What Is Stronger Dilaudid Or Oxycontin 40 Mg? (Page 28)
UpdatedI have been on Dilaudid for over 2 years now and I can't seem to get off of it. I'm under a doctor's care, but anyone who is on it knows it's very addicting! I think like everybody else, it's no good if you take it orally. It's only effective other ways. I always run out of Dilaudid before my prescription is ready to refill and recently I filled a script for oxycontin 40 mg to see if they could replace my 4 mg Dilaudid. However, I took 1/2 of a 40 mg. and felt nothing. An hour later I took my 4 mg Dilaudid and it seems to have worked. But they are very short lived, that's why for chronic pain they like to give these stupid time release pain pills. How many mg.'s does equal the same amount of Dilaudid? I also would like to know if anyone has ever tapered off of Dilaudid? You get really sick when you try to get off of it, really intense vomiting and stomach pain that lasts forever. I have never stuck it out, I always end up in the emergency room. All they do is give me a pain shot of Dilaudid and a prescription for it as well and send me home. They think there is something wrong with something else. I have even tried to tell them but they either don't want to get involved because I'm under a Dr.'s care or they are just stupid. I hope someone has the best kicking advice, I'd rather be straight or just be one of those once in a while users (RIGHT)!!!
I too have chronic back pain for years & I am on Dilaudid & a number of other meds. However, I have a pump implanted so I do not have to take orally. The pump is time released so I don’t have to worry about taking too much or forget to take it on time. Supposedly they say it doesn’t affect you like taking it by mouth. I do not feel any different and do not have any side effects. My dr can change what goes into the pump & also the dosage. Maybe you should speak with your doctor about getting a pump. (Only if you have to take it all the time)
I wouldn’t do near it (again) when I was an addict 35 yrs ago I was introduced to Dilaud. I got so addicted within 90 days it took over every area of my life. My husband ODed and i would become a slave to those 4 mg pills.
They only have a 4 hr self life, well long story short many years later I wouldn’t go near them. No pills Or drug took me to my knees faster those those powerful buggers. Suggestion go on Opana or the generic hydromorphine ER extended release. You don’t get the rise and the crash. Good luck to you. They are STRONGLY addictive.
Try Kratom, a teaspoon in a kuereg reusable cup with coconut rynes to keep it from turning into cement.
Kratom can be very dangerous. Do your research before deciding on anything. From personal experience, depending on where you live, I would take CBD Oil or medical marijuana. Stay away from Gabapentin and Lyrica. Lyrica made me suicidal and Gabapentin landed me in the hospital for a month. CBD oil will also help with any withdrawals you might have. Withdrawals are the absolute worse. Best of luck to you!
“Kratom is now a Schedule 1 drug in Alabama, the same classification as heroin and ecstasy. Wisconsin, Vermont, Tennessee, Indiana and Arkansas have also banned the botanical supplement, and more states are considering the same course. The federal government, too, has worries about kratom. May 20, 2016."
Re: Wounded Angel (# 544)
Just because something is classified as "schedule 1" doesn't necessarily mean it's dangerous. If you believe the propaganda, then you probably have never taken Kratom yourself; at least from a reputable source. IMHO, calling Kratom dangerous is like calling CBD/THC dangerous. I've taken Kratom for over two years and know others who've taken it much longer than I have with only very positive things to say about it.
Just for the record, Cannabis was also classified as schedule 1 at one point - so are you going to say that THC and CBD are very dangerous? I hope not. Anything can be perceived as dangerous in the wrong hands, albeit no one has ever died from taking Kratom by itself (nor Cannabis), so sometimes we have to question why law makers decide what's illegal and what's not... It usually comes down to profit potential and keeping pharmacies happy. They don't want competition from something they can't make money off of.
OxyContin is a time released med and any time released meds don't work half as good as a immediately released med it's that plain and simple
Re: Ty (# 3)
Dilaudid takes effect very fast and there is something in it that gives you short term euphoria, that’s the addictive part. They are ALL addicting but dilaudud seems to grab you by the throat and own your soul you forget about everything but dilaudid.
If you want to stay pain free longer I agree with former posts, take an ER rxtendedbrelease and I would get off the dilauded the self life is only 4 hrs try something else.
To bad they removed some of the older ER meds the generic are terriable, you feel numb not pain managed.
Each person is different each doctor is different age, other problems like inflammation also make a huge difference. Remember these meds are hard in your heart not just your liver. Good luck. Less is more. Dilaudid is very insidious, only good for short term.
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