Taking Hydrocodone For Depression (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I am wondering if anybody else out there has taken Hydrocodone and noticed that symptoms of depression are alleviated? I find that many of today's anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs come with unpleasant side effects, whereas while taking Hydrocodone they aren't there. The caveat to all of this is that yes, I know that Hydrocodone and opiates in general can be addictive. So long term use would result in withdrawal symptoms. I'm just wondering who else might agree with me on this?

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To Halfshellie. Thank you. That is the point I was trying to make when when one of the comment writers was threatening all of us, I think everone on this page was taking Hydrocodone for legit reasons when they accidently found out that it did more than relieve physical pain. It helped the emotional pain and not by getting high. Unfortunately a lot of people believe that if you are taking Hydrocodone for anything other that physical injury, then you are abusing it. I also agree with you about the Oxycodone. I do take it for post surgical pain. But it makes me irritable. Good luck to all of you and God Bless.

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Manic depression has been diagnosed in myself, my late brother (suicide) and father. I have been through years of cognitive therapy for depression as well as medication for a 3- 6 month trial. The feeling of hopelessness is so overwhelming, it has become exhausting. I have combatted my severe depression through intense episodes of exercise achieving physical highs that would keep me "happy" for a few hours. We all have ups and downs (some of us have been hit harder then most) but to live suicidal, negative, withdrawn trying to cope is very difficult and for those that don't have the chemical inbalances affecting them, they don't understand. I have been very successful professional in the banking world and have driven and motivated others to push beyond their limits but this behavior is cyclical for me with severe mood swings. After a horseback riding injury, my doctor prescribed hydrocone. I had been averse to pain meds - even through the birth of my son during an emergency c-section thinking I can do this by myself - not quitting and pushing forward despite how hard it is has been a mantra. The hydrocone leveled me to a feeling that I had never had. I was smiling all the time and not feeling reactive or like I was going to explode or dive deep into withdrawal. I couldn't believe the effect. I would like to talk about this with my primary doctor but am embarrassed to bring this up with him to avoid the "drug addict" stigma. Any suggestion on this from someone who has been through the storms of depression and would like to enjoy life while still here - I would appreciate it.

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OMG!!! I am glad that I found this blog... I thought I was weird. I have lower back pain but not doctor says it is not chronic enough to be on long term hydro pills. When I do have the meds. I am in a better state of mind and besides no pain, I have tons of patience with my kiddos and we sing, dance, and play. I also get lots of house work done and I can remember better when it comes to helping my older kiddos with their homework and doing trigonometry, calculus, and physics.

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I agree with you. So what if you are addicted. There are those of us who are obese, drink too much. Who care you are addicted to them, What are you suppose to do, just crawl, in a corner? You didn't do anything to make yourself depressed, it just like diabetes or any other ill.
God luck to you. How do you find a dr. to give them to you?

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Hey there! Surprise! You treatment resistant depression is not treatment resistant--you are like EDS-endogenous deficient syndrome or, you don't produce enough opiates in your brain which is why the hydrocodone is the only thing that helps--look up the book by Dr Robert Cochran, Opiates and the Bi-polar also read the article Ignorance Kills

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Yes I've noticed just a tiny amount of Vicodin (half a pill) will relieve me of severe depression like nothing else!! And no side effects! And I'm feeling very normal for that day! But I can't get a prescription... I only was given a prescription when I had a dental issue and that's how I found out about it!

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Regarding opiates and depression. I can not tell you how opiates have totally eradicated my symptoms of depression. In fact, I have said for years that I take them as an anti depressant more than a pain reliever and I suffer from chronic pain.

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Yes I to believe it does help with depression. It helped me

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Same here, just feel nirmal and can function well, and yes the gov needs to stay out if the medical profession and just let our doctors treat us as they are trained professionals not the gov.

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Why not? Doctors prescribe off label all the time. But now with America waging it's loosing war on drugs,I doubt you would find any doctor to try. Now you can barely get them to prescribe it for it's intended purpose.

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My depression has almost completely gone with taking an opiode. I find it worked great, for me. Addictive yes, but the benefits out weigh the addictive components.

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Anything that makes you feel better is a antidepressant that's why people are on drugs because it makes them feel better, and I agree hydro and oxy can work as antidepressants but you need to take it as prescribed and take it by mouth and don't take a lot, or you will run out and you talk about depression? But I have serious back issues and it helps with my pain plus it does help with depression, but people who abuse it hurt all the people who need it and take it responsibly.

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I've been in hydrcodone for 3 yrs due to chronic back pain which happened at my job. I've had laser surgery..didn't work. I've done EVERYTHING the dr's have told me to do with no avail. The only thing that works is Hydrcodone. I didn't ask for this but I'm trying to deal w/it the best I can. I can get up and prepare meals, go to the store, go to Mass. In other words, I'm like a regular person! Without it, I'm in the bed, pain is crazy and I can't do anything. I've tried Tramadol which does absolutely nothing. Now, my Dr has me to take it with the hydrcodone... That works. Before my accident, I was vibrate, working each day, etc. I'm now on Disability which will take me into retirement.... I'm truly blessed but I just pray this pain leaves my body.

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Pain is pain, emotional or physical. I think they are finding that people with depression process pain differently. If there is a lack of serotonin pain meds work on a different part of your brain. some people might find not feeling is feeling less depressed, others think it gives them energy. Its not a med for depression.

On the flip side pain docs are now trying to use some awful drugs that are in a new or really old class of anti depressants to manage pain. Do they work for some people? yes I can't take Tramadol it has me wired up like a machine others find it works well for pain. Neurontin another one that I hate, others find relief, we are all different. SSRI and pain to me are different, its the same song, just a different dance.

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Gov. Prick scott would not take money for medicare n medicaid. Now in fL, low income, cant even get primary specialist anymore. I had hydrocodone for crippling pain for 2 years. I finally had hope that even though i was murdered by medicaid system 5 times flat lined. I could get out of bed, i could talk again with hydrocodone, i even pushed myself to get strength back to hopefully get out of wheelchair. But i have gone 19 months with no medication so its not about withdrawal anymore. its about being left in inhumane pain home alone. Family doesn't visit anymore. I cant do anything. So yes Hydrocodone does help with depression and add some quality to end of life.

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Ann opiates have MANY therapeutic benefits and bout 70yrs ago were prescribed for just about everything depending on dose.....they have done opiates the same as cannabis!!!! Hydrocodone and Oxycodone are actually made from the enzyme Thebaine, which is the only NONNARCOTIC part of plant and is a stimulant which also raises T levels in your Thyroid--it gives energy by healing the thyroid!!!

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Greetings T time. Sorry you had to suffer with the addiction battle. For me personally, and one who has suffered from chronic pain, major depression, anxiety, migraines, and severe panic attacks for 30 yrs.... I can tell you that I have been through the game of treatment. In my case, combing a great PhD, mild exercise, and medication management for the depression, chronic pain (opiods), panic/anxiety attacks (ativan), and Ritalin for med resistant depression has allowed me to lead a full and productive life. Granted, I do not suffer from the horrible disease of addiction, or have "grown" into it.

I bring all this up so a healthy discussion takes place. Do my pain meds help with the depression and anxiety? Yes, they do along with the the therapy. We should never paint with such broad strokes, when someone suffering may just find the same relief as I did.

Best wishes on finding the best tretment plan for you!

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I find that when u are pain free u r happy. it goes hand in hand. of course when u have no problems u will just feel better. enjoy the good moods life is to short. :)

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Greetings dear. I am so very sorry for your needless suffering. It really pisses me off, as I'm about in the same boat, a Christian, now just a daily prayer that his will be done. One thing that I tried was finding a renowned specialist in NY that was willing to let me share our correspondence with my doctor, as well offering a free phone consult with him. Not sure yet if this will work, but maybe it's worth a shot on your end. There are compassionate docs left, we just need to find them. Let me know if I can be of help, and you will certainly be on my prayer list. God bless

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SADIESURRENDER Shots aren't mandatory plus you had surgery, meds would be of great benefit to you for pain and depression AND mobility! You'll be walking your pooch in no time!

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