Can I Take Seroquel With Methadone
UpdatedI think I'm having a bad side effect. Like hitters and really bad anxiety. Need help. Please. I'm on 50mg of seroquel and 280 mg methadone daily.
Hello, Peter! How are you doing?
Some caution does need to be taken, when taking these medications together, because they can increase the toxicity of each other, so that could be what's causing your problem.
Have you consulted your doctor? You may need them to make a dosage adjustment.
I am on 101mg of methadone (9yrs) and just got prescribed elival for sleep. Will the elival put me in methadone withdrawal ???
You need to get off of seroquel right now, and educate yourself. Combining a tranquilizer strong enough to kill a lion, with methadone? A medication that takes 6 hours to kick it, so you cant gauge how much to dose unless you've been dosing for quite some time. If you want to die, keep taking what your taking. I'd say you have a legal case in your hands against your doctor. Your doctor should not be prescribing seroquel while knowing your on methadone. Anyways, you need a LIGHT and SAFER SLEEP MED. SEE if klonopin puts you to sleep. If so, your are VERY lucky, and you should start using that and only that, 3 mg at most for sleep. Trust me I know, I used to fall asleep for 12 hours off 1 mg, now I take klonopin to stay awake! My brain got fried after they f***ed me over with seroquel and lamotrigine! I swear to god its been a 10 year battle, and I have to have a weekly marijuana habit of $100 just to keep down withdrawal symptoms. I'm so maxed out on my benzos I can take 10mg of xanax and feel nothing. The only time I get stoned anymore? Is when I'm ON METHADONE. Basically what Im saying, is, my brain is fried after listening to therapists prescribing lyrica, ssris, mtaos, zoloft, lamotrigine, lamictal, depakote, seroquel....these are all VERY BAD FOR THE HUMAN BODY AND MIND. Seroquel ESPECIALLY is A DEATH WISH.
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No. I'm on 210 mg of methadone and I am on amitriptyline 75 mg and if anything it actually produces euphoria if taken together but there are no signs of withdrawal whatsoever. You're safe as can be.
I'm on methadone. I take 550 mg of Seroquel. Like u said, I can't sleep without it. If I don't get it I feel like I'm withdrawing. The pain won't stop. I want t stop, people will never understand that it's a nightmare. The torment that I feel is making me desperate. I take Methadone 2.
Hello I was reading your response. You said u were on seroquel and lamictragine????? Sorry about spelling. I just started the same combo. What problem did u have???
ask your doctor to give you something else. I was put on that and had a problem so I told the dr who changed it. It took two more meds before I was given the one that works for me lithium. I suffer with depression so for me is a combination of pills to work and now I feel great when it comes to mental issues
Can I take tizanidine while taking methadone I took 15 mgs or what ever that it's called of methadone, can I take a 4 mg of tizanidine an hour later
I'm the same im on 75 of methadone and 50 of Seroquel and I'm in tears an feel like I'm hanging out
That's why the combination of serequel and methadone is generally contraindicated they potentate eachother and MAY cause severe emotional disturbances and over sedation. I'd definitely contact a competent prescriber to reevaluate your condition or better monitor your meds.
Thankyou problem is I'm in a very small country town and our local doctor has been in so much trouble over the years that I don't think I'd take my dogs to her if they wrre sick
Where do you get you're ludicrous and unbelievably exaggerated and mostly incorrect information? Are you an MD or perhaps a pharmacist? If not it is potentially wreckless for you to make the statements you have made. Methadone and Suboxone are definitely better than the alternative, being opiates. I'm on Suboxone so please don't tell me that Suboxone isn't helpful. It absolutely is. Is it addicting. Yes. But it's a situation where you are in the right place in your mind and your life when you consider cessation of it. It's not a race. What people don't know about Suboxone is that it basically restructures the chemical absorption in the brain. And while the mind is restructuring or resetting you continue the Suboxone. And then at the proper point you can start titrating down on the medication, very slowly I might add. The bottom line is we didn't become addicts in a week, we're not going to get through it in a week, if ever. And please don't leave anymore reviews unless you know what the hell you're talking about. You get people worried about something you know nothing about.
You need to keep your opinion and facts separate. YOU might have had a horrible experience but that doesn't mean EVERYONE does. I am currently on Methadone & seroquel and I function perfectly. I have been on this regiment for a couple years now and no my brain isn't fried and GUESS WHAT I have a normal job, I do normal stuff, I have not had an episode for over a year. This was also the opinion of not only a 2nd opinion doctor but 3rd as well that if you introduce your system slowly to these two VERY SUCCUSFUL drugs and watch your signs very closely then they can be very rewarding. So nlfor you to give out info as if its the ultimate never changing FACTS is very very dangerous as well as ignorant. This is one persons opinion as is mine, that's it period. I'm sorry but when I saw this all I could say was "What a FN troll"
Get a life. You have no clue what you're talking about. Before you're going to spout off at the mouth know WTF you're talking about. Seroquel is not a "it's an antipsychotic actually, with unlabled uses for sleep and anxiety" and I don't believe it's killed any lions lol. There are many reasons not to take methadone or Seroquel but u didn't name one. You clearly know nothing about addiction or you wouldn't be so flipped about it.
I do know what I am talking about very well, see it, lived with a person who went through, seem the people dying. I suggest b4 you get mad find out the facts then talk.
Wow...If you believe any of "iknowitall" message about the combo being so horrible and/or deadly, you are an absolute fool, as is he. People like him and what he stated are exactly why you cant believe everything you read on the internet.
Iknowitall - sounds to me like YOU need to educate yourself. Seroquel isnt a tranquilizer..its a mood stabilizer. Its perfectly safe to take with methadone. Since u know it all then u should know that its super risky to take benzos with methadone. You can show positive drug panels for absolutely everything and methadone clinics will dose u that day with the exception of 2 things (benzos and alcohol). If you have a positive U/A for those then u wont get methadone that day and if u continue to take them they will rapidly bring down your dose and kick u out. Your advice was the worst u could have given. Also your body doesn't get dependent on Seroquel to fall asleep. That's one reason they prescribe it for sleeping problems; and 50 mg is a really low dose, but that methadone dose is HUGE! IDK how they stay awake! I've been on methadone for 6 years at 100 mg a day and Seroquel for 3 years at 400 mg a day. Please don't give out advice when u dont know what ur talking about. Sheesh.
Wrong, every methadone clinic I've ever been to in my hometown of Birmingham, AL (we have 7-8 in a 40 mile radius) they are usually selling benzos in line. They will dose you as long as you submit to a drug panel, even if you are intoxicated. It's the law, they have to dose you.....They will withdraw you tho if you keep showing positive for benzos.
If showing positive for opiates or marijuana, they will take you to the moon, aka 400+mg of methadone daily.
I don't know the exact mechanism of action but seroquel and methadone go together like peanut butter and jelly. Also since seroquel is non narcotic, it's fairly easily to get ahold of. Every junkies dream.....very similar to the hallowed effect of benzos/methadone many OD on.
The doctors at every clinic I've ever been too really push seroquel xr and were actually handing out samples for a while. It's fairly expensive without health insurance.....
I'm off methadone now and I will still take seroquel when I can't sleep.
you are very pretentious and either have never experienced addiction or just someone that's lucky enough to be completely sober again, but this addiction makes us do weird s*** for a temporary problem to stop the horrible feeling that seems obvious to everyone else that just going through it will make us better but methadone and Xanax are a whole different monster that physically ties us to something we were dumb enough to take to not be sick and now is life threatening and feels way worse to stop. This guy is on a real high dose of methadone so he obviously had a bad habit and most likely control problems that most of us addicts have and like most people doesn't have this as common sense because unless you have mental or drug problems it's likely knowledge like this isn't needed. I didn't when a Dr knowingly prescribed me this same bipolar sleep medicine knowing im deep into a methadone program im slowly trying to get off of, but worse, both drs knew i had a benzo addiction on top of opioids and am also still trying to safely get off of without having a seizure. So maybe don't be so rude to someone doing research and learning the hard way what is not safe. And Seroquel isn't that strong when you've gone through serious opiate addiction. Believe me, we have more tolerance than an animal who never uses or abuses narcotics. I know how far you can push your body's limits and believe that i am now f***ed when it comes to pain and anxiety. I pushed too far. Now none of it really stops the inner panic. It just makes it a little less overwhelming. Stop being a **** and let people ask these questions without being put down.
I am on your same dose. I take 100 milligrams of methadone a day and 400 milligrams of Seroquel (200 in the morning, 200 at night). A couple of times that I have run out of Seroquel because I wasn't careful enough I thought I was literally going to die. I didn't sleep for almost a week and also couldn't eat a thing as my bowels didn't go one way or the other. They just sat there in my stomach. I thought I was going to die over and over. I would have so much rather ran out of the methadone than the Seroquel. I guarantee you if you've been taking that much Seroquel and methadone you do not want to run out of the Seroquel. It'll be the most god-awful feeling and if it doesn't affect you like that, you're certainly not me. I'm telling you it almost killed me.
Most Recent Replies:
Re: MamaWells (# 25)
It's because your heart is slowing down . I've had to decrease my seroquel drastically bc my heart was messing up. My methadone doctor is constantly monitoring my heart
This is a reality for everyone that mixes seroquel and methadone. IT IS a bad mix. It will make your heart stop beating so I would get that thumping checked out ! Any flutters, thumping or shortness of breath should be checked. I hope this helped. i know this from experience. Good luck and take care!
Re: josh (# 5)
Can you safely take seroquel with methadone, cause I really can't sleep? Can I also consume cannabis?
Re: Iknowitall (# 3)
I'm on 300mg of Seroquel and 20mg Methadone plus 10mf Lexapro per day and I am totally terrified by the statement above by you! Please explain
Re: Sameoldbs (# 10)
I'm just being prescribed Seraquel for a dissociative disorder along with Cymbalta. I'm an RN and i read all info regarding any drugs esp mixing of drugs and different classes. I never really paid it anymore when i was abusing pain medications and became a full time walking drug addict !!! So now I'm a freak about anything i take and anything prescribed by a dr i research the crap out of it and i happened upon these blogs!!! Ok so I'm NOT going to continue to use these drugs wnynore! So thanks so much
Re: Iknowitall (# 3)
10mg a day of Xanax and I assume the usual benzo cocktails consisting of Diazepam, Clonazepam, Oxazepem etc. $100 a week for marijuana, a daily dose of methadone and it’s not happening for you? Try tapering off all that rubbish. The body can heal itself.
Re: Arcangel (# 28)
Yes u can but make sure u dont have to get up early the 1st time u take the seroquel to see how it affects you. Ive taken seoquel when i was in jail w no methadone and it barely affected me. So imo the methadone does increase its effects.
Im getting 80 mg of methadone and 50mg of the seroquel. Can i take then 2 medication together or not.???
Re: Mpoturich (# 17)
Ok. 1st of all your info is errrr WRONG!!!! Ive been on 110 mg methadone for 15 years at the same clinic and over the years ive effed up n failed drug panels. Still got my dose just had to go to the clinic every day n got a take home for sunday. Now ive been clean for yrs & i go once a month to get a bottle of 40mg wafers or "biscuits" and i have a prescription for 90 2mg klonopin. I take 1/2 of one (1mg) when needed. The clinic just makes me bring my pills in to count n make sure im not over using them. I'm also prescribed 100mg seroquel to take 3xs a day, however i RARELY take only ONE at night if i really cant sleep and have nothing to do the next day. Ive had my 1st bottle for over a year with 2 refills still left. I am a homeowner, live alone with 2 cars and absolutely no debt (house n cars paid off). I pay bills early and have saved over 10k $ after being a homeless drug addict in my entire 20s n 30s. Methadone, klonopin, prozac & seroquel have saved my life. My family accepts me now and i have a very responsible 17 yr old on her way to college. People can change and meds can help. I plan on reducing my doses over time. Did i mention i started taking pain meds bc i was hit head on at 60mph which shattered my legs n feet which caused my opiate addiction in the 1st place at age 19? I now live happily and comfortably, because I WANTED A BETTER LIFE AND MEDS HELPED. Peace
The dude that thinks that Seroquel is a death wish is obviously only educated through his own personal experience. I've been taking it for about 10 years now and it saved my life. I have a serious mental illness that causes me to not think rationally in stressful situations and it helped with my thought process. Seroquel works differently for everyone. The one gentleman on here - obviously it's not the right drug for him. NOW for educated info on combining these two drugs, talk to your doctor. There's a diagnostic that they have to keep an eye on if you're on both, called an ekg. It's to monitor your heartbeat. Mixing the two especially if you're on a high dose of Seroquel can cause irregular heartbeat, irregular heart rhythms or even cause your heart to all of a sudden stop beating period. So it's a good idea to be on a very low dose of Seroquel when taking methadone or even go on something else altogether. Hope you find this helpful.
I have taken 200 mg of seroquel and 80 mg of methadone for years but I do not take my seroquel in the morning only at night. I can not function on seroquel I have taken it for12 years and it always knocks me out. I have to take it and lay down do not get back up because seroquel is made to slow your respiratory system down if I do get up my heart thumps like crazy it’s scary!! So I just go straight to bed!! As for it helping with my bipolar and anxiety during the day yes and no I take 150 mg of Effexor it’s a perfect combination for me they balance each other out!! If the seroquel is to much go down to 25 mg but remember don’t take it during the day if u do take like 5 or 10 mg. Hope this helps you out!! By the way 280 mg of methadone? I can’t get up pass 80!!! My doc doesn’t understand how methadone works!!
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