Coming Off Propranolol (Page 5)


i have stopped taking propranolol 80mg 3days ago and would like to know if there is any side effects coming off them

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Last posted on here about 9 months ago with all the usual symptoms including ED (which this site will probably change to "libido" - when can we be allowed to grow up? It is what it is!). Now I am totally off Inderal and all the better for it. The last 5mg per day - I was cutting a 10mg in half - was by far the hardest part to cut. It's like the body screams for just a sign that there is at least some Inderal there. You just have to get through that and the rewards are there. BUT I was taking Inderal as a migraine preventive - not for blood pressure - and I cut it down under my doctor's guidance. Yes there were palpitations and some irritability and some very weird dreams but that's all gone now. However, I would be interested to hear whether any people who are clear of the stuff have had any other health issues since stopping. I now get dry eye syndrome (which oddly is a possible symptom of taking Inderal) and get dehydrated overnight with sometimes a sever headache on waking up which goes once I have had enough fluid. But I still won't be going back to the beta blockers.

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I got rid of propanalol by taking 1/4 of a pill less, each dosage, for a week at a time (twice a day - 1 pill, 3/4 pill, 1/2 pill, 1/4 pill then 1/4 pill once a day then free) until I was off, without any side effects or withdrawals. Praise Jesus! I'm free! Not sleepy or aggitated anymore!

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That's exactly what I did, and it worked! I have my life back, so happy!

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I was taking propranalol 10mg daily for years I have suddenly stop it no tapering of them I had it for anxiety but want to try on my own without them I have only a really sore stomache I have been of them for over a week with not a lot of symptoms apart from that and sleep will I be OK as started to worry after reading some stories on here.

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I was taking the same as you, i just stopped taking it and was fine after the first week. Ive been off it nearly a year now and feel no different yay

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I have the same problems going on and am on the same dose as you. My blood sugar also keeps dropping very low (one of the reasons I am going off of it) but I would love to know how long until I feel normal again?

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I'm glad I came to this message board, and am amazed that it's still going strong 10 years after the first post. My run-in with Propranolol has been going on for over a year. I had a neurologist prescribe 40 mg in response to my chronic migraines. I had immediate response, with a significant reduction in migraines. Meanwhile, my weight started creeping up.

After a few months, the chronic migraines returned, the weight continued to increase, and I began experiencing unfamiliar muscular pain. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia by my GP, and he tripled my Propranolol (from 40 to 120 mg). Along with the increase in Gabapentin (simply can't handle Lyrica's side effects, unfortunately), they helped improve the pain.

Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago. I was out of Gabapentin and Propranolol. My GP had retired, and I had to wait a month to see his replacement. I'm thinking, "I can hold off for two weeks without Propranolol," having no idea what the consequences of going "cold turkey" would be. Last Saturday, my heart skipped a beat, then started beating in a way I'd never felt (I guess they call it palpitations?). Being 42, I doubted it was a heart attack. I thought it might be the fibromyalgia. Then, I started thinking about all my meds. I looked up Propranolol. Bingo!

This stuff is scary, and I'm not sure that the value of taking it is better than the drawbacks of the side effects/withdrawal symptoms. When I see the doctor next week, I'm going to discuss Propranolol, along with all the other meds, he has me on. After my experience with Propranolol, I'm not sure I trust any medication.

PS: Propranolol + Me = 30 lbs.; don't call it lack of willpower, call it one of the stupid side effects that the drug manufacturers never tell you about

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Yes I totally agree with you.i felt the same so I've gone cold turkey today and already feel more human

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Does anyone know Is it safe to stop taking prop 80mg a day (for migraine)- I've only been taking it for two weeks and have just put on 5lbs even though I had been steadily been losing weight by going to gym and dieting?! I want off these things.

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It's been living hell getting off this horrible med. I'm down to a half of a 10mg pill per day will stop any day now. So horrible my heart rate has gotten so high I'm always short of breath and tired never was I like this before the med.

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chest pain can be a side effect of coming off the propranolol too quickly - you should get worked up by a cardiologist IMHO (I'm a doc)

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Erm i have only taken one 40mg of propranolol. And i dont want to take anymore. I have read that you have to ween off this, is this still the case if i have only taken one tablet?


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I been taking this med for four days now, I feel careless about everything and chest feels very tight, along with headaches. I'm actually taking two diff types of med right now two in the morning and two at night Lamotrigine 25mg; propranolol 20mg now this medication suppose to help me with my anger an anxiety but I just snapped today for no reason and became very agitated..

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How I took myself off of Propranolol:

As my current prescription was about to run out and my healthcare situation is slim to none; I had been contemplating how to decrease my propranolol intake. I have been taking 120 MG time-release capsule for at least 2 to 4 years, I don’t remember if the initial dose was smaller but either way the 120 MG has been steady for at least 2 years.

Regardless of the health insurance I want to get off the meds anyway, it helped a lot at first but lately I still get migraines and the side affects while minor are bothersome. I notice the most my chest beating irregularly, a little off at times especially while exercising. I didn’t realize this could be from the meds and thought I just wasn’t in my best shape until reading other peoples experience and side affects. I also get lightheaded standing up to fast or at random times. Neither of these have happened to the point that I was worried but now I am starting to question if it’s because of the meds I’d rather stop. I don’t think I have gained weight from the meds but I have had trouble loosing weight and think this may be a contributing factor as adjusting my eating habits and exercise routine don’t seem to make any impact.

The label says to not stop taking suddenly and may cause risk of heart attack. I hope those are worst-case scenarios and being that I am in good health should be ok. Also from reading on the internet, it looks as though people with heart conditions on the medicine are more at risk. Since the pharmacy or my previous Dr. were unable to alter the remaining portion of my prescription I took myself off by alternating days. First I went to every other day for one week then every 2 days for one week then every three days for one set or so as it really became irrelevant at that point and probably did me more harm.

I felt a difference almost immediately, on the days without Propranolol I felt more alert but would sometimes crash a little in the afternoon. I had a slight headache on a few of the days but nothing to major. What I noticed the most was my heart rate, it was normal while resting but would beat rapidly during exhortation. Over this time I stopped exercising besides some low-key yoga, another reason I hate this drug is that it made me give up something I love to rid it of my body. It has been over a month since I first started decreasing my dose and about 2 weeks of no Propranolol at all and I am glad to be done with it.

I am starting to exercise again, my heart was beating pretty quickly during my run this morning but I will ease into it and hopefully normalize soon. I am more alert than ever and can’t believe what an impact it had on my grogginess that I attributed to sleep or other factors of life. I am not recommending that anyone try my method however I rummaged through the internet for related posts and hope this can be consideration for anyone considering getting off the drug. Also if anyone has input that I may not be out of the danger zone of having a heart attack I’d like to hear it.

All the best.

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Hey I have the same problem. I've taken it for 2 days. Is it okay for me to just stop it?

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I've been off these pills for over six months now and my life has improved tremendously as a result. I am age 60 and was on 80mg per day as a migraine preventive which a string of GPs shrugged off as minute when thinking of the doses given for other reasons such as dangerously high blood pressure. It took several months to completely get off them and needed to slowly get down to the tiniest dose of half a 10mg tablet per day before I could completely stop (yes, I was actually cutting pills in half). It seemed like the last bit was the hardest. On the down side the withdrawal symptoms were heart palpitations, migraine, vivid dreams and general agitation. On the plus side it felt like I was becoming myself again and, although it seems we are not allowed to talk like grownups here, my libido soon came back to normal. The latter alone is one big reason why I would tell guys to think carefully before letting your doctor put you on these. They will say it only happens in a few cases. My advice to anyone coming off them would be the sooner the better but do it gradually - even if it takes months. So what do I do to avoid migraines these days? We can all tell the type of headache that is likely to turn nasty and when I feel that coming on I take a prescription Imigran (sorry I don't know the formula name) and a couple of Paracetomol, sit upright in a comfy chair and an hours rest does the trick.

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I was prescribed this for chronic anxiety attacks and high generalized anxiety. For panic and stressful situations it is a miracle drug - I found myself starting to panic briefly, in a claustrophobic environment (large children's play structure with big tubes). The propranolol *blocked* the adrenaline dump - heart rate remained below 80. Miracle. Problem: complete exercise intolerance for me if I work out within 4 - 6 hours of dose (was NOT on XR but regular). I experimented with this to make sure I was not having anxiety-related issues - when I take the drug I can't exercise, when I skip a dose or two I can exercise again with NO breathing issues. Note: I am also on CPAP and was a 20 year smoker who quit 10 years ago. CPAP can cause mucous for me. A year ago I could life weights vigorously without issue so I was sure that my physical conditioning didn't deteriorate that quickly. If you are having exercise intolerance I would see your doctor ASAP to find out if it's the drug or another condition exacerbating by the drug or something unrelated to the drug, especially if heart problems was the reason for the original prescription. Also, with tapering, I use a "split the tablet in half" approach and go down 50% of the previous dose at a time. HOWEVER, the duration you stay on each successive step-down dose should NOT decrease. Do 2 or 3 weeks at each dose step. It's counter-intuitive but with some drugs (like SSRI antidepressants) you need LONGER step down periods with successively smaller dosages. Example: the body can "miss" 5mg of drug going from 10 down to 5mg where it didn't miss 40mg when going down from 80mg. I am not sure why this is, but withdrawal can be just as significant at lower taper dosages. Do not mess around. Stick to a taper schedule to avoid feeling sick or worse, bringing on heart-related issues. Good Luck. I am not a doctor. Always discuss medication intolerance, new symptoms, discontinuation and tapering with your doctor. Second opinions may be warranted if you have serious heart issues. As for me, I plan to use propranolol for travel/work anxiety on an as-needed basis but I will *not* work out or do strenuous activity for min. 48 hours after my last dose.

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Really. Propranalol for anxiety? What's the point? My doctor told me it's a beta-blocker and might help with my RLS. It did, slightly.

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Hi, Sincere thanks to all who have contributed to this thread and shared their stories. I wonder if anyone can help. I have been taking propranolol 30-40mg twice a day for 10 weeks for anxiety - to stop my heart pounding and reduce anxiety. Recently have discovered that it was the cause of my insomnia so have had to reduce to 20mg taken early in the morning so that its effect has expired by bedtime. I did not have time to taper the evening dose because I would never sleep! I then plan taper the 20mg over a few weeks.

Trouble is that from the time that the 20mg expires (mid-afternoon) to bedtime I have no protection and am subject to pretty constant heart pounding which circulates extra adrenalin and exposes me to anxiety. Is it reasonable to hope that my body will adapt to this withdrawal of the drug and that the pounding will stop? Any sense of how long this might take? Many thanks and good health to you all.

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Yes, I having the same problems on Propanolel. Low dose of 40mg, 2x day. Sweating, excessive sleepiness, poor concentration, vivid dreams, nightmares, no energy, feeling faint, weight gain of 40 pounds! I am now weaning off due to the side effects.

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