Teva Lorazepam Reviews (Page 5)
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I'm seeking insights and reviews on Teva Lorazepam and its comparison with Leading Pharma's version. There's a notable divide in user experiences. Some report Leading Pharma Lorazepam as being less effective or having no effect, possibly due to variations in the active ingredient, leading to side effects or adverse reactions in certain cases.

While there are those who recommend Teva Lorazepam for its efficacy, others find Leading Pharma's version more suitable. Unfortunately, I haven't had the opportunity to try Teva Lorazepam since it's not available in my area – no local pharmacies dispense it.

My experience with other brands, post the discontinuation of Qualitest, hasn't been successful in finding a comparable alternative. I'm particularly interested in understanding how Teva Lorazepam and Leading Pharma's lorazepam differ in terms of effectiveness and user satisfaction.

If you've had experiences with either or both of these medications, your reviews would be incredibly valuable. Any insights into their efficacy, side effects, or overall satisfaction would greatly help me and others in our decisions.

652 Replies (33 Pages)

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switched from watson to teva it was rough ..... for about 2 weeks now there is no more teva and i have to go to leading which ive had in the past and it was no good at all for me .... any suggestions on what to do ? should i just switch benzos all together ?

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I'm back again. Hey guys, I transitioned from Watson to Teva 0.5mg and found Teva to be stronger. Now, after over a year, I can no longer get Teva and have to switch to Leading. This really scares me. I've had Leading in the past and it was like a sugar pill to me. I am thinking of ditching Lorazepam altogether and switching to Valium. I hate this inconsistency. And when you find one you like, guess what? It's either on backorder or they don't make it anymore.

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Re: Richard H (# 564) Expand Referenced Message

Appreciate the kind words Richard. Though I'm not a tough... Well what you said. But this too shall pass! Going to take Henry's advise. Not sure who this British guy is bashing us but hopefully the mods will calm he/she down.

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Re: Henry (# 562) Expand Referenced Message

Henry I'm working on it. This came totally out of nowhere. I knew this was coming but not like it did. Blindsided me huge. I've got to play it cool until I find someone who understands proper tapering and who actually needs to be off. Appreciate the shout out dude.

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Re: Irastas (# 565) Expand Referenced Message

Dude you need to relax you keyboard warrior. I'm not the guy friend.

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Re: Benji (# 557) Expand Referenced Message

Benji, you are bang on. Of all the commonly prescribed BzDs, 2.5mg lorazepam has the worst withdrawals in terms of full-on seizures. This was spread abroad by a learned paper published in the BMJ even BEFORE the time that the proprietary brand (Temesta or Ativan, country dependent, then held by Wyeth) was opened up to Generics. The issue arose from the symptoms experienced by over-60s on the lowest dose, clinically prescribed as 1mg tds. Only alprazolam at dosage 500mcg tds or more compares - the worst rebound anxiety of any benzodiazepine thanks to its prescription as a tds daytime GAD med with a half life lower than most HYPNOTIC benzos. Worst of those is triazolam, which gives such WDs if used to induce sleep at dosage 250mcg note if taken nightly - NOT recommended - alp L/2 is 6 hrs, Halcion (triazolam proprietary by Pfizer) being but between 2 and 3 hrs. Interestingly, LSD-25 has a half life so short (minutes) that by the time any effect is felt it has normally been completely eliminated from the system. They say no deaths have been attributed to LSD. That is why. Well after it's elimination and unable to be found at post-mortem, the effect on the cardiac system, AF & sudden myocardial Infarction whilst tripping has never had the chance to be affirmed in any of the important medical journals.

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Re: amy55 (# 523) Expand Referenced Message

What have I tried to get into peoples' heads about missing out the compulsory zero in sub 1mg amounts? You must write 0.5 or 500mcg. Such a ridiculously low dosage unit does not exist anyway and is far to low even to have any effect. Where is this craziness coming from??

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Re: Jibbs55 (# 522) Expand Referenced Message

Your message refers to ".5" mg. Have you put in an unfortunate point there? Either way it seems nonsensical to me. Nobody as far as I am aware makes 5mg lorazepam and no doctor I have ever met would recommend taking 2 x 2.5mg tabs at once. If you meant 0.5mg (500 micrograms) that is equally nonsensical. I know of no company who manufactures tablets in such a ridiculously low dosage. And, for God's sake, it is an idiotic mistake to miss out that crucial "0". WHEN WRITING A SUB-MILLIGRAM AMOUNT YOU MUST NEVER EVER WRITE 0.5 WITHOUT THAT ZERO. IT COULD CAUSE A PHARMACIST TO DISPENSE THAT STUPIDLY STRONG DOSE OF 2.5mg x 2 TDS WHICH I THINK MAY BE AS TOXIC AS 10mg NITRAZEPAM WHEN PRESCRIBED AND TAKEN FOR MORE THAN A MONTH. IF IN DOUBT OR YOU DO NOT KNOW WHERE THE ZERO IS ON YOUR KEYPAD THEN WRITE IT IN MICROGRAMS. Anyway, it is a moot point as I have checked the Formulary and the only strengths made and prescribable are 1mg and 2.5mg although India and Pakistan make Lorazepam in an under strength 2mg, not the 2.5mg made & prescribed in any other country of which I am aware!

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Re: Jibbs55 (# 562) Expand Referenced Message

I'm so sorry to hear you are suffering Jibbs. Following your posts I know you've fought long and hard. I believe you are a tough SOB and you can do deepest wishes for a full, safe journey.

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Re: Jibbs55 (# 561) Expand Referenced Message

The worst part of this they do-not have any support process available. My therapist is cool but doesn't have the courage to say what needs to be said. My medical team are not on the same page with each other. I was told you have a pact team Jibbs that's here to get you through this. I'm lucky if I can see my therapist once a week. My PCP works remotely in another state. Pretty cool huh. Can't even get a physical. Everything's done by labs these days. Did say to my Pdoc you'll end up harming me doing this. Especially at my age. Just sitting here in pain shaking my head.

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Re: Jibbs55 (# 561) Expand Referenced Message

If I were in your situation I would immediately start calling all the psychiatrists (MDs) near you. You might have to cash pay unless you have other coverage than VA. It may sound crazy but focus on the doctors who sub-specialize in addiction psychiatry if there are any. The reason is I’ve found they’re not a bunch of sissy a**holes and aren’t afraid to manage a patient on benzodiazepines who has a medical necessity for them.

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Well it finally happened. My Pdoc started me on a taper off lorazepam. Within a short period of time I'll be off it all together. The VA/military as I've told you all have been taking us off this drug. It will not be a slow weaning either. I've been struggling with a lot of personal issues including being type 2 diabetes. I'm also on oxygen 24/7. My Pdoc made it clear you'll be off. There's no other medicine being talked about and my anxiety problems, PTSD and MDD is going to suffer huge. Chances of me finding another Pdoc that will prescribe lorazepam to me is going to be difficult. This is all because of my age and them saying this medication is harmful to patients. I didn't argue with him. There was no use. I could see if there was something else I could try this wouldn't be so bad. But I've been on it all. They say they're going by science not personal experience. Just giving y'all a heads up if it's happening to me it might to other out here.

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Re: Richard (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

Hi I had to switch from watson to leading your statement has made me feel so much better thank you so much leading does work and relaxing for my anxiety

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Re: LadyGreenEyes8 (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

Yet it's 5 years later and we still get lorazepam by leading. I think the placebo was your brain

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Re: Richard (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

Yea I have no idea but it is crazy to keep the amount of conspiracy theories on here saying Leading is a placebo. That would mean thousands ending up in the ER with seizures and a class action suit so large that company wouldn't be able to peddle ibuprofen.

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Re: Lou (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Oh it's a placebo??? So I get seizures detoxing off benzos so you are saying I can just stop taking it and won't have a seizure or any ill effects?? Cool. If I do though I'm coming back to this comment if I live. Because you said unequivocally leading is a placebo

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Re: Lou (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

So I was on Teva for years. I noticed they switched me to Teva. You say it's a placebo? Why am I not having seizures then?

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Re: Jibbs55 (# 554) Expand Referenced Message

What MY lack of proofreading doesn't screw up- then auto correct does!, lol

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I need to proofread my comments better. What I was agreeing with Richard about is trying to take someone in their 60's and up off this medication would be detrimental to that individual.

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Re: Jibbs55 (# 549) Expand Referenced Message

Jibbs, Mylan has never been available to me....pharmacies around here were carrying the real Watson when I began generics....wish I could have tried it.

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