What Exactly Does Suboxone Do? Is It Addicitive? (Page 13)
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i have a friend who desperately wants to get off of methadone and pain pills. will suboxone work? is it addicitive too? if someone can please help me that would be great! also is it very expensive, that's what i've heard.

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my doctor put me on suboxone treatment. to help me get off my opiates. i also have been taking clonazopane for years, but only take very small dosage. but after reading all the comments on here, its sounds like that could be deadly.... a bit confused

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everytime i use a suboxin it makes me feel 10 times worse i think im one of the ones that its not made for

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We have treated a number of patients with suboxone and have had amazing results. If you have any questions about treatment or would like more information about our center search bay recovery

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I am a little amazed that Suboxone is used long term. in late 2006, my wife was prescribed Suboxone as a detox for 8 500mg Vicoden and 8-10 2mg Ativan daily. The treatment was very very quick and lasted about a week or so even cutting back on suboxone after a few days. It helped only slightly with pain but ruined her mental health to the point where she took her life about 2 months later. Everone, even other doctors said this was too fast, but said the doctor was a specalist & should know. Wish I could sue his knoweledgeable tail !!!

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HA funny u ask. I just came off 110 mlg of Meth and I started the suboxone. It sucks the suboxone don’t really work that good honestly I don’t even feel it. It’s hard very hard you got to want it. By far the hardest thing i ever kicked. Meth hits a lot of receptors and suboxone don’t hit all the receptors the meth is used to so Ur gonna feel it. OMG if I could only put what i went though in words. NOT trying to scare u but u will build so much understanding to the truth behind meth. It’s an ugly beast. I really wish who ever reads this the best of luck member ur addiction didn’t happen overnight so coming off wont either and only the strong survive. Stay strong an ask the lord for the strength. Believe! its possible people do it every day. Oh an i take for 8 mlg. pills of soboxone a day and the cash value for the script is $830 a month...... Ur gonna need insurance! Best of luck...

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i used to take 10, 80mg oxycontin;s a day i snoted them i was addicted really bad. i robbed people stole money from people and even robbed a pharmacy I went to prison for 3 years for it. the thing that got me clean was prison i have no cravings or anything so i am gratefull that i got arrested.

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Hey has anyone heard about have themselves used suboxone for beating withdrawl from between 8-15 Lorcet a day, VERy short term? Like 2 or 3 8mg pills of Suboxone? Quite a few friends of mine are on them, so I have access to them w/o the doctor. I don't have the cash to drop on a full suboxone treatment plan right now so I'm looking for a cheap quick fix. Anyone with any advise would be much appreciated. Thanks

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To Asking:
Your family doctor may not be able to give you Sub. only certaing doctors can. Check the list by going on Suboxone.com. And there should be patient confidentiality via HIPPA laws that would protect you. Not all docs can prescribe Sub, Good luck

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Suboxone has been a wonder drug for me. It really takes away all side effects, I have done cold turkey, which was a hell that lasted 2 weeks and i can't do that again. So the second time i found myself in this situation, i went online to Suboxone.com and found a doctor in my area and emailed serveral of them. I got immediate calls back and was able to see a doctor the next day. Now, it isnt cheap. And insurance doesnt pay for it. I think between the visit and the pills it was roughly 300.00. But, when you think about what the drugs cost, you may as well spend it on Sub. That drug has been a miracle for me. I would encourage anyone to try that.

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Hi K,
First thing I want to let you now is I am not a doctor, so I cant tell you what medication will work and I cant tell you that Suboxone is any better or any worse than methadone. I can tell you from my own experience that Suboxone works for a lot of people, but it didnt work for me. I find it so interesting how people try to be doctors and think they know what is best for you. There are so many bad myths about methadone, and you need to explore YOURSELF which one is better for you. #1 myth. If you get on Methadone you will never get off of it. BS,,I have many friends who were on methadone and they tapered down from whatever their dose was and they are all opiate free today. #2. Methadone is liquid handcuffs. I have been on methadone for a very long time and I am free to go wherever I want anytime I want. All I have to do is tell the doctor at the clinic when I am leaving town and I get as many bottles as I need. Of course if a patient is using other drugs, that doesnt apply to them, I dont consider going to my clinic once a week for 5 minutes handcuffs Liwuid handcuffs is totally an NA scare tacic #3. Suboxone was made so there wouldnt be long clinic lines. Please show me the article you have on that, I would love to see that LIE in writting, The truth is, suboxone is an alturnative nothing more, nothing less.#4 Suboxone unlike methadone doesnt give you cravings for opiates. That is the stupidest line I ever heard. I am not possitive, but I am pretty sure it os the other way around. When I was on suboxon I always craved opiates. Once I got on methadone, and got my doseage right, I havent even thought about other opiates. I also want to add a few things that some posters had written. To the poster whos doctor cut her off of suboxone because of a missed appoints..My advise is get on the horn to an attorney fast..Your doctor cant cold turkey you no matter what. You will get very sick,your doctor must want to get sued, because you do have a case. To the poster that started on 100mg of suboxone, You must mean 10mg because the most you can get is 32, I know becasue I was on the highest dose, and what do you mean about having a drug label? That makes no sense at all. I have never told an employer, the DMV or anyone about my being an addict, That is PRIVATE information, the only way you need to tell anyone is if you are appling for a job that is highly sensative, like if you want to be a stock broker, you have to tell about anytime youhave been arrested. And what makes you think that suboxone is easier that heroin, vicodin, heroin and or anyother opiate? I have kicked every opiate there is, and suboxone is one of the worst, it doesnt even hit you for at least 2 days. then all Hell breaks lose.. To the poster who was denied the right to be given medicine while in jail. Read the Americans with Disabilty act, It is illegal to take away any prescribed medication while incarserated. Whoever denied you the suboxone was practicing medicine w/o a lisense..If I were you, I would have filed a lawsuit.To the poster who cant seem to stop takeing the suboxone, have your doctor help you. It will be very hard for you to s tay clean without tapering down the suboxone.To the poster that was helped with suboxone for your dependence on opiates You have a great doctor, Suboxone is the best way for you, because you arent an addict, you just got dependent on the medication you had to take, To the last poster. Thank you for your post.. You are right.. Suboxone isnt a drug to play with,, When I walked offf of Suboxone I thought I was going rto die. To the posters who have demonised methadone on this thread, youi are not doctors, so give your experiences, but dont play doctor, and dont scare people who ask for your help.You may scare someone who could have been helped


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I think people are painting to rosey a picture. Although sub is not as hard to kick as methadone it is no cake walk. My opinion is that it is better than methadone but keep in mind that you still will be addicted. I have been weening off from 24 millagrams and the way my doc told me to do it is -2mgs then stay there for two weeks and so on. but then it gets a little different when you are really low. A lot of docs dont understand how long it takes to kick the stuff.

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I have been taking Suboxone for 30 days. I was never told that it was also addictive. My doctor advised me via telephone that he was no longer prescribing suboxone to me because I missed one mtg. I am scared as hell regarding the with drawl effects. I take 8mg per day. any suggestions.

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BF on Percs

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I have been using suboxone to get off of an opiate addiction. I have not used opiates in about 2 years, but now I can't seem to stop the soboxone. I have tried and tried and when I don't take the soboxone I feel major withdrawl symptoms. Any ideas? Please!

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I live in north east Ga. I go to Dawsonville to a wonderful Doctor who has dedicated his life to help people. I have United Health Care Ins. and RESTAT RX Ins. When I started going there last year He charged 150$ which my insurance took care of and the Scripts for 180# of suboxone is only 35 $. I take other meds for HTN SJ Syndrome, Depression.... on my other meds it is only 5 $ per Script.
Suboxone has changed my life. Unfortanly I am now disabled with arthritis so bad in my Joints that I cannot work... Thank goodness my hubby makes a killing and has excellent insur. Contact me and I will give you my doctors name or if you would like for me to call and see if he has any more openings..
He is allowed to treat 100 sub patients. Love to all

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Suboxone really helps a lot but it is really expensive especially if you dont have insurance..for example I have Humana and for 150 of them its only $45 but with my new insurance its $75 for the same amount...w/out insurance it is around $900 for 150. I just looked at how much my insurance saved me on the paper and it was $879.99!! I would def get it for help if you have insurance and wouldnt take methodone...also if you dont have insurance you can go to a clinic and get it for like $12 a day.

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does the doctor who prescribes suboxone tell your family doctor that you are seeking treatment? That is what is currently stopping me because I am worried, since my family doc is a friend of the family and we have known him for years. I know the confidentiality laws but i am worried anyway. Doctors are human..... any insight would be appreciated..... also do you ween off the subox?

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I would just kike to say that I have been a crack cocaine addict, an oxycontin(opiot) and an intrevenious heroin addict for at least 10-12 years.I'v been in a methadone clinic for to years, which was the worst mistake I ever made.I advise any one seeking help to get int a suboxone program. I've been on subone now for about 2 tears and i feel great.IM also on alot more meds for anxiety,depression and sleeping pills because of all my stupidity and addiction I lost 2 of 3 of my kids which I'm fighting to get back right now. I've got ALOT of experienc with all kinds of drugs so if theres any one out there that feels alone and just wants someone to talk to I am hear to listen and give whatever advice I can give.I had to go threw my sobnriety all alone and wish I had anyone to talk to so dont be shy.It hels to just get your feelins out some times . so if your looking for someone who has been threw what your going threw or just ned a friend,write to mr anytime. Luv Carrie

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YES!I was on methadone for 2 years and coming off of it was the worst thing ever!I have now been In a suboxone program for 3 years now and it't great.I advise everyone i hear wants to get into a methadone clinic not to.1. It is like liquid hand cuffs and 2.you either stay on it forever or you get extremely dope sick coming off. Its worse than kicking dope. So yes I would definately recommend a suboxone program. Get off that methadone or you'll never be able to. Good Luck. And remember to just take it a day at a time!

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kevin you are legally an adult. so,the doc doesnt have to tell your parents .....and, there are doctor patient confidentiality laws........that means you can privately talk to your doctor.tell him what you told us, he can work ith you and keep your privacy..good luck!and i really wish you well to quit your HUGE habit before it quits you!!

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