Withdrawal From Klonopin 1mg Daily (Page 13)
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I have been on kolonopin 1 mg daily for 14 months now I am depressed and very anxious most of the time I want to get off this drug but from what i have read It should be cut down slowly and over a long peroid of time. has anyone gone through a simlar situation that may have some advise

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Thank you, Folks! I echo your anger! I have sent messages to BillO'Reilly and my Congressman and plan to contact Erin Brockovich. The only problem is these people receive millions of emails and they will probably never even see mine! I wish there was more I could do! If anyone ever does get a lawsuit together, I'll testify! I ended up at an emergency appointment with my psychologist because I was afraid to go to sleep knowing that, in the morning, I would wake up in a panic attack with thousands of fire ants trying to claw their way out of my chest and my heart pounding and a 6-ton elephant sitting on my chest and feeling both terrified and suicidally depressed at the same time. I never felt this before the Klonopin. I am beyond boiling mad!!! I'm on disability because of this and living way way below the poverty level. I think Roche Pharmaceutical, that makes this poison, ought to be supporting me and paying my medical bills. It's their poison!

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Good Luck Rita!

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Good Luck Rita! I can't believe that we as 51 year old grand-mother's are in this predicament! I seriously feel like a drug addict. It just makes me so mad that someone did this to me! I had another night of no sleep. I have this metal taste in my mouth that will not go away, and my smell is so distorted. I can't wait to get on the otherside of it. I want to get there like you did....and I will!

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Tonight my psychologist gave me the address for NA (Narcotics Anonymous) meetings to learn the 12 Step Program. He just warned me that I (a 51 year old grandma who's never even had a traffic ticket) might be uncomfortable with some of the people who are pretty hard core and have been in and out of prison etc. Luckily, I worked in a factory nights for a few years at the kind of place where they don't do drug tests so you can imagine who I worked with. I found that a lot of those folks never had much of a chance in life to start with and that the pain we shared made us have more in common than not. I don't think I'll have any problems. Wish me luck! :-)

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Rita, I forgot to mention that I went to a man that practices holistic medicine. I have replaced the drugs I was on with herbs. I take some 5HTP 100 mg. a day for the serotonin and and other vitamins that my Dr. wanted me on. I have physical therapy for my neck and back pain, which is getting better. I get massages. I am exercising, drinking distilled water with lemon, taking Epson salt baths just to detox my body. I was wondering if you would do a detox for your liver or just a whole body detox to get the rest of it out of you. I also was wondering if you looked into some Kava-Kava which is a good anti-anxiety herb. Our bodies were not made to put this bad medicine in it. It only stands to reason that vitamins and herbs are the way to go. Talk to someone and see if this will help. Like the Holistic guy told me "if it doesn't grow on a plant, or tree, or in the ground, don't put it in your mouth." Makes sense to me!

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Debra, I have been tapering off of Clonazepam since October. I was on Pristiq also. I weaned myself off of that without the help of my family Doctor. The Clonazepan is another story. I was on 0.25 mg. 3x a day for 6 years. I am down to a .025 now, just at bedtime. When I drop down, I do it for four weeks at a time. Next the plan is 0.125 every night at bedtime for four weeks. Then every other night. This is a very slow process. Be patient, and listen to your body. I have been keeping what I call "My Benzo Journey Journal". I pray alot. I listen to K-Love, I listen to empowering Christian videos, I go to Church, and read my Bible. I would never be able to do this on my own. I feel like I have a demon inside me and I want it out! I WILL come out on the other side of this with God's help. I will then tell everyone I know to NEVER get on these drugs again! I will pray for you both, and if there is anything we can do to stop this drug abuse please let me know!

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IS there ANYONE OUT THERE who has successfully weaned OFF these horrible drugs entirely, without using other DRUGS. IF SO HOW? Details Please...I am under 100 lbs I can't sleep unless I have this in my system and I suffer debilitating neck and spine pain when I try to get under 1.5 mg daily...what is the procedure to be free at last?!

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This definition of CBT(Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is from About.com: CBT: A type of psychotherapy (or "talk therapy") that is based on the theory that psychological symptoms are related to the interaction of thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. In cognitive behavioral therapy, the therapist and patient will work on identifying and directly changing thoughts and behaviors that may be maintaining symptoms. Cognitive behavioral therapists often assign homework for the patient to complete outside of sessions. One variation of cognitive behavioral therapy that is used to treat borderline personality disorder is "dialectical behavior therapy." (This is often abbreviated DBT).

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Debra, (CBT) Cognitive behavioral therapy is a psychotherapeutic approach, a talking therapy.

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Amen What is CBT? another drug...how did you get off ~ Please explain in details~PLEASE~what kinds of side effects do you still have?

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OH GOD GET OFF SEROQUIL AND KLONOPIN/ CLONAZAPAM if you just GOT ON IT HORRIBLE DRUGS Seroquil gave me a 7.5minute GRAND MAL SEIZURE, then they put me on Clonazapam in 2004 and I am addicted, can't get off, can't live in peace, I tried COLD TURKEY and suffered ANOTHER SEIZURE, I have no history of seizures in my entire family...all cause by these ADDICTIVE LIVER KILLING BRAIN SCRAMBLING medicines given to me by a damn PHYSICIAN

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God Bless you! I hope you can get some legal assistance and sue the hell out of both that doctor and that hospital! I hope you can get off of the Klonopin. As you can see by my letter below, I am no longer taking Klonopin but am left with its horribly painful and damaging side effects. It can actually restructure your brain and I'm praying that that's not permanent. You can't get the opitimal help from CBT (which also restructures the brain but, in a positive way) while you are on Klonopin. You will be in my prayers! We all have to speak up publicly about this horrible poison to keep others from taking it. My dream is a day when this and other drugs like it are removed from the market. Any doctor who prescribes this medicine is worse than a quack, he or she is a poisoner. "First do no harm!"

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I was first prescribed paxil, in 2003, in 2004, I became suicidal and was hospitalized...the hospital shrink gave me seroquil against my will and I suffered a GRAND MALL SEIZURE... then they switched me to Klonipin/ clonazapam to control the seizures which I NEVER HAD BEFORE (I am allergic to Dilatin and other seizure drugs) and for my depression which obviously worsen after a 7.5 minute Grand Mal Seizure, caused BY DOCTORS TREATING ME~ NOW since 2004...I am addicted to Clonazpam stuck at 1.5mg down from 2, and every time I decrease further I get severe pain, stiffness in my neck, spine, migraine headaches, insomnia, sustained major loss of appetite and weight (am under 100 lbs now from 120lbs), and severe mood swings HELP ME PLEASE

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I was first prescribed paxil, in 2003, in 2004, I became suicidal and was hospitalized...the hospital shrink gave me seraquil against my will and I suffered a GRAND MALL SEIZURE... then they switched me to Klonipin/ clonazapam to control the seizures which I NEVER HAD BEFORE (I am allergic to Dilatin and other seizure drugs) and for my depression which obviously worsen after a 7.5 minute Grand Mal Seizure, caused BY DOCTORS TREATING ME~ NOW since 2004...I am addicted to Clonazpam stuck at 1.5mg down from 2, and every time I decrease further I get severe pain, stiffness in my neck, spine, migraine headaches, insomnia, sustained major loss of appetite and weight (am under 100 lbs now from 120lbs), and severe mood swings HELP ME PLEASE

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I tapered under my psychiatrist's care from 2mg. to 0mg. over a period of about four and a bit months, cutting down by 1/2mg. every three weeks or so. They say the medicine is all out of my body by now (though I have read it can be stored in body fat for a long long time!) and yet I am still experiencing horrible pain they call "Rebound Anxiety" which I'm not sure I agree with as I am still having the horrible anxiety attacks I had when on the Klonopin (which, ironically, was evidently given to me to stop anxiety but, which, in itself, can CAUSE anxiety attacks! Not to mention it is not supposed to be given to people with severe depression or sleep apnea {it effects the respiratory system} and the sad thing is, I didn't have anxiety attacks BEFORE I was put on the Klonopin!) (If I could find the doctor who put me on this poison, I would sue him till he cried like a baby). I get suicidally depressed because I can't see the end of this and none of my doctors will even give me a hypothetical end date because they say that would be "unethical" (I suppose it's more ethical to let me suffer thinking it will NEVER end.) I've supposedly had the drug 'out of my system' for more than a month and I am still in excruciating anxiety. I would really like to ask if anybody out their has had the symptom of waking up from sleep in anxiety attacks, even if I drift off in a chair for 5 minutes. It's so bad I'm afraid to go to sleep! This just compounds my depression and anxiety.

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I know how you feel I will walk that protest line, I will bang on the doors, just show me the right ones...I have been on clonazepan/ klonipin since the medicine Paxil prescribed by a doctor for mild depression caused a GRAND MAL Seizure for 7.5 minutes, well this clonazapam/Klonipin drug causes SEIZURES if you try to withdraw from it WHAT THE HELL THE DOCTOR Gave me a DRUG that is Addictive and can KILL you IF you Stop using IT... !!! YES a LAWSUIT IS IN ORDER!

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Definitely Pray A Lot!!


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Rita, Can you tell me how you tapered, and how long you stayed on a certain mg. before going down? I am now ready to go from a .25 mg.every night to taking it every other night. I am scared out of my wits. I am not sure whether to go to half of that every night, that way my body still has some in it. My body just calls for this drug when it is not in my system. The insomnia is what frightens me the most, and the not knowing what it is going to do to me. When I don't sleep I can't function. I can't wait to get this out of me! I have a Dr.s appt on Monday and I will discuss the best option with him. This withdrawl is bad! I am feeling for you too!

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I wrote to my Congressman,but, other than that, I don't know what to do! Anybody have any ideas, or is there anyone out there who has any media experience or contacts? I'm really serious about this. I'm still in withdrawal and the pain is so horrible that it fills me with anger, an anger I can use to help someone else.

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Rita, I agree! I am not a person that believes in law suits but this pill needs to go! My family Dr. does not even use Clonazepan in his practice. He onlu prescribed it to me because I was already on it from a Pschyciatrist. This was all because of a problem I had trouble dealing with! Hind sight being 20/20, if I can keep one person from taking this drug it will be worth it. Thank God He gave me the strength and will power to do it. Still not off completely, but well on my way!

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