Muscle/nerve Ache With Eliquis And Niacin Or Statin (Page 2) (Top voted first)


Since starting Eliquis, I have felt much stiffer and sore in the mornings and during the day with muscle tightness in my neck and back affecting my upper arms. A general sense of early aging that is unpleasant. Anyone else with these symptoms?

206 Replies (11 Pages)

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I Googled "discussion Eliquis side effects" and found this discussion group. I, too, started with Xarelto, couldn't tolerate the muscle aches and feeling old, and then the docs switched me to Eliquis. After a few months, I have severe back pain, weakness in legs, cramps, and a feeling that I am old before my time. I'm 66 and usually quite active. Not any more. Am finally realizing that the Eliquis is not for me. I couldn't tolerate statins, either. I take Multaq and metoprolol to prevent atrial fibrillations, and they work well. My cardiologist insisted I take Eliquis also, but I'm going back to baby aspirin. I think the warning on their label says it all: it says "don't stop taking Eliquis because you might have a stroke if you do." Never should have started on such a drug.

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Yes, the symptoms are still here. I've been off of the Eliquis for 2 months, but the pain, aches, stiffness are actually worse. Prior to using it, I occasionally had a sore back. Now, going to bed results in discomfort literally from head to toe. I'm sick of this.

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Just saw comments again about this drug and I have now been on it since April and as I have said before I wish I had never started on it. I now have terrible pains in head at top of scalp and a feeling like someone is taping my head, which is bad enough but more recently I've been experiencing SEVERE TINNITUS and I mean SEVERE. I suffered many years with this but never ever had a noise like an x pel air fan going on. I have to play a radio very loud on going to bed and there is no way I can sleep for this so rather than disturb my G.P at the moment I will wait to see doc after Xmas enough is enough and this IS the cause of it. Cramp in feet is terrible and have to stand outside bed and now when it happens in the car I have to stop and get out[told to stand on tiptoe like a dancer} I have altered taste,headaches,cramp,tinnitus,more I.B.S since starting this and aches and pains all over the body. Had to attend Optician for blurred vision and this is a cause I am told all in all have we all to wait until this drug does something terrible to us?

I only went to doctor never saw a cardiologist and was put on this for Atrial Fibrillation and although I have Spinal Compression and a Thyroid problem I was always in good health and just got on with life however now I have to take this drug and owing to not being allowed an anti inflammatory the pain I suffer every day is indeed terrible. Like everything else this drug will be good for some but no for others but so far there is not enough evidence to show either bad side effects etc. What do you think of the leaflet inside your box of tablets? I have never seen anything like it. Have you talked with your pharmacist? All they can say is what they know on this sheet of paper as nothing else has been added to it. Does this drug company pay attention to this website? Well I think they should.

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Am having the same probs since starting Eliquis around nine months ago.. Aches and pains all over.. Exhaustion dizziness head pain and suddenly started with short runs of palpitations..only thing it can be as nothing else has changed..

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My experience is that Eliquis, in my opinion, IS FAR FROM BEING a WONDER DRUG!! I have (had) been taking Eliquis for the past 6 months, and in a very gradual and insidious manner, encountered debilitating side effects which I will proceed to describe. All are consistent with many of the posts on this wonderful website. So I finally came to the conclusion that it was the Eliquis causing the problem. My doctor was not sure, but said that switching to warfarin would be wise and that we will determine if Eliquis is a problem for me. I started warfarin about 2 weeks ago, and just after a few days, almost all of the side effects either vanished or were significantly lessened. After the third day off the Eliquis I brisk walked on my treadmill for 4.5 miles, just like the "old days". This continues to this date.

In the way of background, I am a 76 year-old retired Pharmacist, and I have been very active my entire life. I developed AFIB about 1 year ago "out of the blue". My only symptom is an irregular pulse, and I have never felt a thing other than my irregular pulse the entire time. My electrocardiologist informed me that NO TREATMENT other than anti-coagulant therapy are utilized in cases like mine. All evaluations with stress ECHO, ECHO, etc., were negative. My ejection fraction is 60%, and valves are intact and no ischemia or blockages, and no heart damage. I typically brisk walk on the treadmill 3 days a week for 70 minutes, going about 14 miles per week. I have done this or a variation for 35+ years. I also do lots of yard work and other strenuous activities. I have no symptoms whatsoever......just an irregular pulse.

After being on Eliquis for about 3-4 months, my QUALITY OF LIFE slowly went into the tank. Going on the treadmill became a really difficult experience.......and the "straw that broke the camel's back" was recently when I labored so much that I had to stop after just 2 miles. I was exhausted and my legs felt like they were lead ballasts. My chest was tight and breathing was a chore. I felt terrible, and never experienced this in my lifetime. THAT WAS IT! TIME TO ACT, AND ACT I DID!!! As many of the posts point out, I felt that I aged 20 years in a few months. The major reasons were tightness and aches in my neck and shoulders (pointed out in many of these postings), sense of balance declined (did not get dizzy), aches and weakness in my legs, tightness in my chest and lungs, poor sense of well being, and a great reduction in my QUALITY OF LIFE. So I told the doc, and he agreed that I needed a change here.

Eliquis is not for me. I may be an exception, but I doubt it, especially when I read the posts on this and other websites. AND KEEP IN MIND THAT ONLY ABOUT 5% OF COMPLAINTS LIKE THIS ARE FILED WITH THE FDA, ETC. This is a world -wide phenomenon. And the cautions and warnings sections of both these new drugs do state that muscle problems and balance issues are possible. But, in my opinion these need to be more specific in nature. They should list QUALITY OF LIFE and LACK OF SENSE OF WELL BEING, in my opinion.

Keep in mind that Eliquis and Xarelto, which are very TEMPTING to use because of the advantage of no periodic INR evaluations, are relatively new drugs, introduced in 2012 in the U.S. Consequently, in many instances the side effects when used in very large populations do not come up for long periods of time.....especially if they are INSIDIOUS, which was the case with me. So show this to your doctor if you suspect you have an issue, and do not let him or her convince you that "THIS IS IN YOUR HEAD", or "THIS IS NOT FROM ELIQUIS". Also, report any issues to FDA using the Med Watch Form on the internet, or phone FDA with your complaint and they will do the recording. And do not hesitate to phone the manufacturer.

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I've taken Eliquis for 2 months. Now I have severe back muscle and neck muscle pain. After doing some sleuthing, I found "musculoskeletal pain and muscle spasms" listed among the side affects; and just below that paragraph was a list of "Metabolic" side affects including (ta-da!!) hypokalemia (low potassium), which of course, would cause muscle pain and spasms as well as the fatigue symptoms, etc. noted by others who are taking Eliquis. The logic is compelling to venture a guess that Eliquis apparently messes with the body's electrolytes, particularly potassium, which is vital for muscle function. Thus, also, shortness of breath, since the low potassium affects also the heart muscle!

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Re: January (# 159) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, I too have my life back after getting off Eliquis 2 months ago. As I said before, it made me feel like I aged 20 years, and my neck and shoulders were stiff and painful at times, and legs felt like dead weight. Switched to Coumadin, and while it took a little timie, I can now run forever on my treadmill. Little or no muscle pain. So everyone must be aware that these NEW blood thinners are bad news for a lot of folks. And most doctors do not have a clue. Report these incidents to FDA on the MedWatch form, because almost all doctors WILL NOT REPORT THESE BAD SIDE EFFECTS. TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR HEALTH!!!

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Hi Larry,

Based on my research, the following symptoms are listed as serious side effects of Eliquis (apixaban) that should be reported to your doctor immediately:

-numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness (especially in your legs & feet)
-loss of movement in any part of your body.
-joint pain or swelling

Do you think that the muscle tightness could possibly be related to any of the side effects mentioned above?

You can learn more about this drug on the page for Eliquis Details

I hope this info helps!

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If related to Eliquis, pain should subside within 36 hours. If you are taking a Statin drug, it might be the cause.

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I was put on Eloquis and started experiencing pain in my left leg. It started increasing and would wake me up at night. The pain and stiffness during the day was in the lower knee area and the mid-thigh to the hip. I used to be able to walk and I went to the gym and biked 10-15 miles a day, six days a week. Now I can barely do 5 miles.
I feel like I have aged 10 or more years in less than two months.

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I have spinal compression and thyroid problem along with atrial fibrillation. It is because of the a/f that 6 months ago I was put on eliquis to prevent a stroke. So far I have had severe nerve pain from top to toe like someone has thrown scalding water over me, I feel sick bones sore and after walking as one has to do I can't sleep at night for the burning in my feet. This drug has given me more palpitations than I ever had without it and never have I experienced head pain like it. I also think it interferes with arthritic back pain and neck pain. I think it would be good idea for patients to have more of a say while taking this drug and your doctor should monitor you on a regular basis as so far I have never been seen since April unlike the old warfarin where you get monitored on a regular basis you do not get this service when using eliquis and for that reason this is dangerous. There is no blood pressure taken no bloods done and there is no antidote so far. I for one don't feel happy swallowing this at 65 for the rest of my life.

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I see you memo was in September. Are you still having the symptoms? I have been on Eliquis since January from a blood clot on the lung. No heart involvement. Two Dr. said to quit taking Etrace for vaginal dryness, and Evista for bone thining. I was supposed to see the heart doctor this week and they changed my appointment until January and I am not happy. I want to be off of this medicine. He says a blood clot for no know reason is a sign of cancer. I hope not. I am 75 years old. I have muscle aches and feel 100 years old and have numbness in my feet and sometimes hands. No comment is made when I tell them my complaints. I have always had so much energy but not any more.

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After reading these posts, I thought my cervical, shoulder and side pain was related to my disc problems but now I feel it is the eliquis that I have been on for two months. Pain and weakness seems to never leave. I want off this poison. God help us all!! My advice is pray before you take any of these drugs.

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Call the company, BMS, to report these side effects. They have to report them to FDA. This is one of the ways to get some attention to the problems. Do not be surprised when the company tells you to discuss with your doctor, and that the side effects are reported in their literature. Really! Where is it cited in clear terms?

Do discuss with doctor to get your concerns documented in your chart. Finally, send the FDA a description of yor concerns. The more complaints they receive, the quicker they will address this problem.

These side effects

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I'm a 28 year old female. I started taking Xarelto after a blood clot in my arm. Developed widespread joint and muscle pain about 3 weeks after starting. My doctor switched me to Eliquis and I had relief from symptoms 2 days later. But same thing happened, 3 weeks after starting Eliquis, I've developed horrible neck and upper body pain. Can't wait to finish my treatment.

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I've been on Eliquis for about 2 years due to 3 arrhythmias (including AFib) and a TIA they think I had in 2013. I was put on Eliquis when they found the AFib and other two heart arrhythmias.

Prior to taking this drug I was able to work, clean house, drive, do my own laundry, the normal things people do in everyday life. Not anymore. Over the course of the two years my health and quality of life has completely changed for the worse. I'm now mostly bedridden but for the occasional day when I can sit at a computer like I am now. The pain is so severe now that I spend a lot of time just crying, and the loss of quality of life is overwhelming. I'm so weak & painful now that I have to take meals in the bedroom, and I even have to brush my teeth etc there now. I have to also use waterless soap to clean and even need help from my husband to do that... and it wears my out to the extreme.

Symptoms: Severe muscle & joint aches, crippling fatigue, pain is worse now in my neck, lower back (which has been the case and worsening for about a year now), and upper arms/shoulders. Nausea, occasional headache (never used to get headaches at all), burning/tingling in hands and feet is unbelievable.

I'm 54 1/2 and feel like I'm in my 90's. My life, for all practical purposes, has come to a complete and total screeching halt. Holding my phone to my ear to talk is nearly impossible, as is texting. As I type, my forearms are laying on the laptop because I can't hold them up... and I'm sick to my stomach from the pain that never, ever, EVER lets up.

I had ablations for my arrhythmias in 2013 but am forced to take a blood thinner due to the TIA in 2013. My cardiologist, and my electrophysiologist have both said I'm a good candidate for the Watchman device--it's recently approved (2015) for use in the USA. I don't know if my symptoms are from Eliquis, but all the evaluations I've had, all the blood work, and doctors telling me that they don't know what's wrong... I have to assume it's the Eliquis, especially now that I know I basically have every symptom/side effect possible to the extreme.

If any of you are on Eliquis due to AFib you may want to talk to your cardiologist or electrophysiologist about that Watchman device... because it means a blood thinner is no longer necessary.

I hate blood thinners.. the idea of them scare me, and Eliquis has absolutely no antidote at this time....

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Just read this very interesting letter with symptoms which sound like this is linked to this drug ELIQUIS.
I have written about this before and you can read what I have to say about it but now I have more to add.
I have suffered in the past with Migraine and learned to tolerate it however now I am having terrible headaches and Panadol/Co-codamol don't work. I have a little tapping at the side of my head and notice heart rate rises from the 54 to 70 and above.
Next is the SEVERE tinnitus God I have never experienced anything like it so bad I had my husband out the window looking for this noise and of course he doesn't suffer from this and cant hear it. It starts to wear off just a few hours before the next dose is due.
So lets re-cap the symptoms since starting this drug.
Is this enough to go on with I strongly suggest you write to Yellow Card and fill it in as this will perhaps make the powers that be sit up and take notice.
Will keep you posted.

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I'm so glad I found this website. I am a 68 yrs old woman. My Cardiologist put me on eliquis a month ago (2/20/17). For the last 3 weeks I've had serious lower back pain in my left hip. It feels like I've pulled a muscle but, this pain won't go away. I went to see my Cardio. dr yesterday (3/20/17) and told him about the back pain and he didn't think it has anything to do with the eliquis. Well, I think it does. I told him I was going to stop the eliquis for about 10 days and see if the pain goes away. If it does, I'll know its the eliquis. He told me to call his office and he will put me on a different med. For some reason doctors don't want to admit that this eliquis causes joint and muscle pain on different parts of the body. I'll be back in about 10 days and let you know if I feel any better.

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Well its been 7 days since I stopped taking eliquis and my back pain is "almost" completely gone. I'm feeling normal again. I am convinced that the eliquis was the problem. Not only the back pain but, I'm more clear headed and I'm not stumbling around like I'm drunk.
My dr said if the problem goes away to call him and he will prescribe something else. I don't know if I want to try something else but, I don't want to have a stroke either. I have to go back to see him in 3 months. I think I'll wait till then. Wish me luck!

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Yes, I have arthritis anyway but I am aching so much worse. I almost can not function because of pain.

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