the Dilaudid with no problems and feel much better with my new combination versus my dilaudid. Oxyxontinn is just now becoming available as a generic again. Most pain mgmt doctors wont prescribe it regardless after all that went on with it. My doctor will prescribe me methadone and demerol but not Oxycontin. ANyway, my whole point is the Fentanyl patch long acting withe the morphine is a GREAT combination that has kicked my pain's ass.
After a bad car accident I was prescribed percocets and quickly got addicted. I was taking the 30's about five times a day and eventually decided it wasnt worth it anymore. They were very helpful for the pain but became the biggest part of my life. I depended on them to get out of bed and withdrawl was terrible. I went to a medicated detox center that was awesome. I know people who do not have pain and dont know much about these medications say to just suck it up and quit but we know its not that easy. you dont have to put yourself through that. there are free detox/rehabs in every state so its worth it to find one. even if it's far. it's your life!! I was given subutex which is just like suboxone. I was detoxed for a total of 13 days, they slowly ween you off the subutex before releasing you. I was told I could go to a suboxone doctor and get on those but i decided not to and I DONT RECOMMEND IT!! i have friends that have been on suboxones forever and they are just as bad on those as on pills. If you want to stop try taking the subutex or suboxone for a max of 6-8 weeks and ween yourself off of them starting with whole pills, then half, then quarters and so on. Everyone feels like once off them they're sick but the fact is that we've learned to be dependant on pills and not being on them makes us not feel as good, but thats what it feels like to be normal!! my advice would be trying detox, suboxone, and finding hobbies to keep yourself busy!!
Bruce To get off suboxn start breaking the pills into small pieces and trickle down over a week or so longer if you have to. Then just stop. Maytbe your dr can give you something to help but it won't be that bad. You can do it man. Prayer doen't hurt.
Heading in for emergency surgery this week, my surgeon found an infection rooted deep in the bones of my arm and literally needs to get in there and scrape it out and pull all the hardware out. I am sure I wlll be on morphine in the hospital. My surgeon believes that getting rid of this infection which has been eating my bones from the inside out will relieve alot of my pain. No one ever caught this because a highly specialized test is needed and he had a suspicon and ordered it. If he hadnt, he said I would not have been here come Xmas. So I am hoping after surgery and the post op pain I can simply remain on hte Fentanyl patch. I dont seem to experience withdrawl, but I have a long standing prescription for clonidin in case. It works by slowing my heart and the anxiety welll.. Hope the surgery minimizes the pain and Fentanyl is all I will need until they go back in about 6 months downt the road to fuse the bones in my arm. I dont feel that after the surgery i need a short and long acting, I am sure Fentanyl will work just fine.
PLEASE READ THIS YOU GUYS!!!! I'll try to be short and quick b/c I am sincerely sympathetic to everyone on this post.....
I want you guys to remember chronic pain is a disease just like someone who breaks a leg and walks around on crutches - except it's for the rest of your life.... It's like someone bad lungs who gets bronchitis every month .... It's a real disease and you should not be ashamed that you are on pain medication to manage that pain...
At some point because prescription pain medication becamea favorite recreational drug it has made doctors and patients and society alike decide that anyone who needs pain managment is a junkie and should feel ashamed and that is ridiculous. The best thing in the world is a doctor who understands your pain, and who will treat your pain b/c your life will change when your pain is at least bearable and manageable.
It may seem like it would take forever but the best thing anyone can do is continue to try the best mix of time released and breakthrtough meds until you find what keeps your pain at a tolerable level b/c as we all know who suffer with chronic pain it's rare that we will live many moments toitally free from pain.
I also suggest you guys have confidence in yourself that you wil come through this.
THE CRIMINALLY NEGLEGENT. I hope you don't give up b/c you deserve what everyone else in life deserves - so ge ta new attorney, get anew doctor, and get some support via therapy , a psychiatrist as well as support groups, because pain shouldn't ruin your life. There are too many options out there when you have the right people helpin gan dsupporting you.
If you are in pain -- and you take a daily regimine of pain medication - you maybe physically and psychologically addicted but IT'S OKy.... you're going to be addicated for the rest of your life --- it's how you let the addiction affect you that counts... If you take your medication as prescribed and live as best a life you can tha tyou can be proud of then stand confident in tellin ganyone who looks down on you where they can stick it! You are no different than the bipolar person taking anti depressant, or socially inept taking xanex, or the person with ADD taking aderall.... Medication was made to relieve suffering and you shoudl NOT FEEL BAD to be taking what relieves your suffering.
If you continue to suffer get a new doctor until someone helps you b/c you deserve that!!!
AND TO THOSE TRYING TO QUIT... First why did you start - get to the bottom of your reasons behind your addiction b/c it's not just recreational if it's been that difficult to quit --- go see a psychiatrist specializing in addiction and you'd be surprised how much easier it will be to get off...... And cold turkey is impressive but nearly impossible for many --- try small steps that don't seem so difficult day to day to reach!!
Good luck.... i'm saying this as a 28 year old mother suffering from chronic degenerative lumbar disc that began when I was 22 yrs and has progressed to the point of almost constant pain.... I'm no where near you guys' pain as I am still only taking 4 perkisets a day and Zipsor plus IBprofen daily and it manages my pain pretty good as long as I don't sit for longer than 20 minutes at a time, I don't do thinks like rock the baby, or walk on hard floor without orthotics in my shoes, and a billion other things I've had to put in place in my daily life tohelp manage my pain --- but it does affect me every single day and I'm just sympathetic when I hear people giving up or being ashamed....
BRUCE. NY You can break suboxn into small pieces and tapper off over a long period. I did it and it worked well. The sweating is a bit of a problem but it beats the hardship of hard withdrawl.
Hey I heard that they came up with Dilaudid ER's now..go to their website
I have had blunt force traumas in car accidents 7 were drunk drivers the rest just distracted. A total of over 30. Ran over by a pepsi fork lift and it knocked me 10 feet in the air fell 14 feet onto my back off a refrigeration unit and had 3 mear fatal accidents in cars in past 18 months. People who do not live with pain that never lets up, spasms that nearly cause your bones to snap. Neuropathy so severe if affects your intestines digestion facial muscles and nerves.
Well take your politacally correct brainwashed attitude and go beat your loved ones not people trying to assist each other in dealing with the daily horrors of pain management which by the way if not treated is quite like having a heart attack or stroke just waiting in the wings. I know I was a BSRN in an ER.
Pain management is no different in complexity as is diabetes and insulin. Both can put you at deaths door in no time.
What few peole realise is that all those antidepressants are even more dangerous and in some cases you CAN NOT stop their use as it destroys your brain chemisry.
So educate yourself before you pass judgement on issues you know nothing about.
I've been on painkillers since I was 16 years old...in February I'll be 31, so it's been basically more than half of my life. It's insane how much my body can handle and still want more. I'm only 5 foot, and barely weigh 100 pounds, yet I can chew two or 3 Oxy 80's and function like a normal person. Just recently, due to a change in my prescription plan, I was forced to switch from Oxy 80's (I'm prescribed 4 pills day or 320mgs) to Dillaudid, 8mg pills (I think he prescribed about 12 pills day of those.) Although I'm not entirely out of my 80's yet, I will be soon, and I'm terrified of how I'll feel once all I have is the Dillaudid pills. I've kind of been mixing it up to get used to the transition slowly, but I'm still worried about it. Does anyone have any idea how I'll feel or if I'll be ok?
I have been taking 5 Dilaudid 8 mg a dayfor over a year know and find they have worked alot better for me than oxycodone. DIlaudud is stronger than oxycodone. 1mg or dilaudud =3.2mg of oxycodone. In my experience though I find I often run out a day or two before my next script. Just call your Dr if you do as he will issue you the next script as you can not stop taking this medication suddenly. He has to reissue it.
I need a friend myself.
I've got several medical conditions (EDS, fibromyalgia and severe osteoarthritis, I'm only 35) that put me in extreme pain 24 hours a day. Under doctor's care, I have been on slowly increasing amounts of extended release oxycontin for 8 years now and am up to 80mg twice a day (as well as Lyrica and Mobic). That may seem like a high dose and it does help the constant pain and I don't get tired or a "high" feeling from it. Oxycontin doesn't take all the pain away, I mostly live at a 6 on the pain scale. I do not like to raise my dose so I live with the pain. However, sometimes the pain gets so bad (i can hardly move without pain so bad it makes me almost pass out) that I have to take Percocet 15mg/650mg for breakthrough pain relief, but it barely helps. Instead of raising that dose or taking more, I was wondering if switching to dilaudin or something else would work better as a breakthrough medication. Any ideas or suggestions?
My friend, you are on a dangerous road! I have watched my brother and sister commit suicide because they went down the same road your post leads me to believe you are on. They could not get off. Get honest with yourself. But most of all, if you want to be an addict, don't take anyone else with you! That would be as low as someone could go. Please get help.
41, who are you talking to?
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