Viibryd Side Effects (Page 23)
UpdatedWhat if any side effects are people experiencing on viibryd
I've been on this for about half a year. It has helped with my anxiety & depression, but I feel so lethargic lately & my anxiety is returning. I only had mild stomach upset & no sexual side effects. I have experienced leg pain at night and migraines are becoming more frequent. I take my pill every morning at the exact same time, and if I forget, by the end of the work day I am in emotional distress. The strangest side effect is that if it has been more than 10 hours, I have what can only be described as a severe histamine reaction. I sneeze like mad, my eyes burn and my skin becomes so itchy I can hardly handle it. This has happened every time that I have missed a dose. It makes me very nervous for the day my doctor & I decide to wean me off.
June 9,2014 AM: After taking Citalapram for several years, my depression worsed in November of 2013 after having LASIK surgery performed on my right eye. Although the surgery was "successful," I was (and still am) having difficulty adjusting to how my sight would change throughout the day. The nurse practioner that prescribes my meds decided "we" should try something different. I went through a potpouri of pills before "we" settled on Viibryd AND Mirtazapine AND Atavan(as needed). During this time, I also had a hospital stay for a week. I also was laid-off from my job on January 2nd. Although my depression is better, anxiety used to be a minor issue for me. It now seems to be a daily battle. The other daily battle I fight is diarrhea. I have read that both these meds can cause diarrhea, and that Mirtazapine can actually create anxiety. I want off these meds! But now the nurse practitioner thinks I'm on something that works and doesn't want to make changes. I miss the life I had a year ago.
June 10, 2014 AM: I saw my therapist and nurse practitioner yesterday after I created this post. I was adamant that I wanted off the Remeron and Viibryd. The nurse practioner agreed to change my meds, and is weaning me off these with a change to Zoloft by the week's end. Although I woke up this morning feeling somewhat agitated, that feeling is subsiding. I will keep you posted as I work through this.
I began taking Viibryd in late March. Started with 10 mg and began increasing as such. I did not experienced any bowel issues or headaches. However, the third day of my 40 mg dose I flipped out. The way I felt was like I was in a complete fog....looking into a tunnel with no peripheral vision...extreme memory....and I couldnt process information. Ince I got home ( had to call my husband to stay awake), I just had a panic attack for no reason and almost quit my job. Icalled my boss and sobbed to him on the phone for 3 hours. So I reduced myself back to 20 mg. My side effects on a daily basis include, night sweats, restlessness, crawling skin, itching, muscle spasms and the worst of all extreme lethargy and tahycardia late afternoon. It is so bad that i can barely hold my arms up or talk. I fall asleep mid task. Is this a side affect or is there an underlying condition? I am not on any other medicines. But I cannot continue to plan my day around sleepy spells!
I have been suffering from extremely bad anxiety and situational depression most of my life (I just turned 33) I also have migraines and ibs flare ups.. today I went to my doc and said I had enough and I need a STRONG antidepressant, I have already been on Xanax for over 13 years since my daughter (who has severe medical and developmental delay/brain damage issues) was born .. I have been on every antidepressant out there and they just don't do anything , the only thing besides the Xanax that has helped me was years ago I was on Adderall for about 3 years but became addicted to it so I stopped. . Anyways my doc put me on Vii , after reading ever ones posts I'm a bit nervous. . Especially about the diarrhea and stomach issues .. also wondering is this a stimulant? Technically yes or no? I don't want to end up where I was with the Adderall again .. but I DEFINITELY need something for the depression and anxiety, I have become so isolated and have zero motivation to do anything, I have also suffered with (can't think of the name right now) when you can't leave the house ? But I'm feeling like I'm getting back to that place and it scares me
I have been on Vii for a year and my hair has thinned out and I talk in my sleep. I also have weird dreams. Has anyone else had these side effects?
Yes I've been on it for 3 weeks now and I have terrible nightmares and wake up with terrible headaches and I'm also very agitated can't sleep but two hours at a time then wide awake. I want off of viibyrd!!!!
Hello Georgia,
I took Viibryd for a total of six weeks at the end of 2013, tapering onto then directly off of it, due to the 'arthralgia' it induced. I was bedridden for weeks and lost the use of my hands. I was referred to a rheumatologist who, after thoroughly testing every possible cause, diagnosed me with arthromyalgia induced by Viibryd. I am a natural optimist. I told myself that any day, any week, the pain would cease. At the same time I remember reading your post, then claiming no improvement after seven months, and I decided if I found myself in the same position I would take action. It has been eight months now without any improvement. I am 32 years old and on a good day I can walk a few miles or write a few sentences before my hands give out and the words become illegible. On bad days I can barely get out of bed or hold my phone to make a call. Are you still suffering from joint pain?
I was on Celexa for over a year but found it only helped with depression and not anxiety. Plus I gained weight, which was extremely frustrating given I work out a lot and eat relatively healthy. I went to a new doctor and she recommended Viibryd. I've been on Viibryd for about four months now. The stomach issues do calm down, and I've found they are less so with a balanced, health diet. The more processes the food, the faster it "travels." I also have crazy dreams. I was told there is a stimulant in it, but I don't notice it so much. The only time I really question it is at night I sometimes get restless leg. When that happens, I take 5 mg of melatonin to calm me, but it's really not often. All in all, I'm very happy with it. I take it every day, so it helps reduce anxiety and I have so much more patience, especially with my 5 year old. I've never taken Adderall, but I don't think they are comparable. To me the side effects are manageable for the benefits.
Hi. Just wanted to say that I too have gained weight with Vii. I took Vii for about 2 yrs after gaining 10lbs on Efflexor. My doctor at the time assured me there was no weight gain issues to be scared of. My weight is one of my biggest "triggers" in my depression. Now 2 yrs later and almost 25lbs heavier. I only have the Vii to blame. I am an active adult, I eat very well & I work out at least 5 to 6x a week. I also have Carpal Tunnel in both wrist. I thought it was from my job & it did start there. But the last year, the pain has tripled! I have now found a new doctor that has placed me on a new med. We'll see how it goes...
I have the same side effects from missing a dose. I take mine at night and if I forget I'm itchy, my eyes itch, I sneeze. But taking the missed dose sorts this out in a couple of hours.
I just turned 50 this year and was previously on Lexapro and Wellbutrin for anxiety and depression. They weren't working as effectively after awhile, so my doc switched me to Vii about a year ago. I wish I'd never started. -- I have terrible dreams, that even after I wake up, will continue where they left off if I try to sleep again. I have some serious tension in my jaw and must grind heavily throughout the night, because my teeth and jaw will ache the next morning and give me some whopper headaches. I also have balance issues, will walk into doorways, the sides of furniture - just as though I cut the corner too close, my vision is blurry at times, I have brain zaps and literally cry at the drop of a hat. If I don't take my Vii right ontime, I get into these crying jags. If I take it a few hours late, I can be sure I'll have a good case of restless leg syndrome that evening. I forget words I want to use in the middle a sentence, have had times I couldn't remember the name of a very close family member. My general concentration level just isn't there like it used to be. I also have gained a significant amount of weight... to the tune of 40 lbs and feel so out of control when it comes to the amount of food I eat and the fact that I want sweets constantly. While I don't have the arm joint issues of many on here, my hips, knees and the more than daily overlapping of my ribs is unbelievably painful, and quite debilitating. -- Yes, I've discussed these things with my Doc, but I'm feeling right now as though he thinks I'm a hypochondriac because he simply laughs and tells me I'm getting old. I can't seem to impress upon him that this has nothing to do with 'getting old' but more to do with 'something's very wrong' here. It's not normal. The worst, is when I'm standing in front of a group of people, conducting a meeting, and I can't remember a common key word, or can see an image of the thing in my mind, but can't form the word... that's so bad. My short-term memory is greatly affected. Sometimes, I can't remember things that have happened recently, or if asked, have difficulty recounting the sequence of events in the correct order. It's not all the time, but often enough. These issues are real and are affecting my quality of life. After seeing everyone's writings, I was glad in some ways to know I'm not the only one with these issues, but also feel scared, because if these side effects are supposedly reaching only 2-3% of those taking it, then there's obviously a serious problem with this drug. I'm beginning to understand that not only do I need a new doctor, but new medication, as well. Thanks so much everyone, for sharing.
This is not medical advice, just my experience personally. I had to quit Viibryd cold turkey due to an uncommon but serious side effect. I knew the withdraws were going to be horrific. I remembered how the supplement Creatine helped with withdraws from stopping pain meds years earlier. I bought a bottle of pills and not powder. The powder might work just as well, however, pills are easier for me. I don't remember the mg per pill. I know I took what the bottle said and added one if withdraws were bad. I don't know how Creatine works with withdraws but it seems to take most if not all symptoms down to tolerable. Creatine is a supplement many body builders take before working out. Google it for more information on its uses, strengths and where to buy. For me it was what I needed to get me through the the rough days of withdraws.
Today marks the 5th day of my attempt to be free of this dangerous anti-depressant. My doctor prescribed Viibryd almost a year ago. I was having some issues at the time,the death of my grandfather and other issues that I will not get into.
I began with 10mg, then moved up to 20mg and finally landed on 40mg. The first few months were great, with the exception of the first two weeks when I suffered from severe insomnia and had to take Trazadone to sleep. As long as I took the medication at the same time each day, for the first time in months I felt in-control and content. My husband noticed I was much calmer and less likely to have mood swings or be susceptible to bouts of depression and anger. Viibryd was supposed to be the new "wonder drug," which unlike most anti-depressants, was not supposed to cause weight gain or loss of libido.
However, the longer I took the medicine, the more side effects developed. Over a six month period, I gained 30 pounds.I begin having more and more sleep problems including sleep paralysis, hypopnea, and had very vivid dreams. My doctor prescribed Lunesta, which even after taking 3mg I could not sleep longer than 2 hours at time before waking up.The Lunesta made the sleep paralysis even worse because I was awake but so groggy I literally could not move. I felt like I was glued to the bed but fully awake. I had terrible restless leg syndrome that was also worse at night. Because of all of the sleep issues, I was always tired but could not sleep. My body was exhausted but my brain was jittery. My libido was diminished along with my memory and concentration. I felt like I was in a fog. I would have what I call "brain zaps," which feel like something touched my brain with an electric rod and caused a spark. Not painful, just annoying. I could not concentrate on things I enjoyed doing like reading or watching a movie.
I am a diabetic so I must be careful of my carb intake. On Viibryd I was very impulsive. Not caring what I ate and just doubling up on insulin to cover the sweets or carb overload. I remember literally bolusing for way too many carbs and saying out loud to myself, "I don't even care" or "F--- it."I couldn't retain any vocabulary from studying for my GRE. I could not miss a dose Of Viibryd by a mere hour without experiencing extreme depression and suicidal thoughts. If I was ever able to sleep later than 7am on a weekend,I would wake up with fingernail marks and bruising from scratching so hard in my sleep from withdrawals.
I then decided I would quit Viibryd if it was the last thing I did. I forgot a dose last Saturday. I felt the itching and the irritability coming on almost immediately. By the end of the day, I still had not taken the Viibryd. Cue the stupidest decision I have made in a long time. I tried to quit Viibryd cold turkey.Here is a summation of the past five days:
Evening of Day 1, Saturday: Itchy scalp, face and neck. Not unbearable. Very irritable and sleepy. Slept normally, probably 5-6 hours.
Day 2, Sunday: Itching and moodiness doubled, suicidal thoughts arose. (Even going as far as to imagine the scene and think of what to write in the letters to my family.) Slept on and off all day, almost had a panic attack in the grocery store because my husband was impatient about my couponing. I screamed that he didn't appreciate me or anything I do. After we got back home, I had a nervous meltdown. I had myself convinced I was either going to slit my wrists in the bathtub or stab my husband in the face. Whichever came first. Maybe both. I took sleeping pills at 6pm and went to bed. Slept a few good hours. No appetite, only nausea.
Day 3, Monday: Woke up and felt like death. Itching was three-fold. I was so dizzy that I could not walk straight. The vertigo almost made me throw up and kept me sick to my stomach all day. By lunchtime I was exhibiting flu symptoms. I had chills, but was burning up. Or I was sweating but freezing. I could hardly keep my eyes open. I cried about four times for stupid reasons. I ended up leaving work early because I couldn't stop thinking about killing myself. I got home and cried some more. Went to bed, took sleeping pill. Slept about 4 hours on and off. Little appetite.
Day 4, Tuesday: Imagine all of the withdrawal symptoms I discussed above, but doubled. On top of muscle aches, nausea, and lack of sleep. My head was pounding and the sense of vertigo was unbearable. I had to call into work because I literally thought I was dying. I almost asked my husband to drive me to the doctor so they could knock me out or I would threaten to pull all of my hair out.I remember asking him to hit me in the face and knock me out because I couldn't do this anymore. I finally gave in and took 20mg of Viibryd by splitting on og my 40mg tablets. Twenty minutes after taking it, I was able to sleep for 3 hours. I called my doctor, and he gave me 20mg tablets and 10 mg tablets. I am to taper off SLOWLY over the next month. I am lucky that I even got 2 hours of sleep that night. I couldn't close my eyes without feeling dizzy. No appetite.
Day 5, Wednesday: Despite only 2 hours of sleep, I woke up feeling surprisingly clear-headed. Most of the dizziness had subsided. I only felt it if I moved my head too quickly or got up too quickly. I went ahead and took my 20mg pill like a good girl. By lunch time I was hungry. I went home and ate lunch. I felt even better afterwards. My head felt clearer and my eyes weren't so twitchy.I felt as I could retain information easily, such as reading an article or book passage. I am exhausted from little sleep, but hopefully I will sleep better tonight because of that. I got a little irritable driving home today and had some definite road rage, but not anything like the grocery store incident. It is almost time to go home and I can't believe I made it through work today. I weighed myself and I have already lost 5 pounds in just 5 days from feeling so sick and not eating.
I do not recommend this medicine to anyone. The side effects are not worth it. Even if you taper off the right way this medicine still has killer withdrawal symptoms.
I want my life back. I will update as soon as I have kicked this for good.
Yes I am still in a lot of pain, I don't know if it will ever go away! I do have good days but more bad days. I went and seen my regular do the other day and he wants to send me to a Rheumatologist, well I am not going to have a bunch on test done that I can't afford and be told that there is nothing wrong. I know the culprit and the doc's don't believe it. So, I am not going to go pay 1000's of dollars to run blood test and EEG's and who else know what. I wish this med was never given to me, but what do you do when the damage is done!
I have been on viibryd for about six weeks. I weaned off of cymbalta simoultaneously after being on it for about 4 years. I am off cymbalta for about 2 weeks and am up to 60 mg of viibryd . Have experienced the diarrhea and/or loose stool others talking about. Last night had a terrible nightmare and felt like someone was pushing on my chest and I was trying to call out for help but couldn't. Woke up freaked out. Seemed so real . Happened again tonight with the pressure and felt like I was fighting to wake up. I also take zolpidem but never had problems with nightmares that seem to border on hallucinations. I felt it was helping with the depression but these nightmares are very disturbing. Sweets cravings have kicked in . I struggle with weight but never have liked sweets much . Now I'm thinking it may be the vii?
Has anyone ever heard of Serotonin syndrome from taking vii and birth control? I think staring BC recently increased my side effects of vii. Brain zaps, itchy, lose stool, confusion, anxiety, and not being able to stay asleep. Im taking 40mg of Vii for about 1 year now, and just started nuvaring 2 weeks ago. Vii has worked great for my anxiety so far, but now I'm scared to death of how intense these side effects are…
@Ashley. Yes. That's what I had. Neurologist dAys Viibyrd causes serotonin syndrome. I did chelation therapy treatments. Never felt better in my life. I also did peroxide iv flushes. .. Viibyrd is of the devil.
i have had the same thing; its very scary. In fact, im writing this because
i woke up after a 1.5hr nightmare. Some of the scariest stuff! Ive had this before
on other meds and i think that i get these vivid dreams and forehead twitches
often. Its quite frustrating but I may just have too much serotonin in my body
and that its a reaction as Serotonin Syndrome. It came when i would try to
get off of a med cold turkey DONT DO THAT; ITS A NIGHTMARE and something
that i wish i would not have done; let the doctor help you do it correctly. I had
3 weeks of hell that i could have avoided!
yes. I had no idea and did not connect it to the viibryd until i saw it on the boards here. I was only on a starter pack 10mg for 7 days then on 20 for 7 days. Once i went to the 20mg, i had diarrhea every day, nightmares, restless leg, joint pain, facial tenses that was involuntary because of my nightmares. No sexual side effects which is great, but for me, it wasnt the best med ive tried. I am 5'1'' 120LBS, with OCD. the best ive tried so far is paxil and im trying to get back on it.
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