Coming Off Propranolol (Page 3)
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i have stopped taking propranolol 80mg 3days ago and would like to know if there is any side effects coming off them

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I have experienced exactly what you described. I would never have been able to go that long without a pill. I am now trying to come off of 60 mg a day after approximately 40 years on it. The doctor said just quit taking it and I suffered the feeling of someone pressing on my chest, shortness of breath, weakness, increased heart palpitations and feelings of doom. When I told him that once I couldn't find my medication, I suffered these symptoms, he really didn't believe me, I called him when they started and he sighed and said take them. I don't really want to be on such a large dose because it messes with your lungs. I have asthma and I think since I've gotten older, the effects of the medication on my lungs are worse.

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I have been on Propranolol 160mg for 15 years and as a result of a recent chest infection the doctor recommended I come off the beta blockers - I took them for cluster headaches and they have been wonderful. So, I decided to just give them up and here I am three weeks later with mild chest pains (I notice discomfort in my chest but it is not painful) but I am a bit shaky. The main issue I have noticed is my ability to write - my handwriting is very scruffy at the moment and I do not seem to be able to control it. Also, I find if I do something energetic I get a racing in my heart for 30 seconds afterwards. Hope this helps. As an FYI, I'm male and 48 years of age.

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Is it normal to have slight palpitations when reducing dose of propranolol from 80mg to 40mg daily and will this subside

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They have been doing a lot of research Psilocybin mushrooms and completely curing migraines

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I stopped taking Propranolol for 2 weeks already and I haven't encountered any side effects so far. I Been on it for 1 year. I just take Zoloft daily now and Xanax when I feel anxiety setting on.

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I took 40mg per day for 6 years due to anxiety, sorted out the source of my issues, stopped taking them 5 weeks ago, no side effects, sometimes fast heart rate, but it passes within minuets. Don't get caught up in what pharmaceutical company's say, and yeah follow doctors advice, always, but I am ok, real me back!! Body always follows the mind, get that sorted, and anything is possible. Hope this helps someone

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Tapered off propranolol semi quickly for anxiety now having MAJOR headaches/migraines. Anyone have this happen and how to I stop this?!!!!

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guys Ive been on propranolol for 6 months and gained like 30 pounds!! i was like wtf so i worked out for 2 months and still i was a total fat a$$ with no results. so i cut it cold turkey but i experienced sweating and shakes from withdrawl. what seems to help me cut it off fast without having withdrawl was simply taking on tablet at night so i can sleep.i was taking three a day now down to one a day at night. and then il only take half a night. honestly i rather have a little anxiety than be a fat a$$

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I have been breaking out with psorriosis and I think it has something to di with propranonal

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I take 20mg three times aday for macula edema due to bleed in my left eye.Having distorted vision is horrific and causes terrible stress particularly when you can't see your work colleagues face,luckily my vision improves by about 3pm.each day.Recently I ran out of propranolol across a weekend and went to bed on the Sunday night with dreadful chest pain in the centre and pretty much all day on the Monday but not as severe, luckily got some more tabs and now all seems well

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Like Des, I tried halving my Propranolol dose just 7 days ago. I had been taking 20mg 3 times a day for about 10 years as a migraine preventative. I reduced to 10mg 3 times daily. I have generally felt OK but noticed an increase in heart rate. Becoming more noticeable as the week has progressed. Last night in bed I could feel my heart thumping throughout my whole body. It scared the hell out of me which is how I have ended up on this site. I have taken my full dose again this morning and am going to do things much slower. I am just going to have one of the doses a day for a week at a time and see how I go.

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Did you ever find out what your problem was? I had all your symptoms and i had an adrenal tumor "pheochromocytoma"
Thought id share. Hope your well.

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I'm on 80mg slow release. Just had the weekend without tablets as Dr didn't fill out my prescription in time. Never have I felt so bad. Felt like I was coming down with flu or something. I'm on them for anxiety. Was told as it's a beta blocker it would slow heart rate and help with anxiety symptoms. Now I have to say it has helped plus keeps tremors at bay . I have functional Neurological Disorder and I have tremors as part of it. I have noticed more headaches with it, but I'd rather put up with them than my anxiety and tremors. I'm also on 40 mg Citalopram for depression and 300mg x3 daily Gabapentin for pain. I'm also on metformin 500mg x2 daily for diabetes. I have always had sleep issues and the vivid dreams I've had whilst on them have been quite entertaining tbh. But I do see the drawbacks. I was actually getting quite scared at how ill I felt the past couple days. I used to be on diazepam as well but Dr told me to stop taking them but keep hold of any remaining tablets just in case I needed them. Took a couple last night and it seemed to start relieving symptoms thankfully. I am starting to wonder if there is anything else they can give me after reading comments here. It wasn't until I remembered my last visit to the Dr and they said if I have issues with coming off diazepam (was to help with tremors too) they'll increase Propranolol. Think that would now be a no with recent experience. Debating now whether to cut down on it or not. Why don't they tell you how bad it can be if you miss doses or don't follow a weaning off process?

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has anyone tried to get off cloidine and propanol at the same time . ive taken this for 15 yrs and ive been sick the whole time and my bloodpressure spikes all the timehow do you ween off take 0.1mg cloidine 2 times a day

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I was taking 1 10 mg in morning and at night also and had to stop as I was having many of the same side effects except add horrible nightmares in there. I'm talking very vivid , woke up shaking so bad from these couldn't get back to sleep nightmares. They helped migraines but I would rather take meds to alleviate the migraine than have all those side effects. I also found out I had hypothyroidism about 2 weeks in and had to start on levothyroxine and wasn't wanting to start 2 meds at same time. Good luck I will be talking to my doc about anot her prevention med til then the propanol ol is out for me.

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I Was on 80 mg for a year. Im trying to get off them too and I Was wondering if your heart was beating fast for a few days? (because my is)

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I took 80mg ER for about 2 years and didn't have much trouble coming off of the drug. i got a prescription for the IR 20 mg tablets and for the first week i took 60 mg a day, so 3 20 mg tablets a day (morning, afternoon, and evening). The next week i cut all the pills in half and did the same routine only with 10 mg tablets. i did the for about 4-5 days and then stopped. i would only take more propranolol if i felt like i was having withdrawal issues. Now its been a little over a week since I've taken any, and feel fine. The doctor actually gave me a slightly different way to wean off of them, but took the advice of a pharmacist (my sister) instead. The pharmacist's way was much faster. i should note I'm only a 29 year old male, and if i were older i may have had to wean off slower?

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I've been on propranolol 10mg twice a day for almost 2years now. A few months ago it started throbbing stabbing pains in my head. I left it for a few days and found the pains dissapear. However dr told me to carry on again pains in my body stil I was told its not th medication now I'm experience severe leg coldness and legs so painfull and tender I can't touch my legs. Its soooo frightening I feel very very scared

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Hi so I know you did this a long time ago. But did it help? I'm on 10 mg am and 10 mg pm. I've been taking propranolol for about 2 years due to a rapid hr and anxiety. I take something for anxiety now and want to taper off. I tried cutting back for a few days and I've had this uncomfortable pinching in my heart for two days now. Worried.

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No it is not safe to just stop. I'm taking propranolol (20mg x 3 daily) also for Hyperthyroidism and was told a week ago to just stop taking it after my doc analyzed my blood labs. (seems I slipped to Hypo side). Now I feel like complete garbage -- dizziness, light headed, mild headaches, nausea, anxiety, mood swings that landed me in an urgent care clinic for tests. Was unaware that it was the prop that caused this until reading messages here. (thought it was methimazole that I also reduced) I didn't realize just how powerful this medication is.

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