Evista Forums
Recently active Evista forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Evista and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I started taking Evista in early June of this year and began having severe migraine-like-headaches around this time. Is there any connection? ## Yes, the FDA does list that as being a possibly side effect, along with nausea, shortness of breath, chest pain, and loss of appetite. How are you doing, now? Has there been any change? Are you on any other medications?
I have been on HRT for 3 months which was started for post menopausal concerns of extreme vaginal dryness . I had received a Prolia injection 5 months ago for Osteoperosis which wiped out my immune system and made me very sick. Now at 5 months post Prolia I am beginning to feel better a small bit daily. I will not do Prolia ever again or oral Biophosphates due to side effects. I went to Mayo clinic last month for Osteoperosis guidance and elvista was suggested as an option in place of my HRT. I was hoping for RX from mayo clinic but they gave suggestions for me to take back to my home doctors. ## Has anyone out there in Prolia land had any experience with EVISTA? I realize it is another medication. The mayo doc discussed side effects, which mimic HRT and menopause symptoms, but in addit...
2 fatty soft cysts under my knee. Painless. Same leg, swollen sore foot. ## Hello, Dawn! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem that you're having. Are you certain they are cysts? Has a doctor confirmed this? A cyst should feel like a ripe grape and should have clearly defined edges, be it oval or round. If they are really soft and not firm, they may be due to an infection, of some type that needs to be drained, or they may be related to some other health condition. It could even be swollen lymph nodes, as explained by the NIH. Given the swelling in your foot and the soreness, you should have your doctor check this out to be certain what is causing the issue and to get proper treatment, if necessary. Have you ever had an infection in this leg, knee or foot? ## No infection, no...
I was on Evista for 2 years. I am suffering side effects of hip pain and flu like symptoms. How long after stopping Evista will the side effects go away? ## Hello, Julie! How are you? I'm very sorry about the problems that you're having. However, there is no definitive timeline that I can give you. It can vary from person to person and may take anywhere from a couple weeks to a few months. Have you consulted your doctor to be sure that the Evista has caused the symptoms? They are fairly common side effects of it, but it's always best to be sure. As listed by the FDA, other side effects may also include leg cramps, hot flashes and abdominal pain. Are you on any other medications? ## I've been on evista for 3 days. Yesterday and today, severe pain in my foot and swelling o...
Evista prescribed for Osteoporosis is Ralista its equivalent? ## Yes, it's just another name brand for Raloxifene, so they are the same. This is an SERM class medication that's used prevent Osteoporosis Learn more: Are there any other questions or comments?
Evista is prescribed for osteoporisis is Pivasta its equivalent? ## Hi Stephen, The general answer to your question is no, as Pivasta is a completely different drug than Evista. However I did locate one article suggesting that Pivasta's uses in hypercholesterolemia may have a beneficial effect on those with osteoporosis: mendeley.com/research/shortterm-effects-pitavastatin-biochemical-markers-bone-turnover-patients-hypercholesterolemia I would not however consider Pivasta as an alternative option for Evista (at least until further studies have been established). Evista (Raloxifene) is indicated for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Pivasta (Pitavastatin) is used together with lifestyle changes (diet, weight-loss, exercise) to reduce the amount of ...
Approximately 5 hours after taking 1 tab of evista, severe vomiting and diarrhea developed lasting almost 4hrs....this was the second time..Prior to this, I have had no GI problems except getting a bacterial infection 6yrs ago in a Caribbean resort in D.R. Has anyone had any of these side effects from taking evista? Any info on this topic? Thanks! ## Evista contains the active ingredient Raloxifene, it is used to treat or prevent Osteoporosis and yes, what you've described can be common side effects of this medication. Have you spoken to your doctor about it? If they are that severe, this may not be the right medication for you to use and you may need to try something else.