Yutopar Aka Ritodrine Experiences (Top voted first)


My husband and I have had our daughter, which is now 30, tested for everything and the doctors can't seem to be able to give us a diagnosis, and things are not getting any better. My beautiful daughter has struggled and suffered so much and it breaks my heart to know that the Yutopar that was given to me, affected my baby. My daughter is the one who suffers from it on a daily basis. My second child is normal, and I did not take the drug while carrying him. I would really like to talk to all of you, something needs to be done to care for these kids that are now adults that can not cope. They sleep, eat, are extremely depressed, suicidal thoughts, learning problems, unable to conform to society, lies, bi-polar, anti-social, can't function in everyday life and with everyday problems.We need help. If anyone out there could possible contact me {edited for privacy}.

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I am reading all this crying hysterically to my husband finally figuring out why my 30 year old son has struggled throughout his life with emotional issues. so many of what I am reading about all these children have gone through.I have no doubt in my mind being on ritodrine has destroyed my son. I remember having to go off it at 8 months of pregnancy because i would call them that the baby was going crazy in my stomach.. after years and years of pondering and searchimg for answers from god,knowing in my heart something went wrong somewhere because one child has these issues and 2 after him do not. I came to look up this drug just wondering. and here are my answers. so many of our children were damaged by this drug. and everyone walks away scot free because of disorders that cannot be seen most times physically. what a shame. us mothers need to get together and fight for this. someone should be held acccountable.

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thank you for responses. plase lets find a way to get together and see what we can do. nothing will bring back the years of all the suffering but this has to get out there. I also did not know it was an experimental drug.but since my pregnancy 1 year prior ended with my fistborn comming at 26 weeks 1.8 pds and passing away 3 weeks later , i knew no better.3rd and 4th pregnany i had the cervics sewn instead of ritodrine and both children had no issues.just keep wanting to kick myself for not searching these answers sooner. calling a lawyer now. please parents if anyone wants to pursue this please contact my email or my number 267-{edited for privacy} I live in new jersey. my son was born in phila. good luck all dawn

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Hello. I am a woman 35 years old, my mother got ritodrinein her pregnancy of me. for long I have questioned in myself why I have a difficult love issue… As if feeling love triggers a reaction in me that I get upset. I desire love, bud being afraid, feeling as if it not allowed. forbidden. I am a very gifted per on, have many talents. bud why is it so difficult for me to put myself in the world? a feeling of stress all the time. having difficult love relationships where I feel insecure, get upset, feel bad, guilt of not loving enough.. get depressed, having eating disorders. For this pattern of love imploding and getting down, i am going into a traject of regression-therapy. during the intake the therapist asked me about the pregnancy of my mother, I told het that my mother had contractions at 24 weeks of pregnancy. she went to the hospital and got a infuus of ritodrine. and later ritodrine pils. I realized that labour is started by Oxytocine, the LOVE hormone which is suppressed by an antagonist… Adrenaline…. So yesterday I started reading about these contraction inhibitors. I called my mother to ask what she got in the hospital, so today she called the dokter and there she found in her file that she got Ritodrine. Reading about this being a adrenaline like subsance, gave me the insight of this deep unconscious layer of feeling stressed. Adrenaline give the effect of freeze, flight, fright… Being depressed-freezes, having panic reaction and running away-flight, or getting upset, angy and aggressive-fight…. On this physiologic level of neurotransmitters and homones lies a root of my problem with life. reading all the messages on this website that have been written here by all the loving parents, it is like looking is some kind of mirror, realizing i have found a very deep insight in many difficulties in my life. A very nice side effect of getting to know this about myself is that i can let go a very deep rooted feeling of guilt, I am born with a prenatal damage, I have to deal with this, I am a person of light and love, struggling with this deep rooted damage. I have faith and believe in the good, the love and the possibility to stand up in life…. this way I do not have to feel victim of some bad pharmacist because it gave me the possibility to live and learn, to forgive and step by step…love… These doctors did what they could to keep me alive and save my parents only daughter. These doctors did not know, we have to forgive, love, Oxitocine… So I go on on my path going up and down, walking on edges and borders, opening and closing doors. I have the help of homeopathic remedies and beautiful flower remedies to let me remember love, softness, joy and release the old pain and stress. Thanks all for posting your stories and thank for reading, please leave a reply.

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I'm so sorry to hear this so many of these adult children are locked up.... Many have committed suicide, in a lot that just walk the streets,, I guess we'll never know how many of these adult children are just lost forever. We as parents feel like we failed them in some way, but that's not the case you love your kids as much as you can you try to be a good kind decent parent do everything you can to protect them and it's just not enough. Even though I know we mothers are not to blame for the drug that we took because we wanted that child, we trusted people doctors & FDA that had no idea what this drug was actually capable of doing. I guess in this sense of reality they were playing God and because we follow their lead and paid a very high prices and our children paid an even higher price, for it in so many hurtful senseless ways. I wish I could find all of these kids but there is just no way I've tried everything I know to do, just got a letter back from a lawyer stating that the that the case it's just too old the child lived the drug did its job, if we had known when these kids were babies, when they were born we could have done something. It just didn't become a problem until they hit puberty and now we deal with the aftermath of the storm, we watch our kids suffer cry hurt. At this point all I can say is we as parents live the nightmare and watch it on a daily basis. I thank God this drug is no longer used in the United States it goes as far back as the 1960"s and was used until the 1990,s and some foreign countries still use this drug today..., if you are or thinking of taking this drug please give it a lot of thought read these post and understand what these parents are going through on a daily basis before you make the decision to take this drug. I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart, for sharing your stories, with this site I knew I wasn't alone. It has been a long road hard journey and I'll continue to walk this road until the end.

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I see that these posts go back to 2013, but I have just made the connection between my sons emotional and mental issues and Yutopar/Ritodrine. It was given to me for premature labor at 7 months in 1991. I continued to take it until delivery. Was in labor for 22 hours before a c-section was done. He was born 3 weeks before his actual due date. Seemed to be very healthy until he was 3 weeks old and then came 2 months of intense Colic. He was a complete joy during his toddler and preschool years, with the exception of having to sit in timeout chair. At that time he would scream so loud that I sat on front porch (in his view) so neighbors wouldn't think I was hurting him. When he was 10 years old he was diagnosed with ADHD and possibly Asperger's. He was incredibly smart and always on the honor roll at this time, so I really didn't see how he could have ADHD. Of course, being my first child in school, I was convinced by his teacher and Doctor that he did. He started having anxiety, depression and social issues in middle school. During high school, panic attacks, OCD, BDD, ADD, depression, anxiety and social issues were the main problems. Fast forward to 2016 and he is now suffering from severe depression, psychosis, panic attacks, anxieties, ADD and Asperger's. Talks about suicide, drinking and self medicating himself now.

I have a very hard time believing that his issues are just a coincidental after reading all of the posts from mothers (and their adult children) that were also given this drug. I recently sent a report to the FDA (better late than never) about the effects that this drug had on my child. I'm sure nothing will come from the report, but I wanted it documented that I was given this drug for premature labor in 1991. This drug has ruined my sons life and left me with an irregular heartbeat. The heart problem I can handle, but not what Ritodrine has done to my unborn baby that I was just trying to carry to full term for his health. Not sure what else I can do at this point.

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I absolutely agree with you, yes there are many, and I do mean many families that are stuggling with mental and emotional disorders caused from this drug. I have 2 children (grown) my daughter is dysfunctional I took the drug carrying her, and my son who is normal and I didn't take the drug with him. So many families will tell you the same thing, this is insane for drug companies to have allowed this to happen then just walk away. Yes something needs to be done.

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If you are in this forum by now you know as a parent we are all in the same situation with our kids by taking this drug. Please know we have to stand together and get the word our there and find more parents willing to come forward, there are power in numbers and this is coming from a doctor and lawyer who says they will take this case, the more parents that get on this forum, a lawyer will look into it, as it stands now there is not enough complaints about this drug and the effects it had on our kids, get people you know to go to this forum address, later we will figure out a way to contact each other. Lets fight this for our kids that suffer on a daily basis.

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I was on Yutopar in 1988 from mid-March until early June when my twin girls were born. I suffered post-partum toxemia, two grand mal seizures, and coded twice before I was given magnesium to bring about a chemical balance. I never suspected that Yutopar was possibly to blame. My daughters were born healthy but as teens began dealing with OCD, depressive disorder, anxiety, panic disorder, ADHD, and in the case of one, substance abuse. The girls are 27 now. One has but has been on paxil for 25 years and can't seem to get off of it. She was on Vyvanse for ADHD is now off of that, thank God. She has managed to be a productive adult. The other is on Lexapro and Wellbutrin and visits a therapist. She has not had good results to date and her life is not progressing. She is unable to keep a job; she is socially disconnected; she has depressive disorder and is a binge drinker. Now that I know the cause, I am seeking help for her.

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I too was given ritodrine in 1988 every six hours for the last 4 months of my pregnancy. My son who is now 27 was diagnosed with Epilepsy and ADHD. He has had issues with depression and numerous social issues. Life has not been easy for us. Please let me know if there is a legal case. My son and every child and parent affected of this drug deserves justice.

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I have 4 children, only my 2nd boy, now 32, had to be subjected to ritodrine. I made my life a mess during pregnancy also. My son has social issues and bi-polar bouts. If it was my parenting, all 4 would have difficulties. I can not give him back his years of suffering, and it's hard to watch his social and emotional anguishes now. If there is a legal case out there, I want us to be a part of it.

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My husband and I just recently decided to check the side effects to this drug that I was on for 10 weeks in 1988. My daughter was born in sept of 88. After finding this site and reading all the comments, we are angry and sickened by this. We were never told this was an experimental drug. We thought we were helping our daughter to go full term. We believed our doctor knew best. My daughter is 27 years old and has dealt with addictions, anxiety, sleep disorders, etc. It is a horrible battle each and every day. In some ways we have found relief to know that the cause has not been something we did. Although the drug is something we did. We are totally in for a legal suit shall it EVER come to be.

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thank you for response.contacting a lawyer. anyone interested please contact me 267-{edited for privacy} thanks dawn

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Hi Glenda, I would love to talk to you, our children have suffered enough, lets see if we can find away to talk.

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A NY attorney got back to me this morning, I asked if there were any upcoming or pending legal cases for Ritodrine. They
took my phone number & email... I also gave this website

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I was on the for approximately 4 weeks in pill form. I cannot remember the dosage. But my son has so many problems I can't list them all. The most recent is seizures which the doctor just explained that they are caused by stress and childhood trauma. My son blames all of his problems on me, always has, but I know that the true cause is Yutopar. Wish I could turn back time, I would have never taken that horrible drug. I had a total of 5 premature births and only 1 has lifelong issues and he was the only one that I was given Yutopar to stop the labor.
I would like to know why yutopar was taken off the market under the name Yutopar?

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My daughter is now 22. I took this medicine for 3 weeks twice daily to stop preterm labor. She has had the same emotional problems since she was little. She dies havecs diagnosis of Aspergers Autism and severe emotional disorders. Thanks for the confirmation, I thought it was just my child. If you need help in this matter I can get the records for your attorney. Email me at {edited for privacy} and I can forward all to your attorney.

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I was also given ritodrine in 1983 for premature labor with my daughter. She is now 31 and has had severe mental health issues as well as drug abuse. I always wondered about being on this medication both IV and oral. I know this discussion is several years old, but I'm hoping someone can help me and my daughter.

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My son is totally off the hook! Ever since Kindergarten no.....preschool his behavior is unexplainable. I too was given Ritodrine. I was in the military at the time. The shakes from it were unreal. I was a young 1st time mom in Hawaii at Triplet Army Medical Center.
To see my son's behavior pattern look up Paranoid Personality Disorder. It describes him to a "T". He also has no conscience and when he does realize the error of his ways he will apologize but often it is short lived. It's like he can't control it. He's violent, uses substances, and is very selfish. He can't keep a job. I'm now hearing stories of him prostituting himself. It's crazy. My doses were from my 6th month till going into my 9th month. He was due end of September but came 6th September 1986. Everyone tries to lecture him talk to him reason with him but it falls on deaf ears. I know now in my heart it was this drug. Please help.

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I just found this site and can't believe what I'm reading in regards to Yutopar use in so many women and their children!! I was on it with my son in 1982 for preterm labor starting at 6 months gestation. The physical effects on me were frightening while on the IV form....my heart pounded so hard the whole bed shook. My baby felt as tho he were seizing within me. When I went home from hospital on oral form I had terrible emotional crying jags for no real reason periodically while on it. I stopped the drug at 8 months and delivered 2 weeks later. My son was 2 weeks early and had problems of one sort or another from the very start. He was very slow reaching all his major milestones... could not sit unassisted until 11 months and could not walk unassisted until 18 months. Has always had some balance problems and he has always had sleep issues (he is now 34 years old). His depressions started when he was 10-12 years of age. He has major social issues as well. He is very intelligent (has a Masters degree in meteorology) but finds it very hard to motivate and overall has struggled for all of his life with his issues. We were told when he was 8 that it appeared he'd had a possible prenatal stoke and he has since been given the diagnosis of TBI (traumatic brain injury). I always felt in my heart the yutopar was at the root of his problems; now after reading all these other posts I KNOW it was the drug that has made him the way he is! I see all these posts are from 2013 and thereabouts. I don't know why I have never thought to research this sooner. Where are things at concerning a litigation? We absolutely would want counted in in the event there ever was one. I have just been diagnosed with stage lll kidney failure (I'm 62) and now wonder if this could be related to my taking of this drug, since I don't really have any other risk factors that would have contributed to this (I do have hypertension but have been well controlled on medications for years, so that, as the main causative factor, doesn't seem likely in my mind). Please let me know if you are still looking to pursue a legal case and where that stands. Believe me, I'D BE IN!! Thank you and I am SO sorry for all of us and our suffering children that were subjected to this awful drug!

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I'm having a problem finding an attorney due to the statute of limitations. However, I feel that this is a could be a legal suit. The overwhelming amount of children who have suffered because of this medication is ridiculous. It's quite sad to watch your child suffer and not be able to do anything about it. We can all relate to one another and we need to stand strong to fight this!

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