Withdrawals From Soma, Morphine, Xanax, Oxycodone - Help Please (Page 5)


I have been in pain management for years, lost my doctor along with other patients, and primary won't fill or says she can't and messes up my progress to get in new pain management in time. Now I'm losing Soma, was 3 times a day, now I have 7 tabs left. Was on 45 mg of morphine 3 times, oxycodone 15s and xanax 5 mg 3 times a day. Which she said she can not write for. Why, if she knew or thought this pain clinic was prescribing more than standard, did she never say a word until i had to go to her in desperation for this? Your primary that has to refer you and get info to get into a new pain clinic, I have very serious health issues no one is dealing with, I feel alone and suicidal. I even told my doctor and the old pain clinic staff that left, and not a bit of help, yet they know i have a history of heart failure, bleeds in brain from pain issues. No one cares, our country is falling apart and i asked again today for something for bp and high pulse, got nothing for it but a nurse, they did not send in the info two times that could have had me in pain management by now, and in having the colostomy i had to postpone since I wont do it with out pain mgmt on board.

Today they cut me back more 1 soma for a few days then no more, oxycodone 10mg 3 times to be cut on mon again and morphine cut from 45 3 x to 3o 2 times. All i can do is cry and sleep then cry more then no food, not drinking, feel horrible, and have lost desire to live and fight. These doctors put all on others and not one seems to care or no what to do with all of us real pain patients. I just want to die at this point for i am so tired of suffering and its only going to get worse. I feel so bad for all of the posts i have seen and know im not alone. All i see is the same four walls every day, go no where and before i felt i had some reason to fight and live to fight cancer and even cancer doc can not help get you in pain mang. They said today it will take at least 8 weeks to get in and ill be dead then or out of meds in a stroke etc. That is my biggest fear. Have had 3 bleeds in brain from this and pain is no joke.

The nurse said today we all are paying for those that dr shop and are addicted and i said i thought even addiction is a matter that needs treatment. They counted my tabs. I take drugs panels, did nothing wrong and most of my pain is caused from docs that did botched surgeries and cancer and injury from accident. I dont no what we all can do or if there is hope but it does not do good to ask on this site if someone knows where to get meds. Its not just docs its insurances companies and pharmacies. It's all getting way too much and hard for even a well person to figure out. I am ready to go home to my maker and wish he would take me soon. I am so tired of the lack of proper dr care in our country and its so sad i feel and pray for you all i want to know who is going to be responsible when i die or end up in a stroke due to this. Xanax withdrawals will be the worst too for i had them before for you can not sleep to escape the torture and they only get worse with time unlike opiates most docs dont seem to know this. I guess i have heart rate of 139 now and bp 200 over 133.

299 Replies (15 Pages)

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Head over here to Colorado! Illinois is a Medical Cannabis state. And Missouri has "CBD only" products, which are great for pain relief, but do not induce a high. Look into getting your MMJ card, and get yourself some CBD products. Or head to Illinois!

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Yes, that's what I was trying to say...family dr. G.P's can prescribe narcotics, but they're severely limited, even pain management have been told what and how much they can prescribe for non cancer pain....who is to say if my pain is greater or less than yours....it's only okay for people who are dying of cancer to get enough med. to ease their pain. It scares me...I've had to switch, find a new pain management Dr. Three times in 5 years....it is truly horrible always worrying if this will be the time I have no dr. I honestly have a Dr. who is so temperamental, he can be nice one visit, the next yell at you, threaten to dismiss you for an infraction 6 months prior...heaven help you if you try to say there's a mistake....it's "don't snap at me ma'am, I can dismiss you right now". He knows there is no other place to go....I'm so sick of being treated like a criminal, drug panels, peeing in a cup, having to carry it across the lobby in full view of everyone. Hey, don't complain. The next place will probably be worse, even if you can find one, where is the care?

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Fibrocherryonthecake, some family drs won't prescribe meds for anxiety or depression, but they will refer the patient to a psychiatrist. Some family won't prescribe meds for sleep, but they will write a referrral to a Neurologist or order a sleep study.

Family and other specialities can legally prescribe any meds, but most are not comfortable prescribing meds when they feel that the patient can benefits from seeing a dr that specializes in the particular field.

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Honestly anyone consuming that number and frequency of powefull narcotics needs help but not more medication. Most on here couldn't get the doc to rx 1 of those you mentioned. Doctor shopping pain mills incompetent mismanaged care are all very real but at the end of the day where is the accountability and decision making of the patient.someone has to stand up and HOLD THEMSEVES ACCOUNTABLE AS WELL thanks all

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You don't know this person's pain, that's between her and her doctor. If she has been over prescribed...and has only gotten from ONE doctor (at a time) than that is the prescribing doctors fault. He or she is the one that went to medical school. We go in and they try to figure out what causes our pain, if they can fix it, or cannot and they can only treat the symptoms....pain. how dare you sound so judgemental! The doctor is ultimately responsible, and it is IRRESPONSIBLE AS HELL for her to be prescribed as Lloyd these for years, and then expect her to go cold turkey. Doctors fears of reprisal from the D.E.A., are what's driving the illicit drug epidemic. It is also driving people to kill themselves, from pain, from withdrawals (from legally prescribed drugs) ....yes, there are consequences to taking habit forming narcotics, and other drugs. If people didn't need them, then they would not be made. People need to make informed decisions before taking drugs ...any drug. But as your doctor should inform you, and you enter into a management contract. They are breaking at the very least "first do no harm" by not helping her in the aftermath. It's a pretty dire situation to be in...hope no one judges you too harshly should it ever happen to YOU! peace.

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Fibrocherryonthecake, patients accept the responsibility of what they might go through if these meds are suddenly stopped. There are no guarantees that a dr will continue to prescribe certain meds and/or high doses. There also are no guarantees that another dr will prescribe the same meds and at the same doses. The pharmaceutical companies lied to the FDA and the drs about the long term safety of these meds many yrs ago. The drs are doing the best that they can to try and get patients off of some of these meds and especially at the high doses. The patients want to complain about the meds, but they also don't want to do anything to help themselves. The drs are putting First Do No Harm into action by getting patients on as low as dose as possible of these meds.

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I just wanted to add a response to some of the political comments. I agree with most of them, although I think the damage is not limited to a particular political party.

The war on drugs has been in operation since 1971, when Nixon declared drug abuse "public enemy number one." Notice how a complex social problem is reduced to a catchphrase of military jargon. It effectively frightens the public to the point of producing a paralyses of rational thought. But it goes even further. It implies that some drugs are so evil, they can't even be studied. These drugs were placed in class 1. All debate is cut off while effectively taking focus off incompetent politicians and bloated, wasteful agencies.

It has long been known that heroin is a more effective analgesic than morphine in terminal cancer patients. But in The U.S. it still can't even be studied. These draconian Federal laws are an attack on reason. Both political parties have whittled away our constitutional rights by micromanaging our personal lives. We are told what we can and cannot put into out bodies and what we can grow in our gardens, while our tax money is wasted on no-bid contracts. We have the largest percentage of our population in prison than any country in the world. Statistics show that our middle class continues to shrink. A brilliant economist that I once had the privilege of having as a college professor, emphatically stated that a healthy middle class is absolutely necessary for a free society. Just a glance of some countries in Central and South America prove the point. They endure a series of vicious totalitarian dictators. They also have one thing in common: they have two economic classes-- the wealthy and the poor.

A pattern of hysteria, perpetrated by those in power, is obvious. A newspaper writes a sensational article about an unfortunate drug overdose death. If it involves a white person from the upper middle class, the news machine can produce a whole series about a new great evil that supersedes all previous threats. Of course, it must be attacked and destroyed with the mentality of warfare. More American citizens are given harsh prison sentences that frequently exceed the penalties for murder. Overdose deaths in ghettos rarely even get into the media. A new fear takes possession of the public's mind.

According to Webster's Dictionary, a demagogue is a politician who tries to manipulate the public with arguments that incite emotions. For those who fall into this net, base emotions like fear and hatred block the ability to see truth, which can only be apprehended in the clear light of reason.

How long will we allow this deception? How many people will stay home on election day?

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BL, NOTALLBAD and anyone else who wants to run their judgmental mouth on here: Yes of course the patient has to accept the responsibility of what might happen with these meds. But there is a HUGE difference between "getting people's doses down" and just dropping a 60 year old, long term opioid-using patient with absolutely nothing! That is completely ridiculous, unscrupulous, and a bad joke. I have two great doctors, as well as being good friends with a couple of doctors, and I tell them some of these stories on here....they just shake their heads. There is no way ANY of them would have someone on opioids regularly, and then just drop them cold turkey. They know good and well what that person is going to go through. That is completely and totally, medically and also morally unacceptable. I can't believe what I am reading here. And as FIBRO said, hopefully none of YOU will have to face something so scary and uncertain as having your doctor just drop you like a hot potato, while also knowing you will be withdrawing soon with no medical support. Because it is THAT which is breaking the "first do no harm" code on here more than anything. Shame on you for being so judgmental.

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Thank you so much! You totally said what I TRIED to say. Even if her Primary Dr. Did not prescribe those meds. I'm sure with proof from (empty bottles) the pain management was giving those to her, she would not of gotten herself in trouble by weaning this 60 year old lady down, , or at least given her enough to get her by until she could refer her to another pain specialist. It is inhumane, and I fear for this ladies health and sanity . And really...the know it alls so caught up on on. The idea of it being the patients responsibility to research potentially addictive drugs, I thought that's why we paid our doctors so much money, why theyes go to 8 years of medical school.....my mother completely trusts her doctor, she has no idea , and wouldn't think to question what he thinks is best for her. (I do...) that is more a generational thing I think. But don't judge desperate people on here asking for help. If you can't avoid being a snot...just shut your mouth and keep it moving. Karma is a bit**!

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They keep dropping patients or try weening patients down on there meds, lot od patients will turn to street drugs just to continue getting tjat pain relief.

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soma can be very bad. I would take it while I worked and days later be looking at the paper work I did that day and could not even read the writing.

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I swear there's going to be a much bigger loss of life. If you have chronic widespread massive pain 24 hours a day sometimes you will do anything you can to get relief and by cutting everyone's RX's people will turn to illicit drugs..maybe not at first but if you have to seek "alternative" help just to function halfway decently, street opiates are cheaper so it's very obvious to me they're deliberately trying to kill the weakest, poorest & those on ss disability. Sounds extreme but it's nothing new.

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Shetland, I really was wondering if it was just me??? I would do stuff like that too. The biggest thing to me about that soma is that it is so short acting, at least for me and I would eat them like candy. And then I built my tolerance so high I needed so much more then I would become completely out of it.

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Ki, where did you get the idea that pain meds on the street are cheaper? When you are caught, you will need money for bail, attorney, fine, court costs, etc. Not to mention possibly losing your job, children if you have them, etc. How are you going to be able to go out and buy drugs if not having them affects your ability to function so severely? And you won't ever be able to find a dr that will write you a prescription for any controlled substance after you have been arrested for possession and possibly sale.

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What I have found to help opiate withdrawals (and pain relieving ) is called Kratom, it's a plant that's grown in Thailand I think, so far it is legal here. From what I've read, it fills up the opioid receptors the same way opiates do so you don't go into withdrawals.....I would suggest googling it. There are different strains....I got red vein bali , I got it powder formula, I started out 1 teaspoon, but I was still suffering, so I upped it to about 2 .5 teaspoons. And honestly, I have zero anxiety, diarrhea, cramps....about the only symptom I have is cold sweats sometimes....the worst part for me, has always been the extreme anxiety, and pending heart....and those are gone. You can order it online. I got mine from coastal Kratom 2 50mg bags for 39.99 plus 4.99 shipping. Apparently it does not turn up in drug panels either, so you aren't breaking your pain contract. Not promoting any drugs here. This is a legal way to help withdrawal symptoms from opiates, methadone, etc. I've never taken methadone. I am legally prescribed opiates, but my dosages were cut in half recently, and I needed help, went searching and found this....as a way to help me through it. It is the consistency of ground cinnamon, and doesn't like to mix very well...my first time I put it in orange juice drank and drank, it floated on the sides.. gross! The next time I thought I'd just take a bite, and wash it down....I inhaled some and spit it out my nose...not pleasant. Now I just mix it in chocolate pudding. Tastes bad, but I won't choke. The 40 I spent at 2 teaspoons 3 or 4 times a day should last me 4 days. I'm going to reorder... but if anyone else does PLEASE READ ONLINE YOURSELF. I was desperate and miserable and this gave ME relief. BTW...it did not "work" like pills....I actually needed to take it a couple times and I think the cumulative effects throughout the day finally built up. I felt nearly "normal" by the end of the first day. The next morning, I woke up feeling great (3 doses through the day, 1 right before bed) just my experiences, I hope it might help someone else.

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That is what they all tell you. Illicit drugs are cheaper than prescriptions. Unfortunately, people are dying off as if a case of germ warfare from Isis Isil, whatever they want to call themselves...was bombed over us. Opiate addiction is serious. I am only writing about the possible roads that a person addicted to such drugs prescribed by a physician, NP, etc. that suddenly is non-existent in regards to a patient addicted to the drugs they prescribe. If you are private pay, you would be surprised at how costly pharmaceuticals add up to.

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While withdrawing from opiates, it is essential to work with a sympathetic physician. People have died from unsupervised cold turkey withdrawal.

My own Suboxone withdrawal produced a case of hypertension severe enough to cause a stroke or heart attack. Even while slowly titrating, my pressure shot up to 198/98. I'm now on a low dose of 2 blood pressure meds. My pressure is finally in the normal range. I also walk on a treadmill a half hour a day. This completely relieved the muscle spasms I was getting at night. I urge anyone who is coming off an opiate to watch their blood pressure. It really is a silent killer. You get no symptoms and have no idea that your life is in danger.

I've read many stories about so called drug rehabs that have no licensed doctors and no idea of the medical issues involved in drug withdrawal. You can't come off most drugs, safely, in 28 days. And who has the money for long term programs?

Another blood pressure danger is vaping. Nicotine raises blood pressure but the way some people vape, they take in an enormous amount of smoke with nicotine levels that are much higher than found in cigarettes. Young people may be able to get away without a catastrophic event, but it's still risky. I would be willing to bet that they are getting a huge jump in blood pressure. I'm not advocating more restrictive laws. I'm appealing to the individual to just use their common sense.

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ADDICTION and physical tolerance are NOT the same. As a licensed professional I could be SUED for medical malpractice to infer that someone in legitimate pain is an addict or drug seeking.

ADDICTION is a DSMIV diagnosis and an ADDICT will not take 30 days of medication in 28 to 30 days but in 3 days. He or she will do anything not to feel who they are. A pain patient does not want this at all, he or she needs quality of life so life itself does not end.

We have about two years once Obama is out to restore profit medicine which will resolve much of this government intervention.

I have posted emergency intervention (Methadone clinic) for any pain patient who is suddenly without long acting opioids. The only thing Hitler did right is have a scientist create Methadone the cheapest long acting pain medication known to man and it will remain cheap in the U.S. for we do not want junkies busting crimes and Methadone holds them for 24 hours when titrated to proper dose.

You will not be a pain patient you will be 'I will become an addict due to the loss of my medications within 24 hours if you do not help me.' During your transition get a new pain specialist and do not leave until this battle ends in D.C.

Read up on my writing on this topic on the trending article 'who writes pain medication.'


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I also use red vein thai. I bought a small digital scale to measure it with. Teaspoonful is unreliable way to measure. You can get as much as 10 grams in one tsp.That's a hefty dose!

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BL: I was thinking the same thing. My methadone, 270 pill for 30 days, is about $100.

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