Viibryd Side Effects (Page 22)
UpdatedWhat if any side effects are people experiencing on viibryd
I've taken viibryd for about a month and a half and have started to have awful side effects. They had to take me off and the doctor I see is throwing away the rest of his samples because too many patients are havering problems. Be very careful.
My muscles hurt so bad, when I walk down steps I look like a doofus, they are so awkward, my legs and the muscles are just so different.
After reading this, I realized that many symptoms I attributed to anxiety (which is why I am taking this for) are really side effects. Talked to my psychiatrist and I am going off Viibryd. And the medication did not help me at all. Cannot wait yo be off it in five more days. She has warned me of some possible side effects of going off, but I cannot wait to finish this. Side effects I had: nightmares, restless legs were much worse, fatigue, joint pain, trouble sleeping snd I take Trazodone to help me sleep, the runs, etc. still taking Clonazepam but going to try using it only when needed. I have been on so many anti depressants with so many side effects. So tired of them all and just want the anxiety to lessen so I can feel better. I have doubled my exercise routine, which is never stopped, to try to lose the ten pounds I have gained. Good luck to all of you, wishing you better mental health.
My 2nd time posting here updating from my previous post on Tue, Nov 05. 2013 here.
Its now currently my 6th or so months on viibryd. I have been taking the 40mg pill daily after the 4th month was up. Somewhere into the 4th and 5th month, all the side effects have dissipated. Except the occasional brain zaps which honestly is a non factor at this point really. (I'd get like 1 zap a week?) A small advice for those who get freaked out with any near sleep time paralysis. Don't be scared and just concentrate on your breathing, relax and let yourself feel like your free falling. For me, by the 6th month, its all but disappeared too.
Overall the effects are good. I feel normal. My joints are not aching, no noticeable increase in migraines the last few months, and the 'zaps' are gone. I know my vision has not changed as I have just recently ordered a new pair of glasses.
Reading from some of the posts on this site, I guess I might be in the fortunate group where its 'so far, so good', and the effects as of far are not going negative. Before, I would get a brain zap if I missed my dose by an hour. Now I can go on several hours forgetting. (This could be good and bad though because the zaps reminded me to take my medicine compared to now)
Also just a FYI, that I am not taking any medication other than viibryd at the moment. That might have been helping me not get too much side effects too. I shall update again in a few months if I can find this site again.
I also have an update after being on Viibryd for about 10 weeks now. I noticed a huge lift in my mood around weeks 3-5, then the lift seemed to dissipate completely. The only think I can think that changed is the shrink I started seeing prescribed me 0.5mg of Xanax XR, and a sleep med (first Sonata, then Lunesta).
It's possible the combo of those drugs took away the happy effect of the Viibryd I was feeling, so I am now in the process of coming off those other meds and I feel better already. So with some SSRI's or perhaps Viibryd itself, certain drug combos might counteract the effect.
Other than that, I've had NO side effects from Viibryd crazy dreams, no gastro issues, no zombification, nothing. I drink a regular cup of coffee in the morning and that's it. No alcohol whatsoever. I take Viibryd first thing in the morning with a glass of milk or cereal. Tried taking it at night and it kept me up a long time, just FYI.
I have had the same effects plus a 15 lb weight gain in 2 months.
In all honesty I have been on vybriid for over 3 years. Seems like nobody has been on it for longer than a few months on here. It frustrates me to no end that most people who post only speak negative about it, but are on it for such a short period of time. Side efffects are a given with any medication. As that is the way it is. No matter what you are on. I take this pill 1 1/2 daily at night. Taking this pill in the am seemed to me made me groggy. I have brain zaps sometimes but o well. Its crazy to see people taking more pills to get off of this pill that are far more serious than vybriid. U cannot drink while on this med. It makes for a bad combo. I drink maybe once a month like one drink literally if that. This drug changed my life. Instead of finding every darned thing to say that possibly could be from the med that could be from numerous things, maybe give it a chance to reap the benefits. Weight gain zero. Weak muscles zero. Insomnia zero. Hair loss? Mine stemmed from being platinum blonde. Since subsided from changing hair color hair loss at middle of of strand from coloring hair. Zombielike? Take meds at night as warning on pill bottle may make u drowsy. Sleep paralysis happend before I was ever on the med. I think some people expect a miracle for a pill to be perfect. Or maybe they want to be on a different pill that gives them more of a buzz or hell if I know. But if u want to see results give this med more time than a couple of months. It will even out. I cannot remember if I had issues as the ultimate result was something I cannot explain. It works. That is my opinion. If u listen to all the negative u will never see the positive. If not being depressed or emotional and being stable is your goal hopefully u will see it through. So take the good with the bad. The good of this med is living a happy life. I choose that.
Has anyone had the balls of their feet swell? I thought it was from working on them but even on vacation they feel numb.
I actually get golf ball size lumps on the bottom of my feet. I have horrible inflammation and joint and muscle
Pain all over. Elbows hands and wrists and feet are horrible and swell and are painful. It migrates from place to place. Even the palms of my hands swell so bad I can't use my hand at all.
Really??? Have u been to the dr? Maybe the er? Im kinda thinking u have a health issue unrelated to a dose of medication. Im not sure who prescribes your medications, but I suggest going to a psychiatrist not a gp. If my appendages were all jacked up I would go to the er... they can run a series of tests to find out what is wrong with u. Crazy idea.......
Oh I am seeing a few specialists and they are still working on figuring this out but one of the thoughts was I took viibryd for 2 years could be side effect. Unsure at this time as I do have other issues but that has been one school of thought anyway. I have not taken viibryd since August so now we are looking at other things but still one of the thoughts anyway. Please know I am one person who believes in being responsible for your own medical care etc. So no worries
I would agree with Kelly. I think it is very difficult to switch from Lexapro to Viibryd. I have had the worst anxiety and sleep apnea of my life. And I also ended up in the ER being tested for cardiac problems. It would seem that even a slow shift away from Lexapro is capable of producing very strong withdrawal symptoms. I'm sorry not to be able to stick this out because my libido is stronger on Viibryd, but as my husband put it, you can't have intercourse if you're dead! (joke) So back to Lexapro.
You were ok combining adderall and viibryd? My doctor recommended doing that as well (I too suffer from compulsive negative thinking) but I read that mixing those two drugs was not advised. How have you been taking both? I am a bit anxious to start the viibryd until I know of the combination
Can you share what your new medication is? I am pretty sure I need to get off Vii immediately, because of my severe agitation and mood. I feel worse than I have ever felt...ever!!! And if I miss a dose, forget it! I feel like I need to be committed. I have never had this feeling before...nor the feeling that I am literally going crazy...until starting this medication.
I thought I found the pill that would change my life for the better. I have been taking Viibryd 40mg for 6 months now. I feel bad ( cry, mad, lost, scared ) only after 24 hours of not taking it. Not only have I notice the difference in myself when I have not taken the med but, my family, friends and co-workers notice also...I would happily continue to take the medication however, I have gained so much weight it is unbelievable! At least 30 pounds. I have not changed my eating, drinking or exercise habits. It is all in my mid-section. I have always had a pear shape now I am a pear/apple! I have to decide...Do I want to be fat and happy or sad/mad and thin? I am on vacation as I write (had to buy jumbo clothes to wear) and have not had a Viibryd in three days. Needless to say I am miserable and making everyone else miserable. Please advise?
Here's a dose of reality for Dose of Reality; Doctors RELY on nurses and pharmacists to know about the medicines their patients are taking and what side effects and interactions with other drugs may be. I am glad you're offering an alternate opinion, but don't berate a profession in your zeal to express that opinion.
My above message was in response to one posted by Dallas Sorenson. I did not realize my reply would not be linked back to his original post. I am located in southern Minnesota. {edited for privacy}
I would never recommend this drug. I have been on medicine for about 6 years and this drug for me was awful. I am coming off this slowly with the care of my doctor and I have had horrendous side effects. I began my detox a week ago today and I have been so dizzy, had heart palpatations , racing heart beats, tremors, aches in my whole body as well as restless leg syndrome and the shakes. I started two months ago and went on a steady increase to 40 mg. I felt awful when I was on it and feel worse coming off it. This drug is a poison to my body.
I went on Viibryd last month (May 19th) because I felt that my Lexapro has stopped working. I went on Lexapro in 2006 because I started to have depression with the market collapse, main breadwinner, husband lost job and got ill, late mortgage, 3 kids to boot. Lexapro pulled me through then and has kept my moods stable. The last two years I noticed a change in my libido but lived through it because everything else was fine.
Now I have major stressors again at home with 3 teens (one of them graduated and is going away to college now), a husband of 23 yrs who wants to leave me, my work being cut down to half...all in the last 2 months. So I went to see my doctor bec Lexapro has not been able to maintain my moods this time. She put me on Viibryd, telling me that it is the best one in the market right now, does all of the things the other SSRIs do as well as not affecting libido (main reason for husband problems).
Diarrhea was my first problem but I was warned about it so I pushed through. That side effect happened within the second day of starting Viibryd. Then came nausea and a constantly bitter taste in my mouth. I ended up not eating much starting that first week. The second week, the dose went up and I began having muscle cramping at night. My leg cramps would get so bad, I would get up and march in the middle of the night to ease the discomfort. I also began noticing that I was having difficulty falling asleep. If I did fall asleep, I would wake up within 3 hours and be unable to fall asleep anymore, even during the day when I would try to nap. I felt like my body was "humming", "always on the ready" for any catastrophe that could occur.
But then within the week that I was on the full dose of Viibryd, I was a nervous wreck. I felt a constant impending doom...I felt I could not handle any crisis at all because I would literally fall apart. This is very different than my usual self. My mom and my sister had to pick me up the floor I was crying so hard in a ball. It scared them because I had never done that before through even worse times like the death of my father, losing a business, etc. I usually pulled others through. And it was very difficult to calm me...I could not sleep (even when I was dosed with an Ativan and Benadryl) and would awaken after 3 hours.
At first I thought, my stress is so much, my sleep and appetite and anxiety has really gotten out of hand. It felt like my skin would disintegrate if someone even looked at me wrong. I tried to force myself to eat, force myself to sleep but nothing worked. I even ended up with prescription for Ativan that did not help the anxiety, the muscle cramps, the insomnia. So I just stopped it and stayed on the Viibryd waiting for it to work. It takes 3-6 weeks for any antidepressant and I was on week should happen anytime that things will fall into a tolerable state.
Then on Sunday, my second week of the full dose of Viibryd, I could not stand the bitter taste in my mouth anymore. I had lost 20 lbs (I am only 5'1 and weigh 115). My husband told me to go to the doctor to get off Viibryd and on something else. He is very worried of the weight loss and sleep deprivation I had been going through. But when I called the doctor's office, they didn't even call me back. I was in a panic. My husband, my mom and my sister were all so kind and supportive. Yet I could not pick myself up. I literally wanted to just disappear. That night I decided to just quit the Viibryd...I didn't know what to do. And figured I would call my doctor again for another appointment.
Sunday, I had stopped taking Viibryd cold turkey (not recommended but did not know if I could take it anymore). It was because I could not stand the bitter taste in my mouth now and the nausea...I am hardly eating and if I do, I get the diarrhea. It is horrible. Then that first night off it, I finally slept like the dead. It was wonderful. I felt something other than the impending doom and feeling of restlessness. I was actually feeling tired and wanted to sleep....not "on guard". Then waking up was It's like that groggy feeling after you finally slept well after not sleeping for days but still need more sleep.
Monday, I was still tired and would sleep if allowed (but I have to work and have children/ The feeling of impending doom decreased. I wasn't as a fragile as I was....not like my skin is about to tear but easily irritable, like too much stimulus when a lot of people talk to me at the same time. It's better than when I felt so caught up in my anxiety and tearfulness. At least, I feel connected to others but like when your period is coming....a little snappy. My sleep was restful although I have vivid dreams. I figure it is just my brain now just trying to relax and let go. Thinking about it...I haven't really slept for 4 weeks on Viibryd so I'm going to give myself a break on why I still feel tired. It is wonderful though when I wake up because, though tired, my brain isn't foggy or anxious.
Then today the third day off the Viibryd, I am as itchy as rashes but I have itchy spots in random places all over my body. The bitter taste is still in my mouth but a lot less...I can actually eat without feeling nauseous. Still having the soft stools but at least no diarrhea now.
I hope that with good sleep and eating better, I will be able to get myself together again. I have an appointment with my doctor this week. I will try to get back on another SSRI...not viibryd definitely but not Lexapro either. Maybe just something simple for a while like Prozac. I heard Serzone is easy on the libido...the least of my worries right now.
Thank you for all your Viibryd posts. It makes sense. I thought my insomnia and feelings of doom was just because of all the stress I am going through. But reading all your comments, a lightbulb lit up.....viibryd!! I realize that now because I feel the same right now as I had the month before the viibryd, when my stressors began.
PS....This has been very hard for me. I am actually a registered nurse...supposed to know my meds, supposed to be able to distinguish between side effects and symptoms. Unfortunately, the lines between side effects and symptoms blur. anxiety from stress/anxiety from meds....insomnia from stress/insomnia from meds......poor appetite from stress/poor appetite from meds.....feeling desperate from stress/feeling nervous from can you tell?
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