Viibryd Reviews (Page 23)


Going to start it tomorrow. Anyone else taking it, and if so, how do you like it?


1053 Replies (53 Pages)

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Hi Joe, I am going to go off the Viibyrd slowly but my stomach is already so much better. I am now taking 20 mgs and will stay on that for about a week and then go to 10. Maybe the 40 was just too strong for me, so I will see how I feel at the end of the week. Thanks for your reply. Joanie

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Thanks Joe for your response. After talking to my Dr, we changed some of my other meds. Still on the 40 Vii, but also take Metformin ( Glucophage ) for diabetes and she changed that to the extended release. Mag Oxide is another culprit that can cause the diarrhea thing, but I am Hypo- magnesium so I have to take that supplement. That was increased to 400 mg 4 x's a day. I've found if I take the Mag Oxide with food and along with changing my diabetes meds, so far much better this week. I feel better on the Viibryd, going to hang onto it for a while longer and....join a gym I think !!!

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Glad to hear that. Hang in there!

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The glucophage is very common and effective. I thought the GI problem seemed a separate issue.
FYI 5% of women have PCOS poly cystic syndrome that upsets hormones. Weight gains. Excess body hair. Type 2 DB. HBP. Read up on PCOS and if that is possible talk to your dr. It causes and contributes to depression and general anxiety too.
Good luck on finding better health.
BTW always some exercises each day even if walking

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Joe you are well informed and so helpful! Truely a God send! I found this site when I felt helpless, this has really helped me.

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Just started Viibryd 10mg yesterday and did not like the side effects. On the commode over and over, hot feeling all over, uneasy feeling and head feels like has jello in it. I have severe PTSD,(Vietnam '68) anxiety, diabetes type 2, periphiel neuropathy, lost kidney to cancer last year now other one at stage 3,OCD,many other problems from agent orange and have been on heads meds all. The only one that ever helped me was amitriptlyne and after 10 years tha VA took me off and left me hi and dry to deal with on my on. That definitely did not and is not working so I thought I would try Viibryd. Should I stay on it for awhile with feeling so bad on first day?Desperate

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Go to 5 mg instead for 4-5 days, and then go to 10 mg. Many doctors are finding out that it is best to start with 5 mg for first few days, and then 10 mg for several days.

That is because this drug is potent and really works well once it kicks in for many people, but not all of course.

Sorry to hear about your very serious health misfortunes.

I hope the VA can still ultimately do the right things possible for you. The VA San Diego just did a terrific heart by pass on my brother, age 73, and it was a wonderful result and saved his life. My brother has been very satisfied with the VA in Long Beach and San Diego, which included total remission treatment of non-hodgkins lymphoma that started in 2003 and totally gone now.

Good luck

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Can you just cut a 10mg in 2pieces to get the 5mg

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Exactly. They only make 10s, 20, and 40s. My dr said that some people go to as high as 80 mg to get the best results, that is, taking two 40s. But my dr said that is not to common.

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Yes Dayne, you can cut a 10 mg to 5mg.. that is what my doctor had me do to get off of the stuff ! I only took 10 mgs for about 10 days, but became more depressed on the Viibyrd...I am glad to hear it works for some people, that is great and I wish you all continued success. As for myself, I am now on nothing at all as far as antidepressants, taking 1 mg of klonopin at bedtime to help me sleep and help keep my anxiety at a minimum. My depression is usually only seasonal (winter), so am praying I do not get depressed this coming right, EXCERCISE !!,(yoga or zumba) and surround yourself with positive people !! Works for me ! A little shopping does not hurt either !! LOL...

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Good points. The thing about Klonopin, one of many, many benzos, is that you can have tolerance and not know it. You are on a light dose, and some go much higher per day for panic attacks in particular.
You ought to talk to your doctor about Lunesta for sleep, as it is the preferred sleep meds with most specialists, such as sleep doctors over Ambien or Sonata.
Also, for anyone have a sleep disorder, it is important to have a sleep lab study to detect sleep apnea, which causes wake ups and can damage people's internal health.
If people snore, there could be sleep apnea, but, it can exist even if no snoring.

Hopes this helps and good luck

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Just to point this may not be everyone, but I have major sleep problems and cracy dreams on sleep meds. I have tried serveral. I was scared to go to sleep!! really works best for me....all I need to stop my head from spinning thinking about stuff...

Just a thought!!

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Well, good question, and if you read the many posts, you can see that some people stopped it or had side effects that bothered them. I personally have done well with it now since May, and it is the best SSRI I have tried to date.

My dr said start with 3-4 days of 5 mg with food, and then, upgrade to the standard initial dose of 10 mg and then the dr makes further dose decisions based on subsequent return appointments. I did that and had really no material side effects. I am at 30 mg and doing fine with that dose.

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Well, okay, yes I have heard about bad dreams and mares on sleep meds. The thing about dreams is that it is said we rememeber them only because we wake up enough to remember them. Dreaming happens all the time, but if we do not wake up, then, they are lost and not remembered.
To wake up means that there is a moment of change in the REM sleep, where there is enough alertness to remember the dream, but, you don't need to literally even be up and aroused and fully awakened. Get the point, which is that this makes sense, if you are affected by dreams or mares, you are waking up to some degree to then have some awareness of what it was all about.
How you can stop that problem is really the issue. It may not be stoppable with sleep meds. It can be hit or miss. Most people don't have such problems with sleep meds.

The think about benzos for sleep is that the sleep REM archecture is adversely affected so that the best sleep may not happen. That is why benzos are given for short term sleep usage, and other meds are given for long term sleep help.

I always advise a consult with a certified sleep doctor specialist and go in for a sleep lab study. You go in at 8 pm at night, get hooked up for electrical impulses, and then photoed during your sleep, to see what is happening. You leave about 6 am in the morning. There is no pain and it is like going to a motel or hotel room with a TV and stuff to relax and go to sleep. If you got to take a sleep med to fall asleep, they let you do that to see how it works on your sleep patterns.

Most people that do a sleep lab test are very much surprised on what they discovered and can find better solutions in this process for more restful and rejuvinating sleep.

Good luck.

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Elizabeth, am weaning off Celexa now getting ready to start V next week. Do you feel better as a result? Is it worth it for you? Celexa is addressing the anxiety issues but am not happy with side effects.

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Have been on Viibryd since May 19. started with 1o for 1 week then 20 for 1 week then 40 for 2 weeks. Was too strong for me. I went back down to 20 for another 2 weeks. them back to 40 for a few days. Still too strong. Dropped down to 30mg for about a month and was doing very well. I went back to the recommended dose of 40mg and now I tolerate it really well. I had GI trouble on and off, mostly off but now that is much better as well. I am now on it for over 11 weeks and am doing great. I am taking it for anxiety , very mild depression, some ocd and for over analyzing things to the extreme. I took effexor for one day before I started the viibryd and was so sick with vomiting, headache, diarrhea and dialated pupils. So that is when my Dr. switched my meds to Viibryd. Stick with it till you adjust to it and it is a really good drug. It just takes some time and patience. z

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I am also on Xanax .50 that I take only when needed to help sleep and it is the best relaxing sleep aid I have ever taken.

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Good to hear a positive story on this med.

The interesting thing about SSRI is that scientists still do not know the exact reason these medicines work. They diagram pictures of the actions of the drug on the brain, but when you read the literature, they don't know the actual specifics of how it works, just the theory.

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Hey everyone! I've been on 40mg for about a week now. I love Viibryd but I've been having eye pain recently. It feels like my eye lids are sore. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm wondering if the mg is too high for me.

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That is a great name you have!

I have heard about joint or muscle pains or aches, that subside. Maybe this is one of the rare side effects.

Normally going up from 20 or 30 mg to 40 should not really amount to any side effects. The side effects are more at the very beginning.

If it is just one eye, then, this seems odd too.

Do you have any kind of history of eye disorder.

What kind of pain is this too?

If this is the only side effect, it sounds like nothing to stop you from keeping up with the drug and dosage and just see what happens.

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