Withdrawal From Klonopin 1mg Daily (Page 12)
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I have been on kolonopin 1 mg daily for 14 months now I am depressed and very anxious most of the time I want to get off this drug but from what i have read It should be cut down slowly and over a long peroid of time. has anyone gone through a simlar situation that may have some advise

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I am a victim of this drug and contrary to some thoughts it takes different times to withdrawl as per Each Case. Kindness is due those who are sympathetic, not those who wish to mock others. I have no malice, only empathy. Live in joy and stay on track at your pace.

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Your really crazy, you are not making any sense. You must be high to say something so mean! If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything. One more thing, I am not addicted to drugs, if I were then I would be here seeking advice, so please get off this site, you really need help.
God be with you

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For the last tme, it doesn't take that long to get off of the klonopin! If one follows their doctors inetructions, it can take up to 3-4 weeks if you make sure at do what he tells you. You will be just fine. I know I have gone through this with xanax, and that is much more addictive! Don't let anyone scare you or tell you otherwise. I hate it when people come on here acting like they know it all. I have gone through this process. It can be done very easy, just follow your doctore advive. Gee now is that so hard? NO! If you have any question, just ask me, I am not a doctor, but my room mate is.
God Bless you all:)

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OK, I am done on this site. My best to you all, and remember if you go off of the benzo's you need to taper slow. It takes anywhere from 6 months to a year to get off of them. Good Luck every one, and be informed of what goes into your body! I will not be caught up in this!

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I am done on this site. My best to you all, and remember if you go off of the benzo's you need to taper slow. It takes anywhere from 6 months to a year to get off of them. I will not be caught up in this!

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Hi, you mean to tell me your doctor didn't tell you this is addictive? That's why we have to ask questions al the time to our doctors. If you don't need this anymore please call your doctor. He/she will tell you how to get of this medication without any withdrawl. I hate it when someone pops up on this site and tells everyone that it's hell to get off of this drug. They are so wrong, and I hope nobody listens to him. You need a caring doctor. If you don't feel that he will help you, all you have to do is call you pharmacist, they know more about this drug then most doctors. I hope your doing ok.

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Hello, I know what you are talking about. Aprox. 20 years ago, I was taking xanax, when I told my doctor I was ready to stop the drug. He told me how to taper off of it so their would be no withdrawl at all. Well he was right. I did exactly whet he told me to do and was fine. The same things goes for any type pf drug that is addicting. Pleas, please don't get off the drug without your doctors advice first. Be well

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I am not masking any problem, I think you must be talking to someone else, am still new on here. Anyway, for everyong that has finally on the right medcation to treat their medical problems, I am very happy for you, because it to me forever to get on the right medications that would help me. I have had to go to many doctors untill I found one that really cared and took the time to find the best option to treat me. And I have gone through hell for many years before getting the right medications that I need. God Bless all of you out there who is still not getting what they need to fix whatever medical problems you have.
You will be in my prayers

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I don't know who you are taliking to. For millions this drug is a lifesaver, as is for me. I don't need it everyday like an antidepressent, I went that route before and I will never take those again. I had a hell of a time getting off zoloft. I know that klonopin, xanax etc. Is very addicting, who wouldn't? People are not stupid. I don't care what drug my doctor prescribes for me, he always tell me the risks involved when taking the drug. And me as well as everyone I know will also do the research on any medication being prescribed. Get real already!

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If you want to stay on this drug and "be stuck there" the rest of your life that is up to you. I choose to get off and not "mask" my problem anymore. As far as this drug not being addictive, you are totally wrong my dear. But keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. Your body gets totally dependent on this drug if you are on it for a long period of time. If your Dr. tells you otherwise I suggest you see a new Doctor. My family Dr. told me he would NEVER prescribe this drug to anyone. I just hope you don't need help getting off of it.

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I got on this site for help with Clonazepam withdrawl. I have had the most wonderful support having someone like Rita who has gone through the same thing. I did not get on here to be called names and to be made to feel like I am a mental case. I am not. I am a normal healthy woman that got stuck on this drug because I had a sudden change occur in my life. I had a hard time. I sought help, I got help, now I am ready to get off. The thing I want everyone to know if you get on this stuff, have a plan from your Dr. Don't be stuck on this drug for years like I was. When I got on this drug, no-one told me how addictive it was, and I didn't have a computer to look it up six years ago either.

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Are you kidding how insensitive can one be "been there" try being human and shut up unless you have something helpful to add.

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I AM off the stuff! I've been off it for months and am still suffering horrible side effects as are hundreds of other people. Klonopin actually restructures the brain! This isn't the only site I've visited. There are so many people suffering from this drug that there's no way it could possibly be safe. And I worry for people who say it's helping them because it can only do so for so long before the dose has to be raised to get the same effect (the definition of an addictive drug). There are people out there on 20 mg and their doctors have strung them out on it for years! Let's just put it this way, it may help some people (Cocaine and Heroin help some people and used to be medicines!), but, all in all, it is NOT a safe medication. It is extremely dangerous and most doctors are not prescribing as cautiously as they should be. As for the fella who said, "Grow UP!" That's fine for you, but what about us people who are not as wonderfully intelligent as you, or who are mentally ill? Are you saying that because we were stupid or sick, it was okay to poison us? Is it okay to addict someone to a drug without their consent or full knowledge because you think they're an idiot, or they're crazy, or a naive teenager, or desperate for relief that a doctor sells them? I'm not saying I'm the brightest bulb in the chandelier, I was hit by a car and I've had a horrible brain injury that effects me daily. But, I didn't deserve this! On top of the seizures and constant pain, I didn't need to have to fight this too! That's a horrible thing to say! Somebody out there back me up on this! Don't leave me hanging here!

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If you think it's poison, then get off the stuff! This medication has been a lifesaver for me. You just have to be careful not to abuse it.

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No, Sweetie, You don't understand, and I'll try to keep this nice. I was mentally ill, as were alot of the people put on these drugs. Mentally ill means ipso facto, unable to think straight. And very desperate. And I've had doctors and pharmicists stress to me "DON'T read the insert in the medicine packet because those thiings aren't going to happen to YOU! They only list everything that's possibly happened to maybe one person who tried the medicine. That will NEVER happen to you. This medicine is perfectly safe! Just trust me. I'm telling you this for your own good. If you read the insert or start fooling around looking things up on the internet, why, you could MAKE yourself have those symptoms psychosomatically." And not everyone is in a place in their minds when they're mentally ill, to challenge their doctors, and they're so desperate for an end to their pain that they believe the doctors when they say, "Oh nothing bad's going to happen to you. Why I wouldn't PRESCRIBE this medication to DOZENS of my patients if i didn't believe it was safe. Trust Me!" And the damn doctor's got a responsibility to "First, Do No Harm". If he's peddling poison, it's still poison and he's still a poisoner, whether his patient is an idiot or not.. I'm glad for you, if you've never been that sick that you couldn't take care of yourself, or advocate for yourself, or defend yourself, or not be in touch with reality. I'm really happy for you! But I've BEEN THERE, and a doctor put me on poison in that state of mind, and there was NO ONE to protect me! No one to advocate FOR me. Now, I CAN help someone else be saved from this horror that I still suffer from everyday and you better believe it buster, I'll do everything i can to get this poison taken off of the market, if it's the last thing I do!

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OMG~ grow up people! I'm a true advocate for peoples' health and well-being, I live it everyday, so be mad at me but please read with an open mind. I'm not an attorney or a doctor, just been through what you have been through and more and actually worked in the fields you are posting about. You took these drugs on your own. No one forced it down your throats. If YOU did not read what it can do and how to get off it before you took it you are at fault, not the doctor. A DOCTOR CAN NOT PREDICT YOUR ALLERGIC REACTION TO ANY MEDICATION PRIOR TO YOU TAKING IT, HE/SHE CAN'T PREDICT YOUR SENSITIVITY EITHER. Neither can the drug manufacture. If you are having withdrawal from Klonipin, which has a long "shelf-life" in your body, the longest of all the benzos it's possible to taper off using a lesser medication but THIS HAS TO BE DISCUSSED WITH YOUR PSYCHIATRIST. The stronger the medication and the longer you have been on it the longer it takes to get out of your system - sometimes months and you will have side effects, but those can be monitored and treated with other medication if need be. Using a lesser medication worked for me this last time - the ER doc suggested it and it worked. I'm back on Klonipin (Clonozepam), unfortunately. You can't sue, these aren't poisons and they work for thousands of people when used correctly, I'm referring to benzos and other anti-psychotic drugs, (except MOAIs because I'm not familiar enough with those). And yes, I've been in the ER for the withdrawal. I have bipolar disorder and severe anxiety disorder. I will be on medication for life. I've tried to be off benzos because I really don't like being on that kind of medication but my body physically needs an anti-anxiety medication. Some people do, it's not bad, benzos are NOT ADDICTIVE MEDICATIONS. You need to look up the difference between dependence, addiction and necessity - there is a huge difference. In a lawsuit, all your dirt will come back to haunt you when the pharm attorneys get involved - I used to work on the phen-phen cases, the attorneys get nasty and will bring your family into it, find their dirt, talk to your neighbors, employers, etc. You could lose your disability so be very cautious when you do embark on this path, that includes the politicians. Back to the medication. My anxiety is such that when I have an attack I lose the ability to swallow. I've been off anti anxiety medications several times in the last 10+ years and each time I end up with severe attacks. My brain isn't wired correctly, it's like any other disease and if you have diabetes, epilepsy, a heart condition are you going to stop those medications cold turkey without discussing with your doctor? I doubt it. You could have a bad reaction to any medication, even aspirin. You have to take responsibility for your healthcare. Reading your posts makes my blood boil because you are not taking any responsibility for your own behavior or actions. It's dangerous to take any drug and think you can make the decision how to take it. You also need to be seen by the correct type of doctor prescribing the drug - heart=Cardiologist, Back=Orthopedic, Cancer-oncologist, psychiatric problems-PSYCHIATRIST. Psychiatric problems are not shameful, I used to think they were. I used to be ashamed because I had something wrong and I sure as hell didn't want to take more pills, or any pills, I hate medication, but when you can't swallow, you do what you need to do to not have that ever happen again. I have learned and read the current PDR and have the biggest medical dictionary out there and my doctors know I'm going to ask every question I can think of and know I won't take anything until I've done my research and we work together. Do your homework and quit with the show-boating about suing. Except the person on workers-comp - you might get somewhere if you were doing what the docs said in the first place, you could have died; it's happened before. For the posts on narcodics, I'm sorry, those are addictive and so many docs are incorrectly getting their patients hooked, some accidentally, some because they are inattentive. The laws coming out now are strict and hard for those that truly need them, but are helping those that are over-prescribed and just don't know any better. You can learn other options for the pain. 12 step programs do work, been there too, they can be hardcore and you will hear some crazy, sad things but keep going, it doesn't matter how old you are. Most the people there don't bite and are actually very kind. Physical therapy works for some pain problems. I truly am sorry for those who have become addicted pain medication. I'm going to get a lot of crap for my post, I don't apologize. I've worked in the healthcare and legal fields and hear this stuff all the time because of the things I do now. Pay attention and be pro-active in your own healthcare, if you don't like the doc, get a new one, if you aren't sure about something, don't take it until you find out more about it, if you don't think you need it don't take it! DO NOT EVER LET A DOCTOR BULLY YOU. It's your body do what is best. Just don't put stuff in your system until you know all there is to know, if you don't want the risk, ask for another option. Also, not all herbs or supplements are safer and can interact with many foods, again, just be aware of what you are putting in your body. Please.

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Oh my, what a terrible doctor, I'm telling you, it seems like more and more doctors just don't care. They know darn well you have to be very careful when going of any drug. Even the drugs that don't cause addiction. It is not hard to quit any drug, meaning you won't go through any withdrawls if you stick to it and do it the right way.

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