Ibandronate Forums
Recently active Ibandronate forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Ibandronate and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.My wife has been advised a dosage of one every mont to be taken on the same day each month and at at the same time. she feels feverish and pain all over the very next day. do you have any explanation to these symptoms ? ## HI, Bidyut! Very sorry about the problems your wife is having. Is she feeling any better? Idrofos contains the active ingredient Ibandronate, it's used to treat or prevent osteoporosis and yes, it has been known to cause those types of side effects in some people that take it. Has she consulted her doctor? It may not be the right one for her to take and she may need to try a different medication. Learn more Idrofos details here. ## After taking ibandronic acid tablets im having server leg pain and also chest pain and Im not able to walk...what can be done please r...
My doctor suggest me to take medicin Idrofos 150 ( Monthly one tablet ) as I suffering by lower back pain. pl confirm me about it's side effect. ## Idrofos contains the active ingredient Ibandronate, which is used to treat and prevent osteoporosis. The most common side effects are nausea and joint/bone, or muscle pain. Learn more: Is there anything else I can help with? ## how long the joint pains will be there for idrofos 150 mg tablet taken once in a month? ## My mother in law has been taking idrofos 150 for last 2yrs for how long can she continue it.is there any medicine which can be taken yearly ## Does it contain steroids? Is it safe for a diabetic patient?
idrofos 150 tablet manufactured by Sun Pharma ## This contains the active ingredient Ibandronate, commonly sold in the U.S. under the brand name Boniva. It is used to help treat and prevent bone loss, from conditions such as Osteoporosis. You can read more on it here: Do you have any questions? ## what country is this made in? ## Idrofos is made in India, by Sun Pharma. Most of the medications that are made and used in India are not approved to be used in the U.S. On many of them, there are already U.S. approved brands available. They also tend to use some things as medications that the U.S. FDA would never allow. Are there any other questions? ## One of our patient is using this tablet every month, kindly let us know that for how many years this tablet can be used without any side effe...