Withdrawal From Vyvanse (Page 12)


My son had a terrible experience on wyvance. He has phyciatic systems to include halluciations. The doctor took him off the drup cold turkey and Ihe seems to be having withdrawal systems? Is that normal?

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Hi Benniek, I definitely think you are on the right track about these meds. I'm 19 and started vyvanse 2 years ago (50 mg) and they seemed to work really well. I stayed focus and managed to sleep 8 hours a night. About 8 months ago, I started taking them everyday. Biggest mistake of my life. I lost weight, felt sleepy, lost focus, and started avoiding friends and everyday tasks. I left college to attend Mayoclinic and let me tell you... NONE of the doctors here are a fan of this drug. My psychiatrist at one of the best health clinics in the US confirmed: Vyvanse is addictive and does in fact cause withdrawal symptoms. So for everyone who thinks that's not true, you are mistaken. These drugs are not given to us for our best interest. Just strictly for profit. So, do not be fooled into thinking your doctor cares about your ADD when they keep you on it after you are having side effects. I've seen the best physicians and they were extremely disturbed with the carelessness of my former family doctors giving me Vyvanse and Xanax with no long term plan. Im currently getting off Vyvanse and it's been very hard. I sleep at least 12 hours a day. I'm slowly getting the bubbly hyper me back, but it's so much nicer than being a zombie. Good luck to everyone trying to get off and good luck to everyone who "loves" this drug. I've been in your position and trust me, it only gets worse.

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Thanks for your response Berniek and info on the drug. I do not want my son to be addicted to medicine starting young in life! It's never good at any age but more disturbing when kids are young for sure...probably the source of a lot of conflicting opinions about medicating for ADHD. Good for you for relying on your faith and God "I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me!" That's right! This site has been so good for me to hear different experiences from people at different ages. It has confirmed some of what I have been seeing in my son and now I will need to make a decision soon in terms of long term. I have noticed one thing is when I keep him active at night (evening) before bed, his withdrawal effects are not as bad because he is using so much energy physically and getting it out! But life doesn't allow to be outside hitting balls every evening...well all this is quite a learning experience! Best of luck to you and thank you for all your feedback!

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A couple of months ago, I was taking Vyvanse everyday in the morning, and Adderall instanst release at night for homework. I have been on increasing amounts of Vyvanse to help focus but after about a month and a half, I decided to stop taking them so that I would not be dependent on the drug. The first couple of days, I had various pains in different places and not much energy. After about a week, all the withdrawal symptoms were gone. I can now take Vyvanse when I need to, for days when I have like a test or something in school, and I have no withdrawals after not taking them the next day.

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When I take Vyvanse, I get very aggitated from different sounds I hear. If someone is chewing gum or tapping a pencil and I am trying to concentrate, I get annoyed and have to ask them to stop. Also, I normally have a shorter temper when on Vyvanse, but I can control it very easily. One weird side effect I get is shrinkage from walking up stairs or any slight excercise. Some of my friends get this too, but girls do not have to worry about it. One other negative effect I got, was the second day I took Vyvanse. While running sprints for track after school, my arms went completely numb. We then had to lift afterwards and I was much weaker than normal. This was probably due to not eating or drinking enough because the pill made me not hungry.

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I've been taking vyvanse for a year and 3 days ago decided to not refill my rx. Today is my first day without it. I took adderall for 2 years prior to my start on vyvanse. Right now I feel "ok" but I'm fearing withdrawals may set in. When I began vyvanse the transition from adderall to this drug was fabulous, no side effects. Over time I have became extremely aggitated and short fused. My hair has receeded and my speech which has never been a problem is now a huge issue. At times I will struggle to complete a sentence. I'm a college grad, so this makes it extremely hard to communicate and essentially contributes to my feeling of aggitation. I've found myself finding happiness in solace and when you've fought depression all your life it makes it a perfect recipe for disaster. I should have never started vyvance. My advice for anyone who is deciding to take it is this, the beginning will give you a delusional mind set that this drug works. Over time it takes your life away from you and you are left with nothing but remorse.

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Vyvanse, the miracle pill. Immediately the world takes on a rosy glow, and there's nothing you can't accomplish. You love everyone, and everyone loves you. For a while. Sad to say, my physician suggested that I, as a middle aged female had classic symptoms of ADD (without hyperactivity). She had discovered the "miracle drug" herself and felt that it was helping her to focus and avoid impulsive behavior. She prescribed it for me, beginning at a low dose as recommended and gradually increasing the dosage according to the pharmaceutical recommendations. Well, as I said, I felt pretty darn great and had all the energy in the world....but that was a little over a year ago. I have topped off at 70 mg/day. Since last year, I have lost my job, had trouble getting another one, become an absolute fearful hermit of a person. I avoid people, have lost interest in the things I used to enjoy. I have joint and muscle pains. I have terrible anxiety and overwhelming sense of hopelessness. As a Christian, I look forward, almost too much so, to death and the eternal peace of God's presence. I no longer have the energy or motivation to exercise regularly as I've done for years, though I know it would help my mood immensely. I have increased my use of hydrocodone and alprazolam (xanax) due to the headaches, muscle/joint pain and anxiety issues. I, like many of the blog participants am afraid to face withdrawal, as I am going to try to start a new job next week. I went back to talk to my doctor about adding buproprion (Wellbutrin) to help me wean off the V. She gave me a choice: Vyvanse or buproprion, but not both..It may shock some to hear that I am a healthcare provider. I have prescribed vyvanse to a couple of my own (adult) patients in the past. Never again. It's just an amphetamine....no place to go but spiraling downward, eventually. Medications affect individual persons differently. Some people can stop cold turkey with minimal side effects, but it's never a good idea to stop a medication suddenly unless your reaction to it is severe: anaphylaxis, etc. I just want to personally thank each of you who has had the courage and honesty to tell your story. I actually have had thoughts of leaving this life, and I have 5 adult children, a wonderful loving husband, and extended family who I know would be devasted. I also have faith in God, who led me, this day to read this blog; something I never do. I now know that these disturbing emotions, thoughts and feelings are a direct result of this medication. I am going to do the gradual withdrawal, as I have tried cold turkey a few months ago, and felt like I'd been hit by a Mack truck. Now I know there are other brave and honest souls are out there who have faced the same challenges and succeeded. With God's help, so will I.

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Hey, do not give up, you can and will beat this! If you have faith in him, he will not let you down. You say you want to feel Gods peace again, then you have to rely on him to beat this and not other drugs. I have been delivered from vyvanse addiction, meth addiction, adder all addiction, opiate addiction, marijuana addiction, and even tobacco addiction through the healing power of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the only one who can give you the strength you need to beat strongholds over your life. Go back and read all my posts over the past year on here and you can see just how bad it had gotten. As I write you now I am free from all that junk! I am free to run, I am free to dance! You can and will be too, just get your strength from him and have patience and endure. This is only a bump in the road my friend, and you are gonna be able to get your life back for sure, it just takes time. First you must remember that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. with that in your mind you have already won half the battle. Second Remember that God will never put more on our shoulders than you can handle, and he has made you strong enough to beat this or you would not be here in the first place. Third remember that after you have suffered, he will restore your strength so you can perform his will. That will is to help others overcome thus addiction just as you did, Like I am helping you now. As a Christian you should know that all 3 of these steps are scriptures from the bible and through scriptures is how we renew our minds to take on these problems and come out victorious. If you need me I am here, he strengthens me more each day, and I believe that through him I can conquer all things! I went through my addictions to be a helping hand to others in the same situations, so you have a friend! Be strong and Do not give up!

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Also, if you are anyone else on here who is recovering from vyvanse or other drugs nd need spiritual help in learning to rely on God to get you through this please check out my Facebook page. Bennie Killingsworth Jr.
In Longview Texas. It should be easy to find. I post all my stories of overcoming life controlling problems through Christ and also inspirational quotes and scriptures. Send me s friend request and a message letting me know your problrm so i can pray for you, I will always be there to help y'all! Remember we are all in this together when we seek God for our strength!

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Okay. Thank you. Your posts have really helped me see the light and to face the truth of my addictions. I will listen to the voice of reason and accept the healing power of God as you have done by His remarkable grace and love. He is the Great Physician.

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I read every post on this topic/blog. Vyvance is a schedule II (high potential for abuse/addiction) and as such will certainly have some withdrawal effects, depending on each individual, eg: dosage, length of time on medication, individual body/brain chemistry, etc. This drug is an example of the FDA being "bought" by big pharmaceutical corporations. The big money they are making will be more than enough to pay the settlements for law suits that are bound to occur. It's sad that people will die or be injured so that the corporate execs can drive fancy cars and take extravagant vacations...yes...the "American dream" at a terrible price. This drug doesn't CURE anything. It's like putting a bandaid on cancer...it's covering a deeper issue and there are no quick fixes. Getting off drugs in general is uncomfortable to say the least, but like leaving a dark room to walk into the sunlight, once you're over the initial adjustment (squinting, etc) you will realize that the temporary discomfort was worth it. Your life is worth it.

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Awesome post Janie! That is all the very sad truth.

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wondering how he is making out, my son experienced the withdraw from this med for a few days but they subsided; he was only on it for 3 weeks. I took it as I said in my other post and loved the focus but hated the heart racing etc.... then again my husband takes it and loves it, he can take it for a few days when he needs it for school and then not on the weekends- not sure though if that is because his body is now used to doing it. I am fearful for his withdraw in the end- but like cancer that can not be cured; neither can adhd or other psychiatric issues. Only therapy and sometimes medicine helps make it easier to live with. No, we do not know the long term effects, we know that some NOT ALL experience withdraw, but we also know that for people considering the meds for themselves or their child, they have tried almost everything else. The doc just put my son on tennex- it's working okay so far, but he still has issues focusing. I just feel bad for him because he needs something for his impulsivity or he's going to be in for a rough road ahead.

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I am a 23 year old male (24 in a week and a 1/2) and I have been severely addicted to amphetamines since I first swallowed adderall about 5 years ago at approximately age 19. First of all, being the addict that I am, I switched to Vyvanse for one reason only... like clockwork I finished my 30day adderrall script within a 3-5 day span which began the process, actually full time job: locating any amphetamine and as many as I could find by ANY means.... so I knew the deal with this new "abuse proof" drug that I already had tried about one or two times and knew I liked it, actually so much so that it felt too easy. Which it was, my doctor was absolutely happy when I sat down and said that I came 3 days prior for my adderall (not that he would have known if I was there 5 minutes before) and after hearing about this new safe wonder drug a little I want to play it on the safe side and give it a try… I loved the smoothness of the high, its not as shaky. and it sort of teases you with the waiting time. But even at the recommended 70mg hits nicely. Unfortunately I started to burn through these unabuseable pills and somehow be outsmarting everyone because I was high for 24 hours in a day…. no joke. I slept 2 nights a week for 2 years - NO BS - if I was lucky. I quit a job where I was making 20$ an hour web designing (which I am very good at) with no college degree and would have had my salary easily increased monthly - insisted upon by the owner… I figured it was interfering with my companies work and my ability to finish jobs. So I left my 20$ an hour and spent 2 years on speed starting so many websites and projects probably finishing only the first few. My addiction got out of control and Ironically I relapsed after 80 days clean 3 days ago - however I bounced right back up and things in my life are getting so much better, if you are struggling as well, know you can get through it, it is going to suck, but you will be sorely mistaken if your one of those who spends the last week or more of every month on the couch because theres none of the magic non habit forming capsules left in your bottle….. You know who you are.

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I just wanted to clarify to those actually reading my experience that when I wrote about my 20$ an hour job and how I would " continue to receive salary increases as insisted upon by the owner " | THIS IS IMPORTANT BECAUSE IT SHOWS HOW IRRATIONAL AND RIDICULOUSLY DELUSIONAL THIS DRUG HAD MADE ME FEEL | then I followed by stating how I thought this job was interfering with my own company and I could make more on my own... JUST WANTED TO CLARIFY MY CHOICE WAS ONE OF JUST MINOR OF THE MANY MANY MANY THAT I MADE SUGGESTING SOMETHING WAS WRONG

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Couldn't identify more with your story, check out mine towards the top... funny something about this 2 year thing... seeing a pattern

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One huge common theme that really irritates me and I have never ever understood, but try to... I really do... is even the mere thought or even for a split second entertaining the idea that there is even a possibility of force feeding your 7 year old child who drew on the wall with crayon in crayon on the wall a couple times or god forbid shows any signs of this unspeakable horrifying flaw that is definitely the deal sealer and actually backed by scientific studies: the 6 year old who "avoids tasks with sustained mental effort" - Its then obviously appropriate for a SCHEDULE 2 DRUG, WHICH BY THE WAY ARE GROUPED SPECIFICALLY BY ABUSE POTENTIAL (Not arguing that ADHD/ADD is or isnt a disease, just like for me my addiction is treated as a disease, to be honest I dont even know what to believe but I know I needed help) It just seems like people are missing the big picture - maybe some tough times and slower than average school work - id take that any day over feeding and chancing a disease that has far exceeded an epidemic

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Totally normal although docs will say no. I took it for a few days and LOVED the clarity it gave me, but I could not sleep and my heart pounded. It took two weeks to feel right again. I m an adult, newly diagnosed w adhd and anxiety...I figured no Meds were the way for me, to avoid that feeling ever again. My son though tried it he's seven, he had withdraw for two days and is now on concerta , he definitely needs something, but I am only doing it until his mind re trains itself to not be so impulsive. Taking the Meds longer than they were trial tested is a bad idea. Good luck!

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The doctors are owned by the pharmaceutical companies. I am at the moment going through withdrawl. I feel as if I have the flu. Before going off, I experienced a loss of labido, prostate fluid when I would urinate, lack of interest in my family, and completely tired at the end of the day. I felt better on adderall, but due to some chest pain we switched to a vyvannse. At this point, I am done with ADD meds all together. I'd rather be a good dad than a good worker.

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Contact and meet with your MD for further treatment recommendations. I've been prescribed 70mg daily and been taking this daily for over 1.5yrs. Found myself increasing my capsule intake over time, after gradually building a tolerance to this drug. I've been referred by my APRN to seek inpatient drug treatment to help me manage the unmanagable w/d symptoms associated w/ cessation of this drug.
Hope sharing this doesn't upset you. Don't put this off. Find out options so that you can comfortably manage your situation.
Best of luck!

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are you implying that parents who decide to medicated their children make the decision without careful thought and consideration? have you ever stared at an unruly child in a supermarket, on the plane, in church, or wherever and thought about how the parents must bot be doing their job? Or thought that you did not want your child to play with the kid who just won't listen>
That is what happens to kids with ADHD , no one wants to play with them in the end, they are made fun, stared at, and they feel terrible about themsleves. It is heartbreaking; because most of the time, the parent is going over and beyond to help their child. The idea of the medicine is that it rains the child or the adult to think more clearer and hence becomes a learned response so that when they are off of the medicine they are used to calmly thinking through an issue and trained to focus, that they will be able to apply it to their daily life forever. These drugs are only meant to be taken for a few years at the most. What I have a problem with is that no one seems to be concerned with the withdraw that is experienced and why there is not data provided on it.

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