The Cvs Pain Police (Page 5) (Top voted first)


CVS, a company involved in scandalous behavior in the past is now going to dictate policy on pain meds and prescribing. I urge all pain patients to contact your public officials to not allow this company to now play god with what is prescribed to you superseding your doctors orders and for many patients to file litigation against this company and the CDC or any other governmental agencies that allow these criminals to become your doctors and set the rules. This organization cannot be allowed to set the rules when it comes to your healthcare. They have again overstepped their authority and this latest fiasco shows how they have no regard to patients who need these medications for quality of life. Trying to take medication from people who need it is criminal. Just google this company and see how many times they have been involved in behavior, it's insane. This company should not enact any type of policy. I'm ashamed of the media who carry their messages and any politician in cohorts with this company should be booted out of office immediately. Again, I urge you to contact your officials about the pharmacies who attempt to tell you what, how many and when you can take your meds. Total insanity.

" In a new effort to tackle the deadly opioid addiction crisis in the United States, pharmacy giant CVS announced Friday that it will limit opioid prescriptions to seven days for certain conditions. This restriction will apply to patients who are new to pain therapy.

The new pharmacy program will also limit the daily dosage of pain pills based on their strength and will require use of immediate-release formulations before extended-release opioids -- intended for severe, long-term pain treatment -- are dispensed.

The changes will roll out February 1 and cover all commercial, health plan, employer and Medicaid clients. " [1]

[1] http:/­/­­2017/­09/­22/­health/­cvs-prescription-restrictions-opioids-bn/­index.html

Editor's note: News article quote and citation added

116 Replies (6 Pages)

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Re: Rikki (# 35) Expand Referenced Message

Well that is the most asinine statement I've read.

You must be one of those people who abused the legal way of obtaining opiates for-profit or you wouldn't know so much about it; yet you also seem to know so much about people who REALLY suffer & what they should and shouldn't take to make their life better.

How about the ones who are in SEVERE pain for MANY years -- DECADES even who CAN'T have surgery because "RIKKI aka KNOW IT ALL" what type of surgery do you recommend for intractable migraine!!?? There is none. I finally, 20 years into my daily SEVERE pain, found a compassionate; knowledgeable; caring pain management doctor (who is not a "pill mill" doctor but actually knows his craft) He also writes & speaks all over the country. So the next time you want to spew out your unknowledgeable venom, think about it twice; shut your mouth & in the meantime you get off your damn high horse.

LOL!! "There's alot more people to blame other than CVS" WTF!?? Add yourself to the list for spreading untruths about pain & pain patients. Clearly you're a CVS pharmacist; at the very least you know nothing & should not be posting anything regarding PAIN & how to treat it.

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Re: Deborah (# 58) Expand Referenced Message

Absolutely! You may take your business wherever you choose. My question would be if you haven't already changed pharmacies, why? It sounds as if you did change from CVS you would have less stress in your life. I hope you have made the switch, and are happy and less stressed.

As you stated, we all can use any pharmacy we choose, some people need to stop b****ing and just do it!

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Re: SheriAmore (# 61) Expand Referenced Message

One of those people? How do I know all these things?
I apologize for being educated about the Oxy Highway, along with the Vicodan, Percoset, etc.
I also apologize for being Scholarly Educated, and for educating myself on my physical issues, along with my husbands?

May I ask what you do for a living?

You read my posts with anger and reply before ingesting what I wrote. My posts read...IF a doctor says you need surgery.....We're you told to have surgery for your Migraines? No. Then that part of my post did not refer to you.

I don't see me telling anyone what medication they should be on. If i did make a suggestion, everyone would flipout! Yet I do know enough when someone is being over prescribed.

I have been in chronic pain for over 3 decades. I have no horse to get off of, since I would fall on my ass trying to get up on one, no matter how high. As a matter of fact, I would have a hard time, even with assistance, just to get to the barn.

You are a very angry girl, instead of throwing your anger at me, please spew your venom at the person you are truly mad with. I AM NOT A CVS PHARMACIST!

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Re: SheriAmore (# 62) Expand Referenced Message

Again, reading comprehension! When you call me a "know it all" I am now definitely taking it as a compliment.

There were 0 statements of what anyone should do. I was explaining procedures (to someone else) that I have tried. I am not surgery happy. My usual wait for back surgery is unable to walk at all. Obviously I waited too long with the bowel obstructions, but I didn't want to miss my son playing in the Football Playoffs, they won!

Ah, anyone pills filled early. Even if your insurance company will fill on day 28 days. What's the big deal? If your Rx is written for 30days, 90 pills..28 days = 6 extra pills a month. Filling on 29th is still 3 extra a month. Filling at 28 days gives you 72 extra pills in 12 months. If your doctor says you can take more if needed, all they have to do is write your Rx for 95 or 100 pills and write 3-4 a day as needed. Then you will have no problem. If you do it at CVS, change pharmacies.

With the dispensing laws, and you knowing I use CVS, you think I get tons of drugs? Are you Pharmacy shopping?

You my dear are the one who needs to grow up. Again, reading comprehension...Google it!

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As vile, disgusting, and utterly BARBARIC as it is to keep those who DESERVE a quality of life FROM having any quality of life through pain management, it goes MUCH further than American politicians. CVS is just the TIP of the iceberg of deceit and corruption.

RESEARCH as to the REAL reasons we're still in the Middle East, namely Afghanistan.
Keywords: "opium production" or "poppy production". (Hint: Not "freedom", "democracy", nor "protection from 'terrorists' " have ANYTHING to do with it.)

You have NO ONE other to thank than the United States government and those that pull the strings behind the scenes, again, namely the CIA.

They NEED us to stay uninformed; it is CRUCIAL for their corrupt ways to continue as they have been, undetected for decades upon decades.

If something doesn't sit right in your mind or gut, RESEARCH IT, no matter WHAT it is or HOW "bizarre" it seems.

"No matter how 'paranoid' or 'conspiracy-minded' you think you are, what your government is really doing is far worse than you could ever imagine."
-William Blum, ex-department of the state federal employee

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CVS Pharmacy refused to fill a RX for Bentyl for my ulcerative colitis. I use Walgreens for all meds, including my RX from a pain management clinic. Both thumbs have been broken, 7 surgeries on one, in a plaster cast 3 years, 4 surgeries on the other, removing the trapezium. I am truly handicapped. The pharmacist has seen my struggles and many colorful casts every 2 weeks for years and is very empathetic & compassionate when I pick up my pain RX, which I only take when pain is severe. Walgreens was happy to fill my Bentyl, which I rarely take. My MONECULAR DNA analysis was so informative, showing what meds I should never take. My doctors all have a copy of it.

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Re: tim111 (# 66) Expand Referenced Message

There is a HUGE difference between a Tech taking your Rx and a Pharmacist filling your Rx.

There was a Tech who would look at the date, and say a script was too early to fill. My husband would have to explain to her there were 31 days in that certain month. Needless to say, she was the Rx Nazi. We called Corporate CVS and explained the situation. From that 1 phone call her attitude changed.

Pharmacist can choose to fill or not, Techs need to take the Rx and leave for the Pharmacist. I totally agree, many try to make decisions that are above their pay grade. Get their name and report them immediately!

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Re: Gregory (# 74) Expand Referenced Message

If they didn't have your entire Rx in stock, did they tell you to come back on a certain day for the remainder or tell you to get a new script?

If you needed a new script, did you go back 2 days before your semi Rx was empty? If you got the door slammed in your face, it must have been a Tech at the drive-thru. You should have asked to speak to the Pharmacist or stand where it says 'Questions'. The Pharmacist would surely see you were correct. It seems there is another Tech at your pharmacy who is trying to think over her pay grade. Report her also!

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I use a local pharmacy for my meds. They are small, and they know my face and my name when I go to pick up... I had nothing but problems when I was using Chain pharmacies.

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Re: Mina (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I'd love to see an expert in opiates and the like - May I ask the name of this doctor please?

Does anybody know of an NYC expert? My doc writes but reluctantly because he generally doesn't 'believe' in opiates for pain mgt. (And there's that he's primarily in the business of selling the much more profitable injections that, btw, put me in this state). He is not interested to be fully informed in opiate treatment while I'd like to experiment some and perhaps switch it up.

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Re: Kristyne (# 81) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you! I know quite a bit about marijuana because my son has his card & uses it for anxiety. So I have tried his a couple of different times & I agree even full THC doesn't take care of my pain...I have intractable headaches/migraine & it's been tough finding the right combination of meds but I've had these for over 30 years & finally am at a place where I don't have SEVERE ones daily. Thanks again!

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Re: Gigi (# 77) Expand Referenced Message

I also go to a sole-proprietor pharm. It's one of the few benefits of living in a major city. I can't stand dealing with chains--they don't even answer the damn phone.

I worry sometimes that I'll have to rent a basement apartment in Mexico or somewhere if they keep demonizing oxy. :(

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Re: flea (# 89) Expand Referenced Message

She doesn't even have a legal card. She uses her sons. Telling everyone she uses it illegally to combine with her drugs and takes them from her son. Mom of the year.

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Re: Deborah (# 87) Expand Referenced Message

Have you talked to your doctor about Botox for your migraines ?

Who told you they no longer made Immediate release Fiorinal ? Did your medication contain Codeine ?

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Re: Deborah (# 87) Expand Referenced Message

I suffered a traumatic brain injury from an IED blast some years back and had awful migraines. Botox has been my saving grace. Takes a few sessions to start seeing benefits but once there the maintenance is easy! Talk to your neurologist about it. Best of luck!

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Re: BL (# 91) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for asking. I tried Botox and had bad side effects that did resolve weeks later. Not for me. I do not take Fiorinal with Codeine, just Fiorinal and the formulation has changed to capsules that are extended release. There is another thread on this site about this change if you care to search.

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Re: Jason (# 92) Expand Referenced Message

First, thank you for your service to our country. Regarding Botox, I'm very glad it works for you but after I took my first set of Botox shots, I had really bad side effects.

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Re: Deborah (# 95) Expand Referenced Message

According to the info below, Allergan still makes Fiorinal. The link to their products is below. It appears to be a Brand Name. So your insurance may not pay for it. If your doctor writes you a prescription for it, he needs to write "Dispense As Written" or "No Substitution Allowed".

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Re: Mina (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

It is not just CVS, Walgreens is just as badThe Pharmacists have to follow state laws on controls or their license is on the line. It is a shame they have to play the drug police when some patients are truly suffering. People need to contact their local state representatives and let them know how these new rules are affecting them. It is sad it has came to this because of the opioid crisis. Patients that truly need pain relief have problems getting it.

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Re: Sam (# 101) Expand Referenced Message

Perhaps that's where we should all be going. Writing to the state reps about the misery pain patients get put through trying to get adequate treatment all in the name of trying to save someone who illegally obtains these drugs, and does NOT want to be saved. They want to block out reality instead of dealing with it.

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