Withdrawal From Vyvanse (Page 13)


My son had a terrible experience on wyvance. He has phyciatic systems to include halluciations. The doctor took him off the drup cold turkey and Ihe seems to be having withdrawal systems? Is that normal?

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Thank you for making me feel less alone in this hell hole of an addiction. How did you manage to go 80 days without it? and what were those 80 days like? 80 days of sleep? Do you remember a point during your cleanse that you actually felt like a normal person again?? In 4 years, I can't recall a time longer than 2 weeks that I was able to go without vyanse or adderall. And each time I try, I'm completely worthless and unproductive.... no motivation, no energy, no purpose. I always get more. And, I too, go through a 30 day scirpt in just a few days. I see different doctors, and spend way too much money on this damned medicine that has consumed my life and has taken away my innocence and freedom. Its funny how you can hate something SO MUCH but at the same time, never go without it. I need to do something, and i need to do it quick. Its out of control ....What was your initial step in attempting recovery ?

thanks again for your honesty and especially for giving me some hope.


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Hey Kelsey! You will definantly start to feel like a normal person again, it just takes time. You can go back through these posts over the last year or so and read what all I have been through with vyvanse and adderal to get an idea of how bad it was for me. Next month will be a full year without vyvanse. You are at a tipping point in your recovery when you make it to 2 weeks. With almost any drug I have been addicted to, once you get past the 2 week mark is when you start to tell a difference in how you feel mentally and physically. You need to be confident that once you get over the 2 week mark you are going to start feeling alot better. Don't get discouraged when you are not back to normal or feeling great as fast as you want, recovery is a process and it will take time to get everything back in order again. For me I have found my strength in Christ to get through this and getting back into church has helped a lot. It is also good to attend some type of recovery group if you can. As bad as I hate to do the group thing it does help a lot to be able to talk to other people. If you will make up your mind to make it past the 2 weeks and go 1 month without them you will see that the 3rd and 4th ween will be a lot better for you and then you can make up your mind to go head and stop taking them for good! Hope this helps, let me know if you need anything as far as advice during your recovery!! I'll pray for you!!

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I just quit vyvanse cold turkey after taking it for several years now. I honestly can't tell you how long I've been taking it or the dosage. I've also been taking Lexapro for about 2 years for anxiety, I quit it cold turkey also at the same time. With taking those two meds my blood pressure went dangerously into the hypertension level. I've been looking at going into more natural solutions, When I started Vyvanse my doctor told me it was an amphetimine like Ritalin, which is what I liked about it. It's been almost 2 weeks now and though I'm feeling more like myself in a lot of ways, I am going through withdrawals I think. Last week, my first week off, I was jittery and my mind was everywhere. 4th of July I felt great. Last weekend, I felt pretty good also. Starting on Monday, I started having dizzy spells. Has anyone else had this problem? From what I've read on here withdrawal symptoms have gone away after 2 weeks. I hope this is true. And Bennie, Phil 4:13 is my life verse. I think my faith has really helped me in making this decision to go natural and organic.

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Oops, I just noticed a mistake. My doctor told me Vyvanse was not an amphetamine like Ritalin. That is what I liked about it.

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Hey Aimee! Happy to here you are leaving vyvanse behind! You should be starting to feel pretty good again a little more each day. Don't get discouraged that it doesn't all happen as fast as you'd like it too. The main thing is that you WILL be yourself again, and you WILL NOT need those drugs anymore to feel good or normal! Not sure on the exact date, but this month will be 1 full year without Vyvanse and I have never felt this good. There were times when I wanted to give in and go back to the doctor to refill again, but Praise the Lord that did not happen! If you trust that God will get you through this then he will, you need not worry! Always remember this...
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31

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The dizziness is more likely a symptom of stopping the lexapro cold turkey. Look up SSRI discontinuation syndrome. It has the potential to make you feel awful for quite a while. The good news is it's easily treatable. Talk to your doctor if it continues.

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my son has been on vyvanse for over a year he is 7 and up to 50mg he seems non caring when he is on it and he has been out for a day or 2 because the med management never gets back to you or not in the office and you have to have a hand written prescription everytime you need a refill . anyway he has cried, not listened, doesent know what is wrong with himself. and also his ins. will not pay for the vyvanse so any sugestions?

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As blunt as I can be, run from it and don't look back!

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I would like to address all the people who are discussing "cutting their pills in half" DON'T DO IT!! The Vyvanse ingredients are CAUSTIC, and if you take them not in the capsule, they can destroy your stomach lining. Ask the doctor for a lower dose. DO NOT OPEN OR CUT THE PILL IN HALF! This is dangerous and can cause bleeding ulcers.

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Don't know if this is still an active thread, but this describes my situation precisely. 70mg five days a week for four years now. I don't like the effects anymore, but when I don't take it, it requires excessive effort to get out of bed.

Pfizer was genius, but this sucks now.

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Hey everyone i've been reading through several sites and came to this one and felt i should share my story and see what you guys think. I'm 35 years old with a family of 4. I was diagnosed earlier this year with add. I thought for a while that i had early signs of alzheimers pardon if spelled wrong. I would forget stuff all the time. I was even told by co workers that i was a solid employee but i had a problem remembering things. I seen my regular doctor and took some tests. She then diagnosed me with add. I also tend to be ocd at times and when i have to get things done i get nervous and in a hurry and my mind thinks about so many things at one time that i forget things in the process. Mydoctor prescribed me 20mg adderral at first and i didn't like not being able to sleep or eat on it. It did make me alert and more attentive but the downsides i couldn't tollerate because i've always had a problem keeping weight on anyway. Went back after a few months and started 30mg vyvanse. At first it was awesome like many have said on here. Then i would start feeling very lethargic sometimes around 10am at the earliest. I would yawn all the time, muscle tension in my jaws, more severe headaches, and sweaty palms and body too. My wife told me that i was becoming more irritable also and more distant too. This also had to do with me not getting along with a coworker and bringing my frustration home. I have quit working with that guy now so hopefully things will get better there. I was offshore working for a week without my vyvanse and i was forgetting stuff like normal before vyvanse and getting in too much of a hurry. I took my first 30mg vyvanse today since being home and now my palms are sweaty again and i was feeling lethargic again a few hours after taking the medicine. Also the muscle tension is back and headaches are a little worse also since i normally have them from time to time anyway. Trying to figure out whether i should remain taking the vyvanse or get off of it completely. Vyvanse does make me more focused and it does help me remember more but just wondering if i was wrongly diagnosed and if maybe i have anxiety or something else besides add or maybe a combination of other things. I dont feel the nice feeling anymore when i take it. Just start to feel sleepy for a little bit and then i'm wide awake while feeling that i could go to sleep if i wanted to if that makes any sense. Just curious if somebody on here has had these kinds of symptoms and maybe what they did to start to feel normal.

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Hey! You should probably try to get off vyvanse now. The next thing the doctor is gonna do is raise your dose. This will give you the great feeling again for a couple weeks, but by the end of the following month you will not have that feeling and your side effects will be worse. Then of course it will be time to raise your dose again. This pattern will continue till you get up to about 70 mg and your life is completely out of control. Hopefully you understand I'm not being rude, just stating the facts. You can scroll back a few months and read my horror stories about vyvanse and other peoples as well. This drug is a lot worse than people truly know and the Longer you stay on it the more distant your life will become, and the longer you will take to recover. Being that you have kids and a wife, you probably do not want to spend months trying to get your life back bro. I've been off vyvanse for a little over a year now. It gets better everyday, but it has been very hard. Without my faith in God, there is no way I could have gotten through this. I'm 36 and I fee like I'm 66! Hahaha! Seriously though, Turn to Jesus my friend! He will give you the strength you need to get on out of this before it gets any worse! Pray to him about what you are needing such as focus, energy, etc, and trust him! He will answer your prayers! At our age it's not always a good idea to rely on these drugs to fix problems, they just create more. There are websites with plans of natural ways to deal with ADHD. More than anything it is just learning to stay focused on the task at hand and not get sidetracked by other things. It takes applying yourself as does anything, but it is very possibe to beat ADHD symptoms without taking a drug that in the long run can destroy your mind, body and soul. You can do al things through Christ who strengthens you bro! Lean on him! Hope this helps!

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Thanks benniek. Like i said in my previous post. I had taken it yesterday and to be honest i felt like crap and ended up not being able to sleep til 4am. Still had a hard time going to sleep too. Forget this stuff bro. I haven't taken it today and i feel alot better to be honest and i didn't feel as snappy at my kids or wife either. I do believe and have tremendous faith in god and he showed me today just by not being on that stuff and feeling so much better that i don't need it. I'll deal with my add but in a better and safer way. I have read tgrough this whole series of 250 something posts on this thread and i have seen you offering very helpful advice to people. Brotha keep up the good work. You can really help people that are looking for a place to turn when they can't seem to find a straight answer from anyone else. Doctors especially. I had a very bad addiction to alot of things in my 20's but hydrocodone was myworst addiction. At one point and time i remember taking over 30 10/500 hydrocodones in one night while being out and drinking at the same time and then driving home 45 minutes away. That was around 7 years ago. Then i met the live of my life. I quit everything cold turkey. Nights of waking up with my bed being completely soaked from sweating. The withdrawal pains, muscle cramps, and i made it through all of that with no help except my wife and family. I never thought i would make it to 30 years of age at one point and time but i did. Now every once and a while when i would go to the dentist to get a tooth pulled or if i hurt my back i would get prescribed pain meds. I would over do it and not mean to. If that makes any sense. Then about 3 to 3 1/2 years ago when we found out that my wife was pregnant with my now almost 3 year old beautiful daughter i was messed up. My son isn't mine by blood but i love him none the less like he is. I Over did it again. She came outside crying and told me i had a choice. Her and the children or the drugs. I stopped right then and there. Now if i get prescribed pain meds i take them as prescribed if i take them at all. I just don't have the desire for them like that anymore. The reason for this long story is that vyvanse began to make me feel like that and it scared me. I knew i needed it for my add and it did help to a point. But the after affects of this drug clearly and side effects clearly outweighed the good points for me. I'm just glad i have a clear,unclouded mind now to see it. Anyone that comes to this series of threads in search of some answers like i was doing. Take some advice from me and read all of the stories here from other peole. All of them. Please!!!!! Don't take this medicine. People like benniek on here can really help. Try and talk to your doctor and seek other means for help. I'm not one to offer too much help because this is only my second post on here and i am just learning about this stuff too. There are people here with alot more knowledge though. Like benniek said. Have faith and trust in god. Thanks again benniek.

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You are welcome brother! Makes me happy to know you are feeling better about the situation today! It will all be good my friend! Don't give up and keep on praying! Jesus is the ony way!

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Wolverine - How is your daughter doing now? Your posts about your daughter describe my symptoms exactly. I just stopped taking this drug two days ago and am experiencing extreme withdrawal. Just hoping the symptoms go away in the next few days. Thank you for your posts.

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How long you been taking it and what was your mg Nancy?

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I started taking it last August, at first I was taking 30 mg but recently the doctor boosted me up to 50 mg a day. I used to be on adderall for almost 6 years for adhd which I had very few side effects on. The doctor (who obviously is getting paid lots of money to switch people from adderall to vyvanese) told me V had much fewer side effects and I should try it. At first I felt great but then I started experiencing a lot of negative side effects. Over the past year I lost my job and started having a lot of panic attacks and daily paranoia/anxiety. She prescribed me xanex to sleep which helps but I decided this week that I wanted to stop the Vyvanese all together and go back to adderall. Yesterday I didn't take the V at all and took only 5 mg of adderall and had one of the worst days of my life. I couldn't get out of bed, was crying uncontrollably and was having suicidal thoughts. I've never had depression or suicidal thoughts so I am guessing that this happened because I stopped taking the V cold turkey and didn't wean myself off of it. I could barely think all day and couldn't eat a thing and was having diarrhea almost every hour. It was a terrible feeling. I told my doctor that morning that I was going to go off of it and asked if there would be any issues and she said no so I didn't realize that I must be having withdrawal symptoms until I found this site. It was so comforting to read other people's posts and realize that I was not alone. Vyvanese is an awful drug and I would highly suggest people to stay away from it until doctors really study the long term effects. When I took the Vyvanese as prescribed I would feel fine but I could never motivate myself to get another job. I worked odd jobs here and there but pretty much would just be trying to get through each day. It's scary how quickly weeks turn into months when I'm on this drug. I feel happy and fine on it but I realize that it's been almost a year on the drug and my life has changed drastically since I've been on it. Today I took a time released 15 mg of adderall and feel much much better/starting to get back to normal feeling. I threw my bottle of V in the trash and plan to never go back to it again!

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My daughter has lost her life to vyvanse .Her job kids husband ,still addicted been 3 yrs .we need help she has overdosed twice.When she is off it she cant wake up does not care about anything anymore.When she cant get vyvanse she drinks till shes crazy .Where can we go for help.

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Hey! Vyvanse addiction can be broken if she really wants to stop. You can read through my previous posts on here back over the last 2 years and read how bad it was for me when I was on it. I'm now over 1 year clean from it and my life is great again! Praise the Lord! Jesus is the answer! There are Christ centered faith based outpatient recovery programs that she can get in and they do help! God 14 was the program I started my recovery on. It is a outpatient program offered at many churches worldwide. Check on the internet to find out more about it. I now attend a support group called living free! All of this will get her on the track to getting her life back, but she has to put forth an effort, and have a desire to quit. Without that there really is no answer other than inpatient rehab. Just don't give up, because it does get better once you stop taking this drug. Retraining her mind to be more biblical is really where it has to start. Vyvanse is straight up from the devil, and the only things that defeat the devil are the word of God and Jesus! And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free! John 8:32! If you need anything please let me know!

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This sounds exactly like whats happening to me. Drinking coffee has helped me the most but that ultimately leads to a dependence for caffeine which becomes just as annoying. The best thing to do really is just taper yourself off the meds, little by little. When quitting cold turkey it's sure to be a long month.

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