Viibryd Side Effects (Page 24)
UpdatedWhat if any side effects are people experiencing on viibryd
I have taken Viibryd for six months now 40 mg. The stuff is GREAT for my depression, but the brain zaps are out of control. I now can not sleep because I am afraid of the zaps. They are now starting to happen during the day. Had MRIs and multiple specialist visits who told me nothing , but that I was healthy. Then I started to research and found these groups. I am now weaning off of Viibryd and this has been a living hell. Warning research any drug before you blindly take it. Do not trust that your Dr. Knows everything about the drug they are about to give you.
greetings Georgia,
I had intended to approach the law firm that is currently in a legal suit for birth defects due to viibryd. i had EEG and i tested negative rheumatoid arthritis but the medication used for psoriatic arthritis is working (it is also used for RA, but in smaller doses). I am currently taking 10 milligrams of prednisone and 15 mg of mobic daily and weekly injections of methotrexate in hopes of being able to remove the prednisone for my regimen. I can say all the tests run by my neurologist came back normal, but there is no conclusive test for psoriatic arthritis. I still believe whatever is happening was caused by viibryd but i ran yesterday for the first time this year, only fifty yards, but still a major break through from my perspective. the methotrexate is the first true advance in recovery that I've had and anyone suffering ongoing joint pain I highly recommend speaking to your doctor about methotrexate. it's highly toxic and needs to be monitored closely but for me and hopefully for others it will work as well.
Any updates? I am tapering now. Not fun...
So I was on 30 mg prior. My insurance changed and 30 mg is a pill and a half. United health care has refused to pay for that so they upped me to 40 mg. I have had brain zaps for a couple years now. I take my meds in the pm. My brain zaps come and go. But they are horrid. Hate them actually. I have spoken to my dr and she has said to take with food. I said I do I eat then at 930 I take my meds. She said thats not with food. And stay hydrated. Bam that is the ticket for me. I take my meds at 7 ish with my dinner. No brain zaps. Years later. Lol. I also have had nausea and headaches. But the nausea is not fun. I think it will pass. This med has changed my life. I have been able to function as a human again. Aside from things that arent that fun, I will continue with my meds until I dont know. If it works I am happy. Just know I have been in this med for approx 4 years. And this is the only med I take other than birth control for a health issue I have had. So it is a success!
I have been off almost 2 years. Still with pain in joints and brain zaps. I hate that a medication can do this to all off us on here, and the ones' it didn't glad for you. I recently started taking calcium and magnesium and zinc, chelated...You can get a bottle of all 3 mixed EDTA at Puritan Pride they have the cheapest. I have felt much better since I have started taking this combination. Read about chealation and people can get is in IV form, but I looked up oral d/t not having great insurance, and a doctor not believing that Vii is a monster. I really think I have noticed alot of difference. Alot less brain zaps and can actually move better. My feet used to hurt the worse and I notice an improvement. Worth a try.
At age 10, I started having panic attacks to extent of fainting, throwing up and sever bowel activity. By age 16, I felt a hole in my stomach that wouldn't go away. This was before the Prozac evolved drugs. I have been taking 40mg of Viibryd for approximately 2 - 3 years (every since they started the free samples.) Be sure and take it with food in the morning upon rising. It has worked the best for me than any other antidepressant. I took Lexapro, although relieved my depression to the extent that Vybriid does, but made me very manic. After Lexapro samples ran out, I took Cymbalta whose side effects were severe constipation. Vybriid has caused me no side effects such as additional body aches, but I've had those for years way before I started antidepressants. The 1 side affect of Viibryd is that I do feel nature calling shortly after ingesting the Rx, but I consider this a blessing because now I know when I will have bowel activity. I guess I can't say that Viibryd has not completely cured my depression, panic attacks, agoraphobia, germaphobia, paranoia, and many other neurosis, I feel better than I've felt in many years, although I still have the occasional panic attack, but not as acute as when I was younger. Once, my Psychiatrist put me Zoloft or Effexor or some generic antidepressant, and they didn't seem to help at all. On Viibryd I have noticed that if I don't take it in a timely manner, I do feel very emotional as I read in another comment. All of the antidepressants have depleted my libido.
I hope someone still pays attention to this... I have been seeing a CNP who is crap and she has switched me to viibryd. I am bipolar type 2 with MDD and am 29 f.
I have been on the 40 mg for exactly a week today and I have been nauseous for the past week and a half. I am over a week late for my period, I took an at home pregnancy test it came up negative, and I'm going through finals. So needless to say I'm freaking out. Has anyone else had this happen?
I've been scrolling thru the threads and I'm wondering if anyone one else has just been so stressed out after starting after this medication that maybe this could be my issue? Especially after reading that it causes birth defects. I have fibromyalgia and chronic migraines and I also take xanax on a regular basis for anxiety issues.
I am starting tomorrow to ween myself off of it to go back to what she had me on before for the time being just for lack of a better idea but I just have lost faith in this medication. My joint pain has also gotten worse.
Georgia, I just found this site today and have been following your posts. I've had RA since 1998. The cause of mine was being exposed to my son who had a typical childhood illness called foot and mouth disease. It can manifest itself in adults as RA. I was "sero negative" which means it didn't come up in blood tests for over 10 years. You really should see the rheumatologist because RA is very treatable these days. That being said, I do believe you when you say this drug is responsible. I've had my RA in control for years and after being on this drug for just over a month my hands are so swollen that I can't get my wedding ring off. I started looking for side effects for this drug because I'm so itchy, have had the big D for weeks, and suddenly my libido has gone into overdrive. I've been on lots of antidepressants and have fortunately never experienced any sexual side effect until this one. This is an awful drug! I can't wait to be off it!!!!
Just be prepared for the side effects as mentioned. I've been on it for a month and it seems to be working. Feel like I have the flu for the most part but if it's going to work, so be it.
I don't think it helped me at all. I was nauseated for 3 weeks, I was taking my Xanax constantly because my anxiety sky rocketed. I had diarrhea for a month. I pray my social security decides my SSI benefits soon so that I may receive Medicaid and get in to see a real psychiatrist instead of a state funded CNP. As for now I went back on Brintellix which isn't great either, but it doesn't have the horrible side effects and keeps my anxiety a little more under control. Good luck to you outta there who take viibryd.
I have to stop taking this med. 1ST month in and I'm having horrid migraines rls and nausea. Which doesn't included the fact that it isn't helping my panic disorder.
Sorry to hear about all your horrid side effects. All I can say is been there done that for 6 months. It was 6 months of hell. Get off while you can. I won't be surprised if they recall it.
Hardly any side effects. But not working as good on third week (40mg) as expected. Just about tapered off cymbalta but had bad depressed feelings the other morning. I took a 30mg cymbalta and felt much better in an hour... I do not know if it is the viibryd not coming to full fruition or the withdrawel of cymbalta.....? Must ask doc next week but maybe... With all the bad side effects , the cymbalta is a better worker for me?? Quite confused at this point
Hi spotsworth – I just decided to research any correlation between Viibryd and joint issues and am so appreciative that you have shared your story. I’ve been taking Viibryd since June ’13. I’ve suffered with some form of depression most of my life but it became pretty severe in ’13 so decided to ty my first anti-depressant. It has been an absolute miracle for my mental state. I’ve never felt more like myself and have been tremendously happy, mostly anxiety free and have much better coping abilities. However, I noticed about 9 months after starting Viibryd (spring ’14), I started getting weird joint issues. I just accepted it’s part of aging and I should minimize or adapt my workouts.
I’ve been a lifelong athlete (D1 college soccer player, 3-time marathoner, many half marathons, etc.). I became allergic to NSAIDs 4-5 years ago, so I significantly scaled back running and started pilates and yoga b/c I couldn’t take any anti-inflammatories (and running caused lots of inflammation in my feet and knees). That seemed to work well until last Spring and the last 9 months have been brutal. I attempted to train for a half marathon last May and after 10 days, my knee completely blew up (3 times the size), which resulted in pain meds and crutches until my Orthopedic doc gave me a 7-day course of Prednisone. I’ve taking Prednisone a bunch of times over the past 10 years for Sinus Disease (I also have Samter’s Triad which is related to Chronic Sinusitis) and know how well it can work for inflammation. I’ve never experienced Prednisone side effects like this though. While my knee was back to normal in two days, I felt like I had been in a car accident (horrible pain throughout my entire body and utter exhaustion – was sleeping 12-14 hours straight). And to add insult to injury, I put on 15 pounds just from the Prednisone (I had never experienced weight gain from this medication before). My Orthopedic suspected my knee might be a bigger arthritis issue so told me to keep an eye out for other joint/skin issues (the skin around my knee and down my shin was very red too) and referred me to a Rheumatologist.
I’m going back to my Rheumatologist next week for the third time. He’s tested me for Lupus, RA and a few other things…all tests came back normal. I’ve had a muscle enzyme and thyroid test which both came back normal. I’ve also been referred to a Neurologist for a sleep study which takes place next week to determine if I have sleep apnea and/or narcolepsy. Since I last saw my Rheumatologist 3 months ago, I’ve had some skin patches on my right lower back that won’t go away (which he told me to look out for in case it’s Psoriatic Arthritis), terrible back pains and the normal joint swelling/inflammation that spreads from my hands/fingers/wrists/elbows/feet.
I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to conclude Viibryd could be the culprit for all my recent physical issues. I’ve already contacted my Psychiatrist to start the weaning process as I’m hoping the awful pain and exhaustion starts to subside. Sorry for the novel, but wanted to share my story in hopes it could help others as you all have helped me tremendously.
you have to take Viibryd for awhile to really experience the full effect. it's the only thing that has worked for me. And it's been many, many years. The only complaint I have, is i am very short tempered and cry very easily. I don't want to give it up but i can't seem to quit the temper issues.or crying at the drop of a hat. With that said, it's been the only thing that has truly worked to bring me out of the funk and into the daylight. Big difference. I'll try to figure out a way to keep the viibryd and get rid of the two symptoms. I'll be really sad if I have to give it up. Literally.
I have had restless legs for many years. Viibryd is less than a year. I've had achey joints before this med. Not worse than before. Nausea in the beginning, a little bit. Eat with it and space any other meds about half an hour after Viibryd.
I'm in my 3rd-4th month, and hope to get off it (tapering) beginning when I see my doc in 2 weeks. Luckily, no brain zaps, and the nausea/diarrhea isn't too bad since early on. However, the paralyzing dreams still come sometimes, and the worst is that I can't sleep at night ... probably because I'm in bed super-drowsy for at least 12-16 hours a day. I get up and do a chore or two, or go to appts or out to dinner with my very patient husband, but since I had something flu-like a month ago, I haven't been able to get rid of the body/muscle aches that are double/triple my usual pain level or have energy to get up and out of bed enough. Luckily, I'm not working.
The beginning of your comment is exactly how I was. Diagnosed severe depression, ptsd from abusive childhood, and add. I still take an hour or so nap most days. All my medicine can cause drowsiness. I was, until recently, on: Welbutrin 450 mgs, Lamotrigine 400 mg for mood stabilization (for the significant downswings), and adderall for my add, and lexapro. The Lexapro was dropped and Viibryd was added. For me, the adderall helps with the focus I need. Always had that problem. Very easily distracted, don't follow through with even the little things. Meaning the little things like emptying the dishwasher, but before finishing that, leaving to put something in the bedroom. Then before I know it, I'm off to put away stuff in the bathroom because something shiny caught my eye. By the time I take my tour around the house I get back to the kitchen and I haven't gotten past 1/4 of the dishwasher being done. Nothing is "done". Then forget 3 times to turn on the dishwasher. By the time I get done with my travels, I'm tired and feel like I've done a lot without anything being done. Then add the avoidance of important stuff if I'm super worried about $$ or have put it off long enough it's something to really worry about. That was and is so horrible. The adderall has helped with that somewhat. I still do that, but not near as bad. I've also been super tired all the time since I was young. Sleep Apnea machine has saved my life. I used to stop breathing at night and my throat hurt so bad every morning and had a nasty headache almost every single morning. It was horrible. Yes, huge snorer. I need to have a new study to probably have the setting turned up a notch and full face mask since my allergies render my nose useless at times. When you spell all this out, it sounds horrible! Sheesh! I mentioned in my first comment about the temper and tears being a real problemm, the Dr and I agreed to drop the Welbutrin back to 300 mgs as it was a year or so ago. Since the Viibryd has helped so much neither of us want to take that one away till it's determined it isn't beneficial enough to be tolerated. I will come back in a couple to three weeks and update how that change is going. I'm really hopeful.
It's taken forever (about 3 years) to find a decent combination to get to the "ok" point. Still afraid/nervous to go out and interview for jobs. That's a huge necessity as soon as possible. Afraid still, but not to the point of can't even consider, causing paralyzing anxiety. The depression symptoms and self esteem issues really make it so difficult to even consider trying. I am significantly hearing impaired (wear 2 hearing aids), that makes me nervous as well. But I dealt with that in my better years in a professional work environment. I could manage again, eventually. So many challenges I would like to tackle and hopefully even eliminate some eventually. The body aches are very often a result of the depression. The Psychiatrist asks several questions at the beginning of the office visit and medication discussion. The first one is do you have any pain. I'm 57 so I have the usuall stiffness and bad shoulder kind of thing. But also had the muscle aches and strain feeling. Now I try to stretch when I feel it getting bad. It really helps. Massage makes a huge difference in my neck and shoulders. The shoulders are always headed up to my ears. Just a little tense. :) I've been sedentary for so long I feel like a veal. I'm slowly getting back to adding a little bit of some kind of activity, even if it's just stretching. It's already helped. Just simple daylight helps. Open the blinds or curtains. Turn on all the lights, if you can afford it at all. Light makes a big difference. Turn the tv up. Don't let it be too quiet. Even if you're wanting to sleep. Don't make it easy. Make yourself let someone, family or good friend into your house. At least more often. That helps you get the oompf to actually clean once it once in awhile. Someone who knows that you're really depressed, but doens't really know the exent of it. A bit more of a challenge to make it a good or decent cleaning. These are what has helped me. My daughter drags me around with her sometimes. lol Very sweet, but persistent. lol It took all I had to get ready for those excursions. But I forced myself and I felt better when I got home. And you can't just do them as an effort to see if it helps, then drop it. You have to push through and keep trying. I wish there was a way to really help folks like us to have a faster return to a normal existence. Or extend the good or betters times a lot longer. No such thing as perfect, but I hope to get back to more of the very good days. Good luck to us all. I hope Viibryd works for you. I've heard enough people say what I am, about it, that it would be wonderful if it really does help many more or they have something even better in the wings.
That would be great! .
I'm glad to hear your success. I have also benefited very much in the long run. I was recently trying to take the Viibryd with my Welbutrin in the morning at the same time. That did cause nausea. I'm so happy to know that's the culprit. I set my phone alarm to remind myself to spread them by a good half hour. So far so good! If that doesn't work anymore I'll take it with a meal. I've never had the brain zaps. That sounds really strange. I can imagine it being uncomfortable.
9th week on viibryd. Starting to taper down from 40mg to 30 as it is not doing the trick for me. Feel ok mentally but keep getting pop up suicide thoughts. Am increasing small amounts of cymbalta gradually and may eventually go back to it. Side effects not withstanding, it works for depression. Possibly with doc advise might use cocktail. I have success only with serotonin norepinephrine combos... We shall see
Has anyone experienced any changes in the joint pain and inflammation once they stop the viibryd. It has been 2 years and I am still suffering. I am working with rheumatologist and I am on Remicade infusions for arthritis assoc with crohns and they are using that diagnosis as I do have crohns disease but with this joint pain swelling etc no bowel involvement. I honestly believe this is all from the year and a half I was on this drug. Has anyone had any long term improvement after stopping. I haven't. Just wondering. Please no matter how wonderful this may make you feel depression wise it is not worth it! The pain I have been suffering with for 2 years has not been worth it and in the end the depression is 10x worse now with the pain and life style changes. It's a terrible drug!
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