Withdrawal From Vyvanse (Page 20)
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My son had a terrible experience on wyvance. He has phyciatic systems to include halluciations. The doctor took him off the drup cold turkey and Ihe seems to be having withdrawal systems? Is that normal?

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hi my name -andrew it is 3.19am iam 15yrs old my dose - 50mg ,i took 250mg for the past week ,i cant eat ,sleep or drink is this normal ? if i do any of those i have massive pain in my stomach my eyes are huge and my doctor took me off 9 hours ago i feel like im dieing or im just freaking out idk

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Wow...After reading this forum I have to say that what everybody is experiencing is so right on. I'm 34 and was recently diagnosed with ADD. I'm a single dad and my 7 year old son is on 15mg of Focalin XR. I never knew what ADHD was until his teacher in k-garten, doctor and me all got together to figure it out. Focalin has helped him and it wears off which helps his appetite come back around for dinner. My dad has ADD, I have it and my little man has it. After his diagnosis I was diagnosed after several years of taking medications that treated my symptoms of ADD and never treating the ADD I started Vyvanse. All I can say is what I experienced. In the beginning it was great. I had focus, energy and accomplished so much. I actually went on a hunt in Wyoming the first month on it and hiked 34 miles in 6 days carrying a 40 pound pack and rifle. I could accomplish anything. This was October 1-10, 2009. By mid November I became more and more aggitated and hostile. It was like everyday my glass got a little more full with lack of patience and aggitation. I went back to see my Doctor in December and we decided to stop cold turkey. I was taking 50mg. I weigh 200 and I'm 6'1. I am so happy I stopped. However, I must say that now it has been a month, I have no energy and all I want to do is sleep and lay around. No motivation and no drive. I am starting to feel, and let me highlight starting to feel like exercise to get some positive endorphins (spelling ?) flowing. My Doctor told me that out of all his patience on Vyvanse, only 20% does it work with. The other 80% experience that same side effects as me. For the 20% that it works for, great... but know the odds. I'd rather take something that wears off quick, verus Vyvanse that, to me lasted for 18 hours in my system. I dont know how long this tiredness will last; however, I have decided no meds and to clean my system out and exercise. My psychologist/life coach advised I take fish oil, and vitamins in the meantime. For me, I'm glad I have an answer about the condition I have and now its a focus on learning about it and I'm trying to take nothing to treat it. I made it 33 years without, and I found that if I keep my schedule full and I stay busy I get things done. For those of you who feel tired...I'm right there with you. How long will this last, I will say that although it will be out of your system in a week, I believe it has some physiological (spelling again???) changes that take longer to wear off. I'd be curious to those of you that stopped like me, how long did it take for you to feel 100% normal like you did before taking this medication. Also, for those of you that this works for, great... but I will never allow my son to take this medication. It does have a dependency/addiction aspect of it too. Not huge, but its there. Good luck to all of you that are stopping this and to you out there that are on it, at least be aware of this. There is an 80% chance you are not one where this works.

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@panicmom: Vyvanse has ruined my LIFE. My doc doesn't believe me and now thinks I must not have ever had add or probs like that at all, since I was admitted to the E.R. after a major panic attack. (I thought I was having a heart attack/stroke or dying.) Since that time, I have had many close calls and have been disoriented/confused. I've experienced a lot of derealization (if you google this, it lists symptoms.) Vyvanse is horrible. I've always had a bit of anxiety & I exercise regularly. After seeing that I had most OVERDOSE symptoms on 40-50mg, I stopped cold turkey. Don't know how much longer I can make it, but do not want this drug to kill me over.

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i have been taking vyvanse for about a year and have some of the side effects talked about such as aggetation,weight loss, dry mouth i would suggest excersise while taking the drug. first of all it helps your body burn the drug and also is a great release for stress which i found adds to the aggetation of the drug. for me the advantages out weigh the side effects. it seems as though as long as i stay busy i have no problems so, i only take the drug when i know i am going to have a very busy and stressful day because those are the days i need it i do not take it on the days i am doing nothing because it is not hard to focus on TV. I think the drug works. i would suggest to use it in a different way because the drug does not have to be in your system for a period of time for it to work it works shortley after you take it and maybe if your body dosen't need it that day it has adverse effects. this is just the way i use it it has really helped me.

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I feel a lot better after having read this post. I completely agree with a lot of the comments made about the subtle side effects of Vyvanse. There is certainly the increased anxiety, which tends to build up over time. I empathize with the couple that is having to attend marriage counseling. I would suggest toning down the dosage as it is almost surely contributing to the hostility. And, from my own experience, I can say that withdrawal should be a slow, and gradual process. You'd have to be an idiot to stop cold turkey. I generally take 100 mg/day. When I get a break, I cut down to 50 mg/day immediately. Every subsequent drop is made on a weekly basis - if I feel I can go lower than I do; if not, then I don't rush it.

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i want so bad to come off this vyvanse medicine but i have tried several times and each time i experience withdrawal symptoms that i can not stand. i miss my old self, i dont even laugh anymore and i cant stand to be around my friends/boyfriend. how can i get off of this, how long do these withdrawal symptoms last?

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Help! Was just informed yesterday that this medicine is a meth/amphetiamine, (sorry, wrong spelling I know), and that all the horrible feelings, and my horrible existence the past several months have all been from this medication. Sick, incredibly scary lack of energy without taking my pill, (I went from 50 to 70 mgs), and after reazling that my body has become addicted my doctor took me off of it yesterday. I am so sick~no energy, angry, (and I have little children), beyond depressed. Just hopeless. How long does this last?? I can't take this. Thank you.

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wow, i came on here to see how to wean my son off vyvanse after being on it for only 3 weeks - he's been agressively hostile this week and is scaring me, he's only NINE, and now Im thinking maybe it's the drug. Reading all these responses this may be a problem with this drug, I wonder how common it is? He's so angry he's thought about killing people he's told me this week! He will start counseling, but I sure am hoping weaning him off this drug will change this angry child back to my happy one!

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Edward, please know that the withdrawal symptoms will decrease each day, and each day you will feel more like your old self. The whole withdrawal ordeal is tough, but it doesn't last long. And you WILL get through this, I promise.

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Edward, what you are going through IS withdrawal. I just went through withdrawal from Vyvanse, and yes, some of the symptoms you are experiencing are indeed Vyvanse withdrawal symptoms. For some people, taking an amphetamine medication can alter their mood............... usually when there is an underlying mood disorder. If medications like Vyvanse affect your mood, which seems to be the case, they are not good for you. The withdrawal symptoms generally last 5 to 7 days; that is what my pharmacist told me, and that is what I experienced. Are things getting any better for you now?

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I have been taking Vyvance since the Sept 12, It seem to be a miracle to me really working great! Then about 2 weeks ago I started having panic attacks little shor ones and thinking about suicide. 3 night ago I though I was having a hard attact and was rushed to the hospital my heart is okay, I stopped taking vyvance and Panic attacks and feeling like i am going to have a heart attack is almost a daily occuance. Its been horrible, hands tingle, pain in cheast, sweaat, hot flushes in my face, emotions all over the place. God help me get through this withdrawl

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H.p...................please contact me!!!!!

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To everybody out there who is experiencing or has experienced withdrawal symptoms from stopping Vyvanse, especially Nick70mg.... I stopped my Vyvanse last Friday, 30 mg, and I am experiencing every single withdrawal symptom mentioned on these posts. I feel like I am 'out of it', like I took a huge dose of allergy sinus medication (which makes me spacey) and the effects won't wear off. I am scared that this won't stop. I know at this point I am addicted to the stuff.......... do I just try my best to ride out the withdrawal symptoms, even though a part of me wants to refill the script?

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I've been on vyvanse for a little over a year now , first started at 50 mg after trying concerta and adderall which didn't seem to help with anything. The vyvanse gives me the energy to do anything I need and get done. It seems me ADD has manifested into OCD. intense adominal pain at times, constipation and dirreaha i first also had sleep problems which dissapated with time. After my abdominal symptoms I went to a gastronologist and recieved both a upper endoscopy and colonoscopy. These tests just showed GERD. similiar to acid reflux, i believe this is the reseult of the vyvanse. I have been taking benefiber ever so often and it has relieved some bowel problems. Withing the first 6 months on vyvanse I lost alost 15-20 pound i never felt better about myself in my life. Getting great grades in school with intense concentration. Still socially interactive ,Now after a year has passed 50mg's no longer has the same effect on me. I am feeling unmotivated and almost antisocial. also I have read in previous post and have similiar symptoms of picking and scratching at my skin. I have been dating my boyfriend for year while I have been on this , and just recenlty switched to 70mgs I felt the same inital help boost i first felt when I took the 50mg when i was first diagnosed. However, I have gained all the weight I had lost back, and extremely quickly. Whenever I do not take this drug I am completly unmotivated and sleep and rest most of the day with not interest in anything. I am alomost through with my BA in college, I feel as if I need this drug to function. WHAT DO I DO?

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This post is so helpful! I started taking 50mg of Vyvanse about a year ago. It helped me a lot and I finally finished college after 8 years of quitting and resuming the pursuit of my degree. Graduated last December. I have since had a lot of trouble regaining my footing and structuring to my life. I have had trouble making decisions and become overwhelmed very easily. I have yet to pursue steady work, though I have occasional random jobs. I have very little motivation and direction and assumed that depression must be creeping in.

This month my Dr. increased my dose to 60mg at my request, to see if we could shake this rut. It had the total opposite effect! I felt like a zombie! Could not, and still cannot get anything done! It seemed to exacerbate the things I was hoping to fight. After 2 weeks on 60mg I realized that the increased dosage was the likely cause that turned my lethargy into complete and utter apathy. Somehow my apathy stopped me from considering the increased dose to be the culprit. I thought the creeping depression had finally gotten me.
My Doc is in China right now, so I couldn't call him, but researching symptoms of overstimulation, I remembered he advised me to open the capsule and poor 10% out to return to the 50mg I was accustomed to if I felt that 60mg was too much. I began doing this one week ago. I immediately felt better! I'm still not myself, however.

I am dependent on Vyvanse in the same capacity as previous commentators, but I plan to get weaned off as soon as possible with the guidance of a doctor. On Monday I will be seeing a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist with whom I made an appointment when I was a 60mg zombie, due to bouts of depression that swept through the numbness. I am keeping the appointment even though the severity of my symptoms is less. I still need solutions to pursue all of the things I wish to do, and I want immediate guidance in learning to handle my ADD post-college. I thought Vyvanse would continue to help me, but reading these posts and feeling this way has led me to believe Vyvanse is the reason I cannot wrap my brain around my life. ADD is a problem I have lived with my whole life. It has never led to total incapacitation no matter how frustrated it can make me.

I have been pouring a little more than 10% out to see if I can begin the weaning process. I have had 3 nights of restlessness, and last night I did not sleep at all, but managed to nap today from 11am to 1pm. I read that insomnia can be a symptom of withdrawal. Adjusting my dose manually may have brought this on, but with my Doc away, and having to wait til Monday to for my CBT appointment, I have little choice. Today I only took about 35-40mg, hoping it'd help me sleep tonight. This was before before I read about withdrawal insomnia. I hope tonight is not the same as last night. Ugh.
I had no idea how much Vyvanse has been disrupting my life until I increased the dosage and my symptoms went from bad to incapacitating. Though I've decreased the dose and feel a little better, I must say I cannot wait to be off this drug!

Has anyone else experienced insomnia from total withdrawal or from a reduced dosage?

Thanks to everyone who shared their experience! So good to know there is hope!

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Vyvanse was great at first. Than like everyone else we noticed some tendencies. Explosive outbursts. Hostility, development of personality disorders, headaches, leg cramping and pain.
Withdrawal symptoms for me are still 4 weeks out. The rage is now controllable but still present, just not nearly as strong. The tiredness and lethargy are present. I am more irritable, but it is different from when I was on Vyvanse. Also my wife and I noticed that the explosive outbursts were as the vyvanse was wearing off.

But so everyone remembers, this is a class 2 controlled substance. It is also an amphetamine. Everything that has been spouted about it is secondary to those two facts.

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This drug is highly addictive. It makes food smell bad and KILLS appetite. While it helps with focus 70mg does not last as long as it should and the buzz it gives (thirty minutes - just like cocaine) is too strong, tempting abuse. Honestly, I don't know what my psychiatrist was thinking. How are these people getting away with saying it's not addictive? Because you can't snort it? So what? So I suppose all drugs in all pill form are now not addictive? Withdrawl last about a week and begins about twelve hours after last dose. In other words, this is not a twenty four hour drug. If you cant sleep, there is an extreme chance that you will want to take it again at 3 am. It also can make you hyper sexual while making erections hard to achieve at the same time. It is amazing to me that the FDA let this drug out and that doctor drug dealers are pushing it. The only pleasant part of withdraw is when you start to appreciate food again and your jaw steps hurting. Just another stimulant, folks. Horrifying that they are putting children on this stuff. Horrifying.

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I am also so relieved to read about the experiences of all of you...saddend at the same time though. The understanding I have about ADD meds is this: if you feel a High then it's not the med you need, if you get energy boosts, etc. that's not the purpose for your add and your brain needs an add med that serves a different partof the brain. If it helps you focus then it's the right one. I have sampled MANY add meds: focalin, Adderall XR, Adderall, Ritalin, Time release Ritalin, Straterra. I went on Vyvanse last year b/c I was expereincing headaches and teeth grinding at the end of the day with my Adderall. Vyvanse seemed to solve that problem. I ran out of V recently and had plenty of adderall so decided to go back to the adderall after the V while I am looking for a new DR. who is closer to where I live. I stopped V about3 weeks ago. I feel AWFUL! I thought I had teh flu, my general practitioner ran all sorts of bloodtests to find out what my fatigue is from. After reading all of this - I think I know! Hindsight is 20/20 for sure... over the last year I would pick at my face, like at small bumps that are not even noticable but my picking and touching would cause the bumps to enlarge or get infected and more pimples were prevalent. In the 3 weeks since quitting the V I don't pick, my skin is clear...a tick from the V probably. THe fatigue is killing me, but is gradually getting better. I ahven't been sad, hostile, etc. just sleepy! I am hopeful that this will pass soon. For those of you who talk about the perk and teh high - I'd say get away soon- go to something else w/the help of your dr. I was open w/ my DR. and shared things like I feel up and then I crash, I can go all night w/o s;leeping or work all day on 1-2 hours of sleep and he always said that I shouldn't feel that, I should only have a sensation of focus. I tried a lot of meds- for short periods od time - some 1 or 2 days b/c I knew immediately it wasn't what I needed.
I stayed focused on my Goal - focus and order - I didn't go to the doctor looking for an energy pill to become the energizer rabbit who keeps going and going, I wanted something to help me be successful and focused so wasn't having panic attacks about my life and the variables within my life not be under TOTAL CONTROL by me. OCD was my non-medicated method of managing my ADD. When things couldn't be totally controlled I freaked - thus began my journey of Adult ADD and add medication sampling. I would recommend talking to your Dr. about ANYTHING you feel. I am glad that so many of you have enlightened me with your honesty.

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My husband has a new psychiatrist now who says his brain is inflamed from the Vyvanse. He is still having bi-polar episodes, unfortunately. The doc says Vyvanse creates a high flow of dopamine creating the hostility. He is now on two calming drugs to try to counteract the overflow of dopamine.

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My 16 year old daughter started taking Vyvanse 40mg. On the third day she developed constant uncontrollable leg jerking. I had her immediately stop taking it and now six days after her last dose, she still has this adverse effect. She'll be referred to a specialist within the next couple of days if these adverse reactions continue. We're hoping this is not a permanent damage. I wouldn't recommend this medication to anyone. She has taken Adderall and Strattera in the past with minimal side effects.

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