Muscle/nerve Ache With Eliquis And Niacin Or Statin (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Since starting Eliquis, I have felt much stiffer and sore in the mornings and during the day with muscle tightness in my neck and back affecting my upper arms. A general sense of early aging that is unpleasant. Anyone else with these symptoms?

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Filed a report with the FDA. Tired of feeling this way!

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The same thing happen to me first I was taking Xarelto and I starting lossing a lot of hair and developed join and muscle pain now I'm taking ELIQUIS and still feel the same and with headache. I'm going back to my Coumadin I hope all this pain go away soon. I'm only 44 years old and I fell like I'm 90

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Taking eliquist twice a day for four months for Afib...two weeks ago stomach is burning, and losing my hair, and headaches over and behind my ear (sharp pains) rather than a headache. I am 65 aND also had an ablation which did not work...but I am now scared of this medicine.

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I tried Xarelto and had horrific headaches. Changed o Eliquis and had the same bad headache, stomache ache that doubled me over every day, and have tingling in my arms and fingers. At firs I also had a lot of muscle pain like I had the flu. When I mentioned this to my cardiologist, he said it was better than having a stroke. So much for his sensitivity.

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I'm on Xarelto for a month now and have started to get tingling feelings in my arm. Thought it was a stroke at one stage but as I didn't have any other symptoms, I ruled that one out. Sooo glad I found out on the web that's it is not uncommon. Will be seeing my GP next week so we will chat then about it. You just don't know with these new(ish) drugs...and how will affect each individual as we all different.

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I was on Eliquis from March 2015 to end of Sept. 2015. After one month I noticed shortness of breath which got worse and worse. Saw the cardiologist in July 2015 but he was adamant that Eliquis did not cause it. In the meantime I also had muscle pain throughout my body which I did not even discuss with my GP as the shortness of breath was getting worse and worse. End of Sept. 2015 I stopped Eliquis and after a couple of weeks the shortness of breath was completely gone. But the fatigue and especially muscle pain throughout my body has persisted. It is so bad that I have trouble sitting for a prolonged time and wake up in the morning completely stiff; however, go on my stationary bike every morning for 30 min. and it helps very much. Also use heat pad to help with pain management. and have started with acupuncture treatment once a week. But I feel I have aged 10 years and still have trouble climbing stairs or sitting down on a toilet. When will this muscle pain finally ease up. It is over 3 months ago I stopped the drug. By the way ,my GP believes me that Eliquis did not agree with me when she saw the improvement in my breathing and shared that one of her patients experiences a lot of nausea. My cardialogist absolutely refuses to believe Eliquis to be the culprit and told me, now that my breathing is back to normal, I should try Eliquis again to prove that it was the culprit. I just laughed at him and told him I will not put myself through that again. Needless to say, I am looking for a new cardialogist. But am still at a total loss about this severe muscle pain throughout my body and how to recover from it after 3 months off the med. I am afraid to go to a neurologist and be put on more drugs. I am still in a lot of pain and feel I have aged 10 yrs. It was helpful reading all the posts as I was feeling like a freak.

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After the endless list of problems on this ELIQUIS I now have another to add this has got to be the worst yet.
Pain in left side was originally stomach now lower abdominal with passing terrible bowel movements almost like a clear out.
I did suffer from I.B.S and obviously it has made this condition much worse.
Horrific pain.
Had endoscopy for different complaint and it picked up stomach polyps[benign] and reflux.
Anyone else noticed bowel problems? it is one of the side effects but if its as severe as this it makes you wonder.

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i am sick of listening to if they are experts on everything....they might know their stuff from books, but they do no know what people feel..... most of them are not helpful at all

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Since I have been on Eliquis I have developed pain in almost all my joints. I have asked the doctors about it and they all say it isn't supposed to be a side effect but I believe it is.
A Manahan

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Hey Bill
Very interesting to read your Post
I'm 51 yrs old and have been on eliquois for 3 years. I've aged about 20 yrs since I started it. My cardiologist said he never heard of any side affects which I'm complaining of.
Severe Neck pain
Left Hip feels weak
Joint pains and swelling in my feet.
Cramping in muscles for no reason.
Numbness in my face at times and generally exhausted all the time.
I feel 70.
I'm going back to him to change to another med instead of eliquois as my life is just ruined by this medication.
I let you know how I get on.
Thanks for the info

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Yes, I am also noticing these symptoms--joint pain stiffness

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I was an active 81 year old male with A-fib and a pacemaker whose heart Doctor transitioned from low dose aspirin to Eliquis in early February. Within a couple of weeks I experienced pain, seemingly in the left hip, then in both and then to major muscles in both thighs - excruciating pain which severely limited all activity. Severe leg pain has abated but leg muscles feel permantly constricted, shortening the length of my steps, ability to get in a car, sit in or rise from a chair. Pain continues but now bearable.
Meanwhile, the symptom has moved to right arm; for a week now, any early morning attempt to lift right arm above horizontal is impossible; pain wins! Only by gritting my teeth and swinging my arm ever higher am I gradually able to reduce, not eliminate, the pain and begin to use the arm (similar to earlier experience with legs). I may now be experiencing the beginning of the cycle in left arm and neck.

My new (first visit) physician prescribed an X-ray of the hip with the comment that problems there oft-times manifest as muscle pain. The hip appeared normal.

An email to the Cardiologist has not yet been answered.

Has anyone gutted it through similar bodily responses? Will my body ultimately adapt to the drug and gradually return to normal or is the only remedy to change blood thinners?

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i started eliquis in January and had some joint pain and then it went away. I have now changed dosage to 2.5 mg twice a day and the pain has come back. it seems like my body gets used to a dose but any change even irregularity is a big problem. I have had swelling on an off since starting on eliquis and now I have pretty severe pain in my right hip and lower back. I am healthy and only 51 but have factor V blood clotting disorder and was put on eliquis after my 4th blood clot. I am not sure I want to stay on this drug with this much side effect especially if it is not going to go away.

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I too have been taking eliquis for 5 months and my bones are aching and led from lower spine to upper spine effecting my upper back , shoulders and arms . Sometimes I can't even hold a cup of coffee.

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I've been on Eliquis for approx. 8 weeks along with a statin. In the past 2 weeks I have noticed considerable back and leg ache. I'm 75 and very active. I plan to call my cardiologist tomorrow.

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An update on my experience. I am about to have surgery to replace a hip. I have been off of eliquis for 3 days now and the pain and tiredness I have been experiencing are gone. I have been taking lovenox for the past 3 days and seem to have none of the same symptoms as I did with eliquis. It is nice to know that my side effects went away quickly. I am going to see if I can try a different alternative after surgery.

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I have just started taking Eliquis for the second day and all night I had leg and foot cramps and unable to sleep. Anyone else with these symptoms? I have also been taken off flecainide acetate after 2 years could this also contribute to the problem?

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I also have had severe leg and foot cramps since taking eliquis. Dr., of course, denys ever hearing this. Refused to take me off or cut down the dosage. Hoping they will get better with time.

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I have a connective tissue disease and had a virus attack my heart in 2009. I have had AFIB off and on since then and had a ablation which worked for awhile. I was put on Eliquis and after a day my joints were on fire. I knew it was the Eliquis. I stopped taking it and the pain was normal the next day.

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Yes I have definitely had these same symptoms. I have had to try physical therapy, a soft tissue ultrasound, an ankle brachial index, and an x-ray of my leg - all of which did not show other causes such as lesions or clot or fracture. My feet hurt in the mornings and I have pain in my right lower shin. Also stiff neck and shoulders. None of this was happening before the Eliquis.

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