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theraquil side effects ## I think this poster may have been referring to the prescription medication Seroquel, which contains the active ingredient Quetiapine. It is an atypical antipsychotic that's used to treat conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. This class of medications do tend to cause some side effects that can be problematic, such as sedation, severe drowsiness and weight gain. There are more Seroquel details available here. Although, I will admit when I'm wrong, so if anyone does know of one under the name Theraquil, I'd greatly appreciate your posting and directing me to information on it. Are there any questions or comments? ## There is a medication called theraquil.

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Hey. I take quetiapine (seroquel) for anxiety at 50 mg. I'm just wondering because I recently went to a different pharmacy to fill my prescription if there is a difference between brands. I have always received co-quetiapine, but this pharmacy gave me apo-quetiapine. Does the different brand matter? Will it have any effect? ## No, there shouldn't be a noticeable difference, both manufacturers are required to meet the same strict standards in order for their medications to be available for your doctor to prescribe. The FDA warns that Seroquel may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, gas, stomach pain, and fainting. Ref: Seroquel Information Is there anything else I can help with?

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Hello, I am a 48 year old woman and I have been on 100mg of seroquel at night for 8 years for depression and sleep. I need to slowly taper off this. It seems it is making me even more tired and I sleep and sleep for very long hours. I have a lot of issues with it. I have a few questions. I take the 100mg tablet at night. I also have some of the 25 mg and was going to use those to taper. But even though I know 4 of the 25 mg tablets are 100mg, It seems to work different when taken that way? Anyone else notice this? Should I just try to cut up the 100mg and taper that? I wanted to take 75mg and take the other 25 mg tablet and cut it up. I want to do a very slow taper. I would be happy to taper 25 mg over 2.5 to 4 months. I have tapered off other things in the past that I took for fibromya...

8 REPLIES Updated

I have been given Seroquel, what if I can't sleep? ## It's supost 2 help w/ that.I took my first one last night & I slept like a baby,1st time in many months.2nd dose 2 night 2 pills.I no it takes weeks to get fully in my system from 4-6wks,but I slept good last night. ## I have been taking seroquel for a few months now. I take it at night, to take advantage of its side effect of sleep. for about 6 weeks i was a zombie, now it no longer helps for sleep. ## I've been on 800mg for 2 months and I can sleep for days straight ## Most people sleep pretty well when taking these medications, but there are always a couple people who are exceptions. Along with the drowsiness, and sedation, the FDA lists its other side effects as possibly including nausea, headache, dry mouth, weig...

4 REPLIES Updated

My serouqel is expired, how long after expiration can I use it ## Hello, Barb! How are you? This medication doesn't get dangerous, once expired, but it will start to lose effectiveness. How far expired is it? When was it filled? ## Hi, iam taking seroquel 2014 old. is that really bad and how? ## I checked this out too. What I see is Seroquel has a shelf life of 3 years. I recently ran out and am having a tough time getting refills. This is the second time I've run into this problem over the last few months. I found an older bottle of Seroquel from 2014 in my medicine cabinet. And I'm using that with no problem. ## Seroquel due to the way it is compounded is totally ineffective after three years or when it's expiry date claims it expires it is totally ineffective ## hello...

7 REPLIES Updated

MANY PEOPLE DONT LIKE SEROQUEL. THE REASON IS THAT THEY TRY TO USE IT RECREATIONALLY. IF YOU USE IT FOR WHAT YOUR SUPPOSED TO, [LIKE ME AND MY INSOMNIA] IT REALLY WORKS WELL. ## if seroquel is used for mental problems and also insomnia how does it work recreational. Dont understand, i have just being put on seroquel and really dont know much, please help, brian ## It actually is prescribed to me for insomnia. At night I have racing thoughts. Seroquel shuts my head off so I can sleep. If you do have schizophrenia or bipolar disorder then you may not feel these effects of tiredness and dizzyness. But when you don't, it knocks you out. I have many friends that know I am prescribed to it and they used to always ask me for some. People like to feel tired and woozy I suppose. Hope this wa...

3 REPLIES Updated

I have developed a rare side effect from Serequel. Its called Tardive Dyskiniesa. have uncontrollable muscle movements. My jaw, tounge, mouth hands and head bob to the right, almost to hitting my shoulder. I was on the drug for 18 months until symptoms began. Has anyone gotten Tardive Dyskiniesa as a direct result of taking Serequel? ## The FDA does report Tardive Dyskinesia as being a known possible side effect of Seroquel, along with nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, mood changes, weight changes, and retrograde amnesia. Ref: Seroquel Information In some cases, the symptoms of TD may improve, or go away, once the medication responsible has been discontinued. Have you shown any improvement since stopping the Seroquel?

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Im from canada and was given this pale yellow pill imprinted with a N and 100. was told it was a kind of narcotic. ## Hello, Tstouty! How are you? Are the N and 100 on the same side or opposite sides? Are there any score lines on the tablet? ## So, I just found the same mystery pill not too long ago. The N and the 100 are on opposite sides of the flat, light yellow, circular, coated pressed pill. The edges are ever so slightly beveled on both sides- barely even so. There are no other imprints on the pill. ## I have this pill too is it seroquel? N or z on one side, 100 on the other, round peachy colored. Thanks all! ## Round light yellow pill with U on one side and 100 on other can also be used for pain

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Found pills in brothers room they are a darker pinkish (maybe orange) color, in a capsule shape but not a capsule. They have XR 50 imprinted on one side, what are they? ## This tablet contains Quetiapine Fumarate 50 mg (NDC 49884-0805 / 0310-0280). Inactive Ingredients: - Lactose Monohydrate - Cellulose, Microcrystalline - Sodium Citrate, Unspecified Form - Hypromelloses - Magnesium Stearate - Polyethylene Glycol 400 - Titanium Dioxide - Ferric Oxide Red - Ferric Oxide Yellow - Water Ref: DailyMed

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I would like to know which generic brand of Seroquel is most effective and also the brands that are least effective? I recently tried Accord and that wasn't effective. Thank you to anyone who will help me with this. ## My son was also just changed to accord and it isn't working the same. It's so frustrating because I just picked up a 100 days supply. ?? He was on 50 mg before but an orange pill then he tried 300mg but it was too strong so I've been cutting them. When we went to our follow up appointment I was able to get it changed to 3, 50mg tablets so I didn't have to cut them in half, but they're not doing anything. ## Sorry that the Accord isn't working for your son. Let's hope someone will suggest an effective generic for Seroquel. ## Unfortunately, ...

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Is it safe to take Seroquel and Lithium at the same time? ## According to UCLA Health, there is a potential for moderate interactions between these drugs. If you have been prescribed Lithum and Seroquel in conjunction with each other, be sure to work with your doctor so that they can monitor your progress. ## Can Seroquel be taken safely with Lithium?

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I am on 300mg of Seroquel, & 4mg of Xanax per day since my return from Afghanistan for PTSD, anxiety attacks, bipolar, and agoraphobia. I also take Morphine, Soma & 300mg of Gabapentin for pain. I broke a few vertebrae & was also shot. I maintained my weight since I was a teen, but since the medication I've gained 30lbs & I do the same workout since I was 15 & no matter what I do can't lose weight. Can the Seroquel be causing this? Or do you think it's a combination of what I take??? Please help. I've tried to increase my workouts along with every diet that's proven by a reputable source & maybe lose 5lbs, within a week it's back. ## Yes, it is possible that you are gaining weight as a result of the Seroquel. The Medline Plus article state...

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I was 1st prescribed seroquel when I entered treatment for alcohol addiction, anxiety, and depression. I am proud to say I am now 5-1/5 years sober and wondering if or why I still need to be on this medicine. I take 100mg @ night along w/ 50mg of Zoloft. My biggest concern is if I will ever get to sleep w/o aid ## If you've been taking them for years, actually even if you've just been taking one of them for years, then the best way to stop taking them would be to do a slow taper. Otherwise, they tend to cause rebound effects, so you may experience symptoms such as severe depression, insomnia, irritability and etc. Learn more Seroquel details here. Learn more Zoloft details here. If you do it that way, then there will most likely be a brief period of insomnia and some other mild ...

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I just started taking Seroquel for Anxiety and really bad Panic attacks. Can anyone tell me good things about this medication?? ## I've been taking Seroquel for almost a year, and it has changed my life for the better!! Stick with it, it will make you very sleepy at first, but you will get used to it and it is a life saver!! ## My doc tried me on 200 mg 3 times a day and they kick my ass. I took a bong outside at 6 in the morning, in my underwear. My son woke up and ask me what was wrong. I ran in the wall 4 times in a row. he sent me to bed and that the the last time I ever took them damn things. ## i started taking seroquil a few yrs ago for a sleep disorder-i couldnt shut my brain off at night. the dr started me on 100 mg and they did kick me, so i cut them in half, take 1 every ...

33 REPLIES Updated

In May of 2007, I Had a mental break, became parinoid and manic, I went to local mental health office, and ASKED for help, because I felt like I was losing my mind. They put me on 300mg og seroquel a day, 1st pill knocked me out for 36 hrs, when I woke up, I realized that I HAD WENT through a COLOR change, tree needles looked burnt orange(fir tree), and the gradually faded, back to ALMOST normal, but dulled colors remained for the next 14 months,(only on it for 81/2 months) during this period I GAINED 85 pds-..Had 2 EKG's done(because of chest pain)and am NOW Diabetic..If I live another 15 yrs I'll be surprised,am only 47..As my Immune system is affected by diabetes, I get sick easily, I've had to take anti-biotic's more in the last 3 yrs, then I have my whole...

7 REPLIES Updated

I've just started Seroquel 25mg,so far so good, but I'm sure that has 2 B the lowest dosage.I've heared others R on 200-300mg. a day. ## My doctor put me on 800mg and It's not good. ## It makes me like a zombie your on it you'll see. ## I started taking seroquel about 2 weeks ago and i am taking 300 mg a day, it makes me real hungry and very tired but makes me feel calm ## Yes, it can be dosed in amounts up to 400mgs a dose, and up to 800mgs per day. The dosage varies according to someone's response to it, and the severity of the condition being treated. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, mood changes, and weight changes. Is there anything else I can help with?

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I like to make a public account of my expereience with seroquel or / quetiapine. To be as frank as possible this drug should only be used as your last resort as the negatives far out weigh the positives in my opinion. I took this drug to treat my mild to moderate tactile hallucinations which developed from extreme stress earlier in 2013. I took 25mg of seroquel (50mg cut in half) for about 2 weeks and then I took a full tablet of 50 mg of seroquel for another 2 weeks and then because of the side effects of mild kindey/liver pain plus mild heart pain i began to taper off the drug for another 2 weeks taking about 15mg of seroquel. I'm a 34 year old male pretty athletic and i was really suprised that i was getting all this liver, heart discomfort while on the drug. Also i noticed my jo...

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I have been taking Seroquel for a year now for insomnia. Anybody else take Seroquel for this? I have looked around and it doesn't even seem that Seroquel is normally given to someone for this. ## I also have been taking seroquel for insomnia for about a year and a half now. I must say, my Dr tried every sleeping pill out there on me. This is the only thing that has worked for me, I've never had a sleepless night since. I was also being treated for panic attacks and depression at the time. But all my life I had trouble sleeping, I'm talking up till 5 or 6 am with a million things racing through my mind (stupid stuff) but not any more. My doc told me that in low doses, it does work on some people for insomnia. ## Good information ## My son has OCD and was put on Seroquel for s...

76 REPLIES Updated

I just would like to know if this medication is for schitz patients then why is it perscribed for so meany other things? What exactly is it for? I know someone who is on it but thier diagnosis is nothing close to schitz. I am concerned about this and would really like some feed back. P.S. this person is only 15 and has other diabilities. ## Sometimes they give Seroquel for ADHD, insomnia, etc. My doctor wanted to give it to my son, but I found out that Seroquel is a major factor in Diabetes and I have Diabetes in my family, so I had him not even start it. ## Seroquel contains the active ingredient Quetiapine, it is often used to treat various mental health issues, such as Schizophrenia, Depression, and Bipolar Disorder. Most medications can be used treat multiple conditions. The FDA lis...

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I would like to know which manufacturer of Seroquel works the best? I have Accord and it doesn't work well. Thank you. ## I asked this question a few months ago, thought I would try again. Thank you. ## I was switched to the Accord health version and it's nothing like the one from Astra zenica. I'm wide awake and moody. I need to go back to the Astra zenica one- much better. ## It can really vary from person to person, so there's no way to say which one might be the best for any given person that tries it. Seroquel is used to treat various mental health disorders, as well as some severe cases of insomnia. It may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, and somnolence. Have you found one that works better for you, yet?

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