
This page contains the most recent discussion threads pertaining to Osteoporosis, as well as a list of all of the drugs falling within this category.

Osteoporosis Overview

Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disorder characterized by low bone mass, micro-architectural deterioration of bone tissue leading to more porous bone, and consequent increase in fracture risk. It is the most common reason for a broken bone among the elderly. Bones that commonly break include the vertebrae in the spine, the bones of the forearm, the wrist, and the hip. Until a broken bone occurs there are typically no symptoms. Bones may weaken to such a degree that a break may occur with...

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Recent Osteoporosis Forums: RSS Feed

Side effects and longetivity

I was diagnosed with osteoporosis in 2008, 9 years ago. I was taking alendronic acid for 3 years and have been on a drug holiday for nearly 4 years since. I'm due to have denosumab treatment shortly but am anxious of the side effects after reading patients comments. My bones have reverted back to the condition they were in 9 years ago, I suffer from a very weak bladder due to surgery and have irritable bowel symptoms. Should I seek more medical help as bladder and bowel constipation are two of the side effects this treatment may cause from what I understand and are there other treatments available which could help me please? Also, what is the maximum number of years you can be on this treatment and how long should I expect to live taking this new drug? I go to the gym regularly, eat...

Updated in Denosumab
Tymlos and Blood Sugar

I have been on Tymlos for 12 months. Over the last few months I am having problems with high blood sugars and a high A1C. I have never had a problem with this before. I am wondering if anyone else has had this issue before? My doctor put me on medication for pre-diabetes. ## Hello. I have not taken the meds you are on but I have a somewhat similar issue aside from that. I had a triple bypass several months ago . I had blood work done and my Dr is saying I have high blood sugars and A1C. He put me on Metformin! I have never had diabetes! ## Elevated blood sugars are not listed as a known side effect of Tymlos. Typically, the FDA warns that it may cause nausea, dizziness, headache, and palpitations. Ref: Tymlos Information DIabetes, and PreDiabetes can develop at any age, but making some ...

Updated in Tymlos
Alendronate side effects

I was taking alendronate 70MG 3 month ago, but this week I got a lot of side effects such as: diarrhea, abdominal & stomach pain, heartburn, general feeling of discomfort or illness, full or bloated feeling. I just ordered 3 more months but with those severe side effects, I'm planning to quit. ## Hello, Steve! How are you? Those can be normal side effects of this medication, as listed by the FDA. You may also experience headache, dizziness and joint/muscle aches. Have you consulted your doctor? There are other medications that you can try to see if they don't cause you as many problems. ## I was on Alendronate for 20 years and have been suffering from side effects for 3 years off it.

Updated in Alendronate
Alendronate and muscle pain

Had muscle pain for 2 years and 10 drs didn't check the side effects of alendronate. I'm off it 7 months and still have muscle pain. Does anyone know how long it takes? ## Side effects from alendronate? Mine is muscle atrophy. ## Hello, Ann! I am very sorry about what you experienced. These medications really do a number on some people that take them. Has your doctor ruled out any other possible cause for the muscle pain? While it can be a side effect of this medication, if you stopped it 7 months ago, there should be some improvement by now. The FDA lists its other typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, and stomach pain. Ref: Alendronate Information Are you on any other medications? ## I stopped taking alendronate 3 years ago and am still having...

Updated in Alendronate
Evenity Reactions

First shot and now I have joint and muscle pain within 5 days. Have RA and my doctor is saying this is just a flare, but it feels so different. Anyone else on Evenity for bone building? ## The FDA does list joint, and muscle pain as being common side effects of Evinity, along with fever, weight gain, and insomnia. Ref: Evenity Information Is this the only medication you're currently taking? ## I was on Prolia so when I started Evenity I got the shots in my stomach. Woke up at 2:00 am with such pain in the shot area. Is it better to get it in the legs? Anyone else have this problem? ## I have RA also but I’m on cimzia for that so the evinity didn’t bother that. My problem was the pain in my stomach at 2:00 in the morning. I go for my next shot at the end of the month and ...

Updated in Evenity
Prolia side effects

I would like to know of any side effects others may have experienced after receiving Prolia infusions. Up to now I have none. ## Prolia is used to treat or prevent Osteoporosis, specifically in post-menopausal women, it contains the active ingredient Denosumab. I'm glad to hear you've had no side effects, however, they can include: skin infections, jaw bone problems, irritation at the injection site and hypocalcemia. Read More: MedlinePlus Does anyone else have experience using this? ## How are you doing now? Still now side effects? Please let us know ## I was given a shot of prolia 8 days ago. I am suffering from pains in my arms and legs, digestive discomfort and nausea. Has anyone had this shot as I would like to know how long these side effects last as I am unable to work at...

Updated in Prolia
Prolia and tooth extraction

I got one shot of Prolia in late December 2022. In February I developed a tooth infection and fracture below the gum line. It needs to be extracted. No one seems to know anything about this. I am so worried about jaw necrosis. Oncologist who gave me the drug said wait at least 3 months, my former oncologist said 2 months. Everything I've read online says to wait the 6 months. But I have an infection and I'm concerned about how that may affect my heart and my dental health. Has anyone had a tooth extracted after one shot of Prolia? ## I’ve been having those shots since 2017 and so far had no problems. You’re letter scared me. Sorry to hear about your pain. ## Regardless of whether or not you can have the tooth removed, yet, you can still treat the infection via antibi...

Updated in Prolia
Prolia & Hair Loss

I've just recently had my second Prolia shot. So far so good...a little back pain. I continually have stress fractures on my feet and have also taken fosamax. My current problem is hair loss & I wondered if anyone else was having that problem? ## Hello, Gracie! How are you? No, this isn't listed from what I can find, but I'll check a couple more sources to be sure and post back. Are you on any other medications? How old are you? ## I'm 57. On no other meds except evista and a pill for reflux. A friend sent me a website that stated that there was a study with some hair loss ## Yes, after my second shot of Prolea, I had two UTIs, fatigue, huge bumps under the skin on my face and all over my scalp, an array of unexplained symptoms like peripheral neuropathy (not diabeti...

Updated in Prolia
Prolia Loss of Taste and Smell

I have been taking Prolia injections for 2 years now. Over time, I've noticed that my sense of taste and smell has diminished. As of 6 months ago, I have totally lost the ability to taste anything sweet. Desserts of any kind taste bitter to me. I have also been on Levothyroxine (Synthoid) for a few years prior to starting the Prolia, but the loss of taste and smell has been significantly worse since I started the Prolia injections. Has anyone else experienced taste and smell issues taking Prolia? ## Yes I haven't any taste. Feel a little hungry. Then no taste and don't want it. Also my shoulders are really hurting, then goes to my head. I have several health problems but I know my body. Was not a candidate for Prolia at all and I would not take it again. Best of luck to you ...

Updated in Prolia
What To Take After Stopping Prolia?

I had two injections of prolia and then my doctor said we could stop, because I was well - that was 2 years ago. Now I had a test and it seems my results are worse again. My doctor said to start with bonviva again (medication I used before prolia). I take calcium 1 calcimagon-d3 forte every day. Are there other therapies? I had no problems when I took prolia, but I don't want it anymore because of the side effects. ## I found the post on Side effects experienced after a Prolia injection very interesting as I have been having this injection every six months for osteoporosis for the last three and a half years. I have had this injection sometimes in the arm and sometimes in the stomache depending on the nurse/dr. injecting. I must say I have never had any reaction either in terms of a...

Updated in Prolia

Osteoporosis Medications (36 results)