The Cvs Pain Police (Page 4) (Top voted first)


CVS, a company involved in scandalous behavior in the past is now going to dictate policy on pain meds and prescribing. I urge all pain patients to contact your public officials to not allow this company to now play god with what is prescribed to you superseding your doctors orders and for many patients to file litigation against this company and the CDC or any other governmental agencies that allow these criminals to become your doctors and set the rules. This organization cannot be allowed to set the rules when it comes to your healthcare. They have again overstepped their authority and this latest fiasco shows how they have no regard to patients who need these medications for quality of life. Trying to take medication from people who need it is criminal. Just google this company and see how many times they have been involved in behavior, it's insane. This company should not enact any type of policy. I'm ashamed of the media who carry their messages and any politician in cohorts with this company should be booted out of office immediately. Again, I urge you to contact your officials about the pharmacies who attempt to tell you what, how many and when you can take your meds. Total insanity. " In a new effort to tackle the deadly opioid addiction crisis in the United States, pharmacy giant CVS announced Friday that it will limit opioid prescriptions to seven days for certain conditions. This restriction will apply to patients who are new to pain therapy. The new pharmacy program will also limit the daily dosage of pain pills based on their strength and will require use of immediate-release formulations before extended-release opioids -- intended for severe, long-term pain treatment -- are dispensed. The changes will roll out February 1 and cover all commercial, health plan, employer and Medicaid clients. " [1] [1] Editor's note: News article quote and citation added

116 Replies (6 Pages)

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Re: Kelly (# 27) Expand Referenced Message

If you've been taking an opioid for more than a month you are more than likely physically addicted. I was taking 3 - 80mg oxycontin per day and ended up in the ER with impacted bowels and it scared me so bad I immediately stopped taking it. In about 24 hours I woke up shaking, vomiting and freezing. I thought I was dying! My wife took me to the ER whose Doctor instantly said, "Sir you're just having withdrawals". My wife said "you mean like a drug addict?" and the Doctor said yes ma'am he is addicted to the narcotics. I felt like an *****! But the fact is this stuff is highly and quickly addictive. Just because I was taking it legally didn't change the facts.

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Re: Kristyne (# 81) Expand Referenced Message

You don't need to go to a Medical Mary Jane Program to buy/use CBD. It is legal in all 50 States. It comes in different strengths and flavors, and the directions are on the bottle.

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Re: Brien (# 80) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks so much for your sympathetic reply. Hope you understand sarcasm. You obviously are not a chronic pain sufferer. Bully for you. please be vicious some place else. I suffer every day and night, wasn't my choice but there you are.

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Re: SheriAmore (# 84) Expand Referenced Message

My neurologist has told me that because Fiorinal is restricted, pressure is on him as physician to find another type of treatment or medicine. Today, I took a nerve block injection as an attempt to get pain free days. I hope this works.

I've been having migraines for 40 years and Fiorinal tablets were the best to stop the pain quickly. In 2014, the drug company went to time-released capsules which don't work as well and I needed to take more. It's so frustrating and I'm angry that there is so much emphasis to move people off pain medicine.

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Re: marjrn (# 86) Expand Referenced Message

Hence my point. Talking to people on this thread like a jerk. Yes, I am a Chronic Pain Patient. The difference is, I treat my doctor, pharmacist and others honestly, and with respect. You have no idea who I am, nor the pain I am in, yet you speak to me like a jerk. Have fun talking to people with higher authority than you like that, they will give you nothing.

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Re: SheriAmore (# 84) Expand Referenced Message

Google the scientific literature. That's how I found out mmj with high THC makes neuropathic pain worse, but the high CBD/low THC in low (more frequent?) doses helps. I haven't tried that myself yet because of money.

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Re: Jason (# 92) Expand Referenced Message

Sumeptrin had been my saving grace for migraines n I've tried everything

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Re: Me (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Because a lot of these medications can't carry a refill because of FDA regulations. Have to have a new script each time.

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Re: Anne (# 94) Expand Referenced Message

Refills and the pharmacy not having enough to fill your prescription are two different things.

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Re: Gregory (# 74) Expand Referenced Message

In order to avoid the problem of a partially filled prescription I call my pharmacy a week ahead of time and let them know what I am going to need so they can order it for me and have it in stock when the time comes. Chronic pain, and all the hoops we jump through make life miserable. I also fax the doctor's office a week ahead so they can have the prescription ready. By being in writing I have a clear record and so do they. Phone messages can be too easily messed up or forgotten if something else interrupts the clerk. I have a 45 minute drive each way to pick up the prescription and don't want any grief when I get to the docs office.

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Re: BL (# 99) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for posting the link. I checked and Fiorinal by Allergen is also only available in capsules. I so wish tablets would be manufactured again. They work so much better then the capsules. But, I will ask for a new script to be "dispensed as written" for Fiorinal when current script expires. Maybe the brand name will work better.

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Re: NH Nana (# 102) Expand Referenced Message

Chances are it won't help. The gov't. Is on a big no drugs campaign. A lot of doctors say long term use op opioids in chronic pain patients doesn't help and just causes addicts and the drugs being diverted to the streets. Until they walk in our shoes it won't change.

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Re: Pissedoff (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

The CVS in my area stopped carrying oxycodone 3 or 4 years ago.

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Re: Big Mike (# 16) Expand Referenced Message
and Pissedoff

Piseed Off stated..."Did you ever think that the medications is the only thing that will help get you through the day just to be normal working or doing normal things?"

No, I wouldn't know about working through the day. I used to have an amazing job, working for the State. I was Medically Retired at the age of 20. (1st surgery at age 14, second at age 20. I am 46 and am up to 7 surgeries.) I am not surgery happy, I only have surgery when it hurts so bad, that I have a commode, that my husband has to empty when he gets home from work. The meds make you so constipated, I ended up with 3 bowel obstructions.

Big Mike,
I have had many surgeries on 4 levels. One exploded and the doctor had to pick out pieces from my spinal canal. Luckily I only had drop foot for 4 months. Now I just have the nerve damage from my knee to toes, plus the butt to knee sciatica. I have DDD, Spinal Stenosis, Facet Disease, Broken tail bone and cracked bottom vertebrae, should i continue? Have you walked in my shoes?

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Re: Me (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

Votes with the most huh? I have nothing to say to or about CVS. I'm my book they've been blacklisted. Good idea if it was anybody but CVS

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Re: Mike (# 42) Expand Referenced Message

Tell me they are not some of the issues. They are some, not all.

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CVS has notoriously denied filling my Rx on Day 28. Is THAT even legal?? Make up their OWN rules? And it seems to vary from pharmacist to pharmacist...some say Day 28 & some say Day 29! I'm like what is ONE day!!??

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Re: SheriAmore (# 50) Expand Referenced Message

Yup happens all the time and at just about everywhere you go!! They make it soooooo hard to fill. I just filled in a Saturday last month it was a new pharmist of course. He said he'd fill the other two gabby's and valium but not the oxymorphone ER'S I said why he said he couldn't call and confirm the RX. I've been going there a year and a half mind you and they have the data base in place plus I'm in their computer like REALLY!!! I told him I'd be sick if I did not get my meds that day so he came from behind the counter walked me over to the sitting area and asked if I had the same Insurence and Doctor he said he'd have to fill out a lot of paperwork but he'll do it this time NO MORE FILLING ON WEEKENDS was told to me and writting on my script bag!!!
How's that???!!!

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Re: Deborah (# 43) Expand Referenced Message

No insurance, but you pay how much for a month worth of Oxy, and your other meds?

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Re: Jd (# 48) Expand Referenced Message

No I don't work, I am disabled. I have had 8 spinal surgeries, my first as a teenager. I have DDD, Spinal Stenosis, Facet Disease, cracked tailbone, cracked lower disk, failed back syndrome. I have done steroid epidurals, Facet blocks, pt, ultrasound, tens units, massage, OT, acupuncture. I have 5 holes in my stomach from acid, bleeding ulcers that blew out of my mouth and bottom, I have had 2 blockages from incisional hernias where my intestines pop out of the mesh, at one time the pain was so bad I would smell food and vomit. At 5'9" I went from 147lbs to 114lbs. My hair fell out, I couldn't even walk to the bathroom or hold a fork. Luckily that has passed. Shall I continue?

My affiliation to CVS is I use them as my pharmacy.

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