How To Get Off Suboxone (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Im Marina Im 24 years old and a mother of 2 beautiul little boys. From the years 2006-2007 i was heavily addicted to Oxy 80 and eventually started doing herion. I got help in sep.2007 at a methadone clinic, it worked for as long as i was on the methadone i had NO relapse's. In June 2009 i was completly off of the methadone that first day that i was on 0Mgs I went through extreme withdrawls i went through things that i would never wish upon my worst enemy! i stayed that way for a day and a half and decided to go to a suboxone doctor. He put me on 32 mgs a day which i thought was pretty high of a dose but he explained to me that methadone withdrawls was worst then any other withdrawls. so i trusted him. Now when i go to see him every month i pretty much beg for him to start the weining process and start lowering me and he pretty much refuses. After months of being on 32mgs a day he finally started tapering me down slowly, i never really thought any thing of it till now but i realized he's keeping me on the suboxne for as long as posible so that he can get my $200.00 a month. all he is, is a legal drug dealer bc now im highly addicted to the suboxone. I recently had to go a few days with out my suboxone bc i didnt have the money to see him and i went through hell. i thought methadone withdrawl was bad OMG there is no comparison. i wanted to either use which i havent done in years or rip my face off lol its funny now but it definatley wasnt funny a few days ago while i was feeling that way! So i spoke to a good friend whos going through the same thing and he told me that they just came out with a new pill to get you off suboxone. I just want to know if that's true. I tryed googleing it but i cant find any thing. If you have heard of this new pill please respond or if you even have a good way to get off soboxone as painless and posible... thanx

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oh oh oh but there just might be. My doctor just signed me up for a case study @ Brown to get off suboxones. so for all those people who think everyone is out to get them and thier money they really might be trying to help you. The drug is taking for 2 wks and is suposed to repair neurotransmitters in the brain. that is why when we get off subs you still feel crapy cause we have burned out the ability to reproduce certain neurotransmitters. so any who I let ya no how it goes it will start Jan.2013.

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the study full it's being done by Brown university (Providence, R.I.) I told everyone here I'll keep posting , it starts in January our brians have created new receptor site so when the brian FINALLY starts to make normal levels of dopamine the brian will only create enough for normal # of sites, hance we feel like crap... thing about creating a detox journal keep ya posted. depend in R.I.

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I'm reposting this incase it can presently help anyone.

I'm very sorry to hear what you have went through. Opiates are a very slippery slope and it isn't easy to kick but it is possible. I know the feeling of wanting to come off of suboxone and no longer dependent. I still very very blessed to have come off of them.
The first step is that I highly recommend this book (End your addicion now -A Proven supplemental nutritional program.) You can find it on amazon.
Addiction to Opiate(Along with most chemicals) creates a significant Hormonal defeciency in your brain. The author has a proven list of supplements that will help your brain create the Hormones that you are lacking. I Highly recommend Using his supplement program for at least a week or two before tapering. However, time is of the essence when coming off so If you don't have that time simply start the nutritional program right away as you are tapering. I'm repasting a previous post I made shortly after getting off of Suboxone. I hope this helps you. This isn't completly pain free way ( I don't believe there truly exists one). Less than 5 % of all people addicted to Opiates ever get off!! That was a scary statistic and I promised myself I would be one of the 5% that did. That was a big motivating factor. Also, Most Doctors will advise Opiate dependent patient that they "NEED" to stay on Suboxone because your body and/or nervous systems won't always allow you to get off. That is an "OUTRIGHT" lie. Our Nervous system, hormonal system, etc will go back to normal and fairly fast considering.

Krantom was very helpful for me to get off and even Lopermide(Immodium) 12 mg.

Post from Oct 2011
I didn't give my history because I promise it's very similar to all of you.After pain treatments (2years)from a car accident everything from pcets to fentanyl lollipops 3 a day I was on health death bed with doc prescribing more meds... I finally quite going and walked into a suboxone doc.... My life turned around almost immediately.. However 4 years I was still on sub and feeling the fatigue and the constant doc appts which normally included a urine test.I'm a young professional not abusing other thing so I hated having to go through it.Docs had no real way to get off subs and my last appt was when I asked this very seasoned pain doc ask if any of his patients have ever gotten off subs... He was silent and then said no.he had one patient try and is still on 2 Mgs a month..... I was inspired o find this method which does work. It's not painless however have not missed one day of work and am thrilled to be off subs for 25 days... I have my energy back and lifes color and joy is back... I can actually pickuip my 11 month old first thing in the morning dull of energy an excited for the day.Don't use this to Play with going on or off!! It will turn out bad! Our bodies were made to deal with our problems naturally.Let gods greatest creation do it's job.... By the way.. You need emotional and inspiring lliterature to read because they are the best endorphins..Read your respective religions literature... I found anything published by he Mormon church trully inspiring.don't try anything else their to taper. It will add opiatesuckurpotential

I was on subs so I had to taper to 1/8th of pill for 3 days.
What you'll need: Krantom, L-Tyrosine-Vitamins-Liquid Chloropyll, Vitamin D, Clonodine. (Very Important-read End your addiction-Nutritional supplement program.
I could only find Krantom in few Smoke shops-
problems. Only get Krantom-Package of Pills, Package of crushed leaves to chew, maybe the extract... I didn't find it was worth it.
Day 1 3-4 pills of Krantom(captain Krantom) If Withdrawls are not bad then only use what you need
Day 2 3-4 Pills Also chew crushed leaves as needed. only take enough for withdrawls symptoms to go away
Day 3 3-4 Pills, Also Chew Crused leaves if needed Maybe a little extract under the tongue if Withdrawls are bad
Day 4 Same as Day 3 however if withdrawls aren't bad start tapering Krantom down
Day 5 2-3 pills A little curshed leaves
Day 6 2 Pills, I had run out of leaves and extract so only pills
DAy 7 Start tapering of Krantom even more maybe 2 pills
Day 8 Try not to take any all day
-I've read that some people took 3-4 weeks with Krantom. I wanted off sooner and didn't want a Krantom Dependency. This can happen
-Every morning take 2-- mgs of Ltyrosine +other supplements), Take vitamins, eat breakfast, try to work out Follow Drink a lot of Water, A couple of bottles of water mix a lot of liquid Chloropyll, I used it a lot.
Through out day stay busy, drink water, eat a lot if you can--Liquid Chloropyll
-Nights for the first week can be hard so try to have clonodine for sleeping or other sleeping pills -- Lots of melatonin.
-People recommend Benzos but I think that can add to a different dependecy.
-Krantom has a 3-6 hour hal-life, Suboxone has up to a 72 hourhalf life. Some claim csubosone can stay in youfor months so the smaller you take before tapering the better.

Read more: Addiction, Recovery Forum - Getting Off Opiates w Krantom it's worth it.

Getting down to the lowest dose of suboxone does help. If you can get down to 1mg per day that would be good. It was hard for me.,. I got down to about 2 mg before I stopped.
Most withdrawls gone after 10-14 Days. Energy was still somewhat low but survivable. 30 Days felt soo much better. Lopermide 10-12 tablets for the first 5 days of withdrawl. Loud music in my ears during emotional/anxiety moments seem to help a lot...

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It's not all in your head. sorry to be so upfront, but by saying that could potentially scare off many individuals who really believe they are ready and motivated to get off suboxone. After being on it for years, I used something called Kratom> It is a tropical plant, that you can use for around 2-4 weeks. It takes away the binding of the suboxone on the varioius pain receptors(mu, delta, and kappa) Suboxone is not something to think of as just in your head when dealing with withdrawals.

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If you're going to or trying to make people who are taking suboxone looking to find a taper program feel even more nervous and anxious, you're doing a good job. I would stop messing with people's minds as it doesn't do any good. You are actually harming them moreso. What this individual refuses to tell you which I WILL, is something called Kratom. yes, it will help, is a plant, is legal to get, and I can't stand forums where people lack any empathy for others.

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30 days is most withdwrals are gone. You do start to feel better after 15 but certain withdrawls linger. I want to help encourage anyone attempting to get off subs because it is more difficult then most people understand. Less than 5% of all dependent users get off... I want you to be in that 5%.. That Stat is what motivated me to get off...
I have also known individuals to use tramadol as a bridge as they are getting off to reduce withdrawals for the first 20 days however one must be very careful to use the minimum because Tramadol can be a very difficult med to get off because the withdrawals are very Psychological plus physical. I would only recommend using it the first 10-14 days to help with the intense withdrawals.
I had to continue my profession while getting off and anything relief was good.

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All I can say is Wow!!! Who in the world would want to stay on Methadone the rest of your life?!! Methadone is the reason I, yes I, decided to stop all the opiates!! I have Never NEVER taken an illegal drug in my life. I was prescribed 120 mg Methadone, 75 Duragesic, and 30 mg of Opana at once, + 7.5 Percocets from the same doctor, the same one who I saw for 14 years! As my tolerance went up, so did the amount I was told to take. I decided to wean off the mess as I could barely function with them and did not get much of any high from them. I was able to slowly wean off all but Methadone. I found that I was having difficulty "concentrating" on Methadone before tapering. I could read a paper and focus for only so long before I would get "adjutated". When I tried to seek professional detox around me, 9 of 10 places refused to treat me saying how horrible methadone was to detox from. The one that would take me required that I be on less than 2 mg of Methadone at first. Then they changed their mind. So no I Totally dis-agree with the *diot telling you to stay on Methadone. For me, it just complicated my issues. Around me, most pain care doctors Now stay away from it. The only thing I can tell you after 14 years of being on it for pain control is that your tolerance just keeps going up. I was happy to be free of Methadone, but now have the Subutex issues, of which are probably about 30 times worse. I also found Subutex to be somewhat mental as well as physical. For 1 week I found myself having to take it every 6-7 hours before I was like, "no you can go x more hours or not take it to be "comfortable". Thank you Subssuckurpotential... I am determined to win, but take it one day at a time. If any of you know of a good detox program or better way to get off Subutex, I would like to know it. I've only found one in Florida. Also, not sure why my last post was cut, as it was my Doctor's suggestion which I read from past posts.

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It must just be me but I haven't had any problems not taking my suboxone as much as often or at all. Supposed to take 12mgs a day and I usually only take four if I do at all. Suboxone for me was easy as hell to taper. Especially compared to Opana
......that was hell at it's finest. Just take little less every week month or however. You don't want to expect to taper and be off it in a use a little less fantasy here. Take your prescribed dose for this week then all next week just two mgs less. Like this.

1st week 12mgs a day
2nd week 10mgs a day
3rd week 8mgs a day

I'm sure you get it.

Good luck!

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oh forgot to say what its about to those that don't know. A case study is being done to get patients off suboxone! New med you take for roughly 4-8 weeks. No withdrawals, its been proven to work, but this is the first, do not quote me here, FDA case study. Cannot wait to start!! Keep ya posted!!

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Becky...I was on Suboxone for over 6 years and can proudly finally say that I am done with this drug. My last dose was taken on January 16th, 2013. The way that I got off may not work for everyone...But this is what I did. First, I tapered down to almost nothing. I went through minimal withdrawals while taping; which only lasted a couple days. Nothing serious just some restless legs at night. My dr had me down to 1 mg/day but I actually went down to .5 mg per day for 1 week until I quit. I set a date in which to take my last dose (mind you that I did have more to take if I needed). On January 16th I took my last dose of .5 mg and have not looked back. I took L-Tyrosine for about 2 weeks along with some diarrhea medicine. You can find L-Tyrosine at GNC...I honestly think this is what allowed me to break this habit along with exercise. I had minor withdrawals which were not really noticeable. Today, I am sleeping like I used to before doing any drugs and feel the best that I have in my 41 years of life. Another big help for me to get off of Suboxone was my wife. She was there for me to just talk or offer her encourgement. BTW, the Suboxone that I had left when I quit was flushed down the toilet on day 30, very liberating knowing I didn't need that drug anymore!! Hope this helps. Will

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I spent all afternoon reading All of the posts on suboxone. I took my last sliver July 9th. I am almost 60 and I have stopped for a couple of weeks now. I have time off in the summer so I planned on stopping during my vacation. I stopped seeing my pusher (central mass. rat bastard Dr.) in April an started cutting my dosage in January. He had me hooked for 8years and did not ever talk about stopping or cutting back. $45-50 grand for urine tests, psychological "visits" with his wife to listen to her talk about her horses and other crap, cash payments every month. He had his nurse call today to ask where I was not how I was. I was on 2/8mg a day from the start, way too much for way too long. I'm not feeling great, I take protein shakes,(amino acids) multi vitamins, I eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, Imodium for gurgle gut, I take diazepam 20mg to sleep, diabetic stockings to help with leg cramps, and I walk even when I can hardly get out of bed, but I played golf today, I eat, I enjoy my wife, and my life. Maybe not as much as I want to, but more than I did and less than I will.Subs saved my life, take an old mans advice, get on them to get off whatever your are on, and get off as soon as you can. Do not take more than 8mg a day, it does you no good. Plan, taper down and stay with it. I went up and down before I committed to my wife. I was not the man she married and we both knew it was the subs.Find a responsible doctor that has a plan for you to come out the other side, intact. From my first day I never craved opioids while on subs, And I was over 250-300mgs of pain killers a day.
Stay positive, keep moving, weak moments are only moments. The alternative sucks, still.

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OK. Good morning everyone. I am new to this site but not new to Suboxone films. I am a 33 year old mother of four, yep FOUR. Four and a half years ago, I started abusing pills. Percs, Oxys, you name it, I did them. Anyway, for the last 3 years, I have been on one 8mg film a day, sometimes more. Well, they are a crutch, another vice. I was miserable on them, and I lost myself completely. Sure, I had energy to do everyday things, but my mind was so clouded. I was mean and vindictive, and yes, very selfish. But, I was so afraid to go through the withdrawal, and escpecially around my kids. So I stayed on it unhappy and hating myself and who I had become. Finally, I decided I had had enough. I was 118 pounds at the time, mind you. I weened myself down for ONLY two weeks down to an 1/8th, then BOOM! Cold turkey. by myself, with the support of 1 family member, I stopped taking Subs on July 17th 2013. Yep, 25 days ago!! I won't lie or sugar coat it. It was hell. The first two days were not bad, just antsy and jumpy. The third day was hell. You will be sick. I was vomiting and had diahrrea so much, I felt like I was gonna die. This went on for about 16 days, yes 16 days. I had no focus, I slept about 3 hours a night in between throwing up, everything hurt, my back, my legs, my neck, everything. I was on the couch for at least 2 weeks. does get better!! Day 25 and no throwing up, no diahrrea, no restless legs, I am sleeping about 7 hours a night, I still sneeze like 15 times a day, and I still get the chills a lot, but I did this! Little me did this by myself, no rehab, just a friend who cared and was sympathetic! I am not fully back to my old self yet, but I am getting there. Was it all worth it? Absolutely! Can anyone do it? Absolutely! You do not need to be on Suboxone forever, and yes, the withdrawal is very difficult, but it goes away. I just want to let other people out there know you are not alone, and there is light at the end of the tunnel!

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You need to taper down even more first, trust me, ppl have tapered to .5mg and still suffered tremendously, email at {edited for privacy}

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Yes Apple Cider Vinegar pills help a lot. But just try to take other vitamins, especially vitamin B's and C. If you can't eat - DON'T. It's just your body's natural response to be sick to your stomach so listen to your body. The less you intake, the faster your liver will work to focus on just the Suboxone - not food, cigarettes, alcohol other pain pills etc....I learned my lesson the hard way. ACV is the magic solution for so many things

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Try Zubsolv. It's a new, advanced formulation treatment option for opioid dependent patients that provides higher bioavailability, fast dissolve time, smaller tablet size and a new menthol flavor

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Candy, What was he taking before the subs? And the subs have a blocker to block most opiates and other drugs. U can feel something from other things u take, but u would have to take alot to get high effect if thats what ur seeking. Also if taking something else, u could not take a sub right away cause u would get very ill. If the sub amount was lower say like 2-4 mg, its possible to take that amount and other stuff without getting sick, but not at 16mg. He would be sick after taking that amount after taking another drug. I ask what he was taking before cause if it was not that much then the level of 16 mg can have a high like or drunk like feel, like my subs would make me feel "happy" like the opiates did. To spell it out, i took oxi long acting and then 11 hrs later took a sub. Because it was long acting, i got sick, very ill. But i took 16 mg. If it was not long acting, i could have taken a regular opiate, waitied 12 hrs n took the subs n had been fine. I have done that before. There was a time i was mixing subs n opiates as i took 1-2 mg in the am of suubs and took oxys in the middle of the day for my pain, had to take alot for it to work and then that night took 1-2 mg of subs again n was fine. But if ur guy is taking 16 mg and then doing a drug n then takes 16 mg again without a period of atleast 12 hrs between subs n the drug, he would be very ill. Im sorry if some of this is repedative, im just trying to be clear n make sure u understand it all. If u have anymore questions or still dont get something, feel free to ask. Im kinda a pro at this from personal and friends experience. :-)

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I first developed the following process during my own personal opiate detox while using subutex. At the time I chose sub therapy I had no available advice that was based on actual experience using the medication. I chose to track my personal results through the process and have since worked with countless people on this forum for years using this method successfully exactly as written here. There have been many success stories since. The following plan works the same for using suboxone, subutex or the subutex generic buprenorphine.

I am only sharing my personal experience with what has worked repeatedly on this forum. I am not a doctor and recommend seeking advice from the professional of your choice in all matters that concern you. Drs need to be aware that approximately 15% of all patients taking suboxone react adversely to the naloxone in suboxone and should be placed on subutex rather than suboxone. They will have a much more pleasant experience in this program using subutex.

Sub therapy is rapidly becoming the gold standard for treating opiate addiction. The main problem we see on the forum is the typical sub therapy plan prescribed in the professional medical community is a one-size-fits-all method for treating all patients. Everyone is a little different in reality so it doesn't work best treating everyone exactly the same way. All too often too much medication is prescribed initially and for far too long of a time resulting in horror stories for many patients. In reality most patients need very little buprenorphine for it to be the most effective.

Patients do best when treated symptomatically. Drs are being advised to prescribe entirely too much medication for whatever reasons according to the success we've experienced sharing among ourselves. There are always some exceptions as with any medication, but the exceptions are few and far between. When over-medicated many of these patients under dr's care end up on this forum addicted (for years in many instances) to a medication they were told would aid them in their efforts to end their opiate dependency

Please review this post in detail before asking questions about sub therapy. Many of the most commonly asked questions are addressed here for your convenience.


The induction is one of the most critical parts of sub therapy. If a person is not inducted properly they often experience ongoing physical and emotional problems throughout the entire sub therapy process. The standard method that many sub drs use of administering anywhere from 16mg to as high as 32mg or more during induction consistently proves to NOT be in the patient's best interest. These doses inevitably lead to a patient with a physical dependency to the very medication that was supposed to help free them from their dependency.

The purpose of the induction is simply to stabilize the patient ending their w/d symptoms. We find this happens most effectively when the patient is inducted in dosing increments where the patient stabilizes at the lowest effective dosage . We suggest using an initial 1mg - 2mg dose for those with long term H addictions and long term methadone addictions .(Using 1mg or 2mg is determined by the patient's using history.) For those with a history of using RX pain medications be it in pill form, fentanyl patches, etc I suggest starting the induction with a dose of .5mg and wait for two hours. This allows the patient enough time to ensure they are receiving maximum benefit from the medication prior to taking each additional increment while stabilizing. After the first two hour period we can add another .5mg if needed but we often find that adding .25mg doses every additional 90 minutes or so will allow the patient to stabilize at doses less than 3mg. This has become the average with most everyone we induct using this protocol. We seldom find it necessary to induct ANYONE at more than 6mg, including those with long-term IV abuse histories. Subs are very powerful and effective when used properly. We have people who have inducted at less than 2mg and we are typically successful with inductions totaling 2-4mg. The people who do best historically are those who begin this therapy at the lowest effective dose. This can only be achieved with an induction process administering minimal amounts of medication at each increment.

The induction process should last for a period of 4-5 days. The first day is when the patient is initially stabilized. On the second day the induction dose is split into two equal doses as this will help with making tapering easier later in the process. At the end of either three or four days we find that the dose used to stabilize the patient can be reduced by 25% on the following day and this becomes the lowest effective dose. Doing all of this takes 4-5 days depending on the individual. This is where the patient's dose remains until they begin to taper down the dose.

Allowing 4-5 days provides ample time to adjust the induction dose as may be required to maintain the stability of the patient. Those patients who don't stabilize properly have problems throughout their therapy. That is always the case. The amount used to stabilize doesn't seem to be as important as using the aforementioned process by which the induction is done up to a point as previously mentioned.

It is imperative the patient be in a state of moderately severe to severe w/d at the time of induction. Otherwise it's likely the patient will experience precipitated w/d. In short they end up deathly sick. This is another primary reason for beginning with the smallest amount of medication initially to make sure the patient will react desirably. The time required to reach severe w/d after stopping different drugs ( pills vs methadone vs street drugs) varies some but the ABSOLUTE best guide is the COWS worksheet which most drs use some form of anyway. COWS (clinical opioid withdrawal scale). If you make sure you're at a 26 or above accumulatively on the worksheet then you will normally do well with induction if the aforementioned dosing procedure is adhered to. The score of 26 on the COWS worksheet is a minimum. This is a non-negotiable factor that not all drs follow hence they administer large doses of medication attempting to cover up the precipitated w/d.

If a patient finds themselves in precipitated w/d for whatever reason the best thing to do is stop taking the subs immediately and redo the induction as outlined above. Wait until the sickness from precipitated w/d has ended and make sure you have reached the 26 again on the COWS worksheet before taking anything else. DO NOT attempt to take additional suboxone or subutex to cover up the precipitated w/d. You are asking for a hospital stay should you pursue this course of action.


I always suggest some type of support /recovery program for maintaining sobriety. Even those who don't participate in NA, AA, or Celebrate Recovery usually rely on church, family, or a combination of all the above for a solid network of support. Most of us who have survived our dependency and maintain a reasonable amount of clean time will agree it's almost impossible to do this on our own and stay clean forever. Staying clean of course is the ultimate goal behind my reasoning for sub use. Subs are just a tool to help us get clean. The people who end up STAYING clean would likely have done it with or without the subs. They are just a tool to assist us.

I agree with the medical community that a solid recovery program is nearly imperative with sub therapy as once the sub therapy ends you are on your own. Sub is an opiate. That's why it's called opiate replacement therapy. So when we stop the subs our long term chances for staying clean are so much increased if we are involved in a quality program of recovery whatever that program might be for you.

It takes only a matter of about a week, a little while longer with methadone, but the point being it only takes a short time and the original opiate detox is basically past. We are no longer in real need of a medication used to get us past the detox. So this is where we begin to taper down.

There are ongoing arguments regarding how long one should remain on sub that are based on our using history. The success we have seen to date shows best results are overwhelmingly on the side of using sub short term. We have started to taper in as little as four days and hardly ever over one week following induction. People are being inducted and tapering down to nothing in a matter of about eight weeks average. There are no horror stories from anyone using sub therapy on our forum who use it the way we have suggested from day one.Some allowances have to be made sometimes for those who come to the forum for help following poor previous guidance on using subs properly or following abuse of subs.

None of this means that some people won't do well using sub as a maintenance medication. I just don't personally promote long term sub use. It's certainly a better option than breaking the law to obtain drugs. But the purpose of this plan is for helping people free themselves from opiate dependency.


I began tapering down until I reached .5mg. (Some people find it necessary to taper down to a little less such as .25mg or less.) It's quite basic reducing to a very low dose following the Standard Taper Plan that follows. That can be accomplished by a formula. But getting to 0mg can be a little more of a challenge especially for those who come to this forum having been on sub elsewhere for a long time or have experienced some other type of extenuating circumstance.

Standard Taper Plan
The standard taper I used and promote is that if you will reduce by 25% of the total daily dose and maintain that dose for a period of four full days while experiencing minimal to no w/d symptoms it's safe to reduce again by another 25% and expect the same results. If you experience any overwhelming w/d symptoms during the four day period you can take a .25 mg sliver (depending on your existing dose) and the w/d symptoms usually dissipate immediately. If you require slivers to remain stable at any level you should start over the next day trying to put four days together again. This allows for the long half life of buprenorphine which can be up to 72 hours for most people.

After I reached .5mg I began a process of skipping days. I would take a dose one day, then skip one day. Then dose again, and then skip two days. Then dose again, and then skip three days. Then dose again, and then skip four days. After four days clean I was finished. The half life has had time to catch up with itself.

We have found some people, for whatever reason, tend to stress out and suffer anxiety when it comes time to skip days. If that is your experience you can continue the standard 25% taper every four days all the way down to zero in lieu of skipping days if that makes you feel better. Again we are all a little different. The idea is to be successful and the skipping days is not written in stone. That is what worked for me and has worked for most others following this taper plan. But if you need to taper down to nothing instead of skipping days that is certainly a viable and acceptable option.

The reason for sometimes feeling w/d symptoms is the long half life of buprenorphine, the main drug that is in sub and the generic now available. To be very simple it can take days before we experience the w/d symptoms from sub. So this is why we wait for four days to allow for the half life which can easily be up to 72 hours depending on some variables. When we make it four days without symptoms we should be fine reducing again.

It's not uncommon to have some minor side effects from sub as with almost any medication. There can be some depression, sleep problems, anxiety. So we suggest not taking the sub close to bedtime, get some mild to moderateexercise depending on your physical condition, there are things to do that will help lots of things. But stick with the same principles all the way down as far as you are comfortable. We are here to help at that point.

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Now i tried to copy and paste my whole taper plan but it would only let me copy and paste it from my records in pieces, not sure why. I dont know if it will all make sense the way it will appear but try to piece it together and if you have any questions, please ask. My other name on here depending where i am responding from is "trying to help". It changes depending on device. Not sure why. But good luck!!!!

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To whom are u asking about monitoring their post. And i have a pic of the 12 panel u.a if anyone is intrested in the pic or the list of whats on it so u can know or let someone know what is being checked for. Snapped on a form when signing it at my own test.

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Hi Kayla, I replied to your question last night but it obviously got lost. Anyways, if you taper slow you won,t feel much of anything. Suboxones a weird drug because of the long half life. If you were to taper 2 mgs every week you should be fine. It,s when you get down to 2 or 1mg you might feel a little something but nothing you can,t handle. Trick is to stay with taper plan. Get a calender and write your dose down each day. The longer you wait bettween tapers the less likely you,ll feel anything. When you get down to say 4mgs then drop 1mg at a time. You gotta wait the same amount of time bettween each taper. Thats the key. You can even go to .5mg wait, then jump. Remember, I,m no dr. This plan has worked for me before. It just takes time. Slow and steady wins the fight with this stuff.

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