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Accutane long term side effects 1933 REPLIES
Accutane and Infertility 635 REPLIES
Sulfur & Cream of Tartar Wafer 157 REPLIES
poslam ointment 89 REPLIES
Mazon Cream 75 REPLIES

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I need to know if i can still buy bgo ointment? ## No, it is no longer being manufactured. We've had several people wanting to find it. Have you tried asking your pharmacist to help you locate something comparable? ## Yes, it can be made by compounding pharmacists.....only problem is that it is time-consuming to make and will cost quite a bit... ## Please tell me what pharmacy you work at. I would like to purchase some if it just like the old BGO. ## yes please send me contact for pharmiest that does the compounding for bgo ointment thanks ## Where are you located? I would like information on the making of bgo ointment ## Please contact me if you still make the BGO ointment. I have been looking for this for years. Thank you. ## please email me your contact info. my whole family woul...

30 REPLIES Updated

I am a good friend and caregiver for a man who was given the new gift of life. The down side is the side effects of this drug. 14 days after transplant he started having fluid retention and shortness of breath. It got so bad that he’s been hospitalized 31 days and that doesn’t include the transplant time. They have drained fluid from his chest and lungs numerous times. A chest tube was inserted and liters of fluid have been removed several times. He is now 10 weeks in and still having problems. Shortness of breath is so bad that he cannot do anything without oxygen. No quality of life. He also is experiencing low hemoglobin and red blood cell count. 6 blood transfusions in a month and a half. Kidney function has also been greatly diminished. Also having headaches and weird n...

Updated in Tacrolimus

Is there an expiration date for ichthammol ointment? I can't find any on the box or the tube. I've had it for quite a few years. ## Hey Dot, How's it going? From what I could gather, the shelf life of ichthammol is reported to be 2 years. And while I'm not aware of ichthammol becoming toxic or unsafe to use after that point in time, lots of meds like this can gradually become less effective, depending on storage/temperature conditions. I hope this helps! ## Thank you David, for your information on ichthammol ointment. ## I too have the same question and can't find answer from a professional. My CVS 1 oz tube has no expiration date. Can anyone help? ## It does have an expiration date. If you look on the tube towards the bottom you will see the bar code and then at the...

10 REPLIES Updated in Ichthammol

I am looking for the ingredients of BGO made by Calotabs Co of Greenville, SC years ago. My jar has long been worn smooth and can't read it. ## This product is no longer available, but from another user on our site that was asking about it, the ingredients listed on the packaging were as follows: Salicylic Acid, Sulphur, Zinc Oxid, Phenol Calamine, Menthol, Petrolatum, Lanolin and mineral oil. The only thing I can suggest is trying to find a similar product that contains the same ingredients. Have you tried asking your pharmacist if they can recommend something? ## if you have the ingredients and even a small sample a compound pharmacy can remake it for you! ## I don't know how old your jar of BGO (Beeman's Greaseless Ointment) is, but my father owned the company from the mi...

42 REPLIES Updated in Salicylic Acid

Years ago, given to each of us once per day for keeping mosquitos from biting & if they bit us, would not cause problems. ## Where can I find Sulfur and Cream of Tarter Wafers? I took them as a kid and never had any problems with bug bites and ticks and we played in the woods every day. As I got older I never had acne. I wanted to have my daughter try it, but can not find them. They were a little flat wafer about the size of a quarter and chewable. The taste was not bad at all....and a somewhat sweet. Can someone help me find this product if it exists? ## Linda, glad to see that someone besides I remembers these wafers. I still have not found them anywhere but I will keep checking smalltowm pharmicies & hopefully locate them somewhere!!! I just know they were wonderful! ## I fou...

157 REPLIES Updated in Penicillin

What can I use to clear pimples that leave behind dark spots? I've currently been using Garnier products. Please help. ## Are Retinol serums available to you? I order mine on Amazon, but I live in the U.S., and am not sure if it is available to you. It is known to help with acne, dark spots, wrinkles, and overall skin health. You can learn more Retinol Information here. ## Differin gel brand name is the Best OTC acne med that I have been able to find and works

2 REPLIES Updated in Differin

I'd like to know more about "Brevoxyl 4% creamy wash" prescribed for acne. Has anyone else tried this medication? ## When I used Brevoxyl, it seemed to start working but it made my face dry when I started the swim team. I am 17 years old. Should I use it just once a day? Also, does it get rid of blackheads and whiteheads? Will it help get rid of moderate acne and oily skin, and how long until I see results? ## This is just a brand name for Benzoyl Peroxide, which is commonly used to help prevent acne breakouts. It works by reducing the amount of acne causing bacteria on your skin, and causing skin dryness, so you experience some peeling. Other side effects, according to the FDA, may include skin irritation, burning, and redness. Ref: Brevoxyl Information What instructions ha...

2 REPLIES Updated in Benzoyl Peroxide

Can I use Benzac AC Wash 5% and then put on Persivate Cream after ? I've been using Benzac AC Cream after my face wash but over the weeks I've developed cystic pimples on my cheeks. I've tried everything and now I want to mix Benzac with Persivate, can I ? ## Hello, Zinhle! How are you? Since both have the potential to cause skin irritation, I'd suggest just sticking with one of the other. Feel free to check with your doctor, they may approve both, but usually it's better not to, so you don't compound the problem. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Balzac is good alone, don't mix it with those persivate. Wash ur face with aqueius as a soup, apply bensac as a moisturizer after applying sunscreen. At night use retinol as a night cream, but don't be ...

2 REPLIES Updated in Benzac

old remedy for skin rashes ## Does anyone know where I can buy Poslam Ointment? My Grandmoyher used to have it and it's the best. ## I am also looking for this product. From what I can tell it is no longer made but I won't give up yet. ## I am also looking for Poslam and cannot find a source. Maybe someone should start making it again. It's very effective for skin problems. ## when I googled poslam, I was offered link to ebay, antique- bottle pictures show ingredients. ## Poslam used to be made by Emergency Laboratories, Jersey City, NJ 07302. I tried to find them in on-line phone directories but they don’t seem to exist any more. A pharmacist passed along this formula to my parents. A compounding pharmacy should be able to make it up. I don’t know if it is paten...

89 REPLIES Updated in Coal Tar

for eczema, psoriasis- seeping, cracking, blistering skin- I personally used it from the age of 6 mos. in 1955 to 1988, then it disappeared from shelves- it was an over the counter cream and it really worked. At the age of 3 months my skin would swell, crack and seep a clear liquid- a pediatrician introduced the cream to my mother and at the time they had a bar soap, shampoo and cream-of which I used occasionally over the course of 30 years then all of a sudden it disappeared. I did have part of a jar I used sparingly and guarded with my life and I called the company that made the cream and they said that they took the recipe out of circulation. The jar is long gone- sadly and I do not know the name of the pharmaceutical company that originally made it. I now am entering menopause and m...

75 REPLIES Updated in Coal Tar

I am 24 years old and I have had an on and off skin rash on the top of my left foot and one on my outside of my right shoulder for the past 2-3 years. Same two places always. I have not been to the dermatologist because they seem to go away if I can leave them alone and not scratch them. When I do get them they stay for awhile because I can't stop scratching them (maybe due to stress). The past month they have been itching the hell out of me and I can't stop scratching. I have tried all types of lotions and creams that you can buy at a walgreens but they only work for a little bit then back to scratching. I asked the pharmacist for his 'expert opinion' and he said I should try something stronger like cordran tape that covers the area and prevents me from scratching it. I...

2 REPLIES Updated in Cordran

I live in San Antonio, Texas. Is this cream available in the States? And more importantly, is it safe? ## @ERQ, The combination of Betametasona [1] + Clotrimazol [2] + Gentamicina [3] is marketed towards treating various skin conditions such as pain, inflammation, itching, bacterial/fungal infections, etc. From what I've seen mentioned in another thread here, this cream is allegedly available with your doctor's prescription here in the US. However further reports suggest that it costs only a fraction of the price down in Mexico for the same ointment (i.e. $30 in the US and less than $2 in Mexico). Given this information, my suggestion would be to just get it prescribed in the US since the cost of driving to Mexico and back from Texas is probably a lot more than the difference yo...

43 REPLIES Updated in Bactroban

I took Accutane as a teen, over a decade ago. I've never been the type to automatically attribute changes in my health or body to any specific cause before, but the health issues that have finally became lifestyle altering have piled up and everything points to the long term use of Accutane as being the culprit. My stomach feels like its trying to commit suicide daily, I've finally completely lost my love for food, it no longer appeals to me and is now a chore to eat. My once active lifestyle, is now just a collection of memories. It took 10 years after using this poison to get to this point, and if it gets worse in the future, I dont know how I will cope. I have no hope and feel worthless that I can no longer do my part in life. Depression has set in permanently.I believe this ...

3 REPLIES Updated in Accutane

I went to my pharmacy today here in Canada to be told that Smith Kline Glaxo is no longer making Buro Sol. Is this the case and, if it is, what are my alternatives? ## You mean the antiseptic powder? Unfortunately, since it's never been available in the U.S., I can't find much information on it or why it was discontinued. I can't even find a listing of the ingredients. Learn more antiseptic details here. Did you try asking a pharmacist if they can recommend an alternative? I would, but I'm not sure what's available in Canada. ## I currently am using Buro-sol powder with water to make solution. I live in a town west of Toronto Canada and its available here in most if not all the pharmacy's. some are now keeping the powder behind the counter but others have it with...

68 REPLIES Updated in Buro-Sol

I took accutane almost 14 years ago as a teenager. I am now a 32 year old woman who has just been diagnosed with infertility that they believe is linked to autoimmune issues. I truly believe that accutane is the cause of this; from the research that I have done it seems that accutane has been linked to other thyroid-related diseases, but that they have not yet been able to prove a link between accutane and infertility. There are, however, actually more people like me out there than I originally thought. Being diagnosed with ovarian dysfunction has been a horrific, horrific blow. And while there was plenty of information about accutane and birth defects, no one ever mentioned a possibility of future infertility. I was a teenager! This is a tragedy and I believe something should be done a...

635 REPLIES Updated in Accutane

I had one epidurals of kenalog that destroyed my life. Three days after I couldn't sleep relax or rest. My heart was pounding my muscle were weak terrible cramps in arms and legs ears very sanative to noise whole body filled with fluid . Utterly confused very anxious. This carried on for 3 months till I collapsed and ended up in hospital doctors were useless. I carried on getting worse eight month after I had steroid myopathy electrolytes problems stomach bowels tendon damaged problems fibromyalgia I didnt never had before or wouldn't of if I had no had the kenalog. I now suffer numerous terrible long term health problems that effect my whole body and my husband is my carer as I can no longer take care of myself.I would like to speak to anyone else who has had similar problems c...

28 REPLIES Updated in Kenalog

I took roaccutane in 1996 and again in 1997. Each time was for around 6 months. I had a 6 minute tonic clonic seizure in August 2011 and another one in January 2012. I'm wondering whether this is related, although it is a big gap. Has anyone else developed seizures 15 years or so after finishing roaccutane? ## YES....I Hate to Even Admit it..But..I have had several Seizures....Some lasting 15 minutes...It is Like being trapped inside a body that will not work..or even perform the simplest tasks....I could see...and realize..I was drueling...but my right arm was contorted..and my left arm was basically rigid....I believe it is About time..We all find a way to form a network...of people...that can compare notes.....More aptly...than on here..Please contact Me. ## I can't say wheth...

31 REPLIES Updated in Accutane

I have a son that took accutane 60 mg a day for six months in a row three years ago. Now after many trips to doctors over strange medical problems, it seems accuatne is the culprit medication that has caused servere joint and muscle pain, severe dry lips, redness in face, eye infections of own immune system attacking itself, systems of osteoarthritis in both shoulders, both wrist and right hand, blood in stool, possible hair loss, abnormal liver function test results in AST and ALT. My son went from being a high school football and track athlete while taking this medication three years ago to someone that is in constant pain just washing a car. After I have researched this drug extensively, I can't believe that the FDA allows this drug originally made for cancer patients to be marke...

1933 REPLIES Updated in Accutane

My son was diagnosed this week with hidradenitis. I was wondering whether or not ichthammol (black drawing salve) could be used on it. I have another friend who used it on some boil-like areas on his butt and under his arm which seem to be much like the hidradenitis areas I've read about. ## The ichthammol ointment 20% is black in the tub. Is this the color it should be or is this color because it's of out date? ## Hello Teachermom114, If your son has hidradenitis then it is possible that Ichthammol would be able to help him. Some members of the dailystrength hidradenitis-suppurativa section report that they carry a tube of this everywhere with them. My only concern is that most doctors will advise you don't pop or squeeze the sores because this can cause infection and I...

3 REPLIES Updated in Ichthammol

I was told that Ichthammol would help draw a splinter out. I've been using it a week & so far no results. How long should it take? ## If you are using the true Ichthommol salve which is dark brown in color and smells like roofing tar, then it should only take overnight. I used to be able to buy this product from the K-Mart pharmacy however they do not sell it any longer. ## Rite aid has it and it's called Draw out. 20% Ichthammol ## It has been known to help, but not always, sometimes it doesn't work, it can depend on the person, since we are all different, as well as the type of splinter, and how deep it has penetrated the skin. The good news, however, is that most splinters will eventually work out on their own, our bodies tend to dislike foreign objects being left in ...

4 REPLIES Updated in Ichthammol
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